Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing with Jason Hartman

In this fascinating two-part episode, Jason Hartman talks about Michael Lewis's new book "Flash Boys" and comments the on the excellent CBS 60 Minutes segment discussing high-frequency trading and how the stock market, according to Michael Lewis and many other experts, is rigged.


In part two, Jason interviews Dr. Rush from Cenegenics as they discuss the latest breakthroughs in health and longevity science. This interview was originally recorded for Jason's new "Longevity Show" which will launch soon but he wanted to share it in this episode so you can benefit from the ideas right away. Visit for details. Many experts believe that we are on the verge of major breakthroughs when it comes to increasing lifespan and this has wide ranging implications for, not only our own lives and well-being, but the economy, the real estate market, commodities consumption, wealth creation, government entitlement programs like Social Security and Obamacare but also the outlook for inflation and investing to grow our wealth with income property.

Direct download: CW_370_-_Michael_Lewis__Stock_Market_Rigged__Cenegenics_on_Longevity.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:14pm EST