Fri, 29 December 2017
![]() Today's Flash Back Friday comes from episode 616, from January 2016. Phase 1: Buy some properties, Phase 2: Protect your assets Jason answers your questions in this high-level Q&A. The main takeaway from this episode is to buy some properties now. Getting started is often the hardest part for real estate investors. If you don’t start today you may put off creating a wealthy future for yourself and one day realize it is too late. If you buy your properties with the help of Jason’s team you are able to leverage the huge volumes at which they do business. You get seasoned, professional help with your very first property purchase. You don’t have to do this alone! Key Takeaways: [3:36] Oliver was a dedicated listener before working as an investment counselor [9:31] Why doesn’t the whole world know about income property? [11:27] 14 million individual investor-owned single family homes [15:20] Jason answers real listener questions about LLC’s, evictions and identifying markets [17:57] 1.) Buy some properties and 2.) Protect your assets [23:57] How to identify and choose a real estate investment market and the local market team [29:21] Understanding acquisition costs for the Local Market Specialist [32:55] Properties on are not necessarily the best deal you can get [35:07] Multiplexes or single family houses? Which is better for cash flow? [38:56] Higher priced properties have lower rent to value ratios [40:25] Meet the Masters event is coming up – you can still get a ticket [41:45] Venture Alliance trip to Dubai on President’s Day weekend Websites: |
Thu, 28 December 2017
![]() Jason kicks off the show looking at a microtrend he's been seeing after the GOP Tax Reform was passed, which may only be attributable to people wanting to hate anything Trump does. He also looks at the response of people to the tax reform, with people looking to prepay their property taxes and write it off on their 2017 taxes. In this second half of the show, Jason Hartman finishes his interview with CPA Ryan, as the two continue their look at the new GOP Tax Reform. Ryan points out a few more big changes, as well as several minor ones. Some of them are HUGE for real estate investors, like the accelerated bonus depreciation, while some are mostly targeted at smaller groups (like hedge fund managers). Key Takeaways: Jason Intro: [3:56] The microtrend Jason's noticed recently [11:33] A lot of people are prepaying their 2018 property taxes before the end of the year so they can deduct it on their 2017 taxes [15:25] Holiday retail sales were fantastic [18:21] Enter at to win tickets to Meet the Masters CPA Interview: [20:50] The accelerated bonus depreciation is enormous for real estate investors [24:21] Changes to the 1031 Exchange rule [28:25] The carried interest rules have changed as well, impacting the hedge fund managers trading techniques [30:14] 529 plans (education plans for children) can now be used to pay for private schools [30:47] Some tax changes that were EXPECTED but didn't end up happening Websites: |
Wed, 27 December 2017
![]() Jason Hartman starts off the show from the bottom of the Grand Canyon discussing the upcoming Meet the Masters event, along with his excitement about the new GOP Tax Reform. Then Jason talks with CPA Ryan about the new tax plan. The two start off with a 30,000 foot overview of the plan, then drill down into specific components of the plan as they figure out who is going to be helped and who may not see as much of a benefit under the plan. Ryan explains the biggest revenue raisers and "losers" under the new bill, and some of the most important pieces that will impact individual filers. Key Takeaways: Jason Intro: [3:04] The Grand Canyon may actually be more impressive when you look up from the bottom [5:39] Meet the Masters of Income Property is in 2.5 weeks, featuring Ron Paul [7:45] Danielle DiMartino-Booth may not be a huge fan of the new tax reform; we'll find out at Meet the Masters CPA Interview: [12:58] The 30,000 foot overview of the GOP Tax Reform [14:53] Will this tax reform create a repatriation of wealth back to the US? [18:43] The move that mobilized the GOP forces toward tax reform [20:40] The 2nd most important thing in the tax plan was the widening of tax brackets and lowering of rates for individuals [22:50] The standard deducation has been increased, which should increase the number of simple 1040s being filed [25:51] The single largest revenue raiser in the entire bill [28:04] The change in mortgage interest deductions could cause a dampening in the high end real estate market [30:33] The Alternative Minimum Tax isn't gone, but it's gone through an overhaul [32:25] Pass-through businesses are getting a 20% deduction Website: |
Mon, 25 December 2017
![]() There's a constant dialogue going on in our head that tells us why we can't do something. There's constantly an excuse for our behavior that lets us shift the blame away from ourself and on to other things. Jason Hartman talks with Noah St John about this "head trash" and how we can change our thoughts to better our life. In this 10th episode, Jason and Noah talk about how you can actively work on your mind to create the reality you desire, both professionally and personally. Key Takeaways: Jason Intro: [2:30] Alexa, where's Santa Clause? [3:29] The 5-year plan contest ends December 26, 2017 [5:25] Venture Alliance Mastermind group has been streamlined, the price is reduced, and now has ADD-venture trips [7:19] The GOP Tax Reform is a great Christmas gift [9:52] Do deficits matter that much when you have the reserve currency and the largest military ever known to mankind? Noah St John Interview: [13:43] What is head trash? [18:26] Sometimes our own belief systems are what's holding us back [22:16] How do you go about and actually change your belief to stop holding yourself back? [24:50] Neuroscientists have identified what's known as the "Habit Loop" that you have to break [27:18] People rarely realize how powerful they actually are [31:46] Sometimes even things that are positive (like a good work ethic) can hold us back from where we want to go [34:39] The difference between affirmation and afformation [37:46] How you can use afformations in your relationships Website: "There's no lack of information but there's a DEFINITE lack of implementation" "If you keep not delegating then pretty much you're going to be stagnating." |
Fri, 22 December 2017
This week's Flash Back Friday comes from Episode 626, originally posted in January 2016. Cozy makes collecting rents and screening tenants accessible from anywhere. Owning the most historically proven asset class, income property, is getting easier. This new service allows landlords to screen tenants, view credit reports and collect rents from a smartphone or tablet. There are nominal fees built into services like debit card processing and the obtaining of a credit report which are paid for by tenants. Professional property owners now have a one-stop shop for managing their income properties, no matter where they are in the world. Key Takeaways: Jason’s Editorial: [1:24] The devastating news from the stock market, was it manufactured? [5:44] Could the government take away the benefits of the most tax favored asset? [7:37] The entire world economy is 60 trillion in a year and we lost 8 trillion in less than 1 month [9:58] Let’s print more money because there is no limit [12:57] Get free powerpoint slides and a reserve your spot for the next JHU event March Gino Zahnd Guest Interview: [17:12] What exactly is Cozy and how did it start? [20:23] A landlord has access to a tenant’s credit report without the chance of identity theft [22:10] An agent can only use the screening tools or the full-service option [24:59] Can a landlord can still add an application fee to cover their time spent? [27:44] Credit reports & background checks have a fee associated with them via Cozy “We help landlords by eliminating the hassle of rent checks and screening new tenants.” [29:35] Automated Clearing House (ACH) payments are free between landlord and tenants [32:07] Cozy eats the cost of transactions in exchange for client satisfaction [33:26] 2 ways for a landlord to initiate payments [35:45] Cozy’s goal is to be the best one-stop shop for realizing rent payments “Landlords will be notified when rent payments are received, removing the need to manually check.” [39:52] Rental markets are in the U.S. are fragmented and hard to access [40:50] Cozy is available on your phone or tablet and new services are coming Websites: |
Thu, 21 December 2017
![]() Jason Hartman and Ken McElroy finish up their conversation started in episode 927. This time, however, the two look into the importance of how property owners (and managers) treat their tenants, and why many people are doing it wrong. They also discuss why the American idea of home ownership may be a massive myth, and two critical pieces to your investment success. Key Takeaways: Jason Intro: [3:29] Apple has confirmed a long-held conspiracy [6:38] Jason believes this tax plan is going to be phenomenal for the economy [10:49] Some back of the napkin math on the impact of the new tax plan [15:19] It's been 3 decades since we've had real tax reform, so Jason's bullish Ken McElroy Interview: [20:42] It's important to treat all your residents as your customers [22:08] Is the idea of home ownership a myth? [24:22] Population growth and migration are two things critical to investment success [27:41] The state of the states Website: |
Wed, 20 December 2017
![]() Jason Hartman starts off the show discussing the recent news that economic optimism under President Trump is nearly unprecedented. He also goes into what to look for when moving, and what "The Wheel of Life" is about. Then we have part 1 of Jason's interview with Rich Dad Advisor Ken McElroy, who will be speaking at this year's Meet the Masters of Income Property in La Jolla. Ken tells Jason some of the most common mistakes he sees real estate investors make, why you can't just buy real estate any time you like, and some tips on how to do property management the right way. Key Takeaways: Jason Intro: [3:52] We are at a time of unprecedented economic optimism [6:11] Why Jason enjoys moving and what to look for when you're moving [12:25] CNBC video about current levels of economic optimism [17:34] What The Wheel of Life is about Ken McElroy Interview: [24:16] The two common mistakes Ken sees in real estate investors [26:19] Real estate is cyclical, so you can't just buy all the time throughout your career [28:41] Ken's real estate business model [30:20] Some tips on how to do property management right [33:01] C class properties look good on paper, but in the long run, better quality properties bring better quality tenants Website: |
Tue, 19 December 2017
