Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing with Jason Hartman

Today's bonus episode starts with a dive into what Jason has been saying for a while, and what the ultra-wealthy are taking advantage of. Leverage debt and keep a high loan balance. Listen in to find out why.

Then Jason concludes his 10th show interview with James Arthur Ray. The two finish their discussion on what wealth truly is, and also look at what we've all done in our life that we need redemption from, why the onus is always on the business owner, and more.

Key Takeaways:

[3:46] The best insurance during natural disasters is a high loan balance, because you're the ones they will be helping out afterward.

[6:57] The ultra-wealthy are leveraging debt and getting phenomenal interest rates

[10:20] Bailouts during the Great Recession fueled populist anger because they helped companies, not the people

[12:50] What an aide told Jason was the reason they bailed out the institutions

James Ray Interview:

[17:56] We all need redemption because most of us have sold out our meaningful life for money

[22:25] You HAVE to understand that leaders make decisions.


Profits in Paradise

Jason Hartman's Alexa Flash Briefing

The PropertyCast

Direct download: CW_1061_James_Ray2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:25pm EDT