Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing with Jason Hartman
CW 302: Free Markets vs Big Government with Steve Forbes Editor-in-Chief of Forbes Media and Author of ‘Freedom Manifesto’

Jason Hartman is joined on this episode by Steve Forbes, the editor in chief of Forbes Media, to propose and attempt to answer the question:  Why does government get bigger and bigger when we know it doesn’t work well? Mr. Forbes states that history proves free markets work for the people, while big and over-reaching government is about meeting its own needs.

In his book, Freedom Manifesto: Why Free Markets Are Moral and Big Government Isn’t, coauthored with Elizabeth Ames, the authors delve into historic events and statistics, showing that in every instance, big government promotes favoritism, stifles economic growth, dumbs down education, and creates an atmosphere of “rigidity and scarcity.” At the same time, it opens the door to corruption.

Mr. Forbes discusses the benefits of economic freedom, which promotes creativity and growth. Jason and Mr. Forbes also talk about current economic issues, including the bubbles that the Fed continues to create in the bond market and housing. “When government undermines money, bad things happen,” laments Mr. Forbes. “When government says it’s here to help, watch out!”

Direct download: cw-302-SteveForbes.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:10am EST

CW 301: Geopolitical Outlook & Income Property Investing with Bud Conrad Author and Chief Economist of Casey Research

Jason Hartman interviews Bud Conrad, Chief Economist of Casey Research, regarding the geopolitical focal points in our world, funneling these down to how it all affects the United States. Bud mentions the importance of looking at the big picture of what is happening in the world, particularly China becoming the new “mover” in the world, Japan’s apparent desire to destroy its currency, new technology, government overreach, who benefits from inflationary measures and monetary policy, and much more.

Author of the new book Profiting from the World's Economic Crisis, Bud Conrad holds a Bachelor of Engineering degree from Yale and an MBA from Harvard. He has held positions with IBM, CDC, Amdahl, and Tandem. Currently, he serves as a local board member of the National Association of Business Economics and teaches graduate courses in investing at Golden Gate University. Bud, a futures investor for 25 years and a full-time investor for a decade, is also a regular lecturer for American Association of Individual Investors and a frequent contributor on Fox Business News. In addition,  he produces original analysis for Casey Research, including unique charts and research on the economy and investment markets.

Direct download: cw-301-BudConrad.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 5:52am EST

CW 300: Maximizing our Potential with Dr. Judith Wright Bestselling Author of ‘Soft Addiction Solutions'

Today we’re celebrating our 300th episode of The Creating Wealth Show and wish to thank our loyal listeners and all of our fantastic guests who have made this show a success! 

Direct download: cw-300-JudithWright.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:29pm EST

CW 298: America's Economic Outlook with John Mauldin Author and Publisher of ‘Thoughts From the Frontline’

On this show, Jason Hartman talks with one of his investment counselors about current events, welcomes a guest caller and also brings to our listening audience the economic outlook from renowned financial expert, John Mauldin.  Mauldin discusses “spending rearrangement”, a restructuring of our country’s spending problem and tax code, and how the election outcome influences the direction of that restructuring. The larger the government becomes, the smaller the private sector becomes – not an ideal situation for economic recovery in the U.S. Mauldin gives his insights and the possible scenarios and outcomes that could happen, depending on whether or not the deficit problem is truly solved, touching on investments, job creation, tax issues and trade deficits.

John Mauldin is also a New York Times best-selling author and a pioneering online commentator. Each week, over one million readers turn to Mauldin for his penetrating view on Wall Street, global markets and economic history. Mauldin’s weekly e-newsletter, Thoughts from the Frontline, was one of the first publications to provide investors with free, unbiased information and guidance.  Today, it is the most widely distributed investment newsletter in the world.

Mauldin is a frequent contributor to publications including The Financial Times and The Daily Reckoning, as well as a regular guest on CNBC, Yahoo Tech Ticker, and Bloomberg TV. His best-selling books include Bull’s Eye Investing, Just One Thing and Endgame, as well as his recently released update to Bull’s Eye Investing – The Little Book of Bull’s Eye Investing.

Direct download: cw-298-JohnMauldin.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 5:52pm EST