Wed, 24 May 2017
![]() Jason welcomes William Cohan back to the show. William is a columnist for the New York Times, a special correspondent for Vanity Fair, he formerly contributed to Bloomberg View and he is the author of Why Wall Street Matters, The Last Tycoons and House of Cards.
William shares his views on the Trump administration, why Donald has had a hard time draining the swamp and who really is to thank for the low unemployment rate and the steady economy. Key Takeaways:
[02:18] Location still makes a difference when pricing hotel rooms in Monaco. [04:42] Doom and gloom predictions have been incorrect since the 70's. [10:38] Jason's advice for his investors is to get richer and do it quickly. [12:39] New forms of transportation and the sharing economy make it an amazing time to be alive. [15:34] Oklahoma City Property Tour/JHU live and Venture Alliance event details.
William Cohan Guest Interview:
[17:58] The Trump administration, leverage and cleaning out the gears of the machine that is the US economy. [24:09] A grand bargain with Wall Street would mean revamping much of its incentive system. [27:25] Draining the swamp is harder to do than it looks. [30:08] What we should expect out of the economy and employment. Mentioned in This Episode:Renter’s Warehouse - Get 3 free months of property management with this link.
Direct download: CW_834_William20Cohan20-20Wheres20the20Market20Going20Vanity20Fair2C20Bloomberg20View2C20Why20Wall20Street20Matters2C20The20Last20Tycoons202620House20of20Cards.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00pm EST |