Mon, 30 November 2020
Jason Hartman shares evidence of bullish signs for the real estate market. Also, let's take a look at the S&P500 movement for the last 12 months; it's good to know where your investment sits in comparison to the market. Andrew Cushman joins Jason to talk about rental scarcity. Andrew shares graphs and figures to paint a picture of real estate movement and migration in the US. Key Takeaways: [2:45] The number of 2020 [4:45] to set up different entities. [7:10] 3.6 million long-term unemployed Americans without work for 6 months or more. [9:00] Will there be a stimulus extension? [13:00] How are stocks trading on their 200-day averages? [16:00] Governments do produce at least one thing. Andrew Cushman [22:00] Discussing the "tricky" economy, with the odd unemployment compared to stock market success. [23:00] Will this be the next great depression, or is everything going to be OK? [25:00] The millennials, the largest generation, are getting to the point where they are forming households. [29:30] How much of a housing shortage are we looking at? [34:30] California is losing the people that have the desired incomes for rental property. [35:00] California is a banana republic. [41:30] Opportunity zone, is it overrated? [43:30] Thou shalt not gamble; the property needs to make sense the day you buy it. Websites: Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn) Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes) 1-800-HARTMAN |
Fri, 27 November 2020
This episode of Flashback Friday was originally published on: November 21, 2018 Jason Hartman starts today from his Aunt Joanie's house discussing a recent trend among her renters: lease breaking. Joanie has noticed that several of her tenants seem to be jumping in to the buy side after they had given up over the summer. Jason and Joanie discuss why this might be and the correlation between rents and home prices. Then Jason talks with Diana Butler Bass, Ph.D. in religious studies and award-winning author of 10 books including her newest, Grateful: The Transformative Power of Giving Thanks. The two dive in to why being grateful is important, both for the community and the individual. Diana explains the 4 dispositions of gratitude and the health benefits that come from being grateful. PLUS, don't forget to take advantage of Jason's massive Black Friday/Cyber Monday Sale! Key Takeaways: [4:01] People are starting to break leases more often [7:02] Fear of loss is more powerful than desire for gain [9:26] Rents and prices are inversely correlated [11:23] Why Aunt Joanie got into real estate Diana Butler Bass Interview: [16:15] Gratitude actually makes you healthier [21:34] Gratitude functions out of our higher brain, whereas fear functions out of our primal brain. It also helps things in you physically like blood pressure [24:39] The world has changed and we need to stop acting solely from our fear instincts [25:37] The 4 dispositions of gratitude [30:06] Play isn't just about competition, it's about appreciation, movement, and celebration. Ritual celebrations of thanksgiving are important parts of our culture Website: |
Thu, 26 November 2020
Jason Hartman, Rabbi Moffic, and everyone here in the Hartman Network wish you a Happy Thanksgiving! We thank you all for being devoted listeners, active investors, and top-tier landlords.
Direct download: CW_1603_-_Giving_Thanks_-_The_Power_of_Gratitude_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST |
Wed, 25 November 2020
![]() Have Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac adjusted the loan limits because they are adapting to the market? Jason Hartman speaks on the change in loan limits and the changes in purchase volume. As well, here’s a quick update on the US jobs market broken down. Charles Goodhart and Manoj Pradhan return for part two in discussing interest rates with Japan as the main subject. Also, they discuss the nationalization of countries across the globe due to the necessity of self-reliance. Finally, Charles Goodhart shares Goodhart’s Law. Books: The Great Demographic Reversal: Ageing Societies, Waning Inequality, and an Inflation Revival Black Friday Deal: Key Takeaways: [1:45] Most counties will see a 7.5% increase in the loan limit. [4:45] The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) offered a prediction, along with their revised estimates, what will happen in terms of purchase volume. [7:35] Will next year be a time when it’s harder to get a good rent-to-value ratio? [10:00] People in the mortgage business are making money! [12:00] How’s the US job market doing? Charles Goodhart and Manoj Pradhan [17:45] The way Japan has been treated has been symptomatic of many of the analysis problems that we see in the global economy. [20:45] Manoj comments on what allowed Japan’s debt to get so high. [22:25] One result of the pandemic was that every country becomes more national and self-reliant. [24:45] Are we moving into an era of stagflation? [25:15] What kind of inflation is coming? US or Global? And how much? [30:00] Goodhart’s Law Websites: Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn) Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes) 1-800-HARTMAN |
Tue, 24 November 2020
![]() Jason Hartman invites all to be thankful and check out The Fannie Mae loan limits will be increasing; tell us what you think this will do at Charles Goodhart and Manoj Pradhan join today to elaborate on a significant global prediction that low-interest rates won’t last. When they go away, it will place substantial hardship on the economy. Charles and Manoj authored the book The Great Demographic Reversal, a book that will outline the rise in inflation and interest rates but lead to a pullback in inequality. In part I, Jason, Charles, and Manoj elaborate on the dependency ratio. Books: The Great Demographic Reversal: Ageing Societies, Waning Inequality, and an Inflation Revival Black Friday Deal: Key Takeaways: [2:00] It’s a time to be thankful. [3:20] The Fannie Mae loan limits are going to be increasing! [4:15] Jason Hartman Flash Briefing: The Story of Inflation [7:50] How are Manoj and Charles connected? [10:20] How have globalization and technology influenced inflation? [13:45] The debt ratios around the world have been jumping up very sharply. [14:00] Will interest rates go up? [15:00] The best way to get out of debt is to grow faster. [17:00] Japan is aging itself out of existence with its extremely low birthrates. [18:20] Robots won’t do; we need a reallocation from one part of the economy. [22:00] Why is the dependency ratio so important? Websites: Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn) Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes) 1-800-HARTMAN |
Mon, 23 November 2020
Florida continues to amaze! Jason Hartman speaks about continuous job growth in Florida. Jason sets up the interview with Vermeeren, sharing the importance and weight in one's life of having goals. Douglas Vermeeren joins the show today to discuss the power of thought shared in the film How Thoughts Become Things. Douglass and Jason speak on the profound ideas of building a life with thoughts, conversation, and your surroundings. From wealth to health, many ideas are influenced by the thoughts that you give them. Webinars: Black Friday Deal: Key Takeaways: [3:00] Goals have magnetism. [6:00] Cancel culture and the Rockefeller Christmas tree. [7:20] Florida has had six consecutive months of month over month job growth. [9:30] Trump fired Sidney Powell Douglas Vermeeren [13:00] We become what we think about. [16:05] Our thoughts are highjacked by the stimulus around us, all the time. [17:45] We become like the five people we spend the most time with. [22:00] Your network becomes your safety net, then becomes your net worth. [23:00] "Fake it 'till you make it" is the biggest lie that's out there. [24:45] A goal that is specific and clear becomes attainable and near. [29:00] Don't' focus on the haters; focus on those that actually can pay you. [33:00] Should we think outside the box or find the right box to think within? Websites: Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn) Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes) 1-800-HARTMAN
Fri, 20 November 2020
![]() Today's Flash Back Friday was originally published in October 2014. Jason Hartman speaks to author and former Department of Justice attorney, Sidney Powell. Together, they dive into some of the most scandalous and outrageous cases which have based through the Department of Justice in recent decades. Step-by-step, they overview several of the cases featured in Powell’s book Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice and consider the true state of our society. Key Takeaways 01.00 – Sidney Powell’s book, Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice, deals with some of the most scandalous and historic events to come out of the United States’ Department of Justice. 09.20 – Within the Merrill Lynch case, it got to the point where favorable statements were hidden for six years while four Merrill Lynch executives were sent to prison without even a listed criminal offense. 13.00 – Sometimes there are two sides to a story and you need to dig a little deeper to find out what really happened. 16.55 – You have to question when a judge says he’s never had such a fine person before him for sentencing, and then passes a sentence. 20.20 – (Project on Government Oversight) has identified over 400 instances of misconduct by prosecutors in the last decade. 22.00 – Despite having a criminal conviction against his name a few days before the re-election, Ted Stevens only lost his place on the Senate by a few votes. 27.45 – The Bar associations are less than useless in these situations because they just give the same response. 32.00 – Judge Sullivan is turning around the Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the IRS and doing his best to achieve a just result. 34.10 – There are too many aspects of the IRS case that just seem conveniently timed for it to be believable. 34.40 – Many of Sidney’s articles about these issues can be found at 36.40 – If the IRS is being used to target political opponents, who gave that order? 38.45 – Information about the book and how to purchase it can be found at Tweet Sidney using the handle @SidneyPowell1 and be sure to ‘like’ Licensed to Lie on Facebook. Websites: Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn) Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes) 1-800-HARTMAN |
Thu, 19 November 2020
Jason Hartman shares the good news; interest rates at another record low! Texas is recording an increasing homeownership rate. Is it better for investors, society, the economy if homeownership rates continue to increase? Jenna Weinerman, VP of Marketing from, returns in part two to discuss some additional figures on Americans' moving away from big cities. This suburban tsunami has some big-city dwellers headed back to their hometowns. Charlotte Market Profile Webinar: Key Takeaways: [2:35] We broke another record with interest rates! [5:00] Is an increasing homeownership rate a good thing? Jenna Weinerman [10:30] What cities are making headlines and why? The Covid-19 Effect on NYC [11:45] San Franciscans liked to stay in California, while NYC residents likely left the state. [15:25] Jenna continues to break down where people that fled ended up. [17:15] Where did San Franciscans go? … besides California, Texas! [22:00] Where are Boston and Vegas residents going? [25:00] A lot of people are moving to Denver, CO. Where are they coming from? [29:30] What should our country expect moving forward? [34:00] If there were ever a time to purchase a home, now is it! Websites: Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn) Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes) 1-800-HARTMAN |
Wed, 18 November 2020
Jason Hartman calls it The Suburban Tsunami; others have referred to it as The Covid Effect; it all amounts to one thing: a mass exodus of big cities like NYC and San Francisco, and a migration to the suburbs. Jason Hartman talks about the big move, the university debt enslavement complex, and home prices that one man says are rising too fast. Jenna Weinerman, VP of Marketing from, joins Jason Hartman to share some facts and figures on Americans' move out of big cities. Updater is an app that helps to complete all of the peoples' moving-related tasks. This app has a lot of moving data collected from real estate businesses across the US. Thursday: Charlotte Market Profile Webinar: Key Takeaways: [1:30] The Suburban Tsunami! [8:45] The university debt enslavement complex, and massive vacancies in college towns. [13:45] Lawrence Yun, chief economist of NAR, "home prices are rising much too fast." [15:30] 120% gross ONE year! Jenna Weinerman [22:00] What is Updater? [23:00] With Updater, they can survey one-third of the market. [25:00] Jenna explains the difference between moving and a relocation event in terms of the pandemic. [26:45] Is there support for the anecdotal evidence that people are moving mid-pandemic? [29:45] There are many bidding wars across the country with this unusually long real estate season. [31:00] Zoom fatigue. But the tech is there to work from home. [31:45] Three more national moving trends starting with: the distance that someone moved. [34:45] Why did mobility spike? Why are people moving in this period? [35:15] Are people leaving the city? [38:30] Warm southwest climates are receiving more new residents. [43:00] You can't always take data at face value. Websites: Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn) Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes) 1-800-HARTMAN |
Tue, 17 November 2020
Jason Hartman elaborates on the migration of people from big cities, or as he has defines it: the reallocation of brainpower, venture capital, and tech startups. Jason talks about how the necessity for concentrated areas in these fields is no longer needed. People will be able to take advantage of cheaper places to live, with more space available. 300,000 New Yorkers or more have already made this decision. Jason Hartman speaks with returning guest, Doug Casey of Casey Research. The often controversial author of many books including, The International Man, is asked about what he expects after this election. Casey also weighs in on the possibility of a cultural revolution. Covid-19 can and will affect the dollar, and real estate taxes, particularly those in big cities. Finally, Casey shares his views on Trump of Biden. Thursday: Charlotte Market Profile Webinar: Key Takeaways: [1:45] Tired of hearing about people leaving big cities? Here are the latest updates and predictions. [4:45] Looking at the potential reallocation of brainpower, venture capital, tech startups. This will be spread all around the country and less concentrated. [7:45] More than 300,000 New Yorkers have bailed from the Big Apple in the last eight months. [10:00] The number of shootings up through November 8th is up 94% over last year. Doug Casey [14:00] Let's talk about the election! [15:00] Is the US facing a veritable cultural revolution, similar to that of China 1966-1976? [17:00] If you own property in big cities, expect real estate taxes to rise even further. [18:30] "The dollar will be like toilet paper." [26:00] Why Trump or Biden? [28:15] Nobody wants to see the US break up on his watch. Websites: Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn) Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes) 1-800-HARTMAN |
Mon, 16 November 2020
Jason Hartman asks of you to ponder the Doug Casey quote, the thought of how far the human race would have advanced without government simply staggers the imagination." Where would we be if we weren't held back by the powers that be? Has the median home price risen too fast? How will this correct itself? Jason Hartman speaks with returning guest, Doug Casey of Casey Research. The often controversial author of many books including, The International Man, is asked about what he expects after this election. Casey shares views on anarchism, the civil, non-violent version, as well as the reasons he intends to leave Aspen, Colorado. Charlotte Market Profile Webinar: Key Takeaways: [3:00] "The thought of how far the human race would have advanced without government simply staggers the imagination." Doug Casey [5:00] The bigger the government, the smaller the citizen. [11:45] The prelude to the investment strength matrix. [14:40] Lawrence Yun of NAR says that median home prices are rising much too fast!!! [18:30] The random lengths weekly report of the lumber business says that framing lumber prices climbed further into record territory. [20:45] You've heard it here before, you'll hear it again..more people are migrating from NYC to Florida. [23:30] Besides the sunshine, reason number one for moving to Florida; no state income tax. [24:45] Want to save money on taxes, among other things? Go to Doug Casey [26:30] The "left" has the voice. [27:00] Aspen, Colorado, is being inundated with wealthy people from NY and California - the perfect time to bail. [29:30] Casey breaks down the differences between civil war, coup, and a secession movement. [32:45] What's the civil side of anarchism? [35:20] Thoughts on privatized prisons? Websites: Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn) Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes) 1-800-HARTMAN |
Fri, 13 November 2020
![]() This episode of Flashback Friday was originally published on: July 28, 2014 Introduction: Joel Naroff is the Founder, President & Chief Economist with Naroff Economic Advisors and a member of the Newsmax Financial Braintrust Alliance. He’s also the author of, “Big Picture Economics: How to Navigate the New Global Economy.” Naroff gives his take on the economic recovery and when he expects inflation to hit, if at all. He also discusses the effects tax cuts have on the economy. Naroff then talks about international economic hotspots and where people should produce and sell in our global economy. He thinks certain international events can ripple through the economy and ultimately affect workers in the Midwest. Key Takeaways: (2:27) Little Rock Creating Wealth in Today’s Economy Boot Camp and property tour, and other announcements Links: For more information about Joe Naroff: Bio: Joel L. Naroff is the president and founder of Naroff Economic Advisors, a strategic economic consulting firm. He advises companies across the country on the risks and opportunities that economic developments may have on the organization’s operating environment. A nationally recognized economic forecasting expert, Joel has received numerous honors. In 2011, he received the National Association for Business Economics Outlook Award as the top economic forecaster. NABE is the premier professional association for business economists. He also received the award in 2007. In 2008, he was awarded the Lawrence Klein Award for Blue Chip forecasting excellence. This is one of the oldest and most prestigious forecasting honors. Joel was the Bloomberg Business News top economic forecaster in 2008. In 2006, he was MSNBC’s top forecaster. Joel received his bachelor degrees in economics and chemistry from the Stony Brook University and his Ph.D. in economics from Brown University. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Economy League of Greater Philadelphia, teaches at the Central Atlantic Advanced School of Banking, is a past chairman of the American Bankers Association’s Economic Advisory Committee and is a past president of the Philadelphia Council of Business Economists. |
Thu, 12 November 2020
Jason Hartman shares his views on migration trends, supply/demand shock, and the pricing power that landlords hold right now. The millennials are a different generation with different renting versus buying trends. This opens up more opportunities for investors. Jason Hartman talks with author, Ken Van Liew, to find out what has changed in wealth building in modern times. Ken and Jason talk about investment opportunities away from high-density cities. They also discuss a few commercial real estate sectors, including converting commercial to residential, what might come of malls, and growth in the need for self-storage. Webinar: Ask your investment counselor about our new market! Books: Modern Wealth Building Formula: How To Master Real Estate Key Takeaways: [2:00] What state is leading in-migration? [5:00] Jason explains how we are currently experiencing supply/demand shock. [6:30] Landlords have pricing power right now. [10:30] Who owns most of the 16million single-family rental homes in the US? [11:45] Every market of 63 saw an increase in rents. [18:00] Recommendations: 1984, Fahrenheit 451, and The Unbearable Lightness of Being Ken Van Lieu [21:45] What’s different about ‘modern wealth building’? [26:30] To Ken, what are your thoughts on the shift of Americans away from high-density cities? [28:30] What commercial property can convert to residential? [33:30] What are we going to do with malls? [35:45] How will self-storage fair? Websites: Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn) Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes) 1-800-HARTMAN |
Wed, 11 November 2020
Investors, how does it feel to be in the right asset class and the right sector? Jason Hartman invites you to join him in a sigh of relief that the ‘boring, single-family homes’ continue to outperform! James Barrett discusses REI Software Tenant Turner to give you the upper hand on managing your properties remotely. With the power of this kind of technology, you can turn tenants faster, more efficiently, and with an extensive ability for filter customizations. Webinar: Thursday - November 12 Sunday - November 15 Key Takeaways: [1:15] Investors, let’s all take a sigh of relief - in it to win it. [6:25] Quoting articles, “world currencies gain against US dollar after Biden win.” [11:35] Houses are selling more than two weeks faster compared to the same time last year. James Barrett [15:30] With the power of technology and automation, property owners and investors in real estate can manage their properties without having to be there physically. [18:00] “You can configure the application till your heart is content,” referring to the filters for tenants that will fit your property, from move-in date to pets, etc. [23:00] Barrett explains how the tech works for landlords and tenants. [25:45] What kind of safeguards are in play? [27:15] What kind of lockboxes do you use? Websites: Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn) Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes) 1-800-HARTMAN |
Tue, 10 November 2020
Jason Hartman is joined by Richard Cupelli, founder of, and is here to tell you if section 8 housing is the right decision for your investment. Richard breaks down how section 8 housing works for the landlord and the tenant and informs those beyond their preconceived fear. Richard shares info from inspections to rent expectations to help you figure out if your investment is right for section 8. Webinar: Thursday - November 12 Sunday - November 15 Key Takeaways: [2:00] Almost politics-free: crony capitalism and fascism. [5:45] The EU is now prosecuting with new anti-trust probes and charges. [8:30] The US is facing the most severe housing crisis in history? Says who… Richard Cupelli, Founder of [14:00] is a listing service a lot like Zillow [17:00] What are the pros/cons of government-assisted tenants? [19:20] What’s the difference between government assistance and rent insurance? [22:45] To what extent are the inspections unnecessarily burdensome? [25:30] What types of properties qualify for section 8 housing? Websites: Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn) Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes) 1-800-HARTMAN |
Mon, 9 November 2020
Dr. Steve Turley joins Jason Hartman on this 10th episode special to discuss voter fraud, media bias, and fact-checking. Who are the so-called ‘fact-checkers’ of social media? Jason and Steve take live questions from listeners in this livestream episode that you can be a part of next time by subscribing to our YouTube channel and clicking on the notification bell. Key Takeaways: [2:30] From a Bloomberg article, Jason comments on the amount of options renters have in Manhattan. [10:10] What happens if the urban core is highly renovated? [15:20] “I just want to know who actually won the election.” [22:00] It’s not will Trump or Biden win; it’s will democratic voters win? [27:30] The judges don’t make the law; they interpret the law. [29:20] What’s the Stockade Principle? [31:22] “Great companies never lose confidence that we’re gonna get through this..” [36:00] Discussing Watermark QFS ballots. [39:00] We are moving into a network society as opposed to a mass society. [45:20] Liberalism is excellent if you can afford it. [51:00] 71 million Americans have turned off major news networks. [59:00] “Trumpism won” Websites: Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn) Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes) 1-800-HARTMAN |
Fri, 6 November 2020
![]() This episode of Flashback Friday was originally published on: May 1, 2012 Jason Hartman is joined on this episode by Greg Farrell, author of Crash of the Titans: Greed, Hubris, The Fall of Merrill Lynch, and the Near Collapse of Bank of America, for a discussion of the economic crash and the resulting bailouts, as well as some of the inside dealings with some of the major banks, such as the buyouts by Bank of America. Greg explains how these banks that participated in the buyouts grossly underestimated the depth of problems in their own banks and in those they acquired. Greg relates his research on Merrill Lynch’s attempt in the 1980s to become more like Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street banks, which was to their detriment because they lacked the expertise for such business practices, and became involved in and in the middle of many of the scandals of the late ‘80s and early ‘90s. Like CitiGroup, they were in over their head. Jason and Greg discuss Wall Street in general and then specific financial groups regarding the recklessness and risky businesses, funds, etc, that they entertained to give the impression of higher rates of returns. As the plot unfolded, large bonuses to CEOs and high-producing brokers came into play, which encouraged an all or nothing attitude toward the company and fostered a “me” attitude versus long-term stability of the company. Greg also talks about what he calls the “Charlotte Mafia,” the clash of company cultures. Greg Farrell is a correspondent for the Financial Times. In January 2009, he broke the news that Merrill Lynch had paid out its 2008 bonuses a month ahead of schedule, in December, even though Merrill was in the process of losing $28 billion for the year, and Bank of America needed an extra $20 billion in taxpayer funds to complete its acquisition of the firm. That story sparked an investigation by New York attorney general Andrew Cuomo. Greg is a past winner of the American Business Press’s Jesse Neal Award for investigative reporting and a recipient of the Knight-Bagehot Fellowship for business journalism. He earned a BA from Harvard University and an MBA from the Graduate School of Business at Columbia University. |
Thu, 5 November 2020
Jason Hartman and Adam continue discussing the fear of a housing bubble and how to be a real estate permabull. This part two begins with housing stats, how to understand the US median price, and why you can’t always trust what you read. This is especially true if you are investing in Hartman advised linear markets instead of cyclical markets in high-density areas. As well, these two discuss staple moves to make on your way to building a real estate portfolio. Key Takeaways: [3:10] The Covid Recession continues to affect multi-family housing. [9:40] Adam shares some stats in housing price changes from 2008-2011 (cyclical market index reports) [12:45] Adam shares how to be a real estate permabull and have it make sense. [18:30] In an inflationary environment, the best asset class is income-producing property. [21:00] Almost everybody buys a house based on the payment, not the price. [31:00] Your journey to a rental property portfolio is one door at a time. [38:00] Check out this free webinar: [39:45] HELOC v. Cash-out Refi, which should I do right now? Websites: Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn) Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes) 1-800-HARTMAN |
Wed, 4 November 2020
Jason Hartman shares a sigh of relief; no matter who wins the presidential election, there is always a strategy in real estate, the most favorable asset-class in the world. Adam joins the show for a short, jovial debate on election fraud and the election. But Jason and Adam offer you a break from politics to discuss many concerns of a housing bubble and how this could be misinterpreted. Key Takeaways: [4:00] No matter who wins the presidential election, there is always a real estate strategy. [9:00] Will we see another republican when the popular vote? [9:45] IDEAL [10:45] Before we talk about investment property, let's discuss the 2020 election update. [13:10] What do you think about voter fraud as a possibility? [21:30] Is there a possible housing bubble? [25:20] 75% of the Case-Shiller Index is based on cyclical markets, a gross misrepresentation of the complex US housing markets. [28:45] Are we just a bunch of PermaBulls? [31:00] Market timing is a fool's game. Websites: Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn) Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes) 1-800-HARTMAN |
Tue, 3 November 2020
Jason Hartman talks about the 2020 presidential election just a few hours before the polls close. Who knows when we will see a final tally of the votes, but here are few things to consider in the last couple of hours. John Truman Wolfe joins Jason Hartman again to continue discussing the most crucial election in U.S. History. John also defines Bank Bail-Ins and what the U.S. can expect from it. As well, John answers the question, is lithium the new oil? Key Takeaways: [1:45] Who knows what will happen with this election, and when it will happen? [3:00] Why do California initiatives matter to me? [5:30] Thank the heavens for the balance of power. [8:00] From 1987, What did Johnny Carson have to say about Biden? [10:00] Let's discuss winning margins from past elections. [14:00] "The bigger the government, the smaller the citizen." Speaking on the crowding out concept. [18:30] Have newspapers given out presidential endorsements? [21:45] Steve Hilton talking about the Trump presidency. [32:20] Republican satisfaction has been rising prior to the election. The independents are flatlined, and the democrats are down. JTW [1:00] What are the differences between a Trump/Biden reelection? From Bill O'Reilly. [3:00] A Biden election could give Puerto Rico and Washington D.C. statehood, adding four new senators, likely democrats. [6:15] O'Reilly on Dems adding justices. [12:00] Jason and John discuss the migration patterns in the U.S. [18:45] There is no justice about social justice. [25:35] What's going on with lithium batteries and electricity? Is lithium the new oil? [26:50] What is a bail-in, and why is it a possibility? [31:20] The interesting thing about; the thing about a thing (derivatives). Websites: The Coming Financial Crisis by John Truman Wolfe Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn) Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes) 1-800-HARTMAN |
Mon, 2 November 2020
We’re getting political! Jason Hartman talks about the POTUS election with John Truman Wolfe in part one of this two part interview. This election has some significant weight on what we will see with the Republican Party for the next couple of decades. How has the media shaped our view of the President of the United States? Do Google and/or Facebook have major CIA connections? Key Takeaways: [2:00] Battery Technology and Lithium Demand [4:00] If Trump isn’t re-elected, could he be the last Republican President? John Truman Wolfe [7:15] Who is going to be the next POTUS, and who will control the Senate? [11:50] How has the media shaped our view of whoever is holding office? [17:15] Google and Facebook….CIA connections? [18:15] Are we stuck in a place of negative or artificial interest rates? [26:25] Biden: Crony Capitalism Websites: The Coming Financial Crisis by John Truman Wolfe Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn) Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes) 1-800-HARTMAN |