Wed, 29 June 2022
Ladies and gentlemen we have an economy built on smoke and mirrors, built on a house of cards. Let’s not forget that currency is lent into existence and today, Jason Hartman shares exactly how much outstanding credit the United States has. Also, house inventory levels are starting to move in an upward direction. We’re still a far cry from normal market levels, but Jason gives you the latest numbers from Altos Research. Joseph Wang, aka The Fed Guy, former senior trader on the open markets desk at the Federal Reserve is back for part 2 of his interview today. Joseph gives his take on the Fed’s response during times of economic crisis such as the Great Recession and the recent pandemic. Was it right of the Fed to get involved and stimulate the economy, or should they have let the economy and markets work themselves out? 🏆Contest Winners from the last month:🏆 Claim your prize within 1 month at Key Takeaways: Jason's editorial 1:03 Introducing Joseph Wang part 2 2:00 Based on Altos Research, housing inventory is going up up up! 3:03 Download our slide decks; just go to 4:15 The 90 day average; going back to a 'normal' market 5:18 Segmenting the market by price 9:45 Raffle Winners last week and pausing the raffle- for now 11:50 An economy of smoke and mirrors Joseph Wang Interview 17:52 The Philipps curve debate 20:43 Debt to GDP ratio and the dollar collapse 23:03 Why do other countries buy dollars? 26:35 Bloodbath in the cryptocurrency markets 29:10 Understanding the Fed - is there a man behind the curtain? 31:14 Was the Fed right to interfere during Covid and the Great Recession? 33:41 What is a shadow bank? 35:55 The story behind Long Term Capital Management 37:04 Be cautious with financial assets 38:47 Joseph Wang’s book Central Banking 101, Learn more at follow Joseph on Twitter @FedGuy12
Follow Jason on TWITTER, INSTAGRAM & LINKEDIN Learn More: Get wholesale real estate deals for investment or build a great business – Free course: Free White Paper on The Hartman Comparison Index™: Free Report on Pandemic Investing: Jason’s TV Clips in Vimeo Free Class: CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning: Special Offer from Ron LeGrand: What do Jason’s clients say? Contact our Investment Counselors at: Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason’s videos on his official YouTube channel: Guided Visualization for Investors: Jason’s videos in his other sites: Jason Hartman’s Extra YouTube Channel Jason Hartman’s Real Estate News and Technology (RENT) YouTube Channel
Direct download: CW_1862_intro__Central_Banking_101_The_Fed_Guy_Joseph_Wang_p2_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST |
Mon, 27 June 2022
Jason Hartman invites Joseph Wang aka The Fed Guy, to the show today. Who better to talk about the inner workings of the Federal Reserve than someone who actually worked there! Joseph Wang is a former senior trader on the open markets desk at the Federal Reserve and the author of Central Banking 101. Jason and Joseph tackle the biggest question on everyone’s mind: will mortgage rates go higher? How much higher can they go? Why did the Fed wait so long to start quantitative tightening and raise rates? Why didn’t they do it more gradually? Is the Fed part of a greater conspiracy? Is there a man behind the curtain pulling the strings? Joseph Wang tells all! Key Takeaways: Jason's editorial 1:25 Working at the world's biggest investor 3:21 Us versus the G7 8:47 Increasing renter population 10:47 Mortgage rates are higher but you’re still getting paid to borrow 14:09 Mortgage rates are still below inflation 15:54 Bidding wars in the rental market Joseph Wang's interview 20:48 Welcome to The Creating Wealth Show, today’s guest: Joseph Wang, aka The Fed Guy 22:08 Interest rates and mortgage backed securities 24:22 Quantitative easing - buying mortgages and treasuries 26:56 Quantitative tightening and higher mortgage rates 29:52 Rents are going higher 31:33 Short term vs long term interest rates 33:13 Decreased labor supply and higher wages 36:02 China is the fastest aging country in the entire world 39:24 The Fed is absolutely political
Follow Jason on TWITTER, INSTAGRAM & LINKEDIN Learn More: Get wholesale real estate deals for investment or build a great business – Free course: Free White Paper on The Hartman Comparison Index™: Free Report on Pandemic Investing: Jason’s TV Clips in Vimeo Free Class: CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning: Special Offer from Ron LeGrand: What do Jason’s clients say? Contact our Investment Counselors at: Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason’s videos on his official YouTube channel: Guided Visualization for Investors: Jason’s videos in his other sites: Jason Hartman’s Extra YouTube Channel Jason Hartman’s Real Estate News and Technology (RENT) YouTube Channel
Direct download: CW_1861__CC_AMA_CI_HS_-_Central_Banking_101_The_Fed_Guy_Joseph_Wang_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST |
Fri, 24 June 2022
![]() Today’s a Flashback Friday and a 10th episode! This one is from episode 885 published last September 20, 2017. In this solo episode, Jason analyzes widespread public statistics about US home sales, the value of the US Dollar and the looming pension crisis and asks the question ‘compared to what?’ The doomsayers may not be considering all the facts when predicting the collapse of the US economy and the real estate bubble. Jason breaks down the concept of price discovery and details how it is directly impacted by the interest rate. He ends the show by scrutinizing the top-heavy economies in Europe. Key Takeaways:03:00 Wells Fargo settled a class-action lawsuit for $142 million for ripping off America. 04:01 Does social media pressure give the average consumer leverage? 10:03 Including 'Compared to what?' information can help clarify statistics. 13:21 The three types of home sale markets are the buyer's market, the seller's market and the broker's market. 22:45 War as a business plan. 24:53 The cyclical, conservatives markets aren't likely to crash. 30:09 Price discovery is directly impacted by the interest rate. 33:41 Single-family home sales predictions from the Mortgage Bankers Assoc. & Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. 39:49 Demographics & Pensions. Mentioned in This Episode:Meet the Master’s of Income Property
Follow Jason on TWITTER, INSTAGRAM & LINKEDIN Learn More: Get wholesale real estate deals for investment or build a great business – Free course: Free White Paper on The Hartman Comparison Index™: Free Report on Pandemic Investing: Jason’s TV Clips in Vimeo Free Class: CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning: Special Offer from Ron LeGrand: What do Jason’s clients say? Contact our Investment Counselors at: Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason’s videos on his official YouTube channel: Guided Visualization for Investors: Jason’s videos in his other sites: Jason Hartman’s Extra YouTube Channel Jason Hartman’s Real Estate News and Technology (RENT) YouTube Channel |
Wed, 22 June 2022
![]() Peter Zeihan, geopolitical strategist, is back on the show with Jason Hartman to discuss the breakdown of supply chains and global manufacturing, labor shortage, inflationary pressures, generational demographics, the Russia Ukraine conflict, and so much more! At the moment, the labor disconnect is the single largest issue behind our inflation numbers and the worker shortage will increase every year until 2030. The advanced worker cadre of baby boomers is moving into retirement and the need for government spending to keep these people alive will skyrocket. The very core of globalization is that anyone can go anywhere to get anything. This will change as China is no longer a reliable manufacturing partner and many companies are on their way out. Also, when we talk about the breakdown of supply chains, we're entering into a world where raw commodity access is no longer guaranteed, so we can look forward to large portions of the world losing access to the inputs that are necessary to attempt a modern lifestyle. Take silicon for semiconductors for example; 95% of it comes from one mine in North Carolina. So it's one thing to control global food or global energy - it's another thing when you can control the only input that allows digitization to even theoretically happen. The sourcing of raw materials is critical. Now that the world's top wheat exporter has invaded the world's number four wheat exporter, what short and long term consequences can we expect? Not to mention that Russia is also the world's largest exporter of fertilizer and the components necessary so people can make it. We're in the early stages of a multi year shortage in all things agricultural. PETER ZEIHAN is an expert in geopolitics: the study of how place impacts financial, economic, cultural, political and military developments. He presents customized executive briefings to a wide array of audiences which include, but are not limited to, financial professionals, Fortune 500 firms, energy investors, and a mix of industrial, power, agricultural and consulting associations and corporations. Mr. Zeihan has been featured in, and cited by, numerous newspapers and broadcasts including The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, AP, Bloomberg, CNN, ABC, The New York Times, Fox News and MarketWatch. 🏆Contest Winners from the last month:🏆 Claim your prize within 1 month at Key Takeaways: Jason's editorial 1:03 Prologue to today's episode 3:17 An excerpt from Peter's introduction 6:57 Last week's raffle winners; claim your prize at Peter Zeihan interview 9:04 Welcome Peter Zeihan, he just released his new book The End of the World is Just the Beginning: Mapping the Collapse of Globalization 10:29 Globalization is unique to this period in history 11:54 Mass explosion of economic activity around the world 13:18 Aging demographics around the world 14:35 China crammed 200 years of economic advancement into 40 years 18:38 Historically, capital and demographics have not been intertwined 20:57 The link between inflation capital availability and demographics - Boomers are retiring in large numbers 22:00 We have a 400,000 workers shortage and that will increase every year until 2030 23:49 The labor disconnect is the single largest issue behind our inflation numbers 26:35 Labor market over the next 20 years 28:02 Can China take over the world? 31:04 China’s severe lockdown measures 33:19 China in Africa 35:36 Will automation destroy jobs? 38:25 The future of manufacturing 40:29 Was the Bretton Woods Agreement a good system? 43:22 Peter Zeihan on industrial commodities 46:21 What’s next for the economy? 49:17 Building material shortage 51:24 Learn more at Follow Peter on Twitter @PeterZeihan and check out his new book - The End of the World is Just the Beginning: Mapping the Collapse of Globalization
Follow Jason on TWITTER, INSTAGRAM & LINKEDIN Learn More: Get wholesale real estate deals for investment or build a great business – Free course: Free White Paper on The Hartman Comparison Index™: Free Report on Pandemic Investing: Jason’s TV Clips in Vimeo Free Class: CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning: Special Offer from Ron LeGrand: What do Jason’s clients say? Contact our Investment Counselors at: Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason’s videos on his official YouTube channel: Guided Visualization for Investors: Jason’s videos in his other sites: Jason Hartman’s Extra YouTube Channel Jason Hartman’s Real Estate News and Technology (RENT) YouTube Channel
Direct download: CW_1859__JS_AMA_10th_Show_-_Peter_Zeihan_The_End_of_the_World_Is_Just_the_Beginning_Mapping_the_Collapse_of_Globalization_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST |
Mon, 20 June 2022
We have witnessed a massive shift in Federal Reserve policy over the last several months and a tightening of the money supply and it is having profound effects on the real estate market and on all the financial markets, whether it be precious metals, stocks or cryptocurrencies. It’s been a rough ride for stock and crypto investors, with an absolute bloodbath in these markets recently. But where is the real estate market disaster that everyone is expecting? Where is the real estate market crash? First of all, we've got to distinguish real estate from income property. Are we talking about linear markets, cyclical markets or hybrid markets? Are they markets with good Land to Improvement Ratios? Also, in order to have a real estate crash, there are several things that have to line up, including distressed borrowers and high unemployment rates. Jason takes a closer look at all of these factors to see if a crash in the real estate market is on the horizon. 🏆Contest Winners from the last month:🏆 Claim your prize within 1 month at Key Takeaways: 1:33 Where is the housing market going? 3:00 Rough ride for stock market investors 4:24 Real estate is the last man standing 7:06 The strength of the mortgage holder will determine the fate of the market 9:10 United States GDP 10:49 Nearly 40% of the homes in the US have no mortgage at all 11:46 People with no mortgage balance are unlikely to go into foreclosure 13:18 24% of all first LIEN mortgages in the country have an interest rate below 3% 16:16 Black Knight Data - the housing market now versus the Great Recession 18:09 How many adjustable rate mortgages now vs 2007 20:09 The Federal Reserve and the IRS go together 24:38 What’s going on with inventory? 28:55 Learn to analyze properties at 32:10 Demographics and the housing market 34:57 Multi dimensions of real estate 37:07 Demographics for the rental market and the entry level home buying market
Follow Jason on TWITTER, INSTAGRAM & LINKEDIN Learn More: Get wholesale real estate deals for investment or build a great business – Free course: Free White Paper on The Hartman Comparison Index™: Free Report on Pandemic Investing: Jason’s TV Clips in Vimeo Free Class: CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning: Special Offer from Ron LeGrand: What do Jason’s clients say? Contact our Investment Counselors at: Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason’s videos on his official YouTube channel: Guided Visualization for Investors: Jason’s videos in his other sites: Jason Hartman’s Extra YouTube Channel Jason Hartman’s Real Estate News and Technology (RENT) YouTube Channel |
Fri, 17 June 2022
Today's FlashBack Friday is from episode 1655 published last March 3, 2021. Are we in a Stock Market Bubble? Jason Hartman performs a walk-thru of the Wilshire 5,000 Index, discussing bubbles past and present. What kind of clues can we pick up? Self-management might not be for everyone, but it is for the empowered investor. Listen in for some self-management tips from clients across the Hartman Network. Key Takeaways: 1:44 Are we in a stock market bubble? Wilshire 5,000 Index 5:54 From The [first] Tech Bubble to the Housing Bubble. 8:19 We have two completely separate economies; the Wall St. economy and the Main St. economy. 12:37 Self-management and being an empowered investor, and using Thumbtack. 17:22 Refi ‘Til Ya Die 21:17 Stagflate, tax, and lie. 26:37 If you are interested in self-managing, we highly advise you to join the Empowered Investor Network. 29:37 Thou shalt maintain control. Websites: Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn) Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes) 1-800-HARTMAN
Follow Jason on TWITTER, INSTAGRAM & LINKEDIN Learn More: Get wholesale real estate deals for investment or build a great business – Free course: Free White Paper on The Hartman Comparison Index™: Free Report on Pandemic Investing: Jason’s TV Clips in Vimeo Free Class: CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning: Special Offer from Ron LeGrand: What do Jason’s clients say? Contact our Investment Counselors at: Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason’s videos on his official YouTube channel: Guided Visualization for Investors: Jason’s videos in his other sites: Jason Hartman’s Extra YouTube Channel Jason Hartman’s Real Estate News and Technology (RENT) YouTube Channel |
Wed, 15 June 2022
The "times they are a changing." In a time when investments are taking a hit, real estate in the "last one standing." Stocks, bonds, cryptocurrencies- nothing still compares to income property. It truly is the IDEAL investment: Income, Depreciation (in taxes), Equity buildup, Appreciation and Leverage. Jason also asked T.I.N.A. on the show but she refused- bad hair day and all... But indeed, There Is No Alternative when one realizes the multi-dimensional aspects of income property compared to other investments; especially a BANK ACCOUNT, where you lose at least 8% per year! (IF you believe what the government says about the inflation rate) versus a 25% return on investment! So, learn the math. Go to and watch a FREE video on why income property is the better investment. Jason also welcomes back Lynette Zang, Chief Market Analyst for ITM Trading, in which they continue their discussion on the current state of our economy and different investments and some steps to take in case a collapse/reset does occur! Key Takeaways: Jason's editorial 1:19 A huge shift in our economy 2:34 T.I.N.A.'s having a bad hair day 5:05 A losing investment option 6:00 Income property- Learn to do the math 8:55 Go to and watch a FREE video on why income property is the better investment Lynette Zang interview 10:31 Inflation would have run rampant 11:05 Correlation between recessions and interest rates 13:54 Will the Fed continue to raise interest rates? 16:18 Nothing left for the Fed to do: the end is near 18:05 Is the reserve currency coming to an end? 20:23 A big strong middle class is what makes a country stable 22:28 Is gold insurance or an investment? 23:53 The number one product of any government and any central bank is its currency 25:01 Gold coins vs gold bullion 29:58 Learn more at ITM
Follow Jason on TWITTER, INSTAGRAM & LINKEDIN Learn More: Get wholesale real estate deals for investment or build a great business – Free course: Free White Paper on The Hartman Comparison Index™: Free Report on Pandemic Investing: Jason’s TV Clips in Vimeo Free Class: CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning: Special Offer from Ron LeGrand: What do Jason’s clients say? Contact our Investment Counselors at: Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason’s videos on his official YouTube channel: Guided Visualization for Investors: Jason’s videos in his other sites: Jason Hartman’s Extra YouTube Channel Jason Hartman’s Real Estate News and Technology (RENT) YouTube Channel |
Mon, 13 June 2022
![]() For all of the crash bros out there waiting for a real estate crash, don't hold your breath! Jason Hartman takes you through some revealing statistics from Black Knight Data Reports to show you once again, why a real estate market crash is not on the horizon any time soon and why the housing shortage is set to last decades. Remember, the two value drivers for anything, whether it be currency, mortgages, precious metals, etc, the two value drivers are simply scarcity and utility. When your mortgage is below the current rate, it becomes irreplaceable. Jason is joined today by Lynette Zang, Chief Market Analyst for ITM Trading. We are at the end of this current monetary experiment! Central banks are out of tools and out of time. Are we headed into a hyperinflationary depression? The system is already shifting and will have to be reset - we just need a big enough crisis to get everybody on board… 🏆Contest Winners from the last month:🏆 YouTube: Ted Bauer, Brooklyn Soccer, Ryan Klein, Shiao-wen Huang, Creating Wealth Podcast Review: BradyGtt, ETrain7273, Smurfdaugg, L. von Mises. Claim your prize within 1 month at Key Takeaways: Jason's editorial 1:26 Welcome to listeners from 189 countries worldwide 1:54 Top Gun sequel, aviation, innovation and fiat money 5:16 We traded true innovation for a welfare state and political correctness 8:25 Tom Cruise - the most successful actor of all time? 9:02 Black Knight real estate stats - 24% of all first lien mortgages have interest rates below 3% 10:04 The low interest rate mortgage market will create a housing shortage for decades to come 12:31 Show me crash bros - where is the distressed seller? 13:17 This week’s giveaway winners! Claim your prize at Lynette Zang Interview 14:17 Welcome Lynette Zang, Chief Market Analyst for ITM Trading 15:37 Valuing Gold and crypto 17:50 Moving property and equity into the digital universe 18:53 What do you think the real rate of inflation is? 21:23 Inflation is a wealth transfer from the poor to the rich 23:38 Democracies such as Canada have gotten heavy handed 24:49 Modern monetary theory and central bank digital currencies 27:06 The Federal Reserve is out of tools 29:42 Purchasing power chart of the consumer dollar 31:27 Nixon closed the gold window on August 15 of 1971 and in that same era, he took a historic trip to China
Follow Jason on TWITTER, INSTAGRAM & LINKEDIN Learn More: Get wholesale real estate deals for investment or build a great business – Free course: Free White Paper on The Hartman Comparison Index™: Free Report on Pandemic Investing: Jason’s TV Clips in Vimeo Free Class: CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning: Special Offer from Ron LeGrand: What do Jason’s clients say? Contact our Investment Counselors at: Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason’s videos on his official YouTube channel: Guided Visualization for Investors: Jason’s videos in his other sites: Jason Hartman's Extra YouTube Channel Jason Hartman's Real Estate News and Technology (RENT) YouTube Channel |
Fri, 10 June 2022
Today's Flashback Friday is from episode 1076 published last October 29, 2018. Today's episode features Jason Hartman looking at some economic data that's come out in regards to the housing market, and what that means for us as investors. You must be wary of misleading statistics and keep in mind that, even after you close, a real estate deal is never done. Listen in as Jason introduces you to the unconventional thinking when it comes to the demise of Sears for commercial real estate investors and more. Key Takeaways: 4:04 A look at one potential rental income property 9:39 Be mindful of misleading statistics 11:51 There's a difference between appreciation and capital improvement that will skew the comparable sales in a neighborhood 14:36 When you purchase a piece of income property, the deal is not final 20:12 The interesting part of the demise of Sears in regards to landlords of shopping malls 23:31 The Appraisal Principle 27:34 Over 75% of Americans view renting as more affordable than owning a home 32:48 Don't let the tail wag the dog when it comes to your investments Websites: Jason Hartman's Alexa Flash Briefing
Follow Jason on TWITTER, INSTAGRAM & LINKEDIN Free White Paper on The Hartman Comparison Index™: Jason’s TV Clips: Free Class: CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning: Special Offer from Ron LeGrand: What do Jason’s clients say? Contact our Investment Counselors at: Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason’s videos on his official YouTube channel: Guided Visualization for Investors: Jason’s videos in his other sites: Jason Hartman Extra: Real Estate News and Technology: |
Wed, 8 June 2022
![]() Power is the name of the game for politicians and they will do anything to keep it, including protecting the real estate industry at all costs, which is responsible for 3.9 trillion dollars in revenue or nearly 17% of the national gross domestic product. But can a judge rule that creditors can go after the assets in your IRA? Follow the case of a California judge who will decide if creditors may come after your IRA assets not deemed necessary for living expenses or any distributions you take from your IRA. Jason Hartman is joined by Kim Hopkins, owner of Iron Peak Properties, who shares her story about building a real estate empire that allows her to live her life by design. Follow her journey from academia to corporate America to real estate! Key Takeaways: Jason's editorial 1:25 Politicians and power 3:15 Why politicians will do everything to preserve the real estate industry 4:45 The real estate industry was responsible for 3.9 trillion or nearly 17% of national GDP 6:30 My secret lil pleasure 8:18 States with the largest income generated per home sale in 2021 10:33 Last year, 6.12 million existing homes were sold 11:02 Yet another reason to leave the socialist republic of California 13:24 Engage in asset protection strategies. Go to Kim Hopkins interview 14:15 Welcome Kim Hopkins, owner of Iron Peak Properties, which owns and manage over 350,000 square feet of real estate in Oregon, Washington, Utah, Texas and Arizona with a focus on multi-tenant industrial properties 16:28 The journey from academia to corporate to real estate 19:04 Kim’s desire to build something new 21:04 Representing females in mathematics was not enough 21:51 Imposter syndrome 25:09 Tax credits for big companies startup 27:23 Rich Dad, Poor Dad – retiring from W2 corporate America 30:38 Is your job really the most important thing? 32:42 Women in the workforce produce tax revenue for the government and more GDP for the overall economy 34:50 Moving up in the corporate world complicates life even more 36:10 Lifestyle design: five hour workday from home in real estate 38:30 Building a civilization 39:25 Edward Bernays 41:40 Start with your endgame: building a real estate empire
Follow Jason on TWITTER, INSTAGRAM & LINKEDIN Get wholesale real estate deals for investment or build a great business – Free course: Free White Paper on The Hartman Comparison Index™: Free Report on Pandemic Investing: Jason’s TV Clips: Free Class: CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning: Special Offer from Ron LeGrand: What do Jason’s clients say? Contact our Investment Counselors at: Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason’s videos on his official YouTube channel: Guided Visualization for Investors: Jason’s videos in his other sites: Jason Hartman Extra: Real Estate News and Technology:
Direct download: CW_1853_IRAs_Under_Attack_In_These_States_Client_Case_Study_Kim_Hopkins.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST |
Mon, 6 June 2022
![]() Recently returned from a whirlwind speaking tour, join Jason Hartman as he gives you the latest on inflation: the topic of the year. Actually, more like the biggest problem of our lifetime as it rages across the globe, inflating the cost of living up to 70% in some countries around the world. Are we living through an inflation pandemic? Or is it an inflation PLANDEMIC? What other inflationary pressures are waiting in the wings? Go ahead! You can make fun of Jason's haircut! Compared to what? Compared to a year ago, he did have more hair! :) Today, Jason challenges all listeners about his claim- that income property is the most historically proven asset class in the world! A successful business could, but those need a ton of work! He also invites everyone to join the rebranded Empowered Investor Pro! Lots of connections, education, tools and bonuses to be had! Go to today! Furthermore, Jason shares what's going on in Turkey's economy and how strong the American brand and its currency is till today! He also shares his speech at a convention in Plano, Texas! 🏆🏆🏆Contest Winners from the last month:🏆🏆🏆 Claim your prize within 1 month at Key Takeaways: Jason's editorial 1:26 Yes, you can make fun of my haircut! 2:46 A challenge to Jason's claim about income property 4:04 Coco in Dallas and the 'cutting room floor' 4:35 The cost of living is up almost 70% in some countries 6:40 The world’s inflation pandemic - or is it an inflation PLANDEMIC? 7:52 Empowered Investor Pro Community Meeting. Join us via 10:26 Chart: Unemployment and the labor force participation rates 12:12 The Dollar in decline- WRONG! It is still the reserved currency of the world 14:02 Raffle winners! Jason's presentation at Plano Texas 15:33 How many of you think there is a housing bubble? 17:11 The 2008 Great Recession 21:27 Inflation is a good thing for us as real estate investors 23:15 Elon Musk: we need more people 24:46 A YouTuber’s view on the Foreclosure Moratorium 25:51 False timeline comparison - waiting to time the market 29:01 New construction homes and canceled builder contracts 31:27 Last year, the average homeowner gained over $57,000 in equity 34:30 Looming housing shortage and why it’s about to get worse 36:14 Always ask: compared to what?
Follow Jason on TWITTER, INSTAGRAM & LINKEDIN Free White Paper on The Hartman Comparison Index™: Jason’s TV Clips: Free Class: CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning: Special Offer from Ron LeGrand: What do Jason’s clients say? Contact our Investment Counselors at: Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason’s videos on his official YouTube channel: Guided Visualization for Investors: Jason’s videos in his other sites: Jason Hartman Extra: Real Estate News and Technology:
Direct download: CW_1852-_Inflation_PLANDEMIC-_The_Problem_of_our_Lifetime_Jason_Speaking_in_Dallas_Empowered_Investor_Pro_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST |
Fri, 3 June 2022
![]() Today's FlashBack Friday was published last August 21, 2017. Jason welcomes Patrick Donohoe of The Wealth Standard Podcast to discuss the dirty details of pensions, insurance policies and Ponzi schemes. Jason describes the difficulties and common mistakes average retail investors make when investing in financial services. And, Pat gives a comprehensive overview of how to make the most of your existing policies in order to invest your money in the most historically-proven asset class, income property. Key Takeaways: 02:25 Is the US a giant Ponzi scheme? 05:31 Understanding the difference between pension benefit plans and contribution plans is essential. 15:15 The financial service industry preys on retail investors. 20:49 Harry Markopolos is waiting to capitalize on a market correction. 27:09 Analyzing the patterns and mistakes of the middle-class investor. 35:27 The Wealth Standard Podcast focuses on helping individuals understand the comprehensive nature of the economy. 37:49 Pat explains how policyholders can reduce their risk and get investment money for cash-flow properties. Mentioned in This Episode:
Follow Jason on TWITTER, INSTAGRAM & LINKEDIN Get wholesale real estate deals for investment or build a great business – Free course: Free White Paper on The Hartman Comparison Index™: Free Report on Pandemic Investing: Jason’s TV Clips: Free Class: CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning: Special Offer from Ron LeGrand: What do Jason’s clients say? Contact our Investment Counselors at: Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason’s videos on his official YouTube channel: Guided Visualization for Investors: Jason’s videos in his other sites: Jason Hartman Extra: Real Estate News and Technology:
Direct download: CW_1851_FBF_Pension_Ponzi_Schemes_Asset_Inflation_War_On_The_Middle_Class_Bernie_Madoff_Market_Cycles_American_Greed_-_Pat__Jason_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST |
Wed, 1 June 2022
When it comes to learning, there is no substitute for rolling up your sleeves and doing it yourself! So why not learn to analyze deals with Property Tracker? It’s an incredible software that helps you analyze ROI, cash on cash return, cap rate, gross rent multiplier and much more. Get your free account at! Jason takes you through the software with a client case study and shows you just how awesome this multidimensional asset class can be! So we’ve had a slight increase in the housing inventory, but will it make a difference and help cool off this red hot housing market? Join Jason as he goes over the latest numbers. Why rewire our brain? Is it even possible? Jason Hartman explores this and much more with today’s guest, Dr. Alok Trivedi, also known as Dr. Rewire. Can we rewire our brains to get different results? Should we aim to live successfully or to live in balance? How do we know if our goals are strategic or if they will only create chaos? Find out with Dr. Trivedi! Dr. Trivedi aka Dr. Rewire, is a media personality, founder of the Aligned Performance Institute, and the author of "Chasing Success: Lessons in Aligned Performance." He is sought out by CEOs, celebrities, professional athletes and entrepreneurs to rewire their thinking with his science-backed approach so they can transform their health, wealth and relationships. Key Takeaways: Jason's editorial 1:16 Real estate investor client case study - Ocala Florida 2019 3:23 Purchase price vs current price 4:10 Property tracker: software for deal analysis - free account at 5:55 Jason’s RENT Real Estate News & Tech software demo YouTube channel 6:34 Learn to analyze ROI, cash on cash return, cap rate, gross rent multiplier, etc with Property Tracker 7:14 One year projection feature 8:48 Total return on investment for client case study 11:04 Housing inventory update 12:42 Inventory needs to increase by 500% to get back to a “normal” market 15:17 Inventory shortage in the entry level market is dramatically worse 16:06 This week’s raffle winners Alok Trivedi Interview 17:52 Welcome Dr. Alok Trivedi, also known as Dr. Rewire 18:19 Why rewire our brain? Is it even possible? 20:03 New Year's resolutions 21:06 What happens on a neurochemical level when you don't achieve your goals 22:01 Failure is the greatest lesson 23:26 It's the successes that we keep chasing 24:34 Success is one thing and fulfillment is another 26:10 Over index of dopamine causes our chaos 27:35 Regulating and balancing our potential for growth 28:53 The most dangerous moment comes with victory 30:12 Positive and negative root experiences 35:00 How do you govern your brain? 36:58 The longevity factors: regulation of dopamine and regulation of glucose 38:03 How do we know if our goal is strategic or if it will just create chaos 41:33 Goals should be just out of reach, but not out of sight 42:57 Balancing dopamine and the emotions that follow 43:54 Learn more at and look for Dr. Trivedi's new book this summer!
Follow Jason on TWITTER, INSTAGRAM & LINKEDIN Get wholesale real estate deals for investment or build a great business – Free course: Free White Paper on The Hartman Comparison Index™: Free Report on Pandemic Investing: Jason’s TV Clips: Free Class: CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning: Special Offer from Ron LeGrand: What do Jason’s clients say? Contact our Investment Counselors at: Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason’s videos on his official YouTube channel: Guided Visualization for Investors: Jason’s videos in his other sites: Jason Hartman Extra: Real Estate News and Technology: