Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing with Jason Hartman

Today's Flashback Friday is form episode 237 published last 27 January 2012.

Get more awesome content when you follow Jason's YouTube channel!

Join Jason Hartman as he interviews author and financial journalist Roger Lowenstein regarding the history of Wall Street’s demise. Roger talks about the increases in choice, risk, hedging, more volatility, and how free markets are open to speculation, greed, fear and manipulation. There are more markets today susceptible to booms and busts. In the old days, local bankers determined loan eligibility. Today, bankers internationally, who don’t know anything about their clientele, determine eligibility, often to the detriment of the borrowers.

Roger and Jason debate whether Wall Street needs more regulation or deregulation, and discuss the consequences of government interference. They also talk about many of the Wall Street mistakes and the corporations that were rescued by the bailouts and the unprecedented number of failed mortgages.  They end their discussion with observations of the Occupy Wall Street movement.



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In Thou Shall Prosper: Ten Commandments for Making Money, Rabbi Daniel Lapin offers a practical approach to creating wealth based on established principles of ancient Jewish wisdom. A renowned business consultant and Biblical scholar, Rabbi Daniel Lapin uncovers a mother lode of motivational inspiration and practical guidance that will increase your potential for creating wealth, no matter what your faith or background may be. No wonder Dave Ramsey cites this as one of his top 10 business books of all time.

The book details ten permanent principles that never change, the ten commandments of making money if you will, and explores the economic and philosophic vision of business that has been part of Jewish culture for centuries. By blending contemporary business stories and his own business experiences with the wisdom of the Torah, Talmud, and examples from the Zohar, (the Jewish book of Kabalah or mysticism), Rabbi Daniel Lapin explains the essence of each commandment and shows you how to use this knowledge to prosper financially.

But before that, listen in as Jason talks about changing mental attitudes towards money as we go through inflation. And take a peak into the future as he gives a glimpse about labor shortages and automation!

Plus, check your email because we will be sending invites to a Zoom meeting with Rich Dad Tax Expert Tom Wheelwright on January 3, 3023! Remember, the single largest expense in our lives, is tax. So we've got to be prudent at knowing how to reduce our tax liability.  

And get your tickets NOW to the EMPOWERED INVESTOR LIVE conference this January! Jason has lined up a lot of great speakers that will guide you on the road to true financial freedom. And get to meet our local market specialists, property managers, lenders, 1031 tax-deferred exchange experts and other investors as well!  And make sure to work on your air guitar skills for the contest because we will have some good prizes for you! 

Key Takeaways:

Jason's editorial

2:17 Introducing Rabbi Lapin

3:05 The changing value of money requires mental mental adjustments

6:07 Predicting the future- labor shortage, automation at the EMPOWERED INVESTOR LIVE conference in January

6:52 An anecdote from Charlie Sheen's Wall Street movie

8:32 Case-Shiller: National house price index "continued to decline" 

12:52 Get your tickets to the EMPOWERED INVESTOR LIVE happening on January! 

Rabbi Daniel Lapin interview

17:02 People's conflict with money

20:14 The morality or immorality of money

22:49 Transaction between consenting adults

26:13 Money is a spiritual commodity

28:08 Winner take all society- a breakdown in the system?

31:11 The use and spending of money

32:34 What about taxation

34:05 Fair tax rate versus smart tax rate

36:52 A new wave of feminism and the three new theologies

41:41 The infinite malleability of human nature

44:43 Econ 101: prosperity is linked to prosperity

47:29 Betting on the future



"You can choose freedom or equality but you cannot have both." - Rabbi Daniel Lapin

"Realize that you have no right whatsoever to anybody else's money, and nobody has any right to yours." - Rabbi Daniel Lapin



Powershift: Knowledge, Wealth and Violence at the Edge of the 21st Century by Alvin Toffler

The Winner-Take-All Society: Why the Few at the Top Get So Much More Than the Rest of Us by Robert H. Frank and Philip J. Cook



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These days, people are faced with the TINA problem! Jason expounds on the housing shortage as he shows us a chart from the NAR. Make sure to check out the video when it comes out on Jason's YouTube channel. He also talks about how the human race is at an inflection point in history as the world begins to be more aware of the emerging technology of A.I.   

So in this episode, released last November 2018, Jason talks with Scott Klososky, founder & principal of TriCorps Technologies, about the digital transformation. The two explain what that means, what kind of protections you need to put in place in today's technological world. Technology can both help you prosper and protect you, and you need to be sure that you understand both sides of the coin.

Sign up for the EMPOWERED INVESTOR LIVE conference where Jason and his guests speakers set the tone of your investing adventure for the new year! Let George Gammon, Ken McElroy, Sharon Lechter, Joe Brown and more experts guide you through the minefield of property income investing. Connect with a community of third-party vendors, local market specialists as well as Jason's investment counselors who will give you the necessary knowledge to build a successful portfolio! So get your tickets NOW! 

For more excellent content, go to Jason's YouTube channel.

Key Takeaways:

Jason's editorial

1:28 Overview of today's podcast

2:17 The rise of A.I- an inflection point in human history

6:06 NAR US Existing Home Inventory

9:52 Sign up for the EMPOWERED INVESTOR LIVE conference today!

10:00 The share of homes bought with cash hit a multi-year high

12:56 Gaining a perspective on history: Oil and OPEC, on this day in 1973

16:22 Go to for your tickets to the Empowered Investor LIVE 

Scott Klososky interview

17:48 What the digital transformation means

19:07 3 things business owners should be concerned about when it comes to technology

24:43 Should we be concerned about AI?

29:00 Technology can help you prosper and protect, so don't just focus on prosper

34:41 Why can online portals not be held liable for things said on their platforms as opposed to traditional outlets like newspapers?



Call our Investment Counselors at: 1-800-HARTMAN (US) or visit:

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CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning:

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Direct download: CW_1939_AI__Tech_Utopia_with_Scott_Klososky_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Today’s Flashback Friday is from episode 302 published last February 25, 2013.

Jason Hartman is joined on this episode by Steve Forbes, the editor in chief of Forbes Media, to propose and attempt to answer the question:  Why does government get bigger and bigger when we know it doesn’t work well? Mr. Forbes states that history proves free markets work for the people, while big and over-reaching government is about meeting its own needs.

In his book, Freedom Manifesto: Why Free Markets Are Moral and Big Government Isn’t, coauthored with Elizabeth Ames, the authors delve into historic events and statistics, showing that in every instance, big government promotes favoritism, stifles economic growth, dumbs down education, and creates an atmosphere of “rigidity and scarcity.” At the same time, it opens the door to corruption.

Mr. Forbes discusses the benefits of economic freedom, which promotes creativity and growth. Jason and Mr. Forbes also talk about current economic issues, including the bubbles that the Fed continues to create in the bond market and housing. “When government undermines money, bad things happen,” laments Mr. Forbes. “When government says it’s here to help, watch out!”

Get more awesome content when you subscribe to Jason's YouTube channel today!


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"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." That statement, made by Orson Wells in his book 1984, which was written back in 1948, rings absolutely true especially with the release of the recent Twitter Files!  

The possibility of a perpetual source of clean energy, has given Jason a bit of hope as he declares a statement he hasn't made in a long while (given all the censorship and political climate, among other things): "It's an amazing time to be alive!" And a move by a county to secede from California and the shortage of housing inventory has definitely made things more interesting!

And today, Jason talks with the co-founder of Reaganomics, Paul Craig Roberts. Together, they discuss some of the international threats that could face America, thanks to the recent actions from Washington. Specifically, they deal with issues of demography, currency and military developments in Russia and China and consider the potential impact of each of these on the United States. Note: This conversation was originally recorded in 2014 and shows how timely Mr. Roberts' comments are.

For awesome video content, subscribe to Jason's YouTube channel. And make sure to subscribe!

And at the risk of offending some listeners... Merry Christmas! Or if you prefer, Happy Holidays!

Key Takeaways:

Jason's editorial

1:22 A revolutionary act

2:28 Introducing Paul Craig Roberts

2:53 Housing inventory this week and Reaganomics

4:06 Demand side: total single family homes pending contract with new contracts per week 

9:16 Housing inventory extremely low, far from a "normal" market

11:07 What it means for prices and rents

11:45 A new hope, a perpetual motion machine

17:08 The average pay on Wall Street

19:26 So long, California! Major county to study secession 

22:19 Get your tickets to Empowered Investor LIVE today! 

Paul Craig Roberts interview

23:21 Welcome, Paul

24:45 The ruble should be strong in comparison to the dollar, and yet the ruble is risking collapse.

28:39 The reserve currency status no longer seems as stable when we look at potential drops in use of the dollar.

35:55 Paul Craig Roberts describes the US’s current position with regards to Russia and China.

45:56 We’ve got a whole generation of people who now can’t afford to live on their own terms.

49:50 The discussion moves to inflation and how it could transform the US economy.

57:57 With so many problems, is there a solution?


"They're full of hubris, they're arrogant. I know them. I spent 25 years with them. I've never met 12 intelligent people in Washington." - Paul Craig Roberts

"We don't need a $1 Trillion military security complex. The only enemy we have are the ones we create for ourselves in order to keep the military security entitlement going." - Paul Craig Roberts 


So Long, California Newser article

Altos Research




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Today Jason has something old, and something new for you as he welcomes John Perkins, his favorite Economic Hit Man. John has helped U.S. intelligence agencies and multinational corporations cajole and blackmail foreign leaders into serving U.S. foreign policy and awarding lucrative contracts to American business. From the U.S. military in Iraq to infrastructure development in Indonesia, from Peace Corps volunteers in Africa to jackals in Venezuela, Perkins exposes a conspiracy of corruption that has fueled instability and anti-Americanism around the globe, with consequences reflected in our daily headlines. Having raised the alarm, Perkins passionately addresses how Americans can work to create a more peaceful and stable world for future generations.

But before that, listen in as Jason explains why housing prices are going UP as he compares FHA loan limits versus GSE ones. Make sure to watch the video on his YouTube channel so you can see the CHARTS! 

And tomorrow night, Tuesday December 20, catch a Live Q & A with the 3 Amigos- Ken McElroy, George Gammon and Jason! 4pm PT 7pm ET on Jason's YouTube channel!

Early bird rates are ending soon! Go to today and join a group of people who are invested in your financial success! Learn how to leverage income property, the world's most favored asset class, to your advantage! Connect with other investors, third party vendors like lenders, 1031 exchange specialists (to name a few) and Jason's amazing team of specialists who are ready to help you succeed! 

Key Takeaways:

Jason's editorial

1:26 Something old, something new 

2:37 What will push housing prices... UP due to increase in FHA 'loan limits'

3:29 For example Atlanta, Georgia

4:00 This surprises me: Austin, Texas; kudos to the lobbyists?

5:24 Los Angeles! Buy a million dollar house with thirty grand! 

7:06 Conventional loans- Atlanta and Los Angeles

8:14 A cyclical market like Phoenix FHA vs. GSE loan limits

9:12 Orlando, Florida; why this matters

10:05 Live Q & A with the 3 Amigos- Ken McElroy, George Gammon and Jason

10:52 The room diagram for the Empowered Investor LIVE! VIP tickets have sold out!

13:32 Meet some of our speakers

14:06 The Twitter Files with Matt Taibbi

John Perkins interview

17:55 Introducing John Perkins; creating a truly global empire primarily without the military

20:51 Destroying Jamaica and Honduras

24:30 Minimum wage argument and exploiting cheap labor

25:52 What is an Economic Hit Man; a brief background and work of John Perkins

29:10 Predatory capitalism a failed system; exploiting a country's natural resources and labor

31:54 A John Maynard Keynes response

34:43 The company needs to be a good corporate citizen in the community

36:46 Predatory government, invasion of privacy, very orwellian 1984

39:04 Fascist Corporatocracy; from religion to governments to corporations

41:54 Insight in Iran 

47:27 The coming deregulation; serving the public interest

51:31 The regulation scam

53:48 Up to what degree; not having control over a market in any given area or community

56:44 Consumers must take more responsibility



"Less than 5% of us live in the US and we consume 25% of the world's resources" - John Perkins

"Lose money for a little while in order to monopolize a marketplace" - Jason Hartman

"In order for us to have homeland security in the United States, we have to recognize that the entire planet is our homeland." - John Perkins

"We have to recognize we are in a space station, with no space shuttle to rescue us; we've got to rescue ourselves." -  John Perkins



Hate Inc. by Matt Taibbi

Confessions of An Economic Hit Man by John Perkins




Call our Investment Counselors at: 1-800-HARTMAN (US) or visit:

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Today’s Flashback Friday is from episode 1119 published last January 30, 2019.

EMPOWERED INVESTOR LIVE is drawing closer! Get your tickets to this highly anticipated event happening on January 27 to 29 in Scottsdale, Arizona! Join a community of like-minded real estate investors from all over the country who are committed to helping their fellow entrepreneurs build their portfolio. Whether you are just starting your real estate investing journey or a seasoned pro, there is always something to gain when joining one of Jason's awesome events! So get your tickets NOW! 

Today's show is all about helping you grow your real estate portfolio as tax free as possible. When you are ready to sell one property and purchase other ones with the proceeds there's no need to pay capital gains taxes at that time when you have a vehicle like a 1031 exchange. Join Jason Hartman and Dino Champagne, Los Angeles Division Manager & VP at Asset Preservation Incorporated, as they discuss the strategies, the complexities and the savings that 1031s can provide.

Key Takeaways:

5:41 How a 1031 Exchange works

8:28 Try and avoid a reverse exchange as best you can, because they can get real tricky and lendors aren't fans of them

10:25 The 45 and 180 day timeframe of a 1031 exchange

13:14 The 3 different ways you identify properties in a 1031 exchange

15:36 How much money can a 1031 exchange actually save you and your heirs? It's pretty astounding

20:55 1031 exchange accommodators aren't highly regulated, which has led to some scams over the years. What questions do you need to ask when you're searching for one?

24:56 Changes the new tax law has made on 1031 exchanges

27:27 Are Opportunity Zones overhyped?

33:00 With Opportunity Zone investing being so new, vetting the sponsor of the deal is more important than ever





Call our Investment Counselors at: 1-800-HARTMAN (US) or visit:

Free Class:  Easily get up to $250,000 in funding for real estate, business or anything else:

CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning:

Get wholesale real estate deals for investment or build a great business – Free Course:

Special Offer from Ron LeGrand:

Free Mini-Book on Pandemic Investing:

Is inflation here to stay? Is the government setting us up to 'gladly' receive regulations and restrictions when it comes the looming and inevitable Central Bank Digital Currency or CBDC? Listen in as Jason engages in one of his more 'heretical' conversations with Joe Brown of Heresy Financial as he gives you his truth about the coming CBDC and how there might be a light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. And very important, follow his recommendation: accumulate NON-DIGITAL assets especially real estate!

And don't forget to secure your ticket NOW to the Empowered Investor LIVE event happening on January 27 to 29 in beautiful Scottsdale, Arizona! Join a community of investors and third party vendors as well as Jason's team of specialists as they help you navigate, grow and succeed with the world's most profitable asset, income property! 

Key Takeaways:

Jason's editorial

1:27 Get your tickets NOW to Empowered Investor LIVE and meet today's guest Joe Brown of Heresy Financial

2:05 Housing inventory; wait till next year so the seasonality won't affect us so much

4:01 Some good news on Inflation

Joe Brown interview

5:12 Joe, is inflation here to stay?

6:11 The contrarian mindset and easy money causing massive inflation

7:39 Deflation and the change in the broad money supply

9:51 When did inflation hit after the broad money supply change?

12:08 A massive shortage of the entry level home asset

14:05 We need to distinguish between assets and goods and services

16:28 The coming Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC)

19:22 A possible light at the end of the proverbial tunnel

21:51 When central planners adjust supply and demand

22:41 The "regulatory rollercoaster to tyranny"

23:18 Setting the stage for the CBDC

25:08 Why the CBDC is doomed to fail

27:24 Doing just enough for the people to be apathetic

29:03 Action steps in preparation for the looming digital currency issues

30:30 Investing in farm lands and the farmers of Weimar, Germany



"If there is ever a ONE WORLD CURRENCY, that is checkmate against the human race." - Jason Hartman

"People will be more than happy to accept the handcuffs because it looks like a handout." Joe Brown




Call our Investment Counselors at: 1-800-HARTMAN (US) or visit:

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CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning:

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Special Offer from Ron LeGrand:

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"Thou shalt maintain control!" That is Jason's commandment number 3 of real estate investing! Because when you do not, you open yourself up to 3 things that can, and will go wrong! First, you might be investing with a CROOK! Second, you might be investing with an IDIOT! Third, assuming they are honest and competent, you will be charged exorbitant fees! 

Most People Fail With Rentals Because They Can't Get Them Managed Properly. Today, Jason's guest Greg gives us a preview of his course which reveals the proven systems to CREATE perfect tenants and eliminate headaches and maximize profits. 

Greg is also giving all of Jason's listeners a special discount! Just go to to avail of it today!

And don’t forget to get your tickets to the Empowered Investor LIVE event! Go to NOW! Join us as Jason and his team along with our awesome speakers, third party providers and investors guide you in expanding your portfolio in 2023! See you all in Scottsdale, Arizona this coming January 27-29!

Key Takeaways:

Jason's editorial

1:22 Self-management tools and Maintaining control

3:51 But wait! There's more! Imagine getting a surprise tax bill!

5:49 But wait- there's even more! Blackstone and Starwood woes and free trade equality or alignment of interests

10:45 Every transaction has a counter party but you've got be a little more involved

12:01 Midlife crisis; reexaming my own life. What is the point?

14:06 Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals by Oliver Burkeman and cognitive dissonance 

15:34 Blackstone & Starwood: limiting the amount of money investors can withdraw

17:23 Withdrawals from non-traded REITs- US$3.7B

18:46 Lessen the number of counter parties

20:48 Get your tickets NOW to the Empowered Investor LIVE EVENT happening on January 27 to 29 at Scottsdale, Arizona. 

Greg Slaughter Interview

22:16 Introducing Greg Slaughter and creating the perfect tenant

23:44 Property managers charging an average of 30% and why socialism fails

25:14 Nobody cares as much as the shop keeper

25:57 Wall Street scams and trying self-management with one property

27:04 A light bulb moment: creating the right tenant

28:40 Changing the screening process; looking for people with BAD credit

31:29 Lease options or rent-to-own deals

32:00 When credits scores don't matter and mindset does

34:30 How do you create perfect tenants

37:20 The perfect tenant- a property manager that pays you

38:30 Visit Jason's Real Estate News & Tech YouTube channel 

38:57 The tenant is your manager; can they handle a lawn mower

40:36 Giving orientation, training and performance reviews for tenants 

42:18 Tenants' average length of stay

43:33 C class properties, typical value and rent

44:00 Boots on the ground, hybrid management system and good neighbors

46:15 Enlisting and paying to help manage your properties

47:39 Duties and responsibilities of contractors

48:44 How do you market your properties

50:02 In honor of Greg's daughter; Leaving behind a legacy

52:54 Get a special discount on Greg's course. Go to



"Take care of the money problem!" - Jason Hartman

"That's part of my philosophy: the tenant is the property manager." - Greg Slaughter

"I don't show homes (to potential tenants); I do an interview." - Greg Slaughter


Jason Hartman's Real Estate News & Tech YouTube Channel


Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals by Oliver Burkeman



Call our Investment Counselors at: 1-800-HARTMAN (US) or visit:

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CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning:

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Special Offer from Ron LeGrand:

Free Mini-Book on Pandemic Investing:



Today’s Flashback Friday is from episode 1290 published last September 26, 2019.

Get your tickets to the Empowered Investor LIVE conference happening in January 27 to 29 at Scottsdale, Arizona TODAY! Learn the secrets to securing your financial future through income property. Join a community of fellow investors who will help you on the road to true financial freedom!

Jason Hartman starts today's show discussing an article that explains how hard new construction starts are hitting various markets. They're down by over 80% in some markets and over 50% in a majority.

Then Jason talks with David Osborn, co-founder of Magnify Capital and best-selling author of Wealth Can't Wait: Avoid the 7 Wealth Traps, Implement the 7 Business Pillars, and Complete a Life Audit Today!, about making the conscious decision to be wealthy and how you can actually follow through on that decision while avoiding common pitfalls. They also discuss how absolutely vital the morning is to your life and how you can win the morning.

Key Takeaways:

3:08 Home building is down more than 50% since before the Great Recession

7:56 Chicago only has about 20% of the construction they had before the Great Recession

David Osborn Interview:

16:17 Being wealthy starts with making a choice

20:13 The mindset is critical but often overlooked

24:26 When you become successful you eventually just have to learn to deal with being in lawsuits

27:35 Do NOT hire someone just because you like them

34:26 Miracle Morning Millionaires

36:24 By 11am the world is coming at you and you're in reaction mode




Call our Investment Counselors at: 1-800-HARTMAN (US) or visit:

Free Class:  Easily get up to $250,000 in funding for real estate, business or anything else:

CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning:

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Special Offer from Ron LeGrand:

Free Mini-Book on Pandemic Investing:

As income property investors, you are engaged in one of the best business models today- the subscription business. Every month your tenants 'subscribe to your property and pay you up to 40% of their monthly income! Now that's a 'capture rate' not even Apple, the world's largest corporation can match! And compared to other investments like the S & P, truly There Is No Alternative (TINA).

And don't miss out on our EARLY BIRD RATES to our Empowered Investor LIVE conference happening in January 27 to 29 at Scottsdale, Arizona TODAY! Learn the secrets to securing your financial future through income property. Join a community of fellow investors who will help you on the road to true financial freedom! 

Key Takeaways:

1:22 Introduction to the subscription business model and MRR

4:39 The ULTIMATE subscription business

5:40 Tangent alert: monologue vs dialogue media

11:32 Apple's 'capture rate'

13:05 Income property investors have a 'capture rate' of up to 40%

14:14 Market Indices YTD and T.I.N.A.

15:30 Livestream: Year in review with the 3 amigos: Jason, Ken and George

16:31 Bitcoin's last stand

21:05 Chart: Housing "Affordability Price Index"

25:55 Year Over Year change in mortgage payment

28:40 Get your early bird tickets to the Empowered Investor LIVE conference happening in January 27 to 29 at Scottsdale, Arizona TODAY!

29:13 The abundant hypocrisy of the left; Apple's corporate blackmail of Twitter

37:04 Multi-unit construction staying steady (for now) while single family slides 

40:04 Go to to get your tickets to the Scottsdale conference and get connected to all the resources you need to be an Empowered Investor!



"The beauty of income property is we can constantly renegotiate the deal as we go through time." - Jason Hartman



1984 by George Orwell

Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley



Call our Investment Counselors at: 1-800-HARTMAN (US) or visit:

Free Class:  Easily get up to $250,000 in funding for real estate, business or anything else:

CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning:

Get wholesale real estate deals for investment or build a great business – Free Course:

Special Offer from Ron LeGrand:

Free Mini-Book on Pandemic Investing:

Direct download: CW_1931_-_The_ULTIMATE_Subscription_Money_Machine_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Welcome to today's 10th episode show! Today Jason talks about censorship by big tech companies, which he declares is the biggest problem humanity is facing, and what he thinks our government can do to stop it. We also might be seeing the emergence of a possible hero in this fight for our freedoms in our growing dystopian society.

Also, get your tickets to the Empowered Investor LIVE event at Scottsdale, Arizona this January 27-29. Early bird rates are ending soon!

Key Takeaways:

0:00 Introduction

2:23 A bit of optimism- society is doomed! No, he's not talking about the housing market crash

3:50 The biggest problem facing humanity

4:15 Shame on Apple and Tim Cook

6:44 Twitter & Tesla 

9:31 Growing up, clean your messes and take responsibility

12:44 Anthony Faucky, Fakebook and my new favorite platform

14:24 The distinction we must understand

16:00 It is not just a platform

19:59 A possible hero in a dystopian world

21:44 The connection I want to make for you

23:16 Using tech companies as proxies

25:01 Prescriptions for solving the most critical issue in our world today

26:56 Join us in Scottsdale, Arizona for the Empowered Investor Live event in January 27-29


"Power corrupts; and absolute power corrupts absolutely." - William Pitt the Elder, Earl of Chatham

“Software is eating the world” - Marc Andreessen

"The first amendment does not protect us from censorship of private parties." - Jason Hartman

"I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." - a paraphrase by Evelyn Beatrice Hall of what she thought Voltaire was thinking


Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

1984 by George Orwell

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

Matt Taibbi on the Creating Wealth Show Episode 1111



Call our Investment Counselors at: 1-800-HARTMAN (US) or visit:

Free Class:  Easily get up to $250,000 in funding for real estate, business or anything else:

CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning:

Get wholesale real estate deals for investment or build a great business – Free Course:

Special Offer from Ron LeGrand:

Free Mini-Book on Pandemic Investing:


Today's Flashback Friday is from episode 1334 published last November 27, 2019.

Jason Hartman and Adam join forces today to discuss a big development in the mortgage market. Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac conforming loan limits are being increased again, this time to over $510,000, which will have substantial impacts on the housing market overall.

Later, Adam talks with one of the network lenders about where interest rates are today and what a weakening economy in 2020 might put them in a few months.

Key Takeaways:

Jason's editorial

2:35 Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are increasing the conforming loan size to over $510,000

7:27 Conforming loan limit increases generally lead to home price inflation

11:31 The higher loan limit might impact hybrid markets more than cyclical

15:34 Insights from Voxer messages left by listeners

19:10 Technology is increasing the value of our properties

Adam: Mortgage Minutes

25:34 Current rates for a $100,000 property with 20 or 25% down

29:59 How might rates react if we see weakening in the economy that some are predicting in 2020?

30:45 Mortgage starts don't seem to be slowing down for investors




Call our Investment Counselors at: 1-800-HARTMAN (US) or visit:

Free Class:  Easily get up to $250,000 in funding for real estate, business or anything else:

CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning:

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Special Offer from Ron LeGrand:

Free Mini-Book on Pandemic Investing:

Riding on what the corporate landlords or institutional investors are doing, Jason and his clients i.e YOU, can benefit from these big players when it comes to raising rents, something that they are much better at doing! These corporations make up only 2% of the rental market, making you, and investors like you the major players. However, you can retain your tenants better they they can. So listen in and learn!

Jason also welcomes Chris MacIntosh of Today they talk about the ending era of cheap money and its implications towards investing as a whole.

Don't forget to get your tickets to the Empowered Investor LIVE event! Go to today! Join us as Jason and his team along with other investors guide you in expanding your portfolio in 2023! See you all in Scottsdale, Arizona this coming January 27-29. Strive, thrive, arrive! 

Key Takeaways:

Jason's editorial

1:41 Looking back in time at the FED

2:25 Renegotiating the RE deal and creating Rent-To-Own deals

3:53 The FED's stimulating the economy and the Baltic Index

5:03 Rising housing costs, Owner's Equivalent Rent and being on the right side of the 'equation'

9:22 Institutional investor Tricon

12:08 Just as Jason predicted last Feb 2020- families will need more space

13:10 Corporate landlords are only 2%; most of it is YOU

14:50 The benefit of institutional landlords- they are better at raising rents

17:34 Having a sense of history; sorting the market out

19:08 Learn from my 3 decades of experience: you can keep renegotiating the deal

20:01 A compelling lifestyle; growing up in a shared economy

22:06 Renting the American dream

22:50 Get your tickets to the EMPOWERED INVESTOR LIVE event in Scottsdale, Arizona on January 27-29

Chris MacIntosh Interview

24:01 Chris MacIntosh and the end of cheap money & the debt cycle

28:10 The trade that needs to be made

32:02 Where capital does not go



"The best thing you can have in your resume' is mobility; to be able to move to where the jobs are." - Jason Hartman


Cathie Woods of



Call our Investment Counselors at: 1-800-HARTMAN (US) or visit:

Free Class:  Easily get up to $250,000 in funding for real estate, business or anything else:

CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning:

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Special Offer from Ron LeGrand:

Free Mini-Book on Pandemic Investing:

To our American listeners, we hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving! 

To view the charts that Jason cites, be sure to catch the video on his YouTube channel.

Today Jason talks about turkey inflation, deflation and shares a Wall Street Journal article which confirms what Jason has been saying all along- because of higher interest rates, builder contracts cancellations will rise which means home buyers will be priced out of the market and will instead opt to rent. And that means less competition for tenants which means good news for home investors! And don't make the mistake of using the 'plandemic' years as a benchmark when reading the chart! That was an anomaly; a fluke! 

He also talks about how renters' income not catching up to housing costs, the slowing down of the apartment market, REITs or Real Estate Investment Trust and much more!

It's a Cyber Monday sale to the Empowered Investor LIVE event! Get an awesome 2 for 1 deal! Join a community of investors who will help you grow your portfolio in 2023! See you all in Scottsdale, Arizona this coming January 27-29. Go to and get your tickets today!

Key Takeaways:

0:00 Spending time with family on a cruise!

1:55 Talking turkey Inflation

4:32 A few deflationary signs in our economy

5:13 Investor Home Purchases Drop 30% as Rising Rates, High Prices Cool Housing Market

7:31 Chart: Investor homes purchases, quarterly

9:25 What does this mean overall? Less competition for renters equals good news for investors

11:27 Redfin chart: Fewer rentals equals higher rents!

14:33 Lower rental inventory

15:43 Renters' incomes haven't caught up to housing costs

19:49 Apartment market slowdown continues

23:34 Apartment REIT same-store new-lease rent growth change

29:03 Altos Research: Total Inventory Homes for Sale - US Single Family

31:00 Sample property pro forma in Alabama

34:49 T.I.N.A - S & P, Nasdaq, Crypto?



Inflation is the most powerful method of wealth redistribution used throughout history- much more powerful than taxation." Jason Hartman


Article by The Wall Street Journal: Investor Home Purchases Drop 30% as Rising Rates, High Prices Cool Housing Market

Inflation-Induced Debt Destruction


Call our Investment Counselors at: 1-800-HARTMAN (US) or visit:

Free Class:  Easily get up to $250,000 in funding for real estate, business or anything else:

CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning:

Get wholesale real estate deals for investment or build a great business – Free Course:

Special Offer from Ron LeGrand:

Free Mini-Book on Pandemic Investing:

Today's Flashback Friday is from episode 482, published last February 25, 2015.


On today's Creating Wealth show, Jason talks a little bit about mastermind groups and touches on an article that was released by USA Today on the subject of investments. Jason brings up some very interesting points on the minimum wage discussion as well as talks about conflict of interests in financial advisers. As always, Jason shares some timeless wisdom about the US dollar, commandments to live by, and more on the Creating Wealth show.  


Key Takeaways:

1:30 - Jason talks about his mastermind group, Venture Alliance.

5:45 - Minimum wage increases always causes inflation.

11:00 - Give yourself small rewards along the way. 

13:40 Jason talks about commandment number nine. 

17:20 - The American workspace is getting smaller as more people work from home. 

23: 15 - Jason talks about the gold bugs and other forms of currency. 

27:45 - The US dollar will still be the reserve currency

30:10 – Jason does a deep dive into his personal commandments. 

37:40 – There is no such thing as passive income. 

41:00 – Jason's company looks for landlord friendly markets. 


Mentioned In This Episode:



Call our Investment Counselors at: 1-800-HARTMAN (US) or visit:

Free Class:  Easily get up to $250,000 in funding for real estate, business or anything else:

CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning:

Get wholesale real estate deals for investment or build a great business – Free Course:

Special Offer from Ron LeGrand:

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In this world we live in, the people who invest are the people who win. If you’re serious about achieving success as an investor, you need to understand the principles that make you an empowered investor and how you can separate yourself from those who are just speculating and gambling in the market.


Listen to this episode to learn more about the principles of being an empowered investor and how you can begin using them to achieve success in the real estate space!


Key Talking Points of the Episode


00:00 Introduction

03:00 How do you become an empowered investor?

04:41 What do empowered investors invest in?

06:15 How do empowered investors plan their goals?

07:39 Why do empowered investors continue investing?

08:57 What is the importance of understanding the infinite game?

12:01 How do empowered investors invest their money?

14:54 Why is it important to be a direct investor?

16:05 Why do you need to get educated?

17:53 How will you be able to learn the most?

20:47 How can you focus and diversify with income properties?

22:55 How can you be more resourceful? 

26:31 What does a high credit score actually mean?

27:45 What is the importance of leverage to your success?

30:40 Why should you take advantage of tax benefits?

32:51 What is The Collective?




“Empowered investors invest in necessities, not fluff. They invest in the things that people need.” - Jason Hartman


“They plan and they align their goals with the things that actually work, with the things that make sense.” - Jason Hartman


“The people consistently investing are people who win over the long term. They win the big game.” - Jason Hartman


“Life is not a finite game by any means. It is definitely an infinite game and the goal of the infinite game is to keep playing the game.” - Jason Hartman


“The asset class is so forgiving that even without much education, without pursuing it, without listening to things like this, you can do pretty darn well.” - Jason Hartman


“Self-made is sort of an expression, a cliche, but the reality is we all had some help from somebody.” - Jason Hartman


“Learning with conferences and seminars, podcasts, and Youtube videos – that’s very helpful, but the best thing is learning from the people on your team.” - Jason Hartman


“Credit is an asset and if it is unused, it is an asset that’s going to waste.” - Jason Hartman


“You gotta use your credit because leverage can be such a powerful asset.” - Jason Hartman




The Reluctant Investor’s Lament


Empowered Investor Live



Call our Investment Counselors at: 1-800-HARTMAN (US) or visit:

Free Class:  Easily get up to $250,000 in funding for real estate, business or anything else:

CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning:

Get wholesale real estate deals for investment or build a great business – Free Course:

Special Offer from Ron LeGrand:

Free Mini-Book on Pandemic Investing:


We are in a serious inflationary spiral right now and as real estate investors, we need to understand that the effects we are seeing and experiencing vary from one market to another. 


Listen to this episode to learn more about what these factors are, what’s really going on, and what we should be expecting in the months to come!


Key Talking Points of the Episode

01:11 What is the NAR saying about home prices?

03:23 What are new home builders experiencing today?

07:58 How can you see what’s really happening in different markets?

09:50 What news do we have on Wall Street and the crypto market?

11:10 What is the importance of investing directly?

14:06 How can income properties save your money?

15:56 Should the government continue getting involved in the rental market?

17:46 What are the bubble possibilities in different markets today?

21:40 What is the Hartman Comparison Index?

24:59 What are the 3 types of markets in the country?

30:20 What are the dogs that aren’t barking today?

33:35 What does housing inventory look like today in the US?

36:50 Why is it unlikely that a crash will happen soon?

40:58 Are we in a similar situation as the recession in 2008?

43:45 What can you compare real estate values with?

48:48 What happened to the economy during COVID?

51:33 Why should you be careful with your comparisons?

54:58 What makes the CPI misleading?

57:38 Where can you find the real inflation numbers?

01:01:36 Why do we feel like housing prices are unreasonable?

01:04:16 Does house pricing really matter?

01:06:12 What does affordability have to do with the rental market?




“With income property, you’re going to make money and even if you don’t, even if you breakeven, at least you’re not gonna lose.” - Jason Hartman


“The game of real estate, as we all know for a season, is that over time, the prices are going to be higher than they are today.” - Jason Hartman


“People are so myopic because they are making bad comparisons. They’re comparing things to the way they were a year or two years ago, that is not the right comparison.” - Jason Hartman


“Anything in the world can be valued by 2 things – utility and scarcity.” - Jason Hartman


“The thing you always need to understand is that rents lag prices by a good 2 years, maybe really 3 years or more, it depends where.” - Jason Hartman




Website: Empowered Investor Live


Website: Jason Hartman


Book: Debt: the First 5000 Years


Website: Shadow Government Statistics

Today's Flashback Friday is from episode 496, published last March 30, 2015.

Jason Hartman sits down one on one with his audience to talk about a couple of important things in the real estate market. He talks about why creative real estate investing is not beneficial to his clients, he also talks about Merrill Lynch's annual report on retirees, California's drought problem and why it matters to the rest of the US, and much more on today's Creating Wealth show. 


Key Takeaways:

1:10 – Can you believe we're almost at our 500 episodes? 

5:00 – Jason shares his story about a creative real estate 'guru' and why creative real estate is not practical for his clients. 

5:05 – Big corporations must have a budget just to pay government fines. 

20:20 – Jason touches on the subject of the water problem in California. 

27:05 – Jason breaks down how much water it takes to grow a single vegetable, nut, and fruit. 

31:30 – Zillow came out with four interesting statistics about the United States real estate market. 


39:10 – Remember to sign up to Jason Hartman's Memphis tour at


Mentioned In This Episode:

The Water Secret by Howard Murad 

Diet for a New America by John Robbins 

In the last episode, we covered very important points on inflation and its effect on the housing market. Today, we’re back with Dr. Marc Faber to discuss more about what we have going on, how it is affecting us, and what we can do to adapt so we can remain profitable throughout this downturn. 


Listen now to better understand what’s happening today so you can plan ahead!


Key Talking Points of the Episode


[00:00] Introduction

[02:55] What is happening to the cryptocurrency market?

[08:43] Does money buy happiness?

[11:05] How does our idea of money change through time?

[13:35] What is the importance of the ability to give?

[16:31] What is the best way to make use of the money you’re making?

[19:10] What is the US Mortgage-Free Home Share chart telling us?

[23:45] What is happening to real estate companies today?

[26:03] How can you secure your assets in this economy?

[27:30] What is corruption actually like?

[29:05] What are Marc’s thoughts on the Euro as a currency?

[32:41] Where does Marc’s knowledge on this case come from?

[34:28] What is Marc’s take on dollar strength today?

[37:52] What are Marc’s thoughts on bitcoin?

[39:20] What is Marc’s advice for the listeners?

[44:15] Where can you connect with Marc?

[45:05] What is The Collective?




“What the crypto world needs if it’s going to be fixed is not regulation, as much as it needs the decentralized protocol, it’s a hopeful, trustful system.” - Jason Hartman


“When you don’t have something, you really want it. If you get some of it, it’s gonna make you happy.” - Jason Hartman


“Nothing works as well as money in the areas that money works. Money is without competition in its fields.” - Jason Hartman


“There’s all kinds of opportunities like that – to use your money and really have experiences that build really lasting memories and enrich your life.” - Jason Hartman


“No asset is safe, so if you want to live safely and peacefully, you have to have different assets in different sovereign states, in different jurisdictions.” - Marc Faber


“The big loser in this whole conflict is Western Europe. It’s as if some people in America wanted to destroy Western Europe.” - Marc Faber


“I think the US dollar is grossly overvalued but it doesn’t mean that because it’s grossly overvalued, it will tumble right away. It was grossly overvalued throughout the 60s, but it took until ‘71 to really drop.” - Marc Faber




Website: Empowered Investor Live


Website: Jason Hartman


Website: Gloom Boom Doom

The legendary Dr. Marc Faber is with us on the show today again, to talk to us about gloom and doom, and a little bit of boom – the gloom and doom report. We are going to uncover more of the numbers for you today and we’re taking it back to as far as 1977 to give us a better understanding of the current market and what makes it different from the past. 

Listen now to learn more about the trends in the market from decades ago, what’s currently happening, and what is projected to happen in the next 12-18 months and beyond!

Key Talking Points of the Episode

01:54 What have housing start numbers been like?

06:38 What do inventory numbers look like today?

10:06 What have inventory numbers been like in the last 10 years?

12:45 What is the market really like today?

17:11 Why are demographics important in real estate?

19:25 Where can you get tickets for The Empowered Investor Live?

20:16 Who is Marc Faber?

21:11 What does Marc think about how the Central Bank is dealing with the economy?

24:01 What does the government have to do with inflation?

28:09 What are Marc’s thoughts on the future of this inflation?

32:03 What could people do to hedge inflation?

34:03 Will interest rates continue to go up in the near future?

35:40 What is The Collective?




“Nobody is building entry-level housing. It simply makes zero economic sense for any builder to build an entry-level house and that’s why we have such a good opportunity for rental housing owners.”


“It’s not the same market. This is not the entry-level market, this is not the investment property market – this is the broader real estate market of expensive homes that investors will not buy.”


“We’re going into a recession if we’re not in one already, but if you’re expecting a huge housing crash in the entry-level market, don’t hold your breath.”


“No Central Bank is independent. They’ll have to do what the politicians are telling them to do, but of course, if inflation gets out of hand as it does at the present time, then the Central Banks will say we have to fight inflation.”


“I’d like to state categorically that whenever you have inflation, it has been engineered by governments. In other words, if you look back at the last few years, an increase in the fiscal deficit is usually inflationary.”


“The politicians, they’re not necessarily out to make money themselves. For them, it’s power.”


“You say the rate hikes are so sudden, I respond to that that the Central Banks after 2008, they kept interest rates artificially low from December 2008 until 2021.”




Website: Empowered Investor Live


Website: Jason Hartman


Website: The Collective Mastermind



Call our Investment Counselors at: 1-800-HARTMAN (US) or visit:

Free Class:  Easily get up to $250,000 in funding for real estate, business or anything else:

CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning:

Get wholesale real estate deals for investment or build a great business – Free Course:

Special Offer from Ron LeGrand:

Free Mini-Book on Pandemic Investing:

Today’s a Flashback Friday and a 10th episode! This one is from episode 1300, published last October 10, 2019.

Jason Hartman begins today's show discussing some potential signs that inflation isn't currently a problem, his recent settlement he received from a landlord and what you can expect from business deals in today's environment.

Then, for our off-topic 10th show interview, Jason talks with Graham Hancock, author of the new book America Before: The Key to Earth's Lost Civilization, as well as the best selling book Fingerprints of the Gods: The Evidence for Earth's Lost Civilization, about why the Americas were probably settled long before we originally thought they were. The two also delve into the idea that past civilizations were much more advanced technologically than we give them credit for, their technology was just different from ours so we tend to discount it.

Key Takeaways:

[4:28] The Producer Price Index has fallen, which suggests inflation is tame

[6:35] Jason's recent settlement with a landlord

[11:12] When you get in a business deal, don't expect to be able to hold people accountable through the system

[14:19] Corporate pensions are underfunded and a huge risk to rely on

Graham Hancock Interview:

[19:15] A massive cataclysm struck the earth between 12,800 - 11,600 years ago

[22:38] It's distinctly possible that the lost civilization was advanced technologically, just in a different way than we currently are

[25:21] The Great Pyramid shows us that whoever built it had a complete knowledge of the size and nature of the Earth

[28:48] The problem with American archaeologists' Clovis First model

[33:45] It's human nature to not want to admit you were wrong, but in the end the evidence will force people to accept new theories that are shown to be correct


We are currently in a high-inflation environment that has caused everything to be more expensive than they usually are – from the cost of daily expenses to interest rates for mortgages. This has been causing a lot of chaos and uncertainty in different areas of the world so we are here today to help shine a little light on what really is going on and how you can get through this tough time. 


Listen to this episode to learn more about inflation, how it is affecting our lives, and how we can adjust to make sure we do not go down as everything else goes up! 


Key Talking Points of the Episode


[00:00] Introduction

[01:25] The next Collective Mastermind event

[02:06] What question do we need to always be asking ourselves?

[04:10] What do numbers look like in different markets today?

[05:11] Why isn’t cash considered an asset?

[06:32] What are Peter Zion’s insights on interest rates?

[08:35] Where did the fed go wrong in this battle against inflation?

[11:20] How is inflation affecting the millennial generation?

[13:23] What if you want to buy a home but interest rates are too high?

[14:17] Where should you be investing your money in today’s economy?

[15:32] How is inflation affecting other countries?

[16:37] Where can you get tickets for the Arizona event?

[17:10] What is The Collective?




“That is life’s most important question as I always like to say – “compared to what?” is the question we always need to be asking ourselves and it really boils down to that idea of TINA. An acronym, TINA, There Is No Alternative.”


“What’s not on this chart is cash and it’s funny that people don’t consider that an investment.”


“As I always say, whenever you hold an asset, every day that goes by that you don’t sell that asset, you’re basically buying it from yourself. So, if you’re holding cash, you are losing at the rate of inflation.”


“All of the would-be first-time buyers, this giant millennial and gen z generation, they’re not gonna be buying houses. They’re gonna be renting.”


“It’s actually worse than it sounds because while interest rates are going up rapidly in the United States, remember, they can’t go up as rapidly everywhere else.”


“Finances in Germany are relatively liberalized, so the people can get their money out to secret places.”




Website: Jason Hartman

Direct download: Cw1919_Update.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:44pm EST

This weekend was the most recent mastermind event for The Collective Mastermind and we decided to do something different. There was so much value in this event and we are here today to share some of the things that happened and our insights on some of the things that we’re experiencing today. 


Listen now to learn more about the last Collective Mastermind event and current market conditions so you can stay ahead!


Key Talking Points of the Episode


[00:00] Introduction

[01:43] What makes the concept of masterminds very powerful?
[03:07] What is happening to the market today?

[04:06] What kind of loans are builders taking out today?

[05:12] Are the markets overbuilt?

[08:21] How are the rising interest rates affecting the economy?

[10:30] What makes the price of money ½ of every transaction?

[12:54] How should people be dealing with the economy today?

[13:51] How would rising debt costs affect real estate investors?

[14:26] How does geographic location create a different impact during inflation?

[16:20] What other effects does inflation have on investors?

[17:30] What could possibly happen to interest rates in the future?

[19:39] What should investors be focused on today?

[23:04] What happens when interest rates are as high as they are today?

[24:11] How can you reach out to Ken and George?



“We’re living through a time in history that’s proving to us how important price signal is and price discovery, and they’ve completely gotten rid of the most important price of all – the price of money.”


“My point is that it is true for an American investor, if you got a treasury, you are losing to inflation. But if you have that geo-arbitrage, you can set it up to where you’re actually experiencing deflation.”


“What they do is they make it more difficult to qualify, so you really can’t get it. It looks great if you can get it.”


“I think we’re going into a time, at least over the next year, where it’s more so about capital preservation as opposed to appreciation.”


“People’s checking accounts are still a lot higher today than they were in 2018. The problem there is that their incomes have not gone up with the rate of inflation.”


“Another thing that’s interesting about interest rates going up, is it gives large pools of money and options they haven’t had in a decade.”


“Sometimes, the return of your capital is more important than the return on your capital.”




Book: The Creature from Jekyll Island


Website: Ken McElroy


Website: The Collective Advisors


Website: Hartman Media

Direct download: CW_1918_01.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:55pm EST

Today's Flashback Friday is from episode 1583, published last on October 29, 2020

Jason Hartman discusses the consistent qualities of investment property. He reiterates the lessons known from IDEAL as well as qualifying its self-liquidating development. 

Jason interviews client, James Castelle. James purchased his first investment property within two years of his initial listen to the Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing podcast. James shares his story shifting from the typical stock-market investment to property investment and why he favors it. The quick lesson, inflation-induced debt destruction, is king! 

Key Takeaways:

3:45 Jason Hartman is on Amazon Alexa:

4:30 Alexa Flash Briefing Jason Hartman on ROI

5:00 I.D.E.A.L. 

10:00 Income property is beautifully consistent. What was true 12 years ago is still true today! 

12:00 Income property is self-liquidating. It pays itself off.

13:30 Not all ROI is created equally. 

17:30 Jason on the tragic knife attacks in France.

James Castelle interview

26:00 The stock market v. real estate. 

29:00 Why did you choose the Gadsden, Alabama market?

31:00 The benefits of inflation making a house payment seem cheap over time. 

34:30 After your first investment property, what are your plans?


Jason Hartman Quick Start

Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn)

Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes)


Steven Thomas is with us today to share some market data that will help us gain better insights into what’s happening and what we should be doing to ensure profitability in today’s market. We are talking about inventory status, rental market conditions, and how the recent changes are going to affect you as a real estate investor.

Listen now to stay updated on trends in the real estate market so you can plan ahead!

Key Talking Points of the Episode

[00:00] Introduction

[02:25] What is the right way to think about real estate investing?

[05:02] How are inventory numbers doing today?

[10:11] What will happen if inventory continues to increase at this rate?

[14:55] What was the market like in 2015?

[18:28] Who is Steven Thomas?

[19:30] Why are people hesitating to let go of their properties?

[21:55] Have we ever been in a market like we have today?

[22:50] How long will the impact of inflation affect the market?

[27:54] Will mobile mortgages be implemented soon? 

[29:07] What will the CPI be like in the coming years?

[33:07] How is inflation affecting society today?

[36:23] Why is the model for supply and demand broken?

[38:33] What markets are seeing inventory catching up to pre-COVID levels?

[39:48] What will happen to wages in this high-inflation economy?

[41:10] What should we be expecting to happen in the market?

[43:50] What makes the current condition of the market different?

[45:01] Why should people focus more on rental properties?

[48:50] How can you reach out to Steven?

[49:05] The Collective Mastermind Group


“Income doesn’t mean you have a ton of positive cash flow because hopefully, you’re using leverage on your properties. It just simply means that the asset is producing income to pay debts for you.”

“It’s not necessarily that many people are not ready to make a move, it’s just that they don’t want to because it’s so cost-prohibitive and when it gets this cost-prohibitive, they may not be in love with their home, but they’re in love with their loan.”

“The new underwriting has become so strict that the homeowners have good credit scores, they have low interest rates, 40% of loans in the country are paid off.”

“Overall, rents make the deal work and people, I really think should be more focused on that rental income than the housing prices because our people are not flipping these houses – they’re buying them and holding them for long-term income.”

“Income properties are pretty darn stable and the income component is quite reliable.”


Website: Jason Hartman

Website: Reports on Housing

Welcome to today’s episode where Jason is joined by his faithful companion Coco, as he steers clear of the ‘thought police,’ talking about the Apartment List Survey happening during the nation’s midterm ‘erection’ and how the housing market has become a political issue for most Americans!

Jason also talks about the CPI, which he calls the ‘CP LIE’ vis a vis the PCE or the Personal Consumption Expenditures. Moreover, a shocking, tectonic shift in the renter market has taken place, something he predicted back in March of 2022! 

He is then interviewed by James Schlimmer and John Bowens of the Building Equity Podcast where Jason talks about the current state of the economy and the housing market and how it stacks up to other commodities by using his Hartman Comparison Index.

And you can also buy your tickets NOW to the Empowered Investor LIVE event this January 27-29 happening at a beautiful resort in Scottsdale, Arizona! Early bird rates are going fast. You can also get HUGE discounts on this and all of Jason’s events when you become an Empowered Investor Pro member. Just go to Once a member you can also join their MONTHLY Zoom meeting happening every first Tuesday of the month. So sign up and be part of a community of like-minded investors when you become an Empowered Investor Pro member!

Key Takeaways:

0:00 Welcome to Episode 1915! Check out that beautiful animal behind Jason!

1:48 The Erection: Avoiding the ‘Thought Police’

2:33 Apartment List Survey: Rising Housing Costs A More Salient Political Issue for Renters

9:31 Institutional Investors are still a drop in the bucket

11:40 The standard measure of inflation: The CP Lie

13:07 PCE- Personal Consumption Expenditures

15:55 Renters’ gradual shift toward suburban and rural areas-Just as Jason predicted back in March 2022

18:00 Empowered Investor Pro Community Monthly Zoom Meeting and the LIVE event in Scottsdale, Arizona

Jason Interviewed by James Schlimmer and John Bowens, Building Equity Podcast

19:39 The current state of the US housing market

20:42 Historically, housing inventory is very, very low and cheap mortgages are not helping

22:48 Mistakes new investors make

26:06 What is your measuring stick?

26:43 Tale of 3 markets; sampling Memphis, Indianapolis & Los Angeles

29:03 A skewed housing market data

30:33 The Hartman Comparison Index

31:03 Median home price versus the price of gold

33:20 Median home price versus the price of oil

35:12 Rice and the S&P

36:15 Coaching session with Jason and the Empowered Investor LIVE event in Scottsdale, Arizona

37:25 After a catastrophe like a hurricane, there is MORE demand for housing




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Today's Flashback Friday is from episode 1058, published last September 19, 2018.

Jason Hartman is joined by his “brother” Dan as the two discuss the value networking. Dan (who Jason considers to be one of the best networkers he’s ever met) gives some tips on how to break through to your networking targets, and how crucial the network becomes when recessions start affecting you.

Jason also goes over some new information he discussed in the previous episode, as he discovered how much money millennials are actually spending on rent and what that’s led them to give up.

Key Takeaways:

2:02 Is Jason the most experienced person in his field? Try and beat his roughly 10,000 deals

5:56 The value of networking

11:37 Always be conscious of the other person

15:35 Millennials are spending 45% of their income on rent

21:16 What has to give when the percentage of income is higher than before?

24:18 The financial crisis was 10 years ago last week, and terrible advice is still being given

26:53 In downturns, the people who get the bailouts and the most help are people with the high loan balances

29:35 Your network is going to be even more important when downturns happen


Profits in Paradise

Jason Hartman’s Alexa Flash Briefing

The PropertyCast




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"You date the rate, but marry the property!" Today Jason talks about how when you purchase a house, you lock in the mortgage rate but you can still renegotiate- indefinitely. And this is one of the great things with income property. You can refinance that loan, you can improve the property etc. 

Jason also goes through a few cash balance charts as he gives us a little bit of inside information on the real estate business beyond buyers, sellers and builders and the dynamic that goes into buying and selling. And after looking at these charts, the advice is: delay gratification and follow Jason's commandment number 3- be a DIRECT investor!

And even when looking at the NAR numbers versus Altos Research, housing inventory is still tight!

Get your tickets to the EMPOWERED INVESTOR LIVE happening on January 27-29 in Scottsdale, Arizona!

Key Takeaways:

0:00 Welcome to episode 1913! Jason's moving residence

2:20 "You date the rate, but marry the property!"

6:12 Cash Balance Chart Q2 2022; A little bit of internal information on the real estate

8:03 New York rents rates- admitting when you are wrong!

9:46 Compass' Cash Balance chart and delaying gratification

14:29 Announcing the Empowered Investor LIVE conference and the Empowered Investor Pro Zoom call on the first Tuesday of every month

15:22 Inflation rate and nominal interest rate by country

17:07 China has stopped publishing economic statistics

17:48 Where the US is at in the chart; rent surveys weighted against multifamily homes

19:46 Buying a cup of coffee with a trillion Zimbabwe dollars

21:38 Housing inventory slightly drops; comparing apples to apples, NAR vs. Altos Research numbers

26:55 Existing home sales 2021 and 2022 

29:41 Existing home sales (SAAR) and number of mortgages by interest rate

31:08 The Empowered Investor Pro community



Altos Research

National Association of Realtors

Calculated Risk Blog




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There are no houses for sale! After the aftermath of hurricane Ian, Jason addresses the misconception that there is a 'fire sale' of houses after these types of disasters. He also reminds us that 40% of home owners have NO  mortgage! And those who do have mortgages, 24% of them have a 3% or lower mortgage rate and 65% have 4% or lower! So where is the distressed home owner? There really is no pressure to sell! So if you are waiting for a crash, you might be waiting a long time!

Jason also welcomes Mike Simonsen of Altos Research as they discuss the factors that keep people from selling their homes and how federal and tax policies contribute to the shortage in housing inventory! Moreover, these factors create more upward pressure on rents! 

For more detailed information on the charts discussed in the show, visit


Key Takeaways:

Jason's editorial

0:00 Welcome to episode 1912

1:51 Housing inventory in disaster areas- addressing the misconception

5:27 Number of mortgages by interest rate; so where are the distressed home owners

6:47 Join the Empowered Investor LIVE conference on January 27-29 in Scottsdale, Arizona 

Mike Simonsen interview

7:48 Introducing Mike Simonsen of Altos Research

8:26 Mike's macro view and insights on the current housing market

11:28 There will be sellers who won't be selling above the 5.5% mortgage rate

13:11 Factors that keep a lid on inventory for a long time- including fed and tax policies 

17:29 Creating more upward pressure on rents

19:19 Total inventory home for sale - US Single Family

21:35 What is the chart not telling us?

24:52 Buyers have stopped buying especially at the 5% threshold

27:26 Median homes list prices - US Single Family

29:20 Where these pricing data come from and the median price on new listings

30:57 Possibility of larger homes not coming into the market in this time of the year

32:56 Weekly inventory change - US Single Family homes

38:15 Standard of living will give in; people will go down the socio-economic ladder

41:34 San Francisco Inventory: Weekly Single Family

42:29 Percent of homes taking price reductions, single family homes US national

45:08 Application for sellers and buyers; going ahead of the curve in your local market

48:29 Where do we go from here?



Logan Mohtashami of HousingWire



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Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Today's Flashback Friday is from episode 649, published last March 21, 2016

Jason goes it alone in this very informative and futuristic episode. He breaks down vacancy rates so you know how often you can be without tenants and have a healthy passive income. He alerts us to tools which help us to do the math with our properties. He even has a special discount for his favorite tool, Property Tracker. He then delves into Peter Diamandis’s newsletter about why this is such an amazing time to be alive. You will be amazed to hear the possibilities we humans will have in less than 5 years.

Key Takeaways:

4:39 Healthy vacancy rates

9:18 Meet the Masters online course

12:39 Raising rents and 2-year leases

16:43 “Abundance: The future is better than you think”, new products coming our way

25:07 We all want cheap, abundant energy

26:08 Mapping the materials genome

28:10 When the government misleads us about inflation it is an example of Moore’s Law

30:25 Explaining hedonic indexing

33:34 Recyclable carbon fiber composites



Jason Hartman

Hartman Education

Property Tracker

Property Evaluator


Abundance the future is better than you think - Peter Diamandis

Longevity & Bio-Hacking Podcast




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This is a 10th episode show! Jason is joined today by Selwyn Duke, a freelance writer who describes himself as a “teller of Truth and leftists' worst nightmare” in his Twitter bio ( He is a writer and columnist who has been widely published online and in print, on the local and national levels. He has written for The New American for more than a decade. He has also written for The Hill, Observer, The American Conservative, WorldNetDaily and many others. He has appeared on local and national radio hundreds of times including more than 50 appearances on the award-winning Savage Nation radio program with Michael Savage. His work has been featured by talk-show giant Rush Limbaugh, and it has also been reprinted in college reference textbooks (Cengage Learning).

Together they talk about how music, entertainment and media have been tremendous influencers in our culture.

But before that, Jason gives us more data, showing the number of mortgages by interest rate, which proves again that there is NO impending housing crash on the horizon and that the MORTGAGE is the asset!

Early bird tickets running out fast for the Empowered Investor LIVE event on January 27-29, 2033 in Scottsdale, Arizona!

Key Takeaways:

Jason's editorial

0:00 Welcome to our 10th episode 1910

2:14 Possibly the most impactful thing in history

4:21 Jason's 3 most important forms of art; first, architecture

8:21 Second most important art form, Music

10:43 And lastly, fashion

13:07 An excerpt from one of Selwyn Duke's article: Influential Beats, the cultural impact of music

13:34 Number of mortgages by interest rates

18:52 Get your tickets NOW to the Empowered Investor LIVE event on January 27-29, 2033 in Scottsdale, Arizona!

Selwyn Duke interview

20:45 Welcome Selwyn Duke, “teller of Truth"

22:30 Looking at the things we grew up with- music, tv shows, critically

28:46 Revolutionary shifts having tremendous impact in society

34:54 Addressing the demoralization of society with something ageless

37:57 "As goes the music, so goes society" Homer's Odyssey and it's impact on our culture

40:30 Judging these things under the light of virtue

45:55 Impacting society with the music that is promoted

49:01 When the "ball keeps moving"

51:31 Hedonic adjustment; promoting violence in entertainment

57:40 Identifying the morality behind the violence 

1:01:29 Awash in relativism, we see the degradation of culture

1:07:07 Media fragmentation; evaluating civilizations

1:13:10 Balancing conformity and variety



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Join Jason today as he talks about lessons he learned from Madame Chiang Kai-shek, his 5 mentors and the 3 major buckets in life we all need to work on: money, health and relationships. He thus invites you to address the 'money bucket' by calling his 'investment therapies' to get you started on your road to financial freedom. He also shares some good news about the manufacturing industry in America and how employment is starting to pick up. Then he talks about why an impending housing crash is just not happening because of how the borrower risk profile is very different from 2006 to 2007, the years leading to the great recession and comparing it to the current underwriting policies.

And early bird tickets are running out fast to the Empowered Investor LIVE conference at the end of January to be held in an awesome resort in Scottsdale, Arizona. So go to to get your tickets TODAY!

Follow Jason on Instagram to get short form content on real estate investing!

Key Takeaways:

0:00 Welcome to episode 1909

2:08 A very important lesson from a Dennis Waitley cassette tape of Madame Chiang Kai-shek 

7:16 Your character becomes your destiny 

8:23 Made in America: manufacturing employment is near a 14-year high

14:40 George W. Bush homage to Madame Chaing Kai-shek

15:25 Mental health as it relates to money

16:04 A podcast from Peru-3 major buckets in life

18:06 Take care of the money 'bucket'; rents are going up!

20:17 Join The Collective Mastermind

20:55 This has never happened before; super cheap mortgages that might never happen again in our lifetime

24:27 3 Major buckets to take are in life; money could be the most important

26:06 PR pitches- money and mental health

28:46 High income vs. high net worth

30:05 Millennials, Gen Zs and Gen X on spending

30:42 Eating out as a luxury

32:08 Seeking out financial therapy

33:00 Stress all year round and on the coming holidays

33:38 The men that changed Jason's life

34:32 Going 'woke,' discovering character and the right mindset towards money

35:55 Value of US mortgages with borrower risk scores

38:56 Get our tickets now to Empowered Investor LIVE!



The Collective Mastermind


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Today's Flashback Friday is from episode 946 published last January 22, 2018.

Jason Hartman takes the reins for a whole episode, discussing how peer-to-peer interactions are disrupting industries all across the economy, how blockchain is now even infiltrating dating, and the government shutdown. He also shares the 10 biggest ICOs of 2017, which shows the amazing amount of money that's entering the cryptocurrency world, and also the movement for the 51st state in the US.

Key Takeaways:

1:17 Welcome to our listeners from all over the world

3:30 A big thanks to intra-preneurs

6:04 Cryptocurrencies are up against the most powerful forces humanity has ever known

7:35 Blockchain is now being used for bedroom activities

12:06 The disruption caused by Napster and programs like it, and how it impacted its industry

14:02 10 biggest ICOs of 2017

18:09 The government shutdown is expensive administratively speaking

19:32 The movement for a 51st state

26:44 California has the highest poverty rate in the US

29:12 Check the Meet the Masters app for speaker slides that have been updated




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Direct download: CW_1908_FBF_CW_946_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Welcome to The Creating Wealth Show, Episode 1907! Join Jason Hartman today as he takes you through recent natural disasters and how they affect you as homeowners, investors, and how they affect the overall supply and demand dynamic of the real estate markets. Jason discusses Joseph Schumpeter and creative destruction, and breaks down some statistics on households formed vs homes built. 

Today’s guest Becky Nova, founder of Lady Landlords, helps others invest in properties and actually self manage them from a distance. She successfully operates in cyclical urban markets, so tune in for an interesting real estate success story and some great tips for self managing from abroad.

Register today for Empowered Investor Live, taking place in beautiful Scottsdale on January 27-29! VIP tickets are selling out fast, so don’t miss your chance!

Key Takeaways:

Jason's editorial

0:00 Welcome to The Creating Wealth Show, Episode 1907

2:03 Increased demand for housing as natural disasters lessen the supply

5:49 Today’s construction codes are much better

7:51 Benefiting from a disaster - insurance claims, government aid & mortgage moratorium

9:13 Joseph Schumpeter and creative destruction

11:05 Households formed vs homes built

12:45 Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard University housing projections

14:50 Second wave feminism, decreased marriage rate & men going their own way

17:00 Housing inventory from Altos Research

20:00 Some great opportunities in new construction homes

21:48 Register for our Scottsdale event - tickets are going fast!

Becky Nova interview

22:52 Welcome Becky Nova, founder of Lady Landlords

24:34 Becky started with buying a multifamily and renting out another unit

26:05 Mission to provide sustainable housing to those in the Dominican Republic

28:30 Self managing rental properties

30:00 Tools and tricks for self managing your properties from a distance - having the right people and the right systems in place

32:20 Property management software

33:00 Check out Jason’s RENT (Real Estate News & Tech) YouTube channel for software demos 

34:12 Laying out rules for requests and maintenance

38:50 City living vs multifamilies

41:55 Interest rate hikes and rent increases

44:39 Learn more at



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Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Welcome to The Creating Wealth Show where rents in suburbia are higher than rents in cities and the Fed wants to see you unemployed! Think we’re kidding, right? Think again! You couldn’t make up fiction this good if you tried! Jason Hartman takes you through the latest news stories and predictions affecting the economy and is joined by Wesley Gray, CEO of Alpha Architect for a fascinating discussion on inflation hedges and future scenarios for commodities and crypto.

Last Friday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported over 200K new jobs were added in September. Sounds like great news for the economy and people in general, right? Strangely, it runs directly counter to what the Federal Reserve wants to see; they don't want to see the unemployment rate fall, they don't want to see you have a job. They want to see you unemployed. That low unemployment rate has to be driving the Fed nuts! Americans working and spending money is something they don't want to see, as they have forecasted a recession next year, and are looking for the unemployment rate to reach 4.4%. 

How should we allocate risk right now? Why is crypto performing so poorly? Are we truly becoming a Banana Republic that does not end well? Jason and Wesley discuss a few things that you should always consider including keeping your tax rates down as much as possible. Fees and taxes are things you can often control, whereas we can't control what the economy or inflation is going to do. 

And why is crypto doing so poorly when it should, at least in theory, be the inflation hedge asset? Where's Michael Saylor? Isn’t Bitcoin digital gold? Without a military behind it, will cryptocurrencies ever be truly viable?

Key takeaway:

Jason's editorial

0:00 The Creating Wealth Show, episode 1906

3:01 Jason’s 2020 prediction - the rise of suburbia

6:21 Cities saw rent increases almost 17% since the beginning of pandemic

7:39 Weekend in Vegas at Richard Branson’s Virgin Hotel

9:48 Thanks for attending the Recession Proof Investing Summit

10:10 HousingWire article: Why a good jobs report is bad news for the Federal Reserve

14:06 Over 109,000 followers on Instagram!

17:20 Register now for our LIVE event in Scottsdale AZ!

Wes Gray Interview

20:10 Welcome Wesley Gray, CEO & Co-CIO, Alpha Architect - Empowering investors through education

20:51 How do we allocate risk?

22:17 What assets should you be owning right now? Stocks, commodities?

25:24 Controlling your tax rates

26:49 Will we see incredibly high interest rates needed to tame inflation?

27:31 We are becoming a Banana Republic and it won’t end well

29:05 Alpha Architect investment philosophies

30:38 Following trends in crypto, bonds & stocks

32:19 Why is crypto doing so poorly right now?

34:00 Ponzi schemes backed by military

35:07 The ability to inflict violence is what makes the world run

35:50 Freedom in Iraq vs Freedom in the US

37:03 Learn more and check out Wesley’s blog at and follow on Twitter! @alphaarchitect

Wesley R. Gray, Ph.D.

CEO & Co-CIO, Alpha Architect

After serving as a Captain in the United States Marine Corps, Dr. Gray earned an MBA and a PhD in finance from the University of Chicago where he studied under Nobel Prize Winner Eugene Fama. Next, Wes took an academic job in his wife’s hometown of Philadelphia and worked as a finance professor at Drexel University. Dr. Gray’s interest in bridging the research gap between academia and industry led him to found Alpha Architect, an asset management firm dedicated to an impact mission of empowering investors through education. Wes has published multiple academic papers and four books, including Embedded (Naval Institute Press, 2009), Quantitative Value (Wiley, 2012), DIY Financial Advisor (Wiley, 2015), and Quantitative Momentum (Wiley, 2016).


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Today's Flashback Friday is from episode 469 published last January 28, 2015.

Jason Hartman introduces today’s Creating Wealth Show with a well-aimed stab at a recently published article alleging that it is now cheaper to buy a residential property than rent, and then opens up the discussion to a wider view on why we simply can’t trust statistics any more. 

Later, he invites It’s All About Money presenter, Bill Tatro, to give his opinion on the important issues which affect Americans and their money today, such as oil prices, whether more of our money is going overseas or staying on home soil and why we can expect both inflationary and deflationary patterns in the next 10-15 years.

Key Takeaways

3:48 Jason Hartman gives a brief explanation of the various types of property management available. 

7:57 Income property is the most leverage-favored asset. Take advantage of this!

13:09 Keep your wits about you, even when reading news media. Not everything is quite as it seems.

18:16 Want to be featured on Jason’s show? No problem! Head to

20:24 Jason Hartman introduces today’s guest, Bill Tatro.

26:00 Bill Tatro explains the reasoning behind Keynesianism in a more modern, comprehensible way.

28:57 Yes, trillions of dollars have been printed, but how many of those have we actually seen?

31:48 How can we hope to combat deflation?

36:28 We can learn a lot from the actions of Greece, but will we learn?

41:08 Past, current and predicted oil prices can tell us a lot about the state of our economy in terms of inflation or deflation.

43:38 For more information, head to

47:36 What does the future look like through the eyes of an economist?

Mentioned in this episode

44th: A Presidential Conspiracy by Bill Tatro



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Slow and steady housing markets don’t make the news as they are boring and don’t generate the kind of click bait headlines that turn heads, but as an investor, that’s exactly where you want to be. So instead of just listening to the headlines, Jason Hartman teaches you and gives you the tools to evaluate properties, interest rates and changing markets so you can learn to think for yourself! Join Jason and Tyler Wynn as they explore Jason’s views on the changing housing market and how to determine whether or not a property is worth buying.

Join us this weekend for the Recession Proof Investing Summit! Don’t miss this live, virtual event with Jason and his team and some exciting industry experts ready to share their strategies with you! Reserve your spot at:

Key Takeaways:

Jason's editorial

0:00 Welcome Empowered Investors!

2:22 Recession Proof Investing Summit this weekend!

2:40 What is driving changes in housing inventory?

7:22 Cheap mortgages are the new collector’s items

11:34 Save the date for our live event in Scottsdale, AZ - Tom Wheelwright will be speaking!

12:31 Update on court battle - final judgment amount has been reduced

Jason's interview with Tyler Wynn

16:46 Jason’s view of the changing market

18:37 Factors to determine if you are in a good investment market

22:45 The Phillips Curve - balancing unemployment against inflation

24:38 Inflation rates and money lending

27:37 The US dollar is a moving target

29:56 Determining whether or not to buy a house

31:05 Using other assets to determine the value of real estate

33:59 Mortgage payment - historically cheap or expensive?

36:19 Houses are half as expensive today as they were 52 years ago

40:02 Hedonic adaptation

43:00 Will interest rates go back down?



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Direct download: CW_1904_INTRO__Tyler_Wynn_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

If you think it can’t happen to you - think again. For years, Jason has been dealing with an industry competitor who set out to ruin him and destroy his name through trademark counterfeiting, unfair competition and civil racketeering.

Jason and his lawyer explain the details of the case which sound like something straight out of a spy movie. The defendants used Jason’s trademarked name and diverted search engine traffic to themselves and published falsities and salacious content on the web about Jason’s business and sent fake emails in his name.

But justice has been served as the jury found the defendants had clearly engaged in misconduct by using Jason’s name. They engaged in counterfeiting decided by the court based on the undisputed evidence that defendants participated in a form of competition that is unlawful, unfair, and is prohibited by law. The jury also found that defendants actually profited off their misconduct.

Key Takeaways:

Jason editorial

0:00 Welcome to The Creating Wealth Show, episode 1903

1:28 Court case - competitor tried to ruin business

3:20 Join us for the Recession Proof Investing Summit this weekend! 

6:17 Unanimous jury verdict from Jason’s recent court battle

Steven Pollack interview

7:29 Brief introduction on the case

11:13 Attorney presiding over the case

13:04 Falsities and salacious content published on the web about Jason’s business and fake emails sent in Jason’s name

14:00 Hiring a domestic cyber investigator

17:47 Defendants used Jason’s trademarked name and diverted search engine traffic to themselves

18:55 Statutory damages of willful counterfeiting

23:53 Federal cybersquatting - using somebody else's domain name

26:46 Federal false advertising

28:40 Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, commonly known as RICO

30:59 Liability for criminal acts

32:16 Federal and Florida RICO statute

36:34 Difference between counterfeit and RICO

37:56 Florida statutory invasion of privacy, commercial misappropriation of likeness

40:21 Punitive damages

42:41 Florida civil conspiracy punitive damages

45:53 Total amount awarded

47:23 Justice has been served



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Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Today's Flashback Friday is from episode 982, published on April 2, 2018.

Jason Hartman breaks down some important topics in today's show as he talks about one of the vital assets you have in your toolkit, and that's your credit score. With so many different companies and credit scoring models, it's key that you understand what impacts your score. You need to stay on top of it (and make sure it doesn't get TOO high because then you're not doing enough of what Jason thinks you should be doing).

Jason also looks into what kind of a job the Fed has been doing on their charter, opposition to Amazon, Google and Facebook, the myth of the Rented Home purchase, and some interesting results from his recent DNA test.

Key Takeaways:

4:14 The Fed's job of evening out inflation has been...not so great

7:53 Trump's opposition to Amazon and Jason's opposition to Google & Facebook

10:34 Some disgusting behavior from Goldman Sachs around the time of the mortgage crisis is a PRIME example of how Wall Street treats the average person

12:28 There are the big 3 credit bureaus for your FICO scores, but tons of factors that create each score, PLUS there are even more FICO scoring models out there

14:20 If your credit score is too high you might not be borrowing enough money (but don't borrow for frivolous purposes, borrow for properties)

18:22 A rundown on a few FICO scoring models

22:31 Do millennials really understand inflation?

24:09 The Rented Home Myth

30:01 Jason gave in and did a DNA test



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The poison pill which has infected the markets were the artificially low mortgage rates that will constrict housing supply for decades to come. However, myopic people are focused on housing prices, when they should focus on yield or return on investment. That's what investing is all about!

Join Jason Hartman today as he takes you through the state of today’s particular housing market, a strange recession and disastrous financial unrest around the world. 

Here in the United States, we are moving into a very weird type of market. The Fed is raising rates and it's freaking people out in the stock market, the housing market, and oddly, the cryptocurrency market, which should be doing the opposite of what it's doing, but is not acting the way it's supposed to act. So this weird market is where we could have a significant recession, and still have very low housing inventory, and very low rates of foreclosures.

The predictors of disaster are always wrong. Disaster is an iterative process. It is a more subtle process where our freedoms are taken away slowly and where our money is being debased little by little until one day you wake up and your only option is a central bank digital currency. 

The winds are changing all over the world and one needs only to look at recent happenings in the country of Lebanon. People in Lebanon are robbing banks, not to steal other people's money, but simply to get their own money in the face of a collapsing system.

Key Takeaways:

0:00 Welcome to The Creating Wealth Show, episode 1901

1:03 Alarming financial distress with banks across the world 

4:01 Michael Pollan and the psychedelic movement: opening doors to perception that we really can't explain

6:10 Central bank digital currency, CBDC, digital dollar

7:05 Social scoring system already in place in China

8:30 Prepping is not a lifestyle, just something on your to-do list

10:00  People are robbing banks in Lebanon simply to get their own money

12:01 Ponzi schemes and fractional reserve banking

12:52 Housing inventory update - the high end market is continuing to decline

14:36 Artificially low mortgage rates were a poison pill and will constrict the market for decades to come

17:40 Opendoor & Zillow: iBuyer fiascos 

18:08 Tech companies think they've figured out the real estate game, but it's still a low tech business

19:43 Are mortgage rates over 6% really a big problem?

22:29 Empowered Investor LIVE in Scottsdale in January!

23:54 Recession Proof Investing Summit coming up!

24:50 People in the renter market cannot afford to move out and buy

25:49 Focus on yield, not on prices - that is what investing is all about!



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Jason Hartman and Rollo Tomassi, author of The Rational Male series, tackle some very important and highly sensitive issues facing our society today regarding relationships between men and women, dating, the sexual marketplace, marriage and family. There’s no doubt that men and women are better together than apart, yet society tells us something very different. 

Marriage rates are at an all time low and can be traced back to the sexual revolution. Increasingly, we are teaching women to be strong and independent which is great for corporate interests, but is it really best for personal happiness and life satisfaction? 

Rollo explores what the sexual marketplace looks like when women are the ones who are deciding what is correct and what is not correct. It's now common to hear people say: "a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle," but is this extremism the answer? Have we fallen victim to social institutions and their narratives around family, dating and relationships?

Key Takeaways:

Jason's editorial

0:00 Jason Hartman welcomes Rollo Tomassi, American author, Youtube personality and podcaster better known for his book series The Rational Male to The Creating Wealth Show

3:37 Financial implications of relationships

7:02 Join us for the Recession Proof Investing Summit Oct 7-8th! Stay tuned for more info on our upcoming live event in Scottsdale, AZ January 27-29th

Rollo Tomassi interview

9:34 Welcome Rollo Tomassi, author of The Rational Male series

11:35 Social institutions and social narratives around the family 

14:59 The difference between men and women in power

17:25 Alpha females in the workplace

19:22 Women tend to have more of a collectivist mindset

21:44 Organizing society: men vs women 

27:33 Men and women mature at different rates 

29:51 What men find attractive vs what women find attractive 

31:43 Men and women in Western societies have been getting married later and later in life

34:29 Maternity leave vs abortion 

36:47 No such thing as an alpha female

39:43 Men, women and money 

43:03 Criteria & dating apps

49:34 What is the probability of meeting a person with all your preferences? 

55:00 Approximately 2.85% of people will meet your standards 

56:02 Maximize your chances or lower your standards 

58:39 Robert Greene and The 33 Strategies of War 

59:54 It's not in a women's biological and evolutionary best interest to take a guy who is substandard

1:02:59 What is hypergamy? 

1:04:10 Alpha males vs beta males 

1:09:05 Male mating strategy vs female mating strategy

1:11:12 Find Rollo Tomassi at

1:16:11 Going from the club dating scene to dating via apps and social media

1:19:04 If Harvey Weinstein looked like Brad Pitt, would there be a problem?



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Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Today's Flashback Friday is from episode 547, published last July 27 2015.

Vladimir Putin’s rise to the top is a Shakespearean drama. Putin the President was created by a group of wealthy businessmen to replace Boris Yeltsin. While believing they found a man who aligned with their own desires to keep the money at the top, Putin had different ideas. He successfully brought down elite families who disagreed with his politics. Russians embraced the leader and made him one of most popular Russian presidents of all time. Ben Mezrich shares his journey of writing his latest book, soon to be movie, Once Upon a Time in Russia.

Key Takeaways:

Jason’s Editorial:

1:37 JHU live - Jason Hartman University Live

2:57 In beautiful Mission Valley San Diego on August 29th

4:31 In depth training on building your own portfolio

6:14 You’ll get an official property acquisition checklist

7:13 Learn property portfolio planning

8:20 Early bird pricing until August 1st

10:31 Leave a review on iTunes and you get 30% discount on JHU

11:24 Inflation induced debt destruction

Ben Mezrich Interview:

15:17 Many stories just kind of came to me

16:11 Misconceptions about Putin

16:40 Oligarchs miscalculated and created Putin by mistake

18:43 The Godfather of the Kremlin

19:21 Putin was an assistant KGB agent with average pay

21:23 The Russians love Putin and possibly some Ukrainians too

24:32 This story is a very Shakespearean drama

25:58 Warner Studio is making the movie

26:36 Putin may be around for a long time

28:18 Russia is in the midst of crony capitalism

29:38 Will Russia have a middle class in the future?

32:26 Yeltsin basically made the Oligarchs to fend off Communism

34:03 Was entering Ukraine an effort to recruit young people for Russia?

35:10 When oil prices go down the Russian economy suffers



Bringing Down the House

The Accidental Billionaires

Once Upon A Time in Russia





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Welcome to The Creating Wealth Show, Episode 1898 with your host Jason Hartman. Ongoing Reddit discussions have people asking who is worse off in the present economy: home buyers or renters? Find out with Jason as he also weighs in on investing for yield, what the Crash Bros are saying about an upcoming real estate market crash and why understanding mortgage debt as a percentage of the GDP is important! 

Join Jason and his team for some incredible upcoming events! First, don’t miss our Recession Proof Investing Summit, Oct. 7-8, 2022, a live, virtual event. Then join us in person in Scottsdale, Arizona, January 27-29th for Empowered Investor Live! Meet and hear some of the industry’s top experts as they guide your investing journey. More info coming soon!

Key Takeaways:

0:00 Welcome to The Creating Wealth Show, Episode 1898 

1:04 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Empowered Investor Live event in Scottsdale, Arizona!

3:04 Recession Proof Investing Summit Virtual Event, Oct. 7-8, 2022 

5:53 Learn from industry experts and meet like minded investors at our events

4:37 When the rates go up, rents go up - inflation tracker 

5:25 Purchasing a property in any given market 

7:00 Rents always lag the prices by a very significant timeframe

8:05 Focus on yield, not on timing the market

9:52 Home buyers vs renters - who is worse off? 

12:31 The average 30 year fixed rate mortgage rate rose this week 

13:33 Martha’s Vineyard: George Orwell - “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”

15:24 First time buyers and renter’s discussion on Reddit

17:27 What the Crash Bros are saying about the upcoming housing crash

19:31 Mortgage affordability and delinquency rates 

20:09 No distressed homeowners, no housing crash

21:17 25% fewer new listings each week than we'd expect for this time of year

21:59 How indebted are homeowners as a percentage of GDP

24:29 As a percentage of GDP, the mortgage debt is about 49%

27:31 Single family home inventory vs sales rate

32:11 Save the date - Empowered Investor Live: January 27-29th, Scottsdale, Arizona



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Jason is back from his adventure in Mexico with The Collective Mastermind group! Great food, great fun with great people! If you want a major step up in building your wealth, join us today!

Also don't forget to get your tickets to our upcoming virtual event, the RECESSION PROOF INVESTING SUMMIT. One of our speakers is DR. NOAH ST. JOHN also known as “The Father of AFFORMATIONS®” and “The Mental Health Coach to The Stars.” Dr. St. John works with Hollywood celebrities, 8-figure company CEOs, professional athletes, top executives and elite entrepreneurs, to help you "make MORE in 12 weeks than in the past 12 months." 

You are also invited to our Empowered Investor Pro group where you can engage in other like-minded investors, where you can network, share strategies and build and grow your income property portfolio! 

Jason is also joined today by Rudyard Lynch, better known online as Whatifalthist. He is an American-Canadian YouTuber who produces videos based around Alternate-History, Geo-Politics, and Political Commentary. Listen in as they discuss history and how this affects your investment portfolio and strategies for the future!

Key Takeaways:

Jason's editorial:

1:27 Jason's back from Mexico

3:24 A short intro on our guest today, Rudyard Lynch

3:48 A quick housing inventory from our friends in Altos Research

7:14 "I'm right again!" The Poison Pill creating a housing inventory shortage

8:10 Join the RECESSION PROOF INVESTING SUMMIT! Get your tickets now!

9:40 Active inventory & projected, Single Family

11:21 The question as always is...

12:32 To know what the linear and hybrid markets are, go to

Rudyard Lynch interview:

13:01 Welcome Rudyard Lynch a.k.a. Whatifalthist on YouTube

14:13 A few predictions; what's in store for the future

15:50 Some metrics on inflation and how it plays out around the world

20:19 10 and 20 year Inflation cycles

22:35 Crypto and fiat currencies, asteroids and minerals

26:51 Inflation and how it affects the US and the world

29:35 Map of civilizations around the world and how the economies will be

33:40 Geo-politics in the east and what the future holds

35:29 Western industrialization

38:33 The geo-political world in a hundred years

40:15 Action steps recommended by a non-credentialed 21 year old 

41:36 College towns, student housing and the University Debt Enslavement Complex



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Today's Flashback Friday is from episode 732, published last September 28, 2016.

Jason’s guest, Michael Thomsett has over 35-years as an Accountant and is an investor in the most tax-favored asset class in the U.S., income properties. Mr. Thomsett has written over 90 books. His book, The Landlord’s Financial Toolkit will soon be printed as a second edition and re-named The Real Estate Investor’s Financial Toolkit. During today’s episode, he shares ten principles of real estate evaluations and unpacks each principle, so even those with a limited understanding of income property investing can follow along.  

Key Takeaways:

Jason's editorial:

1:42 Segmenting the real estate market is rarely done properly.

3:41 Make it a goal to live in a no income tax state as a wealth creation strategy.

6:57 Information on the next Meet the Masters, Hartman Education Special Bundles and available properties.

Michael Thomsett Guest Interview:

12:12 The 9/10 Principles of Real Estate Evaluation.

13:20 Defining the Principles of Progression and Regression.

14:35 The Principle of Conformity is keeping the features of a property in line with others in the area.

15:37 The Principle of Substitution relates to the condition of the property.

16:11 The Principle of Change applies to the economy, demographics, employment, and other “fact of life” incidents.

17:12 The Evaluation Principle of anticipation is when expectations about future events affect the market value.

20:50 The Contribution Principle - If the improvement is worth more than the cost to make it.

22:12 Plottage or Growth Management should be consistent use of the surrounding lands.

24:52 Highest and Best Use - Real Estate evaluations are best when land is utilized in the best possible way.

26:39 The Competition Principle states an opportunity for a profitable investment leads to competition.

32:13 All the necessary tools for landlords are included in the second edition of Michael Thomsett’s book.



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Today, Jason welcomes you from beautiful Mexico! He is in another gathering of The Collective Mastermind, a group of like-minded investors having fun and sharing strategies in growing their portfolio. For more information on how to become a member of this elite group, go to the

Housing volume cycle vs. price cycle. For a housing downturn to occur, you have to have low inventory and stressed sellers. But with inventory and mortgage rates so low, Jason asks "Where is the distressed homeowner?" "Where is this so called 'crash?'"

Join Jason and Eric Basmajian of for the second part of their conversation as they look at the nuances of the "housing market," discussing why he believes a housing crash is not on the horizon-yet, the market cycles happening in the cyclical markets like San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, Chicago etc. its challenges and where it might be headed.

Also, get your tickets now for the Recession Proof Investing Summit virtual event now at and get on the path to true financial freedom!  

Key Takeaways:

Jason's editorial:

1:03 Greetings from Mexico! Jason is in Mexico for another gathering of The Collective Mastermind. 

1:41 Eric's back and will be talking about macro economics and the housing market

2:14 Register now for the the Recession Proof Investing Summit virtual event 

Eric Basmajian interview:

2:47 Who's driving the NAHB/Wells Fargo US Market Housing Index

3:38 Residential Building Employees

4:32 Housing construction woes

6:37 Months supply of US single-family homes

9:07 The Fed's poison pill

11:01 Protecting the asset 

11:40 Housing is the business cycle by Edward E. Leamer: Volume vs price cycle

13:10 Financial debt + household debt to GDP

14:17 The current volume cycle: less inventory

15:44 Price cycle is more vulnerable in the new construction market

17:05 Volume cycle in the large institutional home buyers

19:53 The monetary and fiscal policy response

21:20 Sell to get the rate of inflation down

21:56 Exploiting the last cheap labor market: Africa


23:06 Why mass inflation is still a threat to rich countries



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Join Jason today as he welcomes Eric Basmajian of EPB Macro Research to the show as they do a deep dive into the housing market. Jason also suggests that as investors we should REFRAME our mind in terms of the housing industry especially as we continue to see very low inventory. 

Eric is an economic cycle analyst providing research on long-term and short-term trends in growth and inflation. With a degree in economics and experience at a quantitative hedge fund, Eric has developed a unique secular and cyclical framework to forecast major economic inflection points and the resulting impact on asset prices.

You are also invited to Jason's Recession Proof Investing Summit where there will be great speakers, local market specialists who will be talking about their properties and much more. You will also be given a discounted price to purchase the recordings of the event! So hurry- go to the to get your tickets today!

Key Takeaways:

Jason's editorial:

1:42 The Right Frame

4:39 Reframing the housing market debate

6:27 It's all about investing for YIELD

8:33 5 Cities where at least half of millennials can't afford to rent a 1-bedroom

10:49 Rent- the second frame

11:21 Jason's 2 value drivers- scarcity and utility

15:31 Get your tickets to our Virtual Recession Proof Investing Summit today! 

Eric Basmajian interview:

18:37 The new Paul Volcker?

20:05 Reframing the housing debate

22:04 The important thing is yield- not prices

23:17 Evaluating the volume cycle versus the price cycle

24:54 Inventory woes- there's nothing to sell! Disparities in the regional market

26:44 Real estate market as an indicator of the broader economy

29:28 Interest Rate Composite (Inverted)

31:33 MBA Purchase Index

33:42 US New Single Family Houses Sold

34:59 Months Supply: New Single Family Homes

35:55 NAHB/Wells Fargo US Housing Market Index



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Today's Flashback Friday is from episode 1182 published last April 29, 2019.

Jason Hartman brings you this episode from China with Venture Alliance Member Carmen. Jason describes how his visit to China is influencing his previously held thoughts about the country and how the looming asset shortage is a beautiful things for real estate investors.

Then Jason talks with Jorge Newbery, founder and CEO of Debt Cleanse, founder of American Homeowner Preservation and author of Debt Cleanse: How to Settle Your Unaffordable Debts for Pennies on the Dollar, about how he was able to climb out of a $26 million hole and how others can follow in his footsteps. This isn't about cheating your way out of debt, it's about using the same rights that creditors have because you need to protect yourself from predatory lending practices.

Key Takeaways:

4:46 Jason got to visit the railroad station that was built to link North and South Korea in the future

8:18 star in the US has nothing on 5 star in Asia

12:03 How Jason's visit to China has changed his views on the China economy

14:16The looming asset shortage, and why it's good for real estate investors

Jorge Newbery Interview:

19:34 Debt may seem simple, but it's a lot more nuanced that you'd first believe

21:19 If you can't afford your debts, the best thing you can do is to stop paying them

24:31 How Jorge got started paying off his $26 million debt

27:08 What kind of errors you should be looking for from your lendors

32:58 The elite have often used debt as a way to enslave the lower classes


Debt Cleanse: How to Settle Your Unaffordable Debts for Pennies on the Dollar



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Jason Hartman is on a mission to help you understand that timing the market is a fool’s errand! You keep losing your investment capital to inflation by waiting and none of us are getting any younger… 

Jason Hartman is a guest on Rich Dad Advisor Tom Wheelwright’s WealthAbility show and shares some new ideas and historical perspectives on the current state of the market. 

In these turbulent times, what should people be doing to create or preserve wealth? That's the question on everybody's mind right now. Jason and Tom explore the possibility that we are at a point of real transition after this amazing bull market in real estate over the last 12 years. 

Key Takeaways:

Jason's editorial

0:00 The Creating Wealth Show Episode 1892: Do you feel the power? 

2:00 Empowered Investor Pro, the rental market and upcoming guest: economist Eric Basmajian 

4:15Jason’s mission - how much yield are you going to lose in waiting?

5:00 You keep losing your investment capital to inflation by waiting

8:12 Empowered Investor Inner Circle - join today! 

10:00 CoreLogic housing stats - month over month growth rate in for rents

13:45 Live, virtual event in October - Recession Proof Investing Summit - learn more at

14:40 Owner’s Equivalent Rent

Tom interviews Jason

18:02 Jason Hartman is a guest The WealthAbility Show, hosted by Rich Dad Advisor Tom Wheelwright 

18:38 New ideas and perspectives on the current state of the market

19:20 We’ve had an amazing bull market in real estate in the last 12 years 

21:10 Crypto has not been an inflation hedge 

23:05 Arizona had the highest official inflation rate in the country 

25:01 Commodity inflation 

28:31 Demand vs supply issues in the housing market

31:18 Investment properties are priced based on the income they produce

32:45 Useless to regret the past 

35:36 Rents have skyrocketed over the last two years

36:08 Giant blindspot when it comes to affordability 

40:25 Basing RE values on the past vs the future

42:46 Using Tom’s Win Win Wealth Strategy in real estate 

45:23 Advice from Robert Kiyosaki 

47:06 Overall ROI

49:15 Two things that people should do over the next 6 to 12 months



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Jason Hartman shares some important news on today’s episode of The Creating Wealth Show and invites well known author Naomi Wolf to discuss the ineffectiveness of  pandemic policies. 

If you want to understand the reason behind anything, simply follow the money. That is exactly what today’s guest, author Naomi Wolf has done. Her new book, The Bodies of Others: The New Authoritarians, COVID-19 and The War Against the Human, details how lockdowns and medical mandates of the last few years didn’t make any sense in terms of medical precautions, but make a lot of sense in a post pandemic society in which big tech owns our civic communication and our data. 

They've targeted and crushed the spaces and institutions in which human beings are powerful: worship, in person universities, in person schooling, town halls, churches, synagogues, restaurants, bars, etc. -  places where people commune and exchange information in an unmediated way. They have suppressed the human advantage on a level of evil that cannot be explained in merely human terms.

Key Takeaways:

0:00 Happy Labor Day! Welcome to The Creating Wealth Show Episode 1891

1:27 Today’s guest is author Naomi Wolf, but first - Jason’s recent news 

2:31 Lawsuit verdict 

7:47 Housing inventory growth has grounded to a halt

8:31 Altos Research inventory projection

11:01 People have no motivation to sell their houses

11:51 Mortgages are an asset and people will protect them

Go to and leave a comment!

Naomi Wolf Interview

13:52 Welcome Naomi Wolf to discuss her new book - The Bodies of Others: The New Authoritarians, COVID-19 and The War Against the Human

14:28 The government has usurped a massive amount of control using big tech companies as a proxy for their wishes

15:27 The Chinese Communist Party is in alliance with Big Tech

17:21 Tech companies drove and benefited from lockdowns

19:05 Microsoft is invested in vaccine passports

21:10 Big Tech companies aligned to message all over the internet about COVID

23:26 Children in their developmental years being forced to mask

26:08 In China, bank customers couldn't get access to their life savings

26:47 FDA asked the court to keep 55,000 Pfizer documents hidden for 75 years

27:33 Pfizer knew within a month of rollout that the vaccines didn't work and didn't tell anyone

29:36 World Economic Forum - the end of the West

31:16 Pfizer is a German/Chinese company

34:14 Deadly side effects

36:56 Why would the American government cooperate? 

39:51 Reproductive system damage 

42:16 Newborn injection studies 

44:02 When people refuse to comply, evil fails 

47:27 Find Naomi on and

48:27 Get Naomi’s new book - The Bodies of Others: The New Authoritarians, COVID-19 and The War Against the Human



Laptop From Hell by Miranda Devine



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Today’s a Flashback Friday and a 10th episode! This one is from episode 1070, published last October 15, 2018.

Jason Hartman starts today's episode with his friend Matt Andrews, as the two discuss why they enjoy real estate and how they discover new ways to produce profit in their real estate deals, as well as the need for you to prune your portfolio.

Then, for his 10th episode, Jason talks with Angela Duckworth, Founder & CEO of Character Lab, former advisor to the White House, World Bank, NBA & NFL teams, and author of the new book Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance. The two delve into what character and grit are and the steps you can take to improve yours.

Key Takeaways:

3:45 The practice of "pruning"

7:30 As you progress along your real estate journey you'll continue to find ways to profit on your deals.

Angela Duckworth Interview:

10:34 Are we in a crisis of character moment in history?

14:14 Is character an absolute or constantly in flux?

19:34 One reason why the wicked don't prosper

22:08 What is grit and how do you develop it?

25:30 If you want to be different, be consistent

29:31 The steps to becoming gritty


Profits in Paradise

Jason Hartman's Alexa Flash Briefing

The PropertyCast



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Direct download: CW_1890_FBF__CW_1070_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Jason Hartman invites one of your favorite guests to the show today - his Mom! Joyce is an extremely successful real estate investor who has done it all! Joyce is very hands on when it comes to self managing her properties and today she shares her best tips for keeping your rents up to date with the market and decreasing your vacancy rate between leases. Jason discusses the dynamics between the sales market and the rental market.

Catch these excerpts from Jason Hartman’s recent speech at the Market Disruptors event and prepare your portfolio for stormy economic times ahead. 

Key Takeaways:

0:00 Welcome to The Creating Wealth Show, Episode 1889

1:04 An extreme do-it-yourselfer when it comes to self managing properties

1:49 When should your lease expire? 

4:15 Why it’s important to consider the season of your lease expiration

5:00 Rental market outlook 

5:59 Always check rents in your market 

6:20 Jason Hartman’s Three Dimensions of Real Estate 

7:09 Knight Frank’s Global House Price Index

7:50 Everything is relative to inflation when considering house prices 

10:00 Economist Mohamed El-Erian

10:58 Europe’s energy crisis 

11:54 Biden going to Saudi Arabia to beg for oil 

12:46 Inflation has made eating out impossible 

14:13 Jason Hartman live speech at Market Disruptors 

16:09 Our government ran out of money a long time ago

17:30 Empowered Investor helps people buy property nationwide 

20:44 Adjust your investment strategy

22:06 People should be more important than governments 

23:04 Action items - how to prepare yourself 

25:00 Inflation arbitrage 



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Inflation is a business plan - don’t forget it! Take advantage of the exact same business plan that governments and central banks all around the world are using by Jason Hartman’s signature technique - inflation induced debt destruction. 

The world's pool of negative yielding debt has decreased to a seven year low, as the era of exceptionally loose monetary policy is drawing to a close in the world’s major economies. The total stock of negative yielding debt was reported at $2.4 trillion last week according to Bloomberg Barclays Index, indicating an 87% reduction. The days of global central banks seeking to prop up economies by slashing rates and buying large quantities of bonds are over. 

Jason highlights some important factors in the global economy for you to keep in mind in a discussion by geopolitical strategist Peter Zeihan and warns against the continuous overreach of big tech companies in our lives, including suppression of information to the public and data privacy breaches. 

Key Takeaways:

0:00 Welcome to The Creating Wealth Show Episode 1888

1:46 Entitled investors wave goodbye to negative yielding debt

3:19 Fighting a potential recession 

5:00 Inflation is a business plan - take advantage 

8:18 Global central banks become huge bond buyers 

10:23 Is the real estate market collapsing? 

11:51 No one is talking about rents

13:42 Empowered Investor Pro - join today! 

15:36 Peter Zeihan on inflation 

17:20 Geopolitical perspective - fertilizer and food shortage

20:13 Demographic problems in the United States

21:30 Euro/dollar parity

22:46 European inflation is extremely high

23:35 Amazon purchased iRobot

25:24 Big tech is surveilling our homes 

26:31 Mark Zuckerburg suppressed information at the behest of the FBI

28:00 The world is run by corporations


The Collective Mastermind



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Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Today's Flashback Friday is from episode 622, published last January 18, 2016.

This episode can be summed up by the popular saying “Everyone is a genius in a bull market”. Many financial hosts warn against taking on debt to build wealth. Jason clearly illustrates why we should be using fixed rate mortgage as a financing vehicle and outsourcing debt to tenants while enjoying the tax advantages.

Naresh is not a real estate investor, yet. He has come up with some basic, but necessary questions for Jason which will help him and all of you budding, soon to be real estate income property investors out there. Jason reminds us “real estate is the most historically proven asset class” and carefully lays out his answers in easy to understand, common sense terms.

Key Takeaways:

2:48 Predicting market cycles would be easier if governments and central banks didn’t interfere

9:07 The business cycle is an economic concept which affects real estate

10:40 The Reluctant Investor’s Lament poem by Donald Weill

18:12 Everybody’s a genius in a bull market

20:21 Our Investment Counselors are geographically independent, market-wide gatekeepers

23:47 Our organization has relationships with local market specialists which give clients leverage

27:18 New clients need at least 24% cash down when purchasing a property

30:03 The rise of the “debt bigots”

34:04 Debt is a powerful thing, you must be wise with it

34:56 Always use debt as leverage when purchasing real estate income properties

37:35 A fixed rate mortgage guarantees your rate for 30 years plus tenants pay off your debt

38:59 Podcast feeds are divided and education is free




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Jason Hartman welcomes back Brandon Hall, CEO of Hall CPA to talk about tax strategies for real estate investors. If you're a real estate investor, you really have to know the passive loss rules - you can’t afford not to! As Jason always says, taxes are the single largest expense in most people's lives, yet people spend so little time understanding the tax code and learning how they can benefit from it. 

Brandon Hall shares multiple strategies and educates you on the ways you can significantly reduce and potentially even eliminate your tax bill through short term rentals and the passive activity loss rules of Section 469.

Start your education today and use promo code HARTMAN for 50% off!

Don’t miss this SPECIAL OFFER on Brandon Hall’s Tax Smart Foundation course at! Start your education today!

Key Takeaways:

0:00 Welcome Brandon Hall, CEO of Hall CPA and TaxSmart Investors to talk about tax strategies for real estate investors

1:03 Taxes are the single largest expense in most people's lives

2:36 Brandon Hall, CPA, Tax Smart Foundation

3:28 Long term and short term rental tax loopholes

5:02 Section 469 of the Internal Revenue Code: passive activity loss rules 

7:00 RE taxes when you sell a property

8:36 Depreciation recapture

9:21 Cash flow today that you're not paying tax on

10:34 Tax loss from your rental real estate - passive and non passive income

14:08 Most real estate is going to produce net operating income positive cash flow, while simultaneously producing a tax loss

14:47 Use your suspended tax losses from rental real estate to protect my tax benefit

16:37 Investing in short term rentals and real estate professionals 

17:46 A short term rental is not a rental activity under Section 469

20:13 Top three material participation tests

21:23 Start self managing your rentals with software

23:15 Self managing is all about systems

24:01 The huge benefit of 1031 exchange

25:44 Qualifying as a real estate professional

29:03 Excess business loss rules

31:50 Bringing forward depreciation deductions through cost segregation

32:38 Losses can always offset business income or rental income

33:47 Biden tax plan

34:47 SPECIAL OFFER on Brandon Hall’s Tax Strategy Foundation course at!

Start your education today and use promo code HARTMAN for 50% off!


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Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason’s videos on his official YouTube channel:

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Jason Hartman’s Extra YouTube Channel

Jason Hartman’s Real Estate News and Technology (RENT) YouTube Channel

Announcement: Catch the exciting new docuseries from Revealed Films featuring Jason Hartman! Register for the premiere at and don’t miss this free 9 part series featuring more than 30 real estate experts, as they talk about getting started in RE no matter your experience level, how to find deals in your area, how to fund your deals, what to do during this period of rapid inflation and lots more!

Key Takeaways:

0:00 Welcome to The Creating Wealth Show, episode 1885 

1:49 Hacking Real Estate Docuseries from Revealed Films - Don’t miss Jason’s interview on August 30th, 9pm EST

2:40 Register for the premiere at 

3:25 Jason’s origin story - solving a problem in the market 

3:54 Build a portfolio of nationwide real estate 

4:16 Single family homes are the most accessible form of real estate 

4:53 Rent-to-Value Ratio

5:50 Get paid to borrow money

6:30 Official rate of inflation 

6:51 Wall street and leveraged buyouts 

8:46 Learn more at

9:36 The Advantage of Real Estate Properties: The Deal is Never Done 

10:05 Timing the market 

10:38 Unlike stocks or crypto, you can change the terms of your RE deal

11:13 You can always refinance 

11:51 Sweat equity does not equal appreciation 


Don’t miss this exciting FREE docuseries Hacking Real Estate!

Additional free materials! 

Airbnb eBook -

Future of Real Estate eBook -

Real Estate Empire eBook -



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Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason’s videos on his official YouTube channel:

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Jason Hartman’s Extra YouTube Channel

Jason Hartman’s Real Estate News and Technology (RENT) YouTube Channel

Today's Flashback Friday is from episode 559 published last August 24, 2015.

Many of you have trusted us with your past and ongoing real estate investment transactions and we appreciate it. We take time in today’s episode to share your successes with others, discuss the joy of seeing you at live events and invite you to contact us if you would like to be on the show. We enjoy having you as clients and we are happy to offer you the type of service that a group of our size can acquire. Your investment portfolio’s are leading you towards financial freedom and your stories are inspirational. Thanks and congratulations from our entire team.

Key Takeaways:

1:55 Talking directly to you the clients and the listeners

3:30 Freedom is the benefit of investments

4:08 Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac guidelines - 10 loan per person limit

5:03 Congratulations to those building great portfolios! Add applause here

6:42 Russ - a real client story about firing his boss

9:32 Kathy from California signed up for JHU Live

9:56 Congrats to Jessie for a recent close of properties in Memphis

10:25 Over Diversification is more than 3-5 markets

11:16 Getting clients to open up about their goals from the beginning

13:26 Feedback helps you to consolidate and double down in a few good markets

16:32 A B market with an A team is better than an A market with a B team

18:26 Our organization gives you leverage through quantity

19:23 The soft factors are personalities

20:20 Free shirts for investment therapists and matchmaking

21:31 It truly is still a Mom and Pop business structure which preserves our opportunities

23:52 Toby’s personal experience of a 19 property portfolio

25:43 A shout out to Andy & Stacy for continued success

26:35 The shoulda coulda woulda mentality

27:30 Damon & Bill working land contracts

29:29 We’d love to have you on the show

30:44 JHU Live & Venture Alliance events are coming up soon

32:00 Lifetime rental coordination through our organization

32:29 Come out and meet us at our live events at least once a year



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Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason’s videos on his official YouTube channel:

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Jason Hartman’s Real Estate News and Technology (RENT) YouTube Channel

Jason Hartman welcomes Sachin Khajuria, investor and author of the newly released book Two and Twenty: How the Masters of Private Equity Always Win for a fascinating discussion on private equity investing. Private equity was once an investment niche, but  many of its leading firms today control an amount of wealth that surpasses the GDP of some nations!

You hear a lot of people accusing private equity of underperforming or not creating any value. There is plenty of criticism against this sort of investment, but Sachin would disagree and in his book, he teaches you to identify the best opportunities which do very well. Sachin explores the future of private equity investing, how it has evolved and what can be done to make it more accessible.

Key Takeaways:

0:00 Welcome to The Creating Wealth Show, Episode 1883

1:02 Inflation Reduction Act - false advertising

4:35 Leveraged buyouts

6:04 The carried interest rule was preserved by democrats

8:15 What happens when private equity firms buy real estate?

8:45 Rents will go much higher

10:10 Empowered Investor Pro meeting - 1031 Exchange

12:00 Join us at

12:25 Welcome Sachin Khajuria, investor and author of Two and Twenty: How the Masters of Private Equity Always Win

13:45 Sachin’s macroeconomic outlook

15:09 Where continuous money printing has led us

16:08 It was a forced recession

16:57 Zombie companies of the S&P 500

18:30 The Russia Ukraine war continues to disrupt

19:12 Where to invest now?

20:22 Investing in private equity deals

21:40 You are probably already a customer of private equity

23:29 Private equity is highly active investing

25:06 Venture capital typically deals more with startups

25:58 Private equity aims to improve existing assets

27:40 Private equity has evolved into new spaces

28:11 Sachin’s book: Two and Twenty: How the Masters of Private Equity Always Win

31:53 Can regular middle class people invest in these deals?

33:19 Is my money safe? How stable are private equity firms?

35:01 Access to these investments will come with regulation and education

36:56 Get Sachin’s fantastic new book to learn more!



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Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason’s videos on his official YouTube channel:

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Jason Hartman’s Extra YouTube Channel

Jason Hartman’s Real Estate News and Technology (RENT) YouTube Channel

Jason Hartman is back today to talk you through today’s most important issues in real estate investing and economic policy. Will the newly passed Inflation Reduction Act actually reduce inflation in the here and now, or are special interest groups taking advantage of our economic crisis, as usual? Altos Research releases their prediction for end-of-year housing inventory numbers and the FTC is fining Opendoor Labs Inc. for its deceptive trade practices, more specifically, using misleading and deceptive information that led sellers to believe that they could make more money selling their home to Opendoor, than on the open market using the traditional home sale process.

If you’ve been sitting on the sidelines waiting to become an income property investor, the time is now despite the media sensationalizing the possibility of a housing market crash. Reach out to our investment counselors at 1-800-HARTMAN, get the facts and join our Empowered Investor Pro Community. Let us show you why the time is now to start investing in income property: the most tax favored asset class in America!

Key Takeaways:

0:00 Welcome to The Creating Wealth Show, episode 1882

1:26 Inflation Reduction Act

3:41 Tax Foundation report: economic impact of act will increase revenue $300 billion

5:19 Currency is a commodity

5:48 Most basic law of economics: supply and demand

8:16 Wednesday’s Empowered Investor Pro meeting: 1031 Exchange

8:58 Join us at

9:35 Latest housing inventory statistics from Altos Research

10:57 What do you think about the Inflation Reduction Act?

13:02 Altos Research prediction for end of year housing inventory levels

15:39 Existing home sales have outperformed gold, cryptocurrencies and the S&P 500

17:57 Inflation induced debt destruction

19:01 Wisdom from Winston Churchill

20:38 BlackRock believes in income property - so should you

21:39 How federal rates have affected the market historically

22:57 The Federal Trade Commission is fining Opendoor Labs Inc. for its deceptive trade practices

25:55 Reach out to us at or call 1-800-HARTMAN to learn more about the Empowered Investor Pro Community



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Get wholesale real estate deals for investment or build a great business – Free course:

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Jason’s TV Clips in Vimeo

Free Class: CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning:

Special Offer from Ron LeGrand:

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Contact our Investment Counselors at:

Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason’s videos on his official YouTube channel:

Guided Visualization for Investors:

Jason’s videos in his other sites:

Jason Hartman’s Extra YouTube Channel

Jason Hartman’s Real Estate News and Technology (RENT) YouTube Channel

Today's Flashback Friday is from episode 767 published last December 19, 2016. 

What a treat! Jason leads us into this episode revealing the possibilities available to the real estate market under our first US real estate president and reminds us the Fed has only raised the interest rate twice in the last decade. The political cartoon Christine sent in will have you laughing until the next great episode of Creating Wealth. This episode finishes like a fine wine with Jason’s personal recording of the sensational Leann Rimes answering questions from a private group and then wowing the crowd by belting out an amazing Amazing Grace.

Key Takeaways:

2:37 Can you imagine Leann Rimes singing Amazing Grace acapella right in front of you?

5:03 The first real estate President could repeal Dodd-Frank.

7:22 The multi-dimensional asset class that is income producing real estate.

10:36 What caused the 2008 Great Recession?

11:51 Christina sent Jason a great political cartoon.

16:33 You should start thinking of aging as a disease.

21:14 Align your financial interest with the powers that be!

24:21 Leann Rimes answers audience questions and sings Amazing Grace.



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Jason’s TV Clips in Vimeo

Free Class: CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning:

Special Offer from Ron LeGrand:

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Contact our Investment Counselors at:

Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason’s videos on his official YouTube channel:

Guided Visualization for Investors:

Jason’s videos in his other sites:

Jason Hartman’s Extra YouTube Channel

Jason Hartman’s Real Estate News and Technology (RENT) YouTube Channel

Welcome to this 10th episode of The Creating Wealth Show where Jason discusses other topics of great interest. Today’s guest is none other than..Jason Hartman! Jason recently sat down with Success Coach, Business Consultant, Speaker, Best-Selling Author and Entrepreneur Kate McKay on her Master Your Life Podcast and they took a deep dive into Jason’s backstory and what they think Maslow missed in his hierarchy of needs. 

If we want to change our lives, we must understand the difference between context and content. Most people try to fix their lives by changing the content, but instead, we must expand our context of what we believe as possible, so we don’t limit our thinking and confine ourselves to certain results. 

Through taking action, and as the saying goes, our success has been paved in the most beautiful and magnificent failures. So get out there, redefine your context and take action! 

Key Takeaways:

0:00 Welcome to this 10th show episode of Creating Wealth with Jason Hartman

1:10 Upcoming interview with Naomi Wolf

1:30 The United States has become a banana republic

3:22 Ride sharing is no exception to insane inflation prices

5:10 Dystopian shortages and a central power grid

7:52 Skyrocketing rents around the US

15:15 Empowered Investor Pro - get personal advice from Jason and his team!

16:08 Kate McKay welcomes Jason Hartman on the Master Your Life Podcast

16:36 How Jason got started in real estate

19:12 Jason’s four biggest influences

19:44 Understanding the difference between content and context

20:41 Teaching mindset to other sales agents

24:21 Sociology, culture and demographics

24:45 80s culture vs 90s culture

26:57 MTV changed the world culture

28:47 Social anthropological examination of the importance of tribe

31:10 Growing up in an integrated high school

33:55 Defining success

36:20 Jason’s early influences

41:17 What would you tell a younger version of yourself?

43:16 Memento mori and stoicism

45:36Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

49:37 Self actualization - the opening of a higher realm

50:58 The world rewards the doer, even when the action itself is wrong

Check out other episodes of Kate McKay’s Master Your Life Podcast here and learn more about Kate at



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Jason’s TV Clips in Vimeo

Free Class: CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning:

Special Offer from Ron LeGrand:

What do Jason’s clients say?

Contact our Investment Counselors at:

Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason’s videos on his official YouTube channel:

Guided Visualization for Investors:

Jason’s videos in his other sites:

Jason Hartman’s Extra YouTube Channel

Jason Hartman’s Real Estate News and Technology (RENT) YouTube Channel

Direct download: CW_1880_Kate_Mckay_with_Jason_Hartman_Edited_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

The most overlooked facet of asset protection is actually one of the easiest! Jason Hartman invites Rich Dad Advisor Garrett Sutton to talk about the ongoing requirements to keep your corporation or LLC current in good standing. If you fail to follow these simple rules, a court can pierce through the corporation or LLC, also known as “the corporate veil,” and get at your personal assets. Garrett advises you to be aware of The Corporate Transparency Act and talks about his new book - Veil Not Fail: Protecting Your Personal Assets from Business Attacks.

About Garrett Sutton, Esq.

Garrett assists entrepreneurs and real estate investors from around the world to protect their assets and maximize their financial goals through sound management and asset protection strategies. Garrett is highly sought after as a guest speaker and serves as a member of the elite group of “Rich Dad Advisors” for bestselling author Robert Kiyosaki.

Key Takeaways:

0:00 Join Empowered Investor Pro today! 

1:35 Jason Hartman reports the latest housing inventory numbers

4:15 The Fed is trying to cool the market

4:49 Personal Banking, mortgage, syndication and 1031 exchange workshops

6:45 Welcome Garrett Sutton, Rich Dad Advisor, attorney and successful author 

7:28 Keeping your corporation or LLC current in good standing

9:06 Piercing the corporate veil succeeds in 50% of all cases

13:15 Signing documents on behalf of the entity with your title

16:49 Paying fees to maintain your entity

17:41 Best states for asset protection and managing your LLC

21:52 How the Communist Party in SF almost got away with taking over private companies

24:09 Legal battles within families 

26:00 The Corporate Transparency Act

28:02 Fraud and abuse with our current system

29:59 FBI, spying, privacy issues and banking regulations 

32:39 Civil forfeiture

34:35 More regulations from Congress 

37:44 New reporting rules for setting up an entity - what you must know 

39:16 LLCs - S selection to be taxed as an S corp

41:15 Filing a C corp

41:59 Writing off health care premiums 

44:17 Asset protection for a C corp

45:34 Asset protection laws

46:38 Get Garrett’s new book - Veil Not Fail: Protecting Your Personal Assets from Business Attacks (Rich Dad Advisor Series)



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Get wholesale real estate deals for investment or build a great business – Free course:

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Jason’s TV Clips in Vimeo

Free Class: CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning:

Special Offer from Ron LeGrand:

What do Jason’s clients say?

Contact our Investment Counselors at:

Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason’s videos on his official YouTube channel:

Guided Visualization for Investors:

Jason’s videos in his other sites:

Jason Hartman’s Extra YouTube Channel

Jason Hartman’s Real Estate News and Technology (RENT) YouTube Channel

Direct download: CW_1879_-_Veil_Not_Fail_Protecting_Assets_by_Garrett_Sutton_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Today's Flashback Friday is from episode 542 published last July 15, 2015.

The world of long term financial savings plans can leave you dizzy. The paperwork can be pages and pages of jargon which make plans hard to distinguish and administer. Jason’s guest Edwin Kelly from Specialized IRA Services breaks down the Self Directed IRA, the solo 401k and Health Savings Account or HSA. Arming you with the setup cost and annual fee’s to help you make educated decisions about your investment future. You’ll hear solutions to creating wealth and obtaining more passive income through smart investing with a little help from people in the know. 

Key Takeaways:

Jason’s Editorial:

2:15 Self directed IRA investing

4:32 Nathan asks about out of state rental properties 

5:32 Have at least 4% of the properties value in the bank as an emergency fund

7:35 Steve asks about Jason’s foundation

9:38 Steve also asks about credit history and bankruptcy

12:32 Asset based financing; a hard money loan

Edwin Kelly Interview:

14:55 Would Donald Trump be a good president?

16:30 Invitation for Warren to be on the show

17:24 IRA Custodians, Administrators what’s the difference?

18:27 What are the fee’s of self-directed IRA’s

19:48 There is no fee sharing or back end money

21:06 A customized approach to IRA’s

25:34 People need passive income 

26:13 An everyday example of buy and hold real estate investing

30:37 Solo 401k or Individual 401k

35:12 Solo k paperwork was cumbersome and complex 

36:21 $400 annually for a self directed IRA and $700 for a 401K

38:58 HSA - Health Saving Account 

40:19 An HSA works by marrying the tax benefits of the traditional and Roth IRA’s 

41:48 Are you able to pay for proactive executive health physicals via an HSA?

43:17 Breast Augmentation for medical reasons is a qualified medical expense

45:43 An HSA is not a Flexible Saving Account

46:21 Investing in buy and hold real estate from the HSA

48:01 HSA and IRA are fairly easy to administer

48:46 An LLC inside of an IRA? 

51:34 Multiple LLC’s for asset protection


Specialized IRA Services 



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Free Class: CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning:

Special Offer from Ron LeGrand:

What do Jason’s clients say?

Contact our Investment Counselors at:

Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason’s videos on his official YouTube channel:

Guided Visualization for Investors:

Jason’s videos in his other sites:

Jason Hartman’s Extra YouTube Channel

Jason Hartman’s Real Estate News and Technology (RENT) YouTube Channel

Direct download: 1878_FBF_CW_542_Edwin_Kelly_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

According to Tina Tamboer, Senior Housing Analyst at The Cromford Report, what we’re seeing in the housing market is not a correction, but rather a disruption and the next few months are going to be a very telling time. Jason Hartman and Tina put the Phoenix housing market under a microscope to see exactly what’s happening with buyers, sellers, listing prices, foreclosures, landlords, rent increases and rate hikes! 

Supply is rising and prices are being reduced in the Phoenix area market as there have been a significant number of seller reductions each week in various price ranges. 

We are seeing a slowdown and we're seeing the tables turn a little bit more towards the buyers in this market. We’re not seeing people waving inspections or paying quite as much over listing price as we have the past two years, but that doesn’t mean we’re in a buyer’s market. It does not mean that sale prices won’t continue on an upward trajectory. We’re just seeing sellers getting a little more accommodating and conceding to concessions.

Key Takeaways:

0:00 Welcome back Tina Tamboer, Senior Housing Analyst at The Cromford Report

2:14 Big difference in the housing market, depending on whether you're under $400,000 or over

5:57 Will Interest rate sensitivity cause people to stay in the renter pool? 

6:43 Upward pressure on rents

8:27 Adjust your expectations and settle for less

10:05 When supply rises like this, sellers have to adjust their expectation on price also

11:56 Are these price reductions real market value reductions?

13:55 List prices down and days on market up 

18:37 More houses under contract than what's available for sale under $600K

20:56 Scottsdale home sold overnight for $400K over list price

22:33 Median mortgage payments are actually quite low historically

25:17 Crash in the auto industry as soon as the manufacturers catch up

27:38 Mortgage rates cannot be predicted 

28:15 Interest rates have gone down at the end of every recession historically

30:10 Where do you expect incomes to go in the future?

32:10 What we have right now is not a correction, but a disruption 

35:44 Phoenix area foreclosures are still below pandemic levels 

40:52 Learn more at



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Jason’s TV Clips in Vimeo

Free Class: CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning:

Special Offer from Ron LeGrand:

What do Jason’s clients say?

Contact our Investment Counselors at:

Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason’s videos on his official YouTube channel:

Guided Visualization for Investors:

Jason’s videos in his other sites:

Jason Hartman’s Extra YouTube Channel

Jason Hartman’s Real Estate News and Technology (RENT) YouTube Channel


Direct download: CW_1877__P2_-_CW_AIPIS_CI_-_Cromford_Report_Tina_Tamboer_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Is the housing market at an inflection point? Tina Tamboer, Senior Housing Analyst at The Cromford Report says there has been a significant shift, specifically in supply and demand creating a very interesting dynamic right now in the greater Phoenix area market. Are things becoming more favorable to buyers? What about investors? Is this seller’s market finally over?

Phoenix is a boom and bust type of market nowadays, but today is different from the last housing market crash. Whatever your residual anxiety over what you went through during that period of 2005, all the way to 2008, ‘09 and ‘10, you have to put those emotions aside. Emotions are not facts and you have to lean into the numbers to learn what's happening today.

Key Takeaways:

0:00 Welcome to The Creating Wealth Show

1:26 Empowered Investor Pro August meeting 

2:23 Welcome Tina Tamboer, Senior Housing Analyst at The Cromford Report

2:52 Shift in supply and demand affects each range of the market differently 

3:54 Inventory is going up in different amounts in different markets 

6:04 Affordability in the Phoenix Metro area

7:06 The interest rates have gone up so fast, the lending community can’t keep up 

7:48 The difference between a crash and a correction 

9:03 Interest rates coming down at the end of a recession 

11:15 In RE investing, you can continually renegotiate your deal 

13:52 Why this market is different from the last crash 

15:21 Measuring housing supply and demand

17:31 Phoenix is a boom and bust type of market nowadays

18:00 New listings increasing sharply 

21:34 Number of closings in the great Phoenix area

22:59 What’s happening in each market segment - below 400K and above 400K

25:11 Tune in for part 2 on the next episode!


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Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Today's Flashback Friday is from episode 411, published last September 10, 2014.

Jeff Reeves is the Editor at He's the author of, "The Frugal Investor’s Guide to Finding Great Stocks."

Reeves discusses why investors should love Google again. He also explains why blue chip brands like Amazon, Coke and Whole Foods make for bad investments. Reeves then shares which emerging markets and healthcare stocks are poised to take off. 

Jeff Reeves is a financial journalist and editor of the investing website, As a former editor with the New York Times Co. his passion is looking beyond the headlines to find out what the news really means for individual investors and consumers. Jeff's byline has appeared in numerous finance publications and websites, including The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, MarketWatch, Smart Money and 24/7 Wall Street. 

Read Jeff Reeves' work at



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Jason Hartman welcomes Steve Hoffman back to the show today to hear about the latest developments regarding real estate, digital assets and speculation in the metaverse. 

As we see a lot of big brands such as Gucci jumping into the virtual space to sell digital assets, a lot of people are wondering, where do you buy land in the metaverse? Are these good investments? How is their worth actually determined? How are people actually earning money?

Is this here to stay or just a passing fad? And what about cryptocurrencies? The amount of hype compared to the amount of utility that cryptocurrencies have delivered is completely disproportionate. People don't want to buy goods with cryptocurrency just yet, so what are they actually using cryptocurrency for? 

Join Steve and Jason as they discuss future virtual worlds, NFTs, crypto and much more. 

Key Takeaways:

0:00 Welcome to The Creating Wealth Show with Jason Hartman 

1:04 Empowered Investor Pro Community

2:08 Welcome Steve Hoffman, Chairman & CEO of Founders Space

3:11 Buying land in the metaverse, NFTs, cryptocurrency & Decentraland 

5:41 Steve’s book - The Five Forces That Change Everything: How Technology is Changing our Future

8:18 Big brands like Gucci are selling virtual goods

10:07 Make money speculating on virtual land in the metaverse

11:08 Axie Infinity - play to earn 

13:49 Inflation and virtual currency

14:53 Real value or a Ponzi scheme? 

18:36 Virtual assets and gambling

19:34 Mark Zuckerberg & Facebook’s Metaverse 

20:52 Why didn’t Amazon launch a cryptocurrency? 

24:09 Bitcoin: a decentralized money of the people 

26:16 Central bank digital currency

29:46 Russia, SWIFT system, XRP

32:02 Distinguishing Bitcoin from other crypto

33:21 The evolution of Bitcoin 

34:49 Find Steve Hoffman at



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Direct download: CW_1874_INTRO__Steve_Hoffman_Land_in_the_Metaverse_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Jason Hartman invites Tom Wheelwright, entrepreneur, best selling author, Rich Dad Advisor® & International Authority on Tax to discuss how we as taxpayers can do what the government wants done and get a tax break for doing it! We've heard a lot of discussion in the media and in politics about how the rich don't pay taxes, but maybe they should rephrase the question to why the rich don't pay tax legally. And this is exactly what Tom’s new book, The Win-Win Wealth Strategy: 7 Investments the Government Will Pay You to Make, is all about. 

Tom Wheelwright teaches you how any person can use those tax incentives for themselves. Why does the government do this in the first place? The government actually makes more money providing an incentive, than doing the work themselves! 

Learn more as Tom and Jason discuss the ins and outs of real estate taxes, tax deductions, home offices, tax credits and government incentives!

Key Takeaways:

0:00 Welcome to The Creating Wealth Show

1:04 Welcome Rich Dad Advisor® Tom Wheelwright, CPA & author of Tax-Free Wealth 

1:40 Tom’s brand new book - The Win-Win Wealth Strategy: 7 Investments the Government Will Pay You to Make

2:45 Income property is the most tax favored asset class in America

3:50 John F. Kenedy was the first president to incentivizing manufacturing for tax credits on a larger scale

7:02 The government actually makes more money providing an incentive than doing the work themselves

7:43 Your real estate investing is a business

9:56 LLCs, Schedule C and tax returns

13:57 Should you file individual returns for each entity? 

15:00 How do I make expenses deductible? 

16:35 Every country has business tax benefits

18:03 Tom’s Win-Win Wealth Strategy

19:51 Changing our tax mindset 

21:01 If you put solar on your business property, you get a 26% credit and an 87% deduction

22:55 When Joe Biden came into the office, the benefit started shifting towards renewable energy

25:16 The home office deduction and the 4 rules of a business deduction 

27:53 Change your facts, change your tax

28:22 Get Tom’s new book at



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Today's Flashback Friday is from episode 465 published last January 16, 2015.

Today’s Creating Wealth Show features Jason Hartman himself in an extended intro portion. Here, he talks about his personal tax and rental experience in the Socialist Republic of California, he gives an update on the latest developments in Bitcoin, and he also discusses some of his earlier market predictions and how they’ve progressed.

Key Takeaways

01.48 Even when you think you have everything sussed, something can come along and surprise you!

05.19 Being a homeowner is great, but renting gives you such flexibility.

09.43 Whether you were a believer or not, bitcoin seems to be sinking fast.

13:20 Rent to value ratio should always be on your mind when dealing with income property.

18.33 Houston, North Dakota; a market may look great, but who knows what the future may hold?

23:20 Jason Hartman compares stock market investments to those in real estate markets.

27.52 From next week onwards, the Creating Wealth Show will be reduced to two episodes per week.


The place you live is almost always going to be an expense, but you’ve got to live somewhere.

Spending money or real long-term wealth. Which would you prefer?

Often, it’s better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly.



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Welcome to today’s episode of The Creating Wealth Show where Jason Hartman reminds you that there is an important distinction to make between interest rates, housing affordability and the ability to qualify for a loan based on the usual things, such as credit score and debt-to-income ratio. There's a general overriding concept of credit availability, not directly related to interest rates: this is the willingness of lenders to lend and the ability of borrowers to borrow, measured by the Mortgage Credit Availability Index (MCAI). The credit supply is down, meaning it is now harder to get a mortgage than it used to be.

Jason Hartman welcomes Patrick Ceresna, Founder of Big Picture Trading and host of the MacroVoices Podcast to the show today to talk about the current macroeconomic picture we are facing today. Patrick explains why our inflation problems are not going away anytime soon. The only mechanism which the central banks have to slow an economy is the cost of credit, reflected in interest rate policy. However, the problem in this cycle is that when the inflation is not driven by massive demand, but rather supply issues, then the ability for monetary policy to actually have an impact diminishes.

Key Takeaways:

Jason's editorial

0:00 Welcome Empowered Investors from 189 countries world wide

1:45 Mortgage Credit Availability Index (MCAI)

2:58 The Great Recession, the mortgage meltdown and The Big Short

5:50 Credit supply in a credit based economy

6:30 Empowered Investor Pro -

8:42 Wall Street is the modern version of organized crime

9:52 Regulating the food supply

11:49 Messaging apps and insider trading

14:31 Last week, the Euro reached parity with the dollar

17:40 Downward pressure on the inflationary spiral

18:46 Why Dave Ramsey is wrong

Patrick Ceresna's interview

21:17 Today’s guest Patrick Ceresna, Founder of Big Picture Trading

22:05 Patrick’s current macroeconomic picture

24:05 Energy shortage - oil vs green 

27:48 CPI inflation numbers could come down, but it’s no merit of the Fed

29:26 The 70s had three waves of inflation

31:15 The global pandemic was a unique event

32:51 What investments do you own in an environment like this?

38:13 Could derivatives crash the global economy?

40:50 There a global system risk, not just American 

42:44 We are in a fourth turning and there will be some major financial institution reset eventually

42:58 The destruction of purchasing value is the driver of a monetary driven inflation

47:01 The US dollar rising right now is going to keep inflation in check

49:59 At the end of every bear market is a once a decade opportunity to buy a lot of cheap stuff 

51:38 A good investor or trader knows when to leave a party and go to a new one

53:37 Learn more at and check out Patrick’s podcasts: MacroVoices and Market Huddle



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Direct download: CW_1871_AMA_CI_-_INTRO__Patrick_Ceresna_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

In this 10th episode show of Creating Wealth where we discuss a topic of general interest, Jason Hartman invites New York Times Bestselling author Vivek Ramaswamy to speak about his book Woke, Inc.: Inside Corporate America's Social Justice Scam. 

Today’s economic landscape is rife with companies using economic force as a substitute for free speech and open debate to settle political and social questions. Vivek Ramaswamy is concerned with this new cancer, both in our culture and in our private sector, which threatens to kill the dream that Martin Luther King Jr. had 60 years ago.

This new philosophy that says that your identity is based on your race, sex, religion, or your sexual orientation is reductive. It takes the true diversity of voices in our country, the true diversity of perspectives within each of us and reduces us to nothing more than the embodiment of a group identity.  

Vivek makes the case to separate capitalism and democracy in order to preserve the integrity of both.

Key Takeaways:

Jason's editorial

2:21 Welcome to The Creating Wealth Show, Episode 1870

4:50 Trying to time the market

7:52 Waiting for the market to crash before buying properties

10:10 Everything comes out of the political environment

12:26 Mortgage rates and the CPI

14:48 Calculating negative interest rates

17:48 Inflation will go down as a result of an economic contraction or recession

18:45 Refinancing and adjustable rate mortgages

Vivek's interview

20:52 Welcome Vivek Ramaswamy, New York Times Bestselling author of Woke, Inc.: Inside Corporate America's Social Justice Scam

21:29 Vivek was a CEO in biotech for seven years

23:29 This new philosophy that says that your identity is based on your race, your sex, your religion, or your sexual orientation is reductive

24:22 Companies use market power to tilt the scales of debate on identity questions

25:36 Once the private sector becomes politicized, we lose the apolitical sanctuary where true innovation can happen

27:12 Institutions have adopted the shareholder primacy doctrine and are forcing companies to support particular politicized environmental or social agendas

29:07 Isn’t wokeness acting against the interest of some companies? Finding answers in ‘08 crisis

30:22 The free market does not exist when it's been co-opted to advance a political agenda

32:03 The ESG Asset Bubble - Larry Fink and the birth of the ESG movement

34:19 Critical Diversity Theory

37:45 There are cynical forces exploiting the relationship between the neo progressive movement and big business

39:42 Dictators becoming stakeholders

40:29 Companies hand over user data through their platform to the CCP as a condition for doing business in China

41:05 Reviving civic duty in the American culture

43:03 Learn more at and check out Vivek’s book: Woke, Inc.



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Direct download: CW_1870_10th_Ep_WOKE_Inc_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Today's Flashback Friday is from episode 1184 published last May 1, 2019.

Jason Hartman begins today's episode from the city of Shanghai, one of the largest (and densest) cities in the world. Since he's been in town he's started thinking about the importance of population density on real estate. It impacts everything from quality of life to desirability of businesses to the pricing of every unit.

Then Jason talks with client Greg Scott about his journey from accidental landlord to an owner of multifamily properties. Greg and Jason examine why people don't know whether they're winning or losing, how Greg was able to continue investing through the Great Recession, and what sort of demographics are making being a landlord look better and better.

Key Takeaways:

Jason's editorial

4:10 It's important not to overlook the importance of population density

6:51 One of the huge drivers of real estate prices is population density

11:47 Even after "graduating" to bigger deals, Jason believes the single family home is the best deal out there

Greg Scott Interview

15:23 Greg's journey to becoming an accidental landlord

19:00 People often don't know whether they're winning or losing

24:06 When you hear about the returns people get from real estate and want to do the same, you have to actually act on it

25:40 Greg's plan for his new multifamily facility

28:26 How worried was Greg when he was investing in property during the Great Recession?

32:32 Does Greg see the same thing about high rental demand as Jason does?




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Direct download: CW