Wed, 29 June 2016
![]() John R. Lott, Jr. is the President of the Crime Prevention Research Center, a columnist for Fox news, author of At the Brink: Will Obama Push Us Over the Edge?, Freedomnomics: Why the Free Market Works and other Half-Baked Theories Don’t, Debacle: Obama’s War on Jobs and Growth and What We Can Do to Regain Our Future and More Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun Control Laws and others. He also writes a blog which focuses on a broad array of economic and crime related issues.
Key Takeaways:
Jason’s Editorial: [2:01] Big news: An upward spiral in real estate pricing due to the Fed keeping interest rates low. [6:28] The terrorist tragedy in Istanbul, Turkey. [8:55] Real estate is scarce by its nature and we are currently in the middle of an inventory shortage.
John R. Lott, Jr. Guest Interview: [12:11] An overview of where the economy is headed and where should we place our concerns? [17:09] How to make sense of the jobs creation rate versus the unemployment rate. [18:51] Is the US truly in a recovery or are we just bouncing back from 2008? [21:30] Why doesn’t a stimulus package create more jobs and higher wages? [26:53] The US is the one country that taxes corporations who have already paid taxes in another country. [29:22] An explanation of the hypocrisy of the Buffett Rule. [34:31] Contact information for John R. Lott, Jr.
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Mon, 27 June 2016
This episode starts out with an introduction on buy downs and then finishes up with a live recording of Jason’s session on SWOT aka Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats, as they apply to the most historically proven asset class in the world. Jason explains why the imperfection and fragmentation of the U.S. real estate market make it a beneficial investment vehicle and why it outperforms Wall Street and stocks every single time.
Key Takeaways: [2:50] What is a buy down? [8:34] Looking at a real life example of points and how they affect your loan amount. [16:07] Should you buy a rate down or is it better to put more money down? [22:59] Why Wimpy from Popeye was a fantastic economic teacher. [25:38] Real estate is a fragmented investment class but this is why it’s a good thing. [38:59] Weaknesses of income property include property management and rent collection. [41:45] Regression to replacement cost is different than appreciation. [46:10] What are some threats to income property values?
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Fri, 24 June 2016
![]() When the United States stopped backing dollars with gold in 1968, the nature of money changed, becoming the fiat currency system that has now put the world into an unprecedented recession. Jason Hartman is joined by returning guest, Richard Duncan, to talk about how we are in danger of a global Great Depression and how we can stop it. Richard’s previous book talked about the inevitable collapse of the dollar, and his new book discusses “a new theoretical construct, The Quantity Theory of Credit, that is the key to understanding not only the developments that led to the crisis, but also to understanding how events will play out in the years ahead.” Richard explains how the expansion of credit eventually implodes and the dangers of the contraction of credit. Richard Duncan is the author of three books on the global economic crisis. The Dollar Crisis: Causes, Consequences, Cures (John Wiley & Sons, 2003, updated 2005), predicted the current global economic disaster with extraordinary accuracy. It was an international bestseller. His second book was The Corruption of Capitalism: A strategy to rebalance the global economy and restore sustainable growth. It was published by CLSA Books in December 2009. His latest book is The New Depression: The Breakdown of the Paper Money Economy (John Wiley & Sons, 2012). Since beginning his career as an equities analyst in Hong Kong in 1986, Richard has served as global head of investment strategy at ABN AMRO Asset Management in London, worked as a financial sector specialist for the World Bank in Washington D.C., and headed equity research departments for James Capel Securities and Salomon Brothers in Bangkok. He also worked as a consultant for the IMF in Thailand during the Asia Crisis. He is now chief economist at Blackhorse Asset Management in Singapore. Richard has appeared frequently on CNBC, CNN, BBC and Bloomberg Television, as well as on BBC World Service Radio. He has published articles in The Financial Times, The Far East Economic Review, FinanceAsia and CFO Asia. He is also a well-known speaker whose audiences have included The World Economic Forum’s East Asia Economic Summit in Singapore, The EuroFinance Conference in Copenhagen, The Chief Financial Officers’ Roundtable in Shanghai, and The World Knowledge Forum in Seoul. Richard studied literature and economics at Vanderbilt University (1983) and international finance at Babson College (1986); and, between the two, spent a year travelling around the world as a backpacker. |
Wed, 22 June 2016
![]() Jennifer Kahnweiler, Ph. D. is considered to be the Champion of Introverts. She is a Certified Public Speaker and a best-selling author. She has written three great books, The Introverted Leader: Building on Your Quiet Strength, Quiet Influence: The Introvert’s Guide to Making a Difference and her latest The Genius of Opposites: How Introverts and Extroverts Achieve Extraordinary Results Together. During this interview, she alludes to the true differences between introverts and extroverts, what make introverts so special and how introverts can enhance your organization.
Key Takeaways: Jason’s Editorial: [2:05] A look at the Driverless Cars to Fuel Suburban Sprawl article. [8:04] A video resource to help you analyze an investment property and understanding a performa using cap rates as a metric. [12:46] Which is a better investment one with Tenant Improvements or a Full Service Gross lease? [16:05] Kevin Kelly Audio short: The Emergence of Singularity.
Jennifer Kahnweiler Guest Interview: [20:15] How is Shyness different from Introversion? [22:55] How does someone know if they are an introvert or extrovert? [25:03] There is a lot of prejudice which exist against introverts. [29:26] All of us need to flex, Introverts and Extroverts alike. [31:20] How can introverted leaders and managers increase their influence in their roles? [36:07] Does a person’s gender come into play when someone is trying to carve out their path? [38:44] All must respect each other’s talents to make a partnership truly thrive. [41:05] Discussing the 5 themes of successful partnerships.
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Mon, 20 June 2016
![]() Kevin Maney writes a weekly column on technology and society for Newsweek magazine. He is the author of the new book Play Bigger: How Pirates, Dreamers, and Innovators Create and Dominate Markets, and has co-authored Making the World Work Better: The Ideas That Shaped a Century and a Company and The Two-Second Advantage: How We Succeed by Anticipating the Future...Just Enough. He shares his insights about what to look for when a company goes public too soon and what flaws are common amongst companies with dwindling values over time.
Key Takeaways: Jason’s Editorial: [3:35] Alvin Toffler's book Power Shift describes the 3 basic forms of power. [10:59] A 5-star review from B. Spear about Jason’s podcasts. [12:44] A descriptive example of the significance of rent inflation over the years.
Kevin Maney Guest Interview: [22:54] The study of the category kings of business. [28:31] A unicorn is a company that gets valued by investors of more than a billion dollars. [30:57] The 3 critical aspects to building a company. [32:56] If Uber doesn’t fix its company design it will have a serious problem. [36:28] Companies that go public before their 6th anniversary in business tend to have dwindling values over time. [41:51] A synopsis of The Two-Second Advantage: How We Succeed by Anticipating the Future...Just Enough.
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Fri, 17 June 2016
![]() Matthew Quirk is the author of the best-selling book, ”The 500″ and author of the new book on the Fed, “The Directive,” which centers on a conspiracy plot at the Federal Reserve. Quirk joins the podcast to break down how realistic this plot could be today. Quirk spent a year working with red team security experts, hackers, lock pickers, social engineers, and sources inside the Fed to map out what a true-to-life 21st century heist would look like at the most powerful bank in capitalism. He shares the loopholes within the Fed’s security system and gives his guesstimate on the best chance someone has in hacking the Fed. Key Takeaways: (0:50) Intro portion of the show Links: Find out more about Matthew Quirk at |
Wed, 15 June 2016
![]() Today’s guest, Jamie Hopkins is considered to be one of the leading retirement plan experts in the United States. He holds the Larry R. Pike Chair in insurance and investments. He is an associate professor of taxation at The American College, Co-Director of New York Life Center for Retirement Income Programs, and the Developer of the Retirement Income Certified Professional Designation (RICP). He authored the book Retirement Risk: How to Plan Around Uncertainty for a Successful Retirement. He shares advice on the qualifications of a good financial planner, how new regulations will affect retirement product offerings and how adding real estate and home equity to your retirement plan can benefit individuals.
Key Takeaways: Jason’s Editorial: [6:04] “Did People Who Bought Houses in the 70’s Essentially Get the House for Free?” Jamie Hopkins Guest Interview: [13:57] Are financial advisors required to operate under a fiduciary standard of care? (ERISA) [16:50] Fiduciary care basically means working with the client’s best interest in mind. [19:33] The benefit of incorporating real estate into traditional retirement income plans. [21:55] Advice on how to deal with the regulatory changes recently mandated by the Department of Labor (DOL). [24:55] Today, robo-advice isn’t capable of giving clients informed decisions. [27:33] New regulations get added on top of existing ones instead of replacing the outdated regulations. [32:16] Annuities were impacted by these new regulations but life insurance plans were not.
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Mon, 13 June 2016
Michelle Hawkins is a client who has attended a Meet the Masters live event and the most recent Creating Wealth Seminar and Property Tour in Cincinnati, Ohio. Michelle crunched her financial numbers only to discover that her pension was never going to be enough to support her during her retirement and she knew she couldn’t count on Social Security. Her investor journey started by reading all the investment books on the library shelves which led her to the sound decision of investing in income property. She shares her story and some sound investing advice.
Key Takeaways: Jason’s Editorial: [1:41] Was the Orlando shooter on prescription drugs? If so, will anyone report on it? [8:09] The pension system will not support you. You need to find a diversified wealth creation system now.
Michelle Hawkins Client Interview: [13:56] Michelle highly recommends attending a live event. She is proof that it works. [17:57] The government basically says your money doesn’t really belong to you until they decide to give it back to you when you are 69. [21:53] Michelle and Jason take a hard look at inflation, real interest and tax rates. [26:25] Misconceptions about the stock market in Michelle’s research led her to investment in income property. [35:50] Physically vetting the system and the investment markets allows investors to buy with confidence.
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Fri, 10 June 2016
![]() Jason Hartman is joined by author and real estate investor, Barb Getty, as she talks about her journey into real estate investing, what it takes to be a good landlord or property manager, how to find and keep great tenants, and explains the eviction process. The second of four children, Barb was born and raised in Gary, IN. She graduated cum laude from Purdue and married soon after. After seven moves in nine years of marriage, her family settled in Indianapolis. Tragedy struck in 1992 when her 17-year-old son was killed in a car accident. Her daughters were 16 and 14 at the time. Sadly, Barb’s 21-year marriage ended eight months after Todd’s death. She bought a small home needing repairs, and following the fix-up, she and her daughters moved in. Pleased with that first project, Barb purchased her first duplex (with little money, no credit and no experience), hoping she had the wherewithal to be a landlord. Today, she owns 27+ units — a mix of single and multi-family, low and middle income rentals. interviewed her recently and the article also appeared in USA Today. Barb has also added high-end property management, consulting and speaking engagements to her business. Although she hasn’t had an easy road, Barb is both financially and emotionally invested in her work. She invites people to watch a video showing scenes she faces as a landlord in the inner city. It’s very compelling. Barb authored The Landlord Chronicles: Investing in Low and Middle Income Rentals, published in 2010. Armed with a positive attitude and a strong sense of humor, Barb Getty is making a difference in her tenants’ lives, the neighborhood and the city as well. |
Wed, 8 June 2016
![]() Today’s guest, Chris Versace is the editor of investment newsletter PowerTrend Profits and portfolio manager of the Thematic Growth portfolio at Fabian Wealth Strategies. He is a columnist for Fox Business Network, Forbes, and Chris spent 13 years in equity research at financial institutions including Salomon Brothers. And, he recently co-authored the book Cocktail Investing: Distilling Everyday Noise into Clear Investment Signals for Better Returns.
Key Takeaways:
Jason’s Editorial: [3:55] The Hourly Wage Needed to Rent a Two Bedroom Apartment is Rising.
Chris Versace Guest Interview: [20:37] Overhauls to the tax code and the immigration policy would be examples of policies which could get the economy back on track. [22:21] Cronyism is widespread in the wind energy industry. [24:15] One of Chris’s favorite investment themes is the always on, always connected consumer because it is explosive with opportunity. [30:45] It is short sighted to want higher minimum wages. [33:03] Cybersecurity stocks is an ever-growing area that is a must own for investment portfolios
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Mon, 6 June 2016
![]() Carrie joins Jason today to recap the impressive Cincinnati market property tour. The Cincinnati real estate market passed all 13 fundamentals of what is required to make a market viable as a rental market. It is a family town with historic properties where the inhabitants value their deep kindred roots. Investors gobbled up more than a dozen properties and there is high demand for more. The local market specialist definitely raised the bar during this tour.
Key Takeaways: [4:31] Properties in Hamilton, Monroe and Liberty Township were in various stages of before, during and after construction. [5:55] The Lucky 13 are fundamentals that help you choose a real estate market. [7:25] Cincinnati is a conservative, stable, linear market. The roots run deep here. [9:18] A graph in the Who Took My Money Book depicts the high performing.humble single family home. [11:43] Jason explains the LTI ratio (Land to Improvement) ratio. [14:48] During property tours investors are able to get together and share experiences. [17:16] An audio track of the Closing the Gap - How to create a more inclusive global economy video.
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Fri, 3 June 2016
![]() Joel Naroff is the Founder, President & Chief Economist with Naroff Economic Advisors and a member of the Newsmax Financial Braintrust Alliance. He’s also the author of, “Big Picture Economics: How to Navigate the New Global Economy.” Naroff gives his take on the economic recovery and when he expects inflation to hit, if at all. He also discusses the effects tax cuts have on the economy. Naroff then talks about international economic hotspots and where people should produce and sell in our global economy. He thinks certain international events can ripple through the economy and ultimately affect workers in the Midwest. Key Takeaways: (2:27) Little Rock Creating Wealth in Today’s Economy Boot Camp and property tour, and other announcements Links: For more information about Joe Naroff: |
Wed, 1 June 2016
Today’s guest, Brendan Ahern is the Chief Investment Officer for KraneShares, a company which provides unique investment opportunities for next-wave developments in China. Brendan is a specially qualified to discuss the Chinese economy and how it relates to the US economy, the widespread investment of Chinese money into the US real estate market and China’s ever-changing social safety net as he has over 12 years of experience in Exchange Traded Funds.
Key Takeaways: [3:39] How life expectancy and longevity affects the social security system and the US economy. [8:01] Vacation rentals do not get the same tax benefits as real estate investments.
Brendan Ahern Guest Interview: [16:29] The Tale of Two Chinas - Domestic consumption is growing but exports and industrials are slowing. [19:24] The urbanized Chinese want to enjoy the things we take for granted. [22:04] The Chinese government is trying to figure out ways to increase domestic consumption. [26:22] There isn’t much in the way of a social safety net in China right now. [29:28] What’s going on with the currency war between the US and China, now and in the future? [32:55] For some reason, when Chinese investors diversify it’s labeled as capital flight. [36:27] The real estate market in Tier 1 cities have performed well but location, location, location is still important. [38:48] Entrepreneur led companies are leading the way in China’s socialist market economy.
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