Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing with Jason Hartman

Today's Flashback Friday is from episode CW 465 published last January 16, 2015.  

Today’s Creating Wealth Show features Jason Hartman himself in an extended intro portion. Here, he talks about his personal tax and rental experience in the Socialist Republic of California, he gives an update on the latest developments in Bitcoin, and he also discusses some of his earlier market predictions and how they’ve progressed.

Key Takeaways

01.48 Even when you think you have everything sussed, something can come along and surprise you!

05.19 Being a homeowner is great, but renting gives you such flexibility.

09.43 Whether you were a believer or not, bitcoin seems to be sinking fast.

13:17 Rent to value ratio should always be on your mind when dealing with income property.

18.33 Houston, North Dakota; a market may look great, but who knows what the future may hold?

23:20 Jason Hartman compares stock market investments to those in real estate markets.

27.52 From next week onwards, the Creating Wealth Show will be reduced to two episodes per week.


The place you live is almost always going to be an expense, but you’ve got to live somewhere.

Spending money or real long-term wealth. Which would you prefer?

Often, it’s better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly.



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Direct download: 1845_FBF_CW_465_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST