Tue, 30 June 2020
![]() Familiarity breeds complacency. Jason Hartman and investment counselor Sara talk briefly on insuring quality products for client and investor satisfaction. In 3,000 years, we have never seen interest rates so low. Banks have pulled back sharply on lending for anything. Pat Donohoe returns to the show to discuss how it is that an economy grows. The keyword here is debt. Debt is priced into everything and used for growth. Meet The Masters Virtual: July 31 - August 2 Guests: Harry Dent, George Gammon, Sean Carroll Key Takeaways: [2:00] Out with the old and, in with the new local market specialists. How to ghost the guys in which you don’t want to do business. [6:15] Banks have pulled back sharply on lending to US consumers. [12:20] Interest rates are the lowest they’ve been in 3,000 years! Pat Donohoe [17:25] Have the rules changed in an era of riots and civil unrest? [20:45] Sometimes, you need contrast to understand the value of one system. [25:00] If someone makes a poor choice, there is no bailout. [29:00] Debt is priced into everything. It fuels the economy. [30”45] If you want to create real wealth, you simply must have capital formation. Websites: www.JasonHartman.com/properties |
Mon, 29 June 2020
Jason Hartman hosts today’s show on a booming economy and real estate market. How can one make sense of an economy with so much intervention? New home listings are on the rise but the luxury home market does not have as much growth in comparison. Whether it’s new homes or luxury homes, people are looking away from high-density areas for the purchase of their next home. Be the arbitrager, not just a landlord. Real estate investing is a multi-dimensional asset with many moving parts and opportunities to capitalize on your money. From the basic monthly profit to inflation-induced debt destruction, master your understanding of real estate investing. Get ready for Meet the Masters, Virtual. Meet The Masters Virtual: July 31 - August 2 Guests: Harry Dent, George Gammon, Sean Carroll Key Takeaways: [1:25] Very few things make sense in an economy that has this much intervention. [2:00] New homes listings will soon breach the pre-COVID level. [4:00] Luxury home markets see only 25 of 94 markets on the rise. [7:40] New listings of higher-end homes have been down by 46% while less expensive homes were down by 32%. This is an inventory decline across the board. [9:25] realtor.com shows numbers proving that people are looking for homes away from high-density areas. [11:20] Stock and bonds are fiat money. It is paper with no intrinsic value. [14:00] Listen for the recapitulation of the IIDD, inflation-induced debt destruction. [17:00] Is a real estate investor just someone who rents houses? [19:45] How can you financialize your life more? [21:30] The people closest to the money, get the richest. [24:00] Trickle-down economics vs trickle-up economics. [26:00] As Richard Cantillon discussed, “the more local you are to the money, the more you will be enriched by it.” [27:10] I’m an arbitrager, not just a landlord. [30:00] If you don’t have a plan for your life, you’re going to become someone else’s plan. [31:00] Final thoughts on the Cantillon Effect. Websites: www.JasonHartman.com/properties |
Fri, 26 June 2020
![]() This episode of FlashBack Friday was Originally Released: January 14, 2015 Today on the Creating Wealth show, Jason returns from the Meet the Masters event and tells his listeners that he still believes that investing within the United States is your best option as oppose to internationally. He also introduces his guest Dr. Ben Carson on the show where they talk about the medical system, debt, big government, and Ben's latest book entitled One Nation. Key Takeaways: [2:00] Should you invest internationally or nationally? [7:10] Arthur C Clarke once said, “The only thing we can be sure about the future is that it'll be absolutely fantastic.” [9:45] Touches a little bit on the Meet the Masters event. [12:45] We have so many bad examples of what big government is, yet history keeps repeating itself. [15:00] Dr. Ben Carson talks about alternatives that would make the medical system better. [17:50] “Those who want to fundamentally change America, know that you first must divide Americans.” - Ben Carson [18:00] Ben talks about what his latest book, One Nation, is about. [22:10] Detroit is the poster child for big government disaster. [25:45] If we just obey, then the government wins by default. [29:25] The United States has the highest corporate tax rate in the world, which is why businesses are taking their locations overseas instead. [33:00] Ben talks about how you can get enough courage to take control and achieve your American dream. Websites: www.JasonHartman.com/properties |
