Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing with Jason Hartman

Jason talks with one of his twenty-something clients who's getting off to a good start as a real estate investor.  Starting at the ripe old age of 26, Drew acquired three good rental properties that produce income of around $3,000 per month.  In this multi-faceted case study interview Jason and Drew talk about the presidential debates, with a special focus on Ron Paul, buying a home vs. renting a home while purchasing income property.

The rent versus buy analysis takes on new meaning in today's economy as we consider the "opportunity cost" of a huge downpayment and large monthly payment in overpriced areas of California or any market with undesirable LTI Ratios or "Land-to-Improvement Ratio" (an acronym and concept created by Jason as part of The Hartman Risk Evaluator).  As Rich Dad, Robert Kiyosaki, says; "Your house is not an asset, it's a liability. Assets produce income, your house costs money."  You'll also hear some thoughts on home-based businesses.

Direct download: cw20234-Drew.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:10am EDT

With a high number of foreclosures still haunting homeowners, Jason Hartman and Chad Ruyle, principal and co-founder of, discuss strategic defaults, homeowners’ rights, understanding the foreclosure process, and how homeowners can use the law to their advantage when their mortgage is in default. When should you walk away? How can you minimize foreclosure consequences?

Direct download: cw-233-ChadRuyle.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:19pm EDT

Jason Hartman and his guests report on a variety of things from doomsday scenarios and derivatives (Wikipedia definition below) or the "derivative time-bomb" to how institutional investors like pension funds, insurance companies, mutual funds and REITs (real estate investment trusts) can overpay for assets, plus a short talk about private money lending/hard money lending.

Direct download: cw-232-ZachandJessica.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:50pm EDT

Join Jason Hartman and Doug Casey of Casey Research for a candid discussion about the condition of America and what is to come. Doug feels we needed a depression, but it doesn’t have to be as long and dismal as it’s going to be for most people.

The U.S. government has gone about everything completely opposite of the right way; it’s totally bankrupt. They’re selling money/debt to the Federal Reserve because no other country in the world wants to buy our devalued American dollar.

Doug feels for the average American because he/she is not going to profit from it and is going to be turned into a common serf. Pension funds are in trouble and are nothing more than the government’s scheme to finance its debt.

Direct download: cw-231-DougCasey.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:56am EDT

Join Jason Hartman as he and author of "Quirk", Hannah Holmes explore human personality types and how they affect who we become, whether extroverted, conscientious, agreeable, or even neurotic or obnoxious.

Is it possible that our hard-wired brain chemistry can even determine our political opinions and economic views?


For more information see

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Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:49pm EDT

Join Jason Hartman and author and chief economist at Blackhorse Asset Management in Singapore, Richard Duncan, as they discuss the global economic crisis, how it came about, where we are now, and what happens next. Richard talks about the history of the Great Depression and how we’re back in that same spot today.

Direct download: cw-229-RichardDuncan.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:44am EDT

Jason Hartman interviews Apple’s former Sr. Vice President of Operations and author of The Steve Jobs Way, Jay Elliot about the true legacy of Steve Jobs, discussing real-life examples of Jobs’ leadership and triumphs, and how these principles can apply to other’s lives and careers.


More at: or on iTunes.

Direct download: cw-228-JayElliot.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:39am EDT

Jason Hartman provides a market profile and information on an upcoming distressed property tour in St. Louis, Missouri. Finding a strong market to invest in starts with identifying the population, job growth, and economic impact of a given region. 

If you are interested in receiving further information or investment advice regarding this market, please contact us today and one of our professional investment counselors will follow up with you as soon as possible.


More information is available at

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Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:43pm EDT

Jason Hartman talks with Bill Whittle, host of Afterburner, regarding poverty levels in the United States and the strategies that undermine democracy and free markets.  Bill’s opinion is that America has the richest poor people in the world, versus countries like Africa, where millions of people live in dire poverty, with starvation and lack of healthcare. Bill discusses how everything people in the U.S. have ever needed in life is present at birth, including food, shelter, and healthcare. There's no need to want for anything.  

Yet people accept their lot in life as the natural order of things. With history on his side, Bill Whittle challenges widely held misconceptions about politics and society. Frequently asking the difficult ethical questions, Bill attempts to underscore conservative values and philosophy through logical reasoning.  Bill Whittle is a writer, pilot, and TV editor who lives and works in Los Angeles, where he hosts Afterburner on PJTV.

