Fri, 29 April 2016
![]() Jason presents innovative new thinking on real estate investing with The Hartman Risk Evaluator™ which can virtually eliminate or at least dramatically reduce downside risk based on the LTI (Land-to-Improvement) Ratio™. Don’t miss this episode as it could cost you a bundle! You won’t hear this unique content from any other financial and real estate guru as it is truly unique – enjoy! |
Wed, 27 April 2016
Just last year Greg Saylor was a corporate software engineer looking for a reliable investment strategy. He found the Creating Wealth podcast and listened during his long commute. He decided to pick up the phone and call one of Jason’s investment specialists. It’s now six months later and Greg has six income properties earning him $4000.00 in monthly income. His due diligence partnered with the extensive data resources available on have allowed him to get a step closer to financial freedom.
Key Takeaways: Jason’s Editorial: [4:01] What is your motivator? Do you expend more energy to conserve than to gain? [12:39] Hartman Education is having a big 2-week sale!
Greg Saylor Guest Interview: [18:57] Was it the Creating Wealth podcast that got Greg interested in real estate investing? [26:29] The acquiring of the properties had the most components, everything else is pretty straightforward. [27:49] Greg shares the details his first income property deal including the flaws. [35:53] A certain percentage of risk is acceptable as long as you have a solid portfolio. [40:06] Property taxes are one factor which is that varies greatly from market to market. [45:18] Some rules for new investors to follow are to plan for additional expenses, be conservative on your numbers and have a reserve fund. [48:07] The debt to income ratio is an important factor in financing.
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Mon, 25 April 2016
![]() We are rapidly losing our freedom, so says G. Edward Griffin. Griffin is the author of the seminal work The Creature from Jekyll Island, he is the President of the American Media/Reality Zone and the force behind the Freedom Force International Movement. This is Mr. Griffin’s third time on Creating Wealth. He shares his wealth of information on the beginning of the Federal Reserve, the way our freedom is being depleted and the monetary scam which is our unrepayable debt.
Key Takeaways: Jason’s Editorial: [2:42] The Central Banking Cartel influences the context of our lives. [11:44] Align your interests with the most powerful forces the human race has ever known.
G. Edward Griffin Guest Interview: [16:26] The history of how the Federal Reserve came to be on Jekyll Island, Georgia. [24:12] Most transactions in the 1900’s before the Fed was created, were conducted in gold bullion and silver. [28:47] Supply of precious metals is limited and the effort to extract them is great, hence the value. [31:06] The scam of lending money is ethically reprehensible. [37:07] The Creature from Jekyll Island book is unfolding exactly as Mr. Griffin was afraid it would. [41:58] There are only two ideologies in the Western World and they are Collectivism, which is the idea that the group is more important than the individual and Individualism. [49:56] Freedom comes when the individual are protected against the passion and greed of the majority. [53:09] Where do the origin of human rights come from? [1:00:36] Contact information for G. Edward Griffin
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Fri, 22 April 2016
![]() Jason Hartman is joined by returning guest and best-selling author of The Creature from Jekyll Island, G. Edward Griffin, for a discussion of the hot topic of the United States’ “fiscal cliff.” As Mr. Griffin shares, the fiscal cliff is nothing new. It has been there for roughly 50 years and applying a name to it now is a scare tactic by the government. Mr. Griffin talks about fractional reserve banking and how it has led to the economic mess our country and world are in today. It is no longer a fractional reserve; it is at zero reserve and Mr. Griffin feels the economy is going to collapse from all of the borrowing to pay old debt. This will lead to a fully regimented society, which Mr. Griffin describes as drifting toward totalitarian, a scary concept. He goes on to discuss short and long term ways to protect ourselves, preserving any wealth one might have, and being prepared as much as possible for anything that may come to pass. He feels the Fed will continue to inflate, raise taxes for a while, and then probably cut taxes again at some point. It will be more of the same, more and more governmental control over our lives, more and more money created out of nothing, and less and less freedom. G. Edward Griffin is a writer and documentary film producer with many successful titles to his credit. Listed in Who’s Who in America, he is well known because of his talent for researching difficult topics and presenting them in clear terms that all can understand. He has dealt with such diverse subjects as archaeology and ancient Earth history, the Federal Reserve System and international banking, terrorism, internal subversion, the history of taxation, U.S. foreign policy, the science and politics of cancer therapy, the Supreme Court, and the United Nations. His better-known works include The Creature from Jekyll Island, World without Cancer, The Discovery of Noah’s Ark, Moles in High Places, The Open Gates of Troy, No Place to Hide, The Capitalist Conspiracy, More Deadly than War, The Grand Design, The Great Prison Break, and The Fearful Master. Mr. Griffin is a graduate of the University of Michigan where he majored in speech and communications. In preparation for writing his book on the Federal Reserve System, he enrolled in the College for Financial Planning located in Denver, Colorado. His goal was not to become a professional financial planner but to better understand the real world of investments and money markets. He obtained his CFP designation (Certified Financial Planner) in 1989. Mr. Griffin is a recipient of the coveted Telly Award for excellence in television production, the creator of the Reality Zone Audio Archives, and is President of American Media, a publishing and video production company in Southern California. He has served on the board of directors of The National Health Federation and The International Association of Cancer Victors and Friends. He is Founder and President of The Coalition for Visible Ballots, The Cancer Cure Foundation, and Freedom Force International. Mr. Griffin was recently a speaker at the September Casey Research Summit in Carlsbad, CA, speaking on Freedom Force. |
Wed, 20 April 2016
Jason takes a break from a Social Media conference to analyze stories from the USA Today’s Money section. He shares the new tech items which will affect real estate pricing in the future, the underemployment issue in the US and the median wage of CEO’s of major corporations.
Early Bird pricing is available for the Cincinnati, Ohio Real Estate Investment Property Tour scheduled for June 4th and 5th. There will also be a new Creating Wealth Seminar during the visit.
Key Takeaways: [4:24] Live video and Virtual Reality (VR) will impact real estate pricing by changing the value of the three cardinal rules of location, location, location. [9:26] A 5% unemployment rate in the US means everyone who wants a job has a job. The real problem is underemployment. [15:10] Some CEO’s make $9000.00 an hour while minimum wage workers are looking for $15 an hour. [22:09] Does an early retirement equate to an early death sentence? [23:46] Information for the June 4th & 5th Cincinnati, Ohio investment property tour and the next Creating Wealth Boot camp.
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Mon, 18 April 2016
![]() When your car chauffeurs you on a long road trip it is proof that it is an amazing time to be alive! Jason is interviewed by Kerry Lutz from the Financial Survival Network and discusses the Panama Papers, the most historically proven asset class, income property, and the underlying corruption of our monetary system via the US Government and the Federal Reserve. Join us for our Jekyll Island Venture Alliance Mastermind trip and a short Jacksonville, Florida property tour.
Key Takeaways: [1:38] Jason takes a long trip in Tessa, the self-driving car and discusses the pluses and minuses. [6:03] Arbitrage is exploiting the differences in things like income property investments, supply and demand curves and commodities prices. [9:16] Upcoming events include the Venture Alliance trip to Jekyll Island with a short Jacksonville property tour and the next Creating Wealth Boot camp and the Ohio area property tour.
Jason’s Interview with the Financial Survival Network: [16:27] The people in government and on Wall Street set up offshore trusts and corporations to hide money, as the Panama Papers show. [21:19] Why is there no start up solution to the Wall Street problem or the government problem? [25:33] The Creature from Jekyll Island is the book about when the Federal Reserve was created. [29:17] Aligning your interest with the government because the government will always take care of itself first. [34:02] Paying small government fines is part of the Central Bank's’ business plan. It’s much less than what they steal by manipulating the system.
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Direct download: CW_661_Jason_INTERVIEWED_by_Kerry_Lutz.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:52pm EST |
Fri, 15 April 2016
![]() Today we’re celebrating our 300th episode of The Creating Wealth Show and wish to thank our loyal listeners and all of our fantastic guests who have made this show a success! We’re looking forward to many more episodes, with many more opportunities to inform, educate and help people with the best strategies for their businesses, investments and lives. To honor our 300th episode, Jason Hartman interviews Dr. Judith Wright, author of The Soft Addiction Solution: Break Free of the Seemingly Harmless Habits That Keep You from the Life You Want, and co-author with her husband, Dr. Bob Wright, of Transformed!: The Science of Spectacular Living. Consider the various activities you partake in throughout the day or week…shopping, video games, Facebook, eating, watching TV, perhaps mindlessly biting our fingernails, browsing magazines or surfing the web. Judith explains the fine line between soft addictions that include coping skills and yearnings, and things we’re actually passionate about in our lives that help us live our best life. Soft addictions don’t necessarily kill us, but they can kill our chance for a deeper, more connected and satisfying life. Judith provides signs of some of these soft addictions that rob us of time, energy, money, love and more, and encourages people to learn the “Four Loving Truths.” This provides a smooth segue into Drs. Judith and Bob Wright’s new book, Transformed! Listen at: Judith is hailed as a peerless educator, world-class coach, lifestyles expert, inspirational speaker, best-selling author, and corporate consultant. She is called one of America’s Ultimate Experts”. She has appeared on more than 400 radio stations and 70 TV programs, including ABC’s 20/20, Oprah, Good Morning America, the Today show, Fox & Friends, and Montel. Her work has been featured in magazines and newspapers across the country, including Marie Claire, Fitness, and Health as well as The Chicago Tribune, The New York Daily News, and The Detroit Free Press. Judith is also the author of The One Decision. Judith is an energetic, charismatic, and engaging speaker, and has an audience appeal that transcends age, culture, gender, and occupation. An expert in areas like relationships, creative conflict, work productivity, Judith’s latest venture is as president of The Wright Graduate Institute for the Realization of Human Potential, which she co-founded with her husband Dr. Bob Wright. |
Wed, 13 April 2016
Jared Lichtin is a real estate investor and podcaster who previously worked as a lawyer for the oil and gas industry in Appalachia, near his home in Northwest Ohio. He realized the uncertainty of his work in titling and deeding properties for the volatile industry and decided to start flipping houses. His first few projects proved profitable so he continues to buy and flip and then podcast about it. He shares his insider information about what to watch out for when investing in the oil and gas industry.
Join us in Jacksonville for a property tour before the Jekyll Island Venture Alliance trip.
Key Takeaways: Jason’s Editorial: [2:36] At 16, Jason decided to create abundance in his life through investing in income properties aka packaged commodities. [7:36] Are the Saudi’s or the US behind the current artificially low oil prices? Here are 2 theories. [12:45] Agency financing, through Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, allows you to finance more than 10 properties at a great interest rate for 30 years.
Jared Lichtin Guest Interview: [18:40] Jared graduated law school, worked for a law firm for the oil & gas industry and then started flipping houses after he noticed problems in the oil & gas market. [23:15] How can you title, deed and will your oil & gas investments to others? [28:01] Oil & gas investments are risky because there is nothing preventing the political landscape or environmental laws from changing. [34:53] The exploration and production side of oil & gas companies is a seismic process which is technologically advanced and extremely volatile. [37:18] It’s practically impossible to go wrong investing in real estate? [44:03] Summary and contact information for Jared
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Mon, 11 April 2016
Many existing clients, and a few new ones, are closing on income properties using cash and delayed financing options to build their portfolios while interest rates are incredibly low. The next step will be for property holders to connect with their property managers to set expectations and to ensure current needs are met. And, there are possible new markets opening up in Ohio and Tampa, Florida.
Key Takeaways: [4:34] Tax time is a good time to bring up the inefficiencies of our government and its employees. [9:51] Always look for the silver lining during troubled times and re-fi till you die. [14:54] Clients, don’t be afraid to manage your property managers, engage them when you need answers. [20:52] Mark your calendars for early June for a seminar and property tour in Ohio. [22:38] Clients are building their portfolios and buying properties with cash and delayed financing. [27:25] So, where should clients be buying properties? [30:58] Interest rates are artificially low, it changes the dynamic of the market place. Exploit it today.
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Fri, 8 April 2016
![]() Jason shares inspiration from Og Mandino, tax advice from CPA Peter DeGregori and Richard Lillycrop one of our British investors. |
Wed, 6 April 2016
![]() J.C. Watts served in our nation’s Congress from 1995-2003 as a devoted conservative. His wide-ranging resume includes being an accomplished sports figure, Baptist minister, and a political commentator. He is currently the President and CEO of the Feed the Children non-profit organization and Founder and Chairman of the largest African-American owned lobbying company in Washington D.C., Watts Partners Consulting Group. His new book Dig Deep - The 7 Truths to Finding Strength Within details his extraordinary efforts to help people live the best life possible.
Key Takeaways:
Jason’s Editorial: [3:52] Muggings and purse thefts have dropped but identity thefts are increasing so, have people fallen? [8:12] Making governments smaller will make corruption more obvious and easier to detect. [11:16] This is how we will get better real estate inventory from our providers for our clients. [15:09] Will increasing interest rates cause real estate prices come down? [20:57] Affordability is the primary driver of prices.
Congressmen J.C. Watts Guest Interview: [24:36] The cheer of the crowd is intoxicating in politics, it makes one want to do what is popular instead of what is right. . [28:25] The true goal of governments should be more taxpayers, not raising existing taxes. [34:17] J.C. Watts new book, Dig Deep, is about doing life better. [42:34] 90% of Feed the Children resources are deployed in the United States. In 2015, the program fed 9 million children. [44:52] Unforgiveness leads to anger, anger leads to bitterness and bitterness leads to hatred.
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Mon, 4 April 2016
![]() Libertarian Austin Petersen is the Founder of the Libertarian Republican, a 2016 Presidential candidate, the Executive Producer & CEO of Stonegait LLC and a staunch believer that we the people need to get our currency out of the government’s hands. He wants Americans to vote for someone who has an investment in the future and who will bring about tax reforms in our fiscal and monetary policies.
Key Takeaways:
Jason’s Editorial: [4:25] Crooked investors offer wraparound mortgages to homeowners and then don’t make payments which ruins the homeowner’s credit. [7:30] A Jacksonville Florida semi-private property tour is scheduled just before the Jekyll Island Venture Alliance Mastermind. [9:36] The huge, unprecedented demographic shift which is coming will have a huge impact on investors. [20:20] As self-driving technology expands geography will become less of an issue and suburbs will become popular again.
Austin Petersen Guest Interview: [24:30] Other presidential candidates are not talking about how increased oil production and fracking are what has caused the price drop in oil. [29:40] Austin Petersen if elected, will bring about tax reforms in both our fiscal and monetary policies. [31:02] Politicians pay no penalties for being wrong. This is an inherent problem in our democratic system. [33:10] The Central Bank is at the heart of our monetary problems in the United States. [35:42] The banking system in the US should allow for competition against it, the time for rigid control is over. [44:33] If it comes down to Trump and Hillary Americans will have to look at the Libertarian candidate, Austin Petersen. [48:03] Contact information Austin Petersen [49:15] There is direct tampering and brainwashing by the private two-party system.
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Fri, 1 April 2016
![]() No, the above title is not a typo. According this week’s Creating Wealth Show guest, John Stapleford, it is possible for ethics and public policy to have a direct correlation. Stapleford is not only a senior economist for Moody’s, professor emeritus of economic development at Eastern University and former director of the University of Delaware’s Bureau of Economic Research but is also the well-known author of Bulls, Bears & Golden Calves. This book provides clear guidance for identifying and discussing important ethical issues connected to an economy’s organization and public policy issues from a faith-based foundation. Tune in to this two-part series and discover the crucial reasons why the study of economics should not be disconnected from ethical concerns. Upcoming shows will feature: Pamela Yellen, founder and President of Bank on Yourself and John Stapleford’s closing episode to his two-part series on ethics and public policy. |