Thu, 25 June 2020
![]() Debt, deficit, GDP, and IMF. Jason Hartman clears up some confusion and expresses some views on the constant flow of relief funds. As well, some news about the upcoming Meet The Masters, Virtual Sofa Summit. Mark your calendars for July 31 thru August 2. He is one of the most famous economic investigative journalists of all time, Jason Hartman interviews James B. Steel. Jason ask James about the decimated middle class, how did we get here, and how can we get out? As well, James touches on health care and the American dream, and how to make the middle class viable again. Meet The Masters Virtual: July 31 - August 2 Harry Dent, George Gammon, Sean Carroll Book: America What Went Wrong, The Crisis Deepens by Donald Barlett & James B. Steele Key Takeaways: [3:30] Let’s talk about the IMF’s new report, (International Monetary Fund). [5:00] Global debt vs global GDP. [6:45] Clarifying debt and deficit. [8:45] Keep the relief fund flowing, regardless of the debt and deficit? James B. Steele [13:45] The middle class has been decimated, without a real dollar raise in four decades. How can this be? [18:00] Discussing how the median income is behind pace. [22:30] The free market has been wonderful for this country but it cannot solve this problem we’re in. [26:00] How could health care be solved? [30:00] Who are the global money men? [31:00] Is there hope for the American dream? [34:15] The solution; what is the foundation that makes the middle class viable again? Websites: www.JasonHartman.com/properties
Direct download: CW_1493_What_Went_Wrong_James_B_Steele.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST |
Wed, 24 June 2020
Jason Hartman talks about the U.S. dollar and its strength through pandemic times, while Steven Roach has differing opinions. Will the dollar decline because of coronavirus or will the global currency maintain its value? Also, record low interest rates caused the sale of new homes to jump in May. Brent Johnson returns to the show to discuss the broad term currency as it pertains to gold, the U.S. dollar, and many other currencies around the world. Brent shares his views on gold and the role it plays. As well, Brent and Jason discuss what is needed for money to be loaned into existence. Key Takeaways: [1:42] Steven Roach’s new prediction. [2:45] The ‘Sofa Summit,’ Meet the Masters 22nd Anniversary, in virtual style new dates: July 31st (Friday Evening), Saturday and Sunday, August 1st and 2nd. With keynote speaker, Harry Dent! [4:45] Will the dollar decline because of Coronavirus? [14:00] Sales of new homes jumped in May due to low interest rates. Brent Johnson [18:35] Let’s talk about gold and the role it plays. [25:00] Because money is loaned into existence, you need monetary velocity or credit expansion to be taking place. [28:00] What about military tensions? [32:45] How delicate is our economy that corporate giants need bailouts as bad as family-owned restaurants? Websites: twitter: @santiagoaufund www.JasonHartman.com/properties |
Tue, 23 June 2020
Jason Hartman reminds listeners to refi ’till ya die! Jason takes some questions and comments from listeners pertaining to possible strategy changes in investing due to COVID-19. While the 1% has always been a good rule of thumb, right now you might be able to rule it out. What is the “dollar milkshake theory”? Brent Johnson joins Jason Hartman to share his ideas and concepts on macroeconomics. Particularly, what’s the strength of the U.S. dollar, and how does it compare to gold and other currencies? Brent also shares his thoughts on modern monetary theory and the possibility of its presence in the future, and potential problems. Key Takeaways: [2:15] Questions from listeners starting with questions about the 1% rental rate. [6:00] Don’t forget, REFI till ya Die! [9:30] Comment or criticism? Let’s find out. [12:00] A few of the many reasons that suburbia is on the rise. [15:30] The DTI for qualified mortgage standards. Brent Johnson [16:00] Dollar milkshake theory. [18:00] Discussing MMT Modern Monetary Theory [19:30] Until a new system is designed, there is no place to go, other than the U.S. dollar. [23:10] Does MMT work, or is a pipe-dream? Websites: Twitter: @santiagoaufund www.JasonHartman.com/properties |
Mon, 22 June 2020
Will we see any states secede from the union after this ever-growing U.S. polarization, Texas? Jason Hartman speaks critically of value destroyers, be a value creator. And with current updates around the U.S., questions arise as LA is proposing a vacancy tax to motivate landlords to lower their rent, instead of holding out for the right price. Cammy Bowker, founder of Global Education Philanthropists, joins Jason to educate listeners on the heinous existence of human trafficking around the world and even in your community. Find out everything you need to know to become active in helping to fight this crime. Key Takeaways: [4:00] Will we see any states secede from the union? [6:00] Value creators, value consumers, value destroyers. [12:30] Los Angeles, CA Vacancy Tax Ballot Measure? Cammy Bowker [21:00] How did Cammy’s story, and experience with education start in Haiti? [25:00] Does this problem stem from economic problems, and what’s the process? [26:00] Human trafficking has no socioeconomic bias. It happens in affluent U.S. communities as well as third world countries. [27:00] Over 1.2 million children are taken into trafficking annually. [28:25] Adaptive Ops is the sister organization to Global Education Philanthropists. [31:00] Discussing the extremely controversial black market. [33:30] If you used to be in special services, and would like to be an operator, they are very much needed. Websites:
Direct download: CW_1490_10th_Human_Trafficking_Cammy_Bowker.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST |
Fri, 19 June 2020
![]() This episode of FlashBack Friday was Originally Released: October 2, 2011 Jason Hartman talks with Chris Mayer who is managing editor of the Capital and Crisis and Mayer’s Special Situations newsletters. He also is a contributor to the Daily Reckoning. Graduating magna cum laude with a degree in finance and an MBA from the University of Maryland, he began his business career as a corporate banker. Mayer left the banking industry after ten years and signed on with Agora Financial. His book, Invest Like a Dealmaker, Secrets of a Former Banking Insider, documents his ability to analyze macro issues and micro investment opportunities to produce an exceptional long-term track record of winning ideas. Mayer’s commentary has been featured by MarketWatch, Russia Today TV, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, and the Huffington Post. http://dailyreckoning.com/author/chrismayer/ Websites: www.JasonHartman.com/properties
Direct download: CW_1489_FBF_Capital__Crisis_with_Chris_Mayer3.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST |
Thu, 18 June 2020
Jason Hartman responds to listener questions about tax liens being an interesting business right now. As well, he expands on some thoughts about supply/demand shock. Particularly, he makes this comparison using the recent changes in airline prices, webcams, and maybe even the housing market in cyclical areas. Harry speaks on his thoughts about gold, cryptocurrency, and inflation. Specifically, asset vs consumer inflation. What causes inflation? What’s to be expected in the future when it comes to commercial real estate or the once sought after McMansions? Key Takeaways: [3:45] Everything you hear doesn’t have to be right, but it can be an additional tool for reasoning. [4:30] Listener Question from James Altucher: Do you think that tax liens might be an interesting business right now? [9:20] A question from a listener, Brit: regarding massive home foreclosures when compared to the parallels of the supply/demand shock of the airlines. Harry Dent, Part 2 [16:30] What is Harry Dent’s opinion on cryptocurrency, bitcoin? [19:45] Gold correlates with one thing, inflation. [21:30] Money printing doesn’t necessarily cause inflation. [22:30] What does cause inflation? [25:15] Asset vs. consumer inflation, that’s the bubble. [27:00] This is way worse than the debt bubble, this is a financial asset bubble. [31:30] Commercial real estate and McMansions will collapse while the 3/2 will go on to thrive. [37:00] The first billionaires were born of the great depression. Websites: www.JasonHartman.com/properties |
Wed, 17 June 2020
The housing market still doesn’t have enough supply to meet the demand of even those that are employed and can afford a house. Jason Hartman wants to know if you can handle the truth about why there aren’t enough homes to buy right now. As well, how has deregulation served us, or hindered us? Harry Dent returns for the rant of the year! “This is a bubble that is waiting to pop,” says Dent as he opens up about the Coronavirus just being a cover for some underlying economic issues. “This is much worse than a debt-bubble, it’s a financial asset bubble.” Webinar News: Webinar Coming Soon! Rent Guarantee Insurance Key Takeaways: [4:30] “You want the truth?” [8:45] The Atlanta Market heats UP! [10:30] Here’s why there aren’t enough homes to buy right now. [11:30] Deregulation can serve as an aid as well as a problem. [15:10] Home builders are holding off on new homes. [19:10] Construction of new homes was cut in half. Harry Dent [22:30] This is a bubble that was waiting to pop, and Coronavirus was just the cover. [23:00] All of this money printing does not stop the virus. [27:00] "There is no going back to normal here after 25% of restaurants and some areas closed down." [33:45] China has already hit its peak. It is going to have trouble keeping up with India. Websites: www.JasonHartman.com/properties |
Tue, 16 June 2020
Not a cryptocurrency, but a COVID-Currency. Jason Hartman shares news of a small town in Washington that has created their own local currency, something that hasn’t been used since the Great Depression. And as always, it’s good to ask, “compared to what?” This letter home from a college student couldn’t illustrate this principle more clearly when it comes to gaining perspective. Let’s step back in time for a lesson on the inflation/deflation shell game. Lastly, Jason talks about the wildly unsurprising news that the bidding wars for homes have left the big cities and moved largely to the burbs. Key Takeaways: [1:00] Let’s not forget to ask one of life’s most important questions. [2:45] A letter home from a college student, further illustrating the strength of the question, “compared to what?” [5:40] A small town in Washington is printing its own currency during the pandemic. [12:45] House hunters are swarming the villages and rural communities outside of NYC. [15:15] Predictions of housing purchases in the suburbs rising faster than those of the cities. [16:45] The bidding war has moved to the burbs. [22:40] From an Alexa Flash Briefing, The Inflation/Deflation Shell Game. [32:45] Playing some inflationary hypotheticals. Websites: www.JasonHartman.com/properties |
Mon, 15 June 2020
Jason Hartman regretfully informs that there is currently a diminishing housing inventory in the US, but not to fret, linear markets are still in great shape. Dan Franks joins Jason today as part of a client case study. Dan is a former CPA, happy to have handed off the CPA duties to someone else as he manages his investment portfolio. As a fellow podcaster, he understands the value of information through podcasting and is here to share his story as a twelve-year listener of this show, and real estate investor. Key Takeaways: [3:00] Not enough houses on the market. [5:45] As inventory goes down, what happens to the average price per square foot (US)? Dan Franks [12:30] Dan Franks first podcast that he ever listened to was Creating Wealth. [18:00] How and where did you get started investing? [19:30] What got you interested in real estate, and the podcast? [22:00] What was step two for real estate investing? [27:00] When hiring an accountant, it’s great to find out if they speak the lingo of someone involved in real estate investing. [30:00] How did this transform from investment to real estate business for you? [36:15] What are your goals with your real estate portfolio? Websites: Podcast Movement with Co-Founder Dan Franks www.JasonHartman.com/properties
Direct download: CW_1485_Client_Case_Study_Dan_Franks_CPA.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST |
Sun, 14 June 2020
Who is your investment guide? Jason Hartman shares some differences between getting caught up and getting ahead with your money management. Millennials are fleeing big cities for suburbs, and this isn’t the first we are hearing of it. This trend started in 2018 and continues through pandemic times. Hugh discusses the early signs of chaos that awaits us as we move away from an accepted form of order. It’s not always a perfect situation for investing, especially if you only have one mindset for profit. Chaotic times call for positioning yourself to profit from a different angle. Webinar: Southwest Florida JasonHartman.com/Webinar Key Takeaways: [4:15] Beware of the bubble gum investment advice. Is this where you want to be? [8:00] America has done a good job trying to destroy itself in the last 8 years. [9:30] The Greatest Management Principle In The World by Michael LeBoeuf [13:45] What gets rewarded, gets repeated. [16:15] Millennials are fleeing big cities for the suburbs. Hugh Hendry [19:00] Looking for predictions in gold, the dollar, etc. [26:30] We are conditioned by the very slow passage of time. [27:00] Gold has been trending. [29:45] 50 years ago we were pivoting from chaos to order. Today, we are pivoting from an accepted order to chaos. [31:18] We live in a world where instead of reducing the money supply, they are desperate to increase the money supply. [35:15] In preparation, think of the most chaotic events becoming normalized, and how you can profit from chaos instead of order. [36:30] At the bottom of a deleveraging cycle, everything is cheap. [38:30] “May you live in interesting times,” -the quote is back. Websites: Twitter: @hendry_hugh Instagram: HughHendryOfficial www.JasonHartman.com/properties |
Sat, 13 June 2020
![]() The home is the center of the universe! Jason Hartman shares his thoughts on the jump in home improvements through the pandemic. More people are buying homes because of the coronavirus pandemic and they want more space to work from home. Hugh Hendry joins Jason to share what was going through his head through the 2008 recession and what preliminary actions he took to position himself well. Everyone is wondering “where are we going [market]” and Hendry shares some thoughts based on actions the Fed took over the last 60 years. Webinar: Southwest Florida JasonHartman.com/Webinar Key Takeaways: [1:30] The stay at home orders caused a huge jump in home improvement projects. [5:10] “They will vote with their feet.” [6:00] Why did 69% of 5,000 homebuyers move during the pandemic? Lowest Mortgage Rates Ever? Hugh Hendry [14:00] 31.2% positive return back in the 2008 recession [15:00] To be curious you have to misbehave first. [18:30] Discussing the “boom-market in fear.” [24:00] Everybody is wondering where we are going [market]? [30:00] What is your stance on Paul Volcker? [33:30] What is the FED doing wrong? Websites: |
Fri, 12 June 2020
Today’s Flashback Friday episode was originally released: February 17, 2010 Jason discusses commercial real estate and the value of housing vs office and retail properties. Next, a radio interview on Platinum’s Predictions White Paper Special Report with an exclusive “ROI Build” profiling over 30 markets nationwide including The S&P/Case–Shiller Home Price Indices. The White Paper includes forty (40) pages of unique information, innovative thinking, including executive summary, numerous charts and graphs, narrative information you will need to make wise decisions in 2010 and beyond. Also included are market predictions of over 30 markets nationwide including Platinum’s exclusive ROI build showing projected return on investment for each market – NOBODY ELSE DOES THIS! |
Thu, 11 June 2020
What craziness are we living in? Jason Hartman speaks on the hard times urging more and more people to migrate to suburban areas. Expert of home inspections, Kathleen Kuhn, joins Jason to share what to look for and what’s most problematic in home inspections. Kathleen gives the 101 and the advanced tools needed to make sure that you get your home inspections done properly. Webinar: Southwest Florida JasonHartman.com/Webinar Key Takeaways: [1:30] The inmates are running the asylum. [6:00] What are the police doing right now in response to the protests? [12:45] The self-fulfilling prophecy is neither true nor false. [13:30] How hard will the GDP be hit in various countries, in 2020? [16:00] Always get a home inspection, learn from the best, Kathleen Kuhn. [16:30] What are some of the most common home inspection problems seen? [18:45] Roof flashing 101, and its importance. [21:15] In regards to home inspection, is there an ideal location, that is less problematic? [22:45] Do you prefer a certain construction style as far as the quality of build? [26:00] Understanding the prices of home inspections and add-on inspections. [29:00] How do you mitigate radon? [30:30] Requesting a re-inspection [33:30] How has the use of drones changed the home inspection process? Websites:
Direct download: CW_1481_Kathleen_Kuhn_How_To_Do_A_Home_Inspection.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST |
Wed, 10 June 2020
![]() Before Jason talks with guest, Nick Adams, about how great America is, Jason shares some export numbers state by state. How does each industry contribute to a states exports and how much does population play a role in the total export amount? Jason Hartman speaks with a four-time best-selling author, and motivational speaker, Nick Adams. Today, they discuss how the U.S. will turn it around, and continue to be the greatest country in the world. How would things be different if Churchill had not been around, and what similarities can we draw comparing him to Trump? Webinar: Southwest Florida JasonHartman.com/Webinar Book: Trump Vs Churchill, Defenders of Western Civilization by Nick Adams Key Takeaways: [2:00] Graph from the US Census Bureau [4:30] Be skeptical, of the anyone and everyone. [5:00] Let’s talk about the states that are the biggest exporters. [10:00] Go Texas! Largest exporting state of the U.S. [15:30] Crowdfunding commercial investing? Why? [21:30] How will the U.S. turn it around? [24:30] Is the United States of America living up to its potential? [27:00] How things would’ve been different had Churchill not have been around. [28:20] Comparing Trump to Churchill. [32:25] Never bet against America Websites:
Direct download: CW_1480_Nick_Adams_American_Boomerang.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST |
Tue, 9 June 2020
Do you think deflation is good or bad? Jason Hartman invites you to listen to opposing ideas about deflation, how governments approach it, and what benefits it may or may not have for investors. Founder and former CEO of Build Direct, Jeff Booth joins Jason on his discussion about deflation. Listen as best selling author of The Price of Tomorrow, Why Deflation is the Key to an Abundant Future, shares some of the knowledge from his book on deflation in the economy. Books: The Price of Tomorrow: Why Deflation is the Key to an Abundant Future by Jeff Booth Key Takeaways: [3:00] Is deflation good? [11:30] National Bureau of Economic Research, NBER, officially declared the U.S. recession started in February 2020. Guest Jeff Booth [16:00] There is nothing governments can do long term, deflation will win. [19:30] Speaking about 2008, we should’ve ended up in a depression. [20:30] Governments all over the world distort the market, they don’t allow price discovery. [21:00] Elaborating on the “Ponzi Economy.” [22:00] Deflation makes your value of money go up because goods and services go down in relation to your money. [23:00] Can deflation be responsible for inflation? [23:45] Price discovery example scenario: Zoom went from 10 million to 300 million users in a month and a half. [24:45] Why do governments fight deflation? [24:45] Understanding the power of inflation as it pertains to paying debt, but how much power does technology have over inflation/deflation? [34:30] Jeff Booth explaining his idea of doubling up. [36:00] How can we understand exponential growth? Websites: Jeff Booth (@JeffBooth) · Twitter Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn) Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes) 1-800-HARTMAN |
Mon, 8 June 2020
The key is to take action, but the purpose of today’s show is to explain why the actions we take make sense. Jason Hartman and Evan Moffic discuss the mortgage credit availability index, MCAI, and affordability. What has changed since 2004? Why would one wait and try to time the market? What’s the opportunity cost of timing the market? Meet the Masters - 22nd Anniversary July 10th, Friday evening July 11th, Saturday July 12th, Sunday Key Takeaways: [2:00] We are investors in commodities, all of this awful destruction that is going on causes upward pressure on these commodities prices. [7:00] Discussing the opportunity cost of lost money by waiting and trying to time the market. [8:00] Diving into the affordability index and the MCAI [13:20] Mortgage Credit Availability Index MCAI [14:00] Affordability = mortgage payments vs income [16:30] Show recommendation, America In Color [18:00] Watching the index move, in hindsight, from 2004 to 2019. What can we learn and expect? [26:00] At some point, you want to be satisfied. [28:15] “Successful people are willing to do things that unsuccessful people are unwilling to do.” [34:00] Choose your company well. Websites: Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn) Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes) 1-800-HARTMAN |
Fri, 5 June 2020
Enjoy a FREE sample of Jason Hartman's Financial Freedom report in audio format. To subscribe, please visit: https://www.jasonhartman.com/events/ Websites: Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn) Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes) 1-800-HARTMAN |
Thu, 4 June 2020
Position or Profit? Position yourself for the rise of suburbia. With several contributing factors for people migrating away from mid-rise and high-rise condos, suburbia looks better and better. Jason Hartman shares real estate investing strategies that have proven effective for decades. However, current events have made these strategies more appealing. Investment Counselor, Doug, shares supporting investment tips based on the book, The Dao of Capital by Mark Spitznagel. Books: The Dao of Capital by Mark Spitznagel Key Takeaways: [2:00] The rise of suburbia has contributing factors from multiple angles. [8:00] Investment Counselor, Doug [9:30] Discussing, The Dao of Capital, Investing in a Distorted World, Mark Spitznagel [11:00] Instead of focusing on profit, focus on your position. [15:00] Discussing strategies like searching for weak companies. [19:00] When you have population migrations it puts upward pressure on both price and rent. [22:30] The demand for sub 250k homes goes up, as 2.3 million potentially leave mid and high-rise condos. [28:00] Dollar-cost averaging, the Spitznagel way. [30:00] Timing the market, people often forget to calculate the cash that they lose by waiting. [32:00] People buy a house because the payment is affordable, not the price. Websites: Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn) Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes) 1-800-HARTMAN |
Wed, 3 June 2020
Horrible unemployment, stock market rally, and a booming housing market. Has the U.S. economy already recovered? Banks are worried, lenders are tightening up, and the overall mortgage process has changed. Aaron Kopelson discusses with Jason Hartman, some of the biggest changes he has seen in the last few months. Key Takeaways: [2:30] The U.S. Economy, has the recovery already occurred? The greatest 50-day stock market rally of the S&P, in all of history. [4:00] We give the government a monopoly on violence. [7:15] Is the economy waking up with a roar? [10:00] Virtual Meet The Masters: July 10th, 11th, & 12th Guest Aaron Kopelson [11:30] One of the mortgage lenders' current biggest fears, and reasons for tightening up, is an early payment default or a first payment default. [13:00] What is a jumbo loan, and what defines the limits per market? [15:00] There’s no appetite from investors that want to buy mortgage-backed securities for these non-QM loans. [17:00] Real estate is a credit backed asset. When the financing starts to dry up, so do the prices. [20:00] Nobody was paid to put the brakes on and look at where we ended up (2008 recession)? [21:20] Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac are allowing for drive-by and desktop appraisals. [24:25] Is mortgage insurance allowed on investment properties? [28:10] V.O.E. Verification of Employment is growing in importance for loan approvals. [29:45] What’s an overlay? Websites: Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn) Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes) 1-800-HARTMAN |
Tue, 2 June 2020
Jason Hartman talks of topics around the world, gaining perspective, and a large congratulations to the U.S. space partnership and recent launch. The importance of perspective can not be stressed enough in helping to make decisions, both personally and for investments. Ryan Moran is back on the show today to finish up his discussion on taking your business to seven figures. While we often think of the question, “what is the product,” the focus needs to be, “who is the audience?” As well, Ryan shares his views on real estate investing and the economy, post-pandemic. Webinar: Wednesday, June 3rd Books: 12 Months to $1 Million by Ryan Moran Key Takeaways: [1:26] Do you watch “Billions?” [2:17] Watch old movies, gain perspective on today. [3:15] Congrats to SpaceX [5:45] Questions from the most recent Webinar. [7:30] Explaining BOOT [14:00] U.S. food prices see a historic jump and are likely to stay high. Guest Ryan Moran [17:00] What goes on outside the Amazon world? [21:00] Is the magic question, “what’s the product?” [27:00] You can have two brands for the same product, and market them to two audiences. They can both be wildly successful. [37:00] Real estate trends post Coronavirus. [41:00] Cocooning, from home theatre systems to home gyms. [45:00] Considering the Federal Reserve the fourth branch of government. Websites: Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn) Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes) 1-800-HARTMAN |
Mon, 1 June 2020
If you don’t have a side hustle, you need one. In the middle of recessions and depression, everything can feel like a big deal. Jason Hartman shares perspective on the tragedies surrounding us with the pandemic and the protests. Add some balance and comfort through tough times building your knowledge on investment properties. Ryan Moran, author of, 12 Months to $1 Million, joins Jason today to discuss some of his tactics that led to his success. Sometimes better business isn’t about what you sell, but more-so, how your business is focused. Books: 12 Months to $1 Million by Ryan Moran Key Takeaways: [1:15] If you don’t have a side hustle, you need one. [6:00] At the end of the day, everyone is talking about their agenda. [8:00] Much like past recessions and depressions, when you’re in it it seems like a much bigger deal than it is. [10:30] Mad as hell! [10:45] The dollar buys a nickel’s worth. Guest: Ryan Moran [20:20] “I’ve discovered that there are a lot of things not worth pursuing, but the pursuit is worth it.” [26:15] “Minimum wage is an institution, something that you’re trying to force into society…” [29:00] Moran, how did you get your career started, and what role did the early affiliate marketing role play in where you are today? [31:20] Your business is determined not by what you sell, but who you sell to. [32:50] The game is about building to an audience quickly, and monetizing to that audience. [33:00] What Joe Rogan did for Spotify! [36:10] What’s the extent of e-commerce beyond Amazon? [37:00] Eventually we will drop the E in e-commerce. Websites: Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn) Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes) 1-800-HARTMAN |