Direct download: cw-226-BillWhittle.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:45am EDT

Jason Hartman hosts a two-part show where we start with some reflections on the recent "Meet The Masters of Income Property Investing" event at The Hyatt Regency in Irvine, California. Investment Counselors, Ari and Sara join Jason as they discuss the following:

1)   Establish 5 year plan for where you would like to be in 2016

2)   26-27% real unemployment rate

3)   Decline of standard of living for America (ask tenants)

4)   Which entry point are you?

Direct download: cw-225-ZachHenderson.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:31pm EDT

Jason Hartman takes a unique middle ground on the Occupy Wall Street protests since Wall Street doesn't represent capitalism as the right-wing media would have us believe while the left-wing media who supports big government and big unions doesn't represent capitalism either. Both sides are promoting a fairy tale.

A recent Facebook post sums it up fairly well: This whole issue really isn't that simple. I assume that most of the protesters are clueless folks who need haircuts; however, so is the conservative media (that I mostly agree with) in saying that Wall Street represents "capitalism" - nothing could be further from the truth, Wall Street, banks and mega-corporations are mostly ANTI-CAPITALISM in that they are playing a rigged game with lobbyists, government cronyism and insider dealings at every level.

They use lawyers, accountants and PR firms to commit their crimes. There is very little capitalism on Wall Street.

Direct download: cw-224-occupywallstreet.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:16am EDT

Jason Hartman talks with Chris Mayer who is managing editor of the Capital and Crisis and Mayer’s Special Situations newsletters. He also is a contributor to the Daily Reckoning. Visit: or search Jason Hartman in the iTunes Store for more. Graduating magna cum laude with a degree in finance and an MBA from the

Direct download: cw-223-ChrisMayer.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:05am EDT

Jason Hartman discusses the destruction of America's great middle class and how to avoid it. Let's not let the USA become a banana republic. Jason recommends the book War on the Middle Class by Lou Dobbs and his interviews with Rich Dad author Garrett Sutton and Jim Rogers.

Direct download: cw-222-JasonAndSara.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:36am EDT

At a period in America’s life when all seems insurmountable, what with an astronomical national debt, high unemployment and underemployment, failing small businesses, and controlling corporate interests that don’t seem to have American citizens’ best interest in mind, it’s hard to believe that America is truly rich. 

Direct download: cw-221-NickBegich.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 4:35pm EDT

Whether it’s your spouse, significant other, family, friends, or even business associates, each individual speaks his or her own love language.  “The Five Love Languages” are:  Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch.

For more information see

Direct download: cw-220-GaryChapman.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:46am EDT

Jason Hartman starts this episode with an update on and new fixed-rate mortgage financing program for IRA investors and foreign nationals. In addition, you'll hear about a change the RSS feed for this podcast in hopes that the change will be seamless and you won't even notice it; however, you know how technology goes sometimes.

Direct download: cw-219-DougUtberg.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:05pm EDT

Join Jason Hartman and co-author of Aftershock, Robert Wiedemer as they discuss the fundamental underlying problems of printing money, the inevitable results, and how investors can still profit as the world heads toward yet another global economic crisis.

Direct download: cw-218-BobWiedemer.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:49am EDT

Jason Hartman talks with Daniel Amerman about the likely results of the recent multi-trillion dollar increase in the debt limit. Dan is a Chartered Financial Analyst with MBA and BSBA degrees in finance.  He is a financial author and speaker with over 25 years of professional experience. 

More at:

Direct download: creating-wealth-217-DanAmerman.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 4:19pm EDT

Jason Hartman gives you a free one hour segment from his Creating Wealth Home Study Course as he discusses "The Ten Commandments of Successful Investing."

More at

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Category:Podcast -- posted at: 5:43pm EDT

Jason Hartman talks with James Anderson, managing director of, about the historical cycles of gold and silver and other precious metals, against the monetary cycles. 

As the world’s fiat currencies continue to be debased through inflation, regulation, and irresponsible spending, precious metals investing is on the rise.  But do you physically own your gold? 

Direct download: CW-215-JamesAnderson.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:53am EDT

Join Jason Hartman as he talks with guest, Steve H. Murdock, former Census Bureau Director and current Professor of Sociology at Rice University in Texas, about the demographic shift taking place in the U.S. today .  The face of Texas has been shifting dramatically, not just from immigration, but in-migration and natural increase.

For more information see:

Direct download: creating-wealth-214.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:50pm EDT

Jason Hartman starts off with a recap of his Phoenix Distressed Property Tour last weekend, then a quick rant about crooked banks, Wall Street scams and how to get a loan modification or short sale approved with the help of a Q.W.R. Qualified Written Request Letter, a new product at:

Direct download: creating-wealth-213.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:30am EDT

Jason Hartman profiles 30 investment markets nationwide. What does the future hold? The unique characteristic of our market forecast is that we go beyond the traditional method of forecasting appreciation only to profile the income property return on investment for each market area.