The GOP tax plan is looking like it's going to be going through in the near future, but with a bill this long nobody is 100% sure how it's going to impact their taxes. In the second part of their interview, Jason Hartman talks with Naresh about what Jason's seen in the tax plan that will impact income property investments and why the plan will create upward pressure on rents. The two also go into censorship in America, from YouTube to Naresh's new book, Trumpbook: How Digital Liberals Silenced A Nation Into Making America Hate Again, which he's been unable to market in traditional outlets that are advertising left leaning books. And don't forget to do your 5-year plan, record it and upload it by Christmas to enter the contest! Key Takeaways: [5:02] This tax plan will be great for real estate investors because it dis-incentivizes buying a home [8:38] The White House clip on taxation [12:05] Supply side economics works, it's not a zero sum game [18:25] The Fed is going to be raising rates six times in the next 2 years, which will be HUGE for real estate investors getting in now [22:23] The 2 things that could ruin Jason's prediction on interest rates impact [23:52] Naresh's new book, Trumpbook, is being censored by the mainstream media. Get a free copy by going to Website: Trumpbook: How Digital Liberals Silenced A Nation Into Making America Hate Again "Earned income by employment is always the least favorable income you can have in the US." |
Mon, 18 December 2017
![]() In part one of Jason Hartman's interview with client Naresh, the two discuss what led Naresh to buy his first income properties, why he is now veering away from investing in things like the stock market and cryptocurrencies, and how our portable, sharing economy is changing everything. Naresh is currently purchasing his second rental property while RENTING his apartment in Florida, something most people would consider the "wrong" decision. Key Takeaways: [7:03] How Jason & Naresh first met [9:33] How the "portable society" impacts you as a real estate investor [13:01] The world is changing faster than ever before, so we need to throw a lot of our old ideas out of the window [19:28] We'd all love to get something for nothing, but really we're just gambling [22:38] An interesting piece of education from Naresh's recent trip to Columbia that shows the value of the dollar Websites: "Nothing is bigger than the American brand, no brand has more value than the United States of America brand" |
Wed, 13 December 2017
![]() The world today has created criminals that have become more and more sophisticated as crime has gotten harder due to security measures most people are using. Doors aren't left open any more, everything has an alarm on it, but people still don't protect EVERYTHING. Identity theft is a huge problem, and there are scams abound for people who are willing to sink to that level. Jason Hartman warns about some of the newer scams to hit the market. Also, don't forget to do your 5-year plan video or register for Meet the Masters! Then, Jason talks with Jorge Newbery, author of Debt Cleanse: How to Settle Your Unaffordable Debts for Pennies on the Dollar, about Jorge's real estate journey, including having to fight against local government in an attempt not to lose an 1,100 unit apartment complex. Jorge at one point was $26 million in debt and has fought his way back and is set on helping those who need it most. Key Takeaways: Jason Intro: [3:09] Jason's thought on identity theft, which Jason considers the biggest crime in the world [5:57] One of the new telemarketer scams out there today [9:30] A story about how fractional lending actually stopped a man from being foreclosed on in the 60s [12:34] The 5-year plan videos are looking great! Jorge Newberry Interview: [20:26] How Jorge got into the real estate business, and was taken down by a single ice storm [24:46] The City of Columbus, OH wouldn't let Jorge's renovations pass inspections [28:56] A fake news story about Jorge being investigated turned the public against him and his renovations [33:13] Why Jason is okay with the strategic default practice, even as a lender himself [34:39] In his quest to erase his $26 million in debt, Jorge found an error that erased $5 million of it, which led to a startling revelation [38:39] Our whole society is set up to create massive bubbles that burst and allow the powers that be to buy assets for pennies on the dollar while we blame ourselves for the situation [40:45] The wealth concentration in our nation is becoming untenable [42:20] The #1 piece of advice for if you're in trouble with your loan Website: Over the course of time, it is in the interest of the banks, and the creditors, and the create these bubbles. |
Mon, 11 December 2017
![]() There's a whole lot going on in the economic world today, so Jason Hartman decided to talk to Cody Mamone, CTP, a Vice President for PNC Bank, about what on Earth is going on in the cryptocurrency world, and how it might be impacted by Bitcoin now trading on 2 exchanges in the United States. The two also delve into the growth of consumer debt in the past 5 years, as well as where interest rates may be headed and how much of an impact even a slight change in rates can have for investors and homebuyers. Key Takeaways: [4:47] The difference between saving versus savingS rates [9:36] The Fed has some useful data that can be used for your investing research, and one thing in the consumer credit reports stuck out [11:40] The growth in consumer (and student loan) debt in the last 5 years has been astounding {14:32] Cryptocurrency mania is going crazy and it's not a healthy thing [16:51] The REAL environmental destruction that cryptocurrencies are creating [19:45] What's going to happen to Bitcoin now that it will be traded on 2 exchanges? Will the volatility finally end? [25:59] Where are interest rates headed? Websites: A 1% rise in interest rates would disqualify 5 MILLION households from owning a $200,000 home |
Wed, 6 December 2017
![]() Jason Hartman starts off the show with Investment Counselor Carrie from a single family investment trade show in Phoenix, Arizona. The two have been meeting vendors at the trade show and are absolutely amazed at the opportunities that smart technology is creating for investors. These innovations will allow investors to truly increase their profits as they become more comfortable self managing their properties across the nation. Then, Jason goes off topic with Cameron Herold, author of Double Double: How to Double Your Revenue and Profit in 3 Years or Less, and Meetings Suck, about how his Vivid Vision can clarify your purpose and help you get on the right path. It's imperative that every business knows exactly what the mission is, and that every employee in the business knows where the company is headed. It's the only true way to get, and stay, ahead of the competition. Key Takeaways: Jason Intro: [3:32] There's technology coming that will allow you to review tenants (and have them review you) [8:14] Smart technology is making it easier to self-manage properties from a distance, and increasing your profits in the process [8:56] DO YOUR 5-YEAR PLAN! Cameron Herold Interview: [14:15] How writing your Vivid Vision can author your future [17:39] Reverse engineering your Vivid Vision [20:26] Finding the "sweet spot" in length for your Vivid Vision, and how to properly use it [23:43] What should you do with your Vivid Vision? How much does David share his? [28:32] How to run meetings properly [31:41] How long should you book your meetings? Websites: |
Mon, 4 December 2017
![]() Is the home ownership rate too high? Are millennials going to enter the market and disrupt everything? To answer these questions you have to answer Jason Hartman's key question in life: compared to what? Any time you're making plans or comparing one thing to another, the question of compared to what pops up, and it's something we should continue to ask ourselves. Is buying a rental home a smart option? Compared to what? Should I put money toward this investment? Compared to what? Later in the show Jason talks with Ed mermelstein, founding partner of Rheem Bell & Mermelstein LLP, about what the GOP tax plan will likely do to foreign investment in US real estate. Ed describes how foreign investors are CURRENTLY investing in the US, and whether this plan will make the money flow in to the country or go running away to other countries. This impact will have especially large effects on big name markets like New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. Key Takeaways: Jason Intro: [2:45] "Compared to what" is the question you need to ask about everything, and it's especially important when it comes to foreign real estate investors in the United States [8:24] Millennials are entering the housing market, but not in a significant percentage [11:23] Jason's big piece of advice for people making their 5-year plan video [14:21] David Copperfield & Jerry Seinfeld's net worths go to show you the power of media & scalability [16:19] The list of countries with the highest & lowest GNI Ed Mermelstein Interview: [23:59] Will the proposed tax plan make the US real estate market more or less attractive to foreign investors? [26:14] The typical business designation that foreign investors use [28:49] Why some changes in deductions will effect investment in big cities like NY, LA, SF [31:55] Which countries some of the major US markets get most of their foreign investment dollars from, and how the investors are using their properties [35:58] Are any foreign governments buying US real estate? [38:59] The US is in a sweet spot where European and Asian investors will invest, but it doesn't go overboard because of logistics like time differences and distance Website:
Foreign investment tends to sometimes make the news in a negative manner, but we should also consider the benefits of foreign investment in the United States |
Fri, 1 December 2017
Today's Flash Back Friday comes from Episode 581, originally published in October 2015. Understanding various mortgage types and how it affects you, the investor. Even though Jason believes in a fixed rate, long-term, buy and hold mortgage strategy, he encourages people to be informed about the additional financing options available. This week he and Naresh take a deep dive into the adjustable-rate mortgage, breaking it down into easy to understand piece parts. They also discuss the wrap around mortgage, what the term negative rate means and give numerical examples to clearly explain each distinct type of calculation. Key Takeaways: [2:46] 5 Elements of adjustable-rate mortgages (ARM) [4:19] 1. Start or Teaser rate [5:10] 2. Index [7:20] 3. Margin [8:50] 4. Annual cap – 3 types [13:38] Negative interest rates [18:17] Negative amortization rate [19:05] Sophisticated investing techniques [22:43] AITD – Wrap around mortgage [24:23] Wrap around mortgage example Website: |