Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing with Jason Hartman

Today's Flash Back Friday comes from Episode 568, originally published in September 2015.

The sharing economy will certainly change the game in the manufacturing sector but we do not yet know what affect it will have. Considering the normal adaptation lag time and the conversion nuances of each new innovation real estate investors must watch closely as the upcoming game changers come to fruition. Major economic indicators such as unemployment rates and the housing market will be closely monitored. Real estate investing may be entirely different than it is today. 

Key Takeaways:

[2:01] How real estate investors can design their portfolios in the current govt. environment 

[3:24] 3 Cardinal rules of real estate - Location, location, location

[3:57] What is the labor content fallacy or the zero sum game

[5:11] Proving Supply side economics or trickle down economics

[6:25] Looking at economics by way of technology 

[8:09] The self driving cars will hurt high value land owners

[9:06] An audio clip about self driving cars

[10:41] Automotive Industry experts expect an 8 year replacement cycle

[11:28] The average car is used only 4% of the time 

[12:45] How will autonomous driving services affect the auto industry

[14:38] A game changer for real estate

[15:33] Naresh is skeptical about the dates

[18:00] The typical city or town is 40% parking 

[19:11] Will people need to get in a car and go to work

[21:36] A safety app 

[22:34] Will there be high unemployment or will technology fill in the gaps

[25:21] Digital goods basically exhibit a zero cost of production 

[28:01] Real estate investors normally don’t consider what the future may hold

[29:25] Jason’s private mastermind group, Venture Alliance’s Newport Rhode Island trip 


Walk me home app



Venture Alliance Mastermind

Direct download: CW_1044_FBF_Naresh.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:24pm EDT