More at:

Direct download: creating-wealth-212.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:05am EDT

Investors with the foresight to recognize prime "Buy!" opportunities should be poised to quickly take advantage of this bottomed-out market. Conditions are perfect to generate historical profits for someone in the near future and we hope it's you.


Direct download: creating-wealth-211.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:20pm EDT

As is customary on every 10th episode, Jason Hartman, your host, takes on a non-financial topic as he talks with Dr. Geoffrey Simmons, a physician who is Board-certified in Internal Medicine and Disaster Medicine. He has a B.S. in Zoology and has completed the course work for a Masters degree in Microbiology.

More at:

Direct download: creating-wealth-210.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:26am EDT

Jason Hartman talks with Platinum's Local Market Specialist about investment opportunities in the 9th largest metro area in the USA.  You'll hear Jason's prediction for ROI in Atlanta and a good market overview.


Direct download: creating-wealth-209.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:15am EDT

On this episode of the Creating Wealth Show, Jason Hartman talks with author and editor, Janet Portman, about becoming a landlord. Whether or not you call yourself a “landlord,” when you rent out a house, you’ll want to do it right!

More at

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Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:54am EDT

Jason and Doug have a meandering discussion on the tragedy in Japan, life insurance, declining home ownership rates creating 6,000,000+ new renters in the next six years, Confessions of a Portfolio Hitman, interest rate predictions and much more.

Visit for additional info.

Direct download: creating-wealth-207.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:18pm EDT

Jason Hartman presents a followup to show #205 with some additional information on "The Big D" - that's Dallas Texas, including a forecast for 2011 and a market overview. More at: Dallas experienced a series of moderate appreciation followed by a gradual contraction that has resulted in much less price volatility than has been

Direct download: creating-wealth-206.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:35pm EDT

Jason Hartman talks with one of his Local Market Specialists from Dallas about ultra-low 5% down on brand new income properties.

Listen at:

David has been a professional real estate investor since 2000 with investment holdings and development projects have included single family homes, apartments, office, retail, hospitality, and winery and companies that have held real estate interests in California, Texas, and Mexico.

Direct download: creating-wealth-205.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:35pm EDT

We’re putting enough real estate and business brainpower in one room to make Donald Trump flinch. Enjoy this content-rich sampler of "Meet The Masters" our twice annual powerhouse educational event that can revolutionize how you think about money and wealth.  Listen at: 

Will you be any closer to financial freedom in one year?

Direct download: creating-wealth-204.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:56pm EDT

Jason Hartman talks with Robert Frank, author of The Winner Take all Society, The Economic Naturalist: In Search of Solutions to Everyday Enigmas; Falling Behind: How Rising Inequality Harms the Middle Class and many more!  In his The Winner-Take-All Society, Bob Frank discussed the fact that more and more of current economy and other institutions

Direct download: creating-wealth-202.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:04am EDT

Jason Hartman talks with "Meet The Masters" speaker, author, attorney, Mark Kohler. Mark received his Bachelors of Accounting degree and his Masters of Taxation Degree from the University of Utah. He graduated from Willamette University Law School. He is licensed CPA in Oregon, Utah and Arizona and is member of the Utah Bar and practicing attorney.

More at:

Direct download: creating-wealth-201.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:12am EDT

Jason Hartman talks with T. Harv Eker about Secrets of the Millionaire Mind which reveals the missing link between wanting success and achieving it. Listen at: Have you ever wondered why some people seem to get rich easily, while others are destined for a life of financial struggle? Is the difference found in their

Direct download: creating-wealth-200.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:03am EDT

Jason Hartman talks with Edward Jamison who is the founder of Jamison Law Group and the creator of CreditCRM. More at:  He is an attorney and nationally recognized as an expert in credit repair and identity theft. Edward has been featured as a credit expert on NBC, CBS, Fox, the Wall Street Journal, the

Direct download: creating-wealth-199.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:53am EDT

Jason Hartman talks with Steve Slaunwhite about successful freelancing at Steve is a marketing speaker, author and coach, as well as being an award-winning expert on writing marketing copy that sells. His popular books and how-to guides include The Wealthy Freelancer (Alpha Books), The Everything Guide To Writing Copy (Adams Media), Start & Run

Direct download: creating-wealth-198.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:46am EDT