Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing with Jason Hartman

In the first part of today’s Creating Wealth Show, Jason Hartman talks about the great interviews that listeners can now access, the importance of market experience and muses on what the Federal Housing Finance Agency is really doing in terms of loans and lending.


Later, he invites health and wellbeing expert, Jenny Craig, to talk about her new book, to discuss her business strategy and to talk about what children really learn from their parents’ actions regarding food and exercise.


Key Takeaways


03.00 – Now that the issue with iTunes has been fixed, do go back and listen to the recently uploaded podcasts because Jason Hartman has been talking to some amazing guests and has some great interviews for you – the great Bill Bonner is just one example!

11.35 – Working with a company like Jason’s really gives you the advantage because they have so much market experience and they understand how the cycles work and have always worked.

21.00 – A lack of clarity regarding loans and the FHFA is just confusing matters for lenders and investors.

27.15 – For listeners interested in food and eating healthily, a new, free app named ‘Fooducate’ is just for you.

30.25 – Children remember what they see, and parents who think they can convince their children to eat healthily while they eat fast food are simply delusional.

33.55 – The initial success of Jenny Craig rested on seeing what the rest of the market was doing and finding a way to distinguish the business from everything else out there.

37.25 – You can’t just have a good idea; you need to have the quality there too, and especially if it’s related to what people are eating.

42.45 – In an organization, every member has to have a different skillset and has to bring something new to the team.

47.10 – Franchising is an area where you have to be willing to put in full commitment to everything you do, and for some people, it’s just not the right path.

53.46 – If you have to deal with a government official who is so strictly adhering to nonsensical rules, they can totally ruin your business.

54.50 – One of the best ways to eat more healthily is to get over the misconception that rich ingredients like butter add flavor. The spicing and seasoning is what gives the flavor. 


01.02.00 – Jenny’s latest book, I Believe in Genevieve, can be purchased at independent and nation-wide bookstores, as well as online at

Direct download: CW_429-Jenny_Craig.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:47pm EST