Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing with Jason Hartman

This Episode of Flash-Back Friday was Originally Released: 10/12/10

Jason recaps The Masters Weekend, A Gathering of Experts™. Then, he answers listener questions about two recent podcast episodes, the Money Merge Account program, and the interview with Peter Schiff, and about how to break into real estate investing. Finally, we have our interview with an expert on monetary policy and the Federal Reserve and author of Web of Debt, Ellen Brown. She and Jason discuss the "300 Year Ponzi Scheme", the Federal Reserve, the bailout, central banks, fractional reserve banking, fiat currency, the gold standard, the true rate of inflation, and much, much more.

Direct download: CW_1641_FBF_Ellen_Brown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Jason Hartman reminds investors of the opportunity of a lifetime, (a 5,000 year lifetime) with interest rates at historic lows. Is there a second phase to the great American pandemic migration?

How do we wage a peaceful revolution? Larry and Jason take a thorough walk through the swamp of politicians and questionable practices in DC and throughout the US. 


Key Takeaways:

[2:00] Questions from the Happy Hour segment on Jason Hartman’s Youtube. 

[4:30] What are big tech companies afraid of?

[8:30] Lowest interest rate in 5,000 years.

[13:20] “We are geo-independent!”

Larry Klayman

[16:30] The founding of Judicial Watch. 

[19:00] What kind of revolution are you talking about?

[23:55] What in the constitution gives judges life tenure? 

[27:45] Larry discusses some of the tyranny in legislative branches.

[35:00] Do you recognize this government as your own?


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Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes)


Direct download: CW_1640_Larry_Klayman.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Jason Hartman breaks down the misunderstandings of inflation by analyzing Peter Schiff and Jim Rickards' debate. Before we can agree on whether we are in an inflationary or deflationary environment, we have to conclude the definition of inflation. 

Adam joins the Creating Wealth Podcast for a January 2021 mortgage update. 

Key Takeaways:

[2:45] Jim Rickards on "monetary stimulus."

[3:30] Inflation and the velocity of money. 

[6:30] How big can the bubble get before it pops?

[9:45] If you promote something, the price will rise.

[16:25] "I don't care what the Fed looks at, I care about reality." - Schiff

[17:45] Will we see dramatic increases in consumer products?

[23:30] Are we, the people, being gaslighted by big tech and the mainstream media?

[24:00] Mortgage update with Adam


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Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes)


Direct download: CW_1639_With_Adam.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Original Release Date: 4/22/15

Dan Mitchell talks about what’s happening in the government’s fiscal policy and how it’s influencing the economy.

Jason invites Fernando on to the show and answers a couple of his questions on lease renewal. Dan Mitchell is also today’s Creating Wealth guest. Dan is a senior fellow at the Cato Institute and talks about high corporate taxes, the fiscal policy, and recommendations on how a country’s economy can grow instead of collapse.

Key Takeaways:

1:40 – Fernando shares his opinion on the mastermind group he and Jason are currently attending.

5:50 – Fernando has two questions about upcoming property renewals and wants to pick Jason’s brain on what he should do.

15:20 – Jason introduces Dan Mitchell.

20:05 – Taxing US citizens world wide is a nightmare.

26:05 – The US understands that it can’t go down the same route as failing economies like Greece.

33:58 – We can no longer view the government as a sugar daddy.

Mentioned In This Episode:

Direct download: CW_1638_FBF.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Jason Hartman shares his opinion on what to expect from the Biden administration and their tax plan. Does this benefit the investor? Is Joe Biden the Manchurian candidate? 

Jim Rickards returns in part two to discuss the cause of inflation and his opinion on whether we will see the US in an inflationary state or not. As well, Jim shares his views on gold, silver, and bitcoin. 

Jim Rickard's Book: The New Great Depression

Key Takeaways:

[1:40] Experience your experience: the first step on mastery. 

[4:40] Is Biden the Manchurian candidate?  

[6:15] Let's talk about Biden Tax Plans.

[10:30] The greatest management principle: what gets rewarded, gets repeated.  

[17:00] Commenting on Tucker Carlson, pre-inauguration. 

[27:15] Homework: Search "Citizens United."

Jim Rickards continued from Episode 1636

[30:35] What causes inflation? 

[33:45] Your Keynesian multiplier works up to a debt to GDP ratio of about 90%.

[39:20] Why buy gold and silver if you're not afraid of inflation?

[41:25] Bitcoin, will it ever have a chance of being a global currency or taking over the dollar?

[49:00] Millions of people are migrating out of major cities; where are they going?


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Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes)


Direct download: CW_Jim_Rickards_Part_2.mp3
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Censorship and political speech, Jason Hartman asks you where the line is drawn. Remember, to maintain control, Jason Hartman's Commandment Number Three. 

Jason Hartman talks with Jim Richards, author of The New Great Depression. Jim shares his discoveries about the lockdown, the stock market's influence, and asset bubbles vs. asset inflation. 

Jim Rickard's Book: The New Great Depression

Key Takeaways:

[3:10] Political speech, what are we allowed to say?

[8:30] Thou shalt maintain control. 

[11:45] A story about misappropriation and misleading.

Jim Rickards

[23:20] You cannot understand The New Great Depression without looking into the pandemic. 

[24:00] "What I discovered was that the scientists don't agree with each other."

[30:25] Have the lockdowns killed more people than they have saved?

[36:00] The stock market no longer bears any relation to the real economy. 

[40:00] Did the lockdown cause a pent up demand?

[44:00] Asset bubbles or asset inflation?


Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn)

Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes)


Direct download: CW_1636_Jim_Rickards.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

What Time is it? It’s an Amazing Time to Be Alive

Say this 10 times real fast, Inflation Induced Debt Destruction, now make it your mantra. Would you like someone else to pay your bills for you? Well when you buy income property it is exactly what happens. Your tenants pay down your debt while your property appreciates. Today, Jason outlines a chart from way back in the Creating Wealth archives. He will make the chart available to all of you listeners soon. The chart introduces the intricacies of inflation. He then takes us through most of the asset classes and how they perform against inflation.

Key Takeaways:

[3:30] 3 Types of markets are linear, cyclical and hybrid

[6:02] Published reports and statistics can’t be trusted

[9:53] Will your kids ever learn to drive a car?

[11:53] A 16 year cyclical market (Orange County, CA) compared to a linear market (Lansing, MI)

[12:50] Commandment #5 – Thou shalt not gamble. The property should make financial sense

[16:58] What time is it? It’s an amazing time to be alive!

[19:50] The Meet the Masters Event is coming up. Garrett Sutton will be there.

[20:33] Asset class top performers

[23:12] Inflation induced debt destruction

[23:59] Waiting, substitution and hedonics make people believe inflation is lower than it is

[24:52] Outsourcing your mortgage debt to tenants, they are paying your debt

[27:33] The problem with the Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare

[30:34] Rental income is governed by housing affordability

[32:00] Stock markets can be manipulated and are medium-low indexed to inflation,

[33:33] Cash & taxes are low strength versus inflation – taxes aren’t calculated for inflation

[38:20] Low information people are clueless about the government

[39:35] Income property investors can turn the tables on the government

[40:39] Join the Venture Alliance Mastermind in Dubai


The Wayback Machine

How to Lie with Statistics

Garrett Sutton

Venture Alliance Mastermind

Jason Hartman announces Youtube Contest Winners with a couple of clips from our talented submissions. As well, Jason talks about a history of bubbles: from Tulip-Mania to Dot-Com, and even Bitcoin. Are we in a real estate bubble right now?

Jason Hartman talks with New Zealander and the founder of Landlord Studio, Logan Ransley, who shares his findings from his companies residential real estate index report. 

Key Takeaways:

[2:00] Clips from our Contest Winners! 

[6:00] Let's talk about bubbles for a moment.

[9:00] Homes are less expensive today compared to 14 years ago. Find out more. 

[10:20] Self-liquidating debt? 

[13:10] Looking back at bubbles, starting with .com

[16:15] Is bitcoin in a bubble?

[18:20] What's Tulip-Mania? The Tulip Bubble? 

[22:10] Twitter deleted 4.5 million accounts of conservative Twitter users. 

Logan Ransley

[27:30] Real Estate felt grim mid lockdown. 

[30:00] Rental reports don't show the same grim eviction rates that 'click-bate' portrayed through the 2020 pandemic. 

[31:00] Rental graphs being depicted based on numbers of 10,000 active leases. 

[34:20] What percentage of rent REALLY being collected, and how late?

[37:20] "Although the rent was taking longer to be connected, it was still being collected at the same rate."


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Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes)


Direct download: CW_1634_Logan_Ransley_Contest_Winners_edit.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Things that Americans believed could never happen are happening right now. Jason Hartman talks about the ever-growing censorship or the ever-diminishing freedom of speech. From being blocked on Facebook to being censored on YouTube, Jason shares his experiences with censorship, and for what?

Key Takeaways:

[4:00] A huge amount of money created in the US was made in the last 12 months!

[6:00] People are scared and refraining from their social lives. 

[7:45] “Give us our property and liberty, and we [the government] will take care of you.” Is this The Great Reset?

[8:45] What’s The Insurrection Act?

[11:30] Book Recommendations: 1984 by George Orwell, Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

[14:15] Is big tech behind memory-holing? 

[21:00] Competition is good for companies. 

[28:00] Big tech and censorship, how far has it gone?

[40:40] Can private businesses do whatever they want? To what extent?


Direct download: CW_1633__THE_END_OF_AMERICA_What_Should_We_Do_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Originally Released: Dec 27, 20122

Jason talks with one of his twenty-something clients who’s getting off to a good start as a real estate investor.  Starting at the ripe old age of 26, Drew acquired three good rental properties that produce income of around $3,000 per month.  In this multi-faceted case study interview Jason and Drew talk about the presidential debates, with a special focus on Ron Paul, buying a home vs. renting a home while purchasing income property.

The rent versus buy analysis takes on new meaning in today’s economy as we consider the “opportunity cost” of a huge downpayment and large monthly payment in overpriced areas of California or any market with undesirable LTI Ratios or “Land-to-Improvement Ratio” (an acronym and concept created by Jason as part of The Hartman Risk Evaluator).  As Rich Dad, Robert Kiyosaki, says; “Your house is not an asset, it’s a liability. Assets produce income, your house costs money.”  You’ll also hear some thoughts on home-based businesses.

Take advantage of our member section and hear premium interviews with (from Wikipedia):

Jim Rogers who ran the Quantum Fund with George Soros and creator of the Rogers International Commodities Index (RICI).  Jim has some great books too:

1995: Investment Biker: Around the World
2003: Adventure Capitalist: The Ultimate Road Trip
2004: Hot Commodities: How Anyone Can Invest Profitably in the World’s Best Market
2007: A Bull in China: Investing Profitably in the World’s Greatest Market
2009: A Gift to My Children: A Father’s Lessons For Life And Investing

Brian Tracy is a member of the board of trustees for the Heritage Foundation, a conservative Washington, D.C.-based public policy research institute.[3]
His body of work is loosely based on a number of other success “gurus” such as Earl Nightingale, Jim Rohn and Denis Waitley. He has recently launched Brian Tracy University, an online course of study which is designed to assist entrepreneurs, business owners and sales professionals.

The Brian Tracy College of Business and Entrepreneurship at Andrew Jackson University (a distance learning school based in Hoover, Alabama), is named after him and based on his teachings. At the New York headquarters of ALM Media, a legal publisher, a motivational quote of Tracy’s appears on the office wall: “excellence is not a destination; it is a continuous journey that never ends.” His books include:

Maximum Achievement: Strategies and Skills That Will Unlock Your Hidden Powers to Succeed
Advanced Selling Strategies: The Proven System of Sales Ideas, Methods, and Techniques Used by Top Salespeople Everywhere
The Psychology of Selling: The Art of Closing Sales
Jones and the Salesman
The 100 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Business Success
The 21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires: How to Achieve Financial Independence Faster and Easier Than You Ever Thought Possible
Eat that Frog: 21 Ways to stop Procrastination and get More Done in Less Time
Get Paid More and Promoted Faster
Focal Point (2001) American Management Association
Victory!: Applying the Proven Principles of Military Strategy to Achieve Success in Your Business and Personal Life
Be a Sales Superstar: 21 Great Ways to Sell More, Faster, Easier in Tough Markets
Create Your Own Future: How to Master the 12 Critical Factors of Unlimited Success
Goals!: How To Get Everything You Want—Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible
Turbostrategy: 21 Powerful Ways to Transform your Business and Boost Your Profits Quickly
Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life
Getting Rich Your Own Way: Achieve All Your Financial Goals Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible
Time Power: A Proven System for Getting More Done in Less Time Than You Ever Thought Possible (2004) American Management Association
Something for Nothing : The All-Consuming Desire that Turns the American Dream into a Social Nightmare (2005)
The Power of Charm: How to Win Anyone over in Any Situation (2006) American Management Association
Crunch Point: The 21 Secrets to Succeeding When It Matters Most (2006) American Management Association
Flight Plan: The Real Secret of Success
The Miracle of Self-discipline: The “No-Excuses” Way to Getting Things Done

Garrett Sutton has over twenty-five years experience assisting and advising entrepreneurs, families and businesses in selecting the appropriate corporate structures to limit their liability, protect their assets and advance their personal and financial goals through real estate investments and other means of wealth creation.

An author, speaker and a member of an elite group of “Rich Dad’s Advisors” hand selected by author Robert Kiyosaki, Garrett speaks to investors and entrepreneurs on a variety of topics including asset protection, liability limitation, wealth creation, as well as various business and real estate issues.

Garrett has authored Own Your Own Corporation, The ABC’s of Writing Winning Business Plans, The ABC’s of Getting Out of Debt, How to Buy and/or Sell a Business, and recently developed a new product Start a Business Toolbox. He co-authored Real Estate Loopholes. These titles are included in the “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” wealth-building book series. Additionally, under the SuccessDNA Publishing label, Garrett has authored and co-authored numerous books including How to Use Limited Liability Companies and Limited Partnerships. Garrett’s books provide an accessible source of information for building your own success.

A member of the State Bars of Nevada and California, as well as the American Bar Association, Garrett attended Colorado College and the University of California at Berkeley where he received a B.S. in Business Administration in 1975. In 1978, he graduated with a J.D. from University of California’s Hastings College of Law in San Francisco.

Garrett also serves on the boards of the American Baseball Foundation, located in Birmingham, Alabama, The Sierra Kids Foundation and the Nevada Museum of Art, both located in Reno, Nevada.

Direct download: CW_1632_FBF.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Bob Pinnegar, CAE, is the President and Chief Executive Officer of the National Apartment Association (NAA), the leading voice and premier resource for the rental housing industry. Jason Hartman interviews Bob Pinnegar to discuss real eviction numbers and the possible expansion of Section-8. How have construction costs made it impossible to build new starter homes? How will the US residential and commercial picture change? Will it merge? Or will it move away from all norms? 

Key Takeaways:

[1:30] Could ANTIFA be behind that attack on Capitol Hill?

[3:00[ Maybe UBI isn’t all bad?

[3:45] Celebrating 1 Million Views on Youtube. Thanks to all of our Subscribers!

[7:30] 2020, A Year In Review

Bob Pinnegar

[21:25] Have there been evictions, have there been non-payment issues? 

[26:00] Will we see an expansion of Section-8, or a newer rental assistance program, or possibly UBI?

[30:00] 70 Billion in unpaid rent is expected, but what is the standard for unpaid rent?

[32:30] The construction costs make housing affordability impossible to build. 

[35:30] Our refusal to deal with housing problems has caused a change in urban communities. 

[38:00] Will major urban areas continue to have mass appeal? 

[39:00] Shopping malls have been redesigned into a lifestyle center?

[40:20] Rental housing will still be largely in demand. 


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Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn)

Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes)


Direct download: CW_Eviction_Problems_or_Not__National_Apartment_Assoc._Bob_Pinnegar.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

New Year, New Goals, Same proven asset class! Jason Hartman invites you to celebrate with him another fantastic year of prosperity for all real estate investors practicing some of Hartman’s proven investment techniques. Following the celebration, we must look for the “what next” plan or goal. How do you build your goals? Do you write them down? Do you create realistically achievable goals? 


Key Takeaways:

[1:30] Let’s celebrate our prosperous year of 2020 and look forward to another great one to follow. 

[5:00] The Hartman Stimulus Payment CONTEST

[8:45] Be a self-sufficient person.

[10:00] 80% of Americans do not have goals, and even fewer have written them down. 

[10:40 New Years’ Resolutions are so cliche. 

[12:15] A goal should be just out of reach but not out of sight. 

[15:20] The Winner of the 5-Year Plan Video Contest

[15:40] Winner, Michelle, laid out how she and her family intend to achieve their income property goals. 

[21:20] It’s the kind of person we become just by trying. 

[22:00] SMART Goals

[23:00] Smartsheet from

[26:50] Balance out your portfolio. 


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Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn)

Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes)


Direct download: CW_1630.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

This episode of FlashBack Friday was originally published on: Jan 23, 2013

Jason Hartman is joined by author and real estate investor, Barb Getty, as she talks about her journey into real estate investing, what it takes to be a good landlord or property manager, how to find and keep great tenants, and explains the eviction process.

The second of four children, Barb was born and raised in Gary, IN.  She graduated cum laude from Purdue and married soon after. After seven moves in nine years of marriage, her family settled in Indianapolis.

Tragedy struck in 1992 when her 17-year-old son was killed in a car accident.  Her daughters were 16 and 14 at the time.  Sadly, Barb’s 21-year marriage ended eight months after Todd’s death.  She bought a small home needing repairs, and following the fix-up, she and her daughters moved in.

Pleased with that first project, Barb purchased her first duplex (with little money, no credit and no experience), hoping she had the wherewithal to be a landlord.  Today, she owns 27+ units -- a mix of single and multi-family, low and middle income rentals.  interviewed her recently and the article also appeared in USA Today.   Barb has also added high-end property management, consulting and speaking engagements to her business.

Although she hasn’t had an easy road, Barb is both financially and emotionally invested in her work.  She invites people to watch a video showing scenes she faces as a landlord in the inner city.  It’s very compelling.  Barb authored The Landlord Chronicles:  Investing in Low and Middle Income Rentals, published in 2010. Armed with a positive attitude and a strong sense of humor, Barb Getty is making a difference in her tenants’ lives, the neighborhood and the city as well.


Jason Hartman Quick Start

Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn)

Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes)


Direct download: CW_1629_FBF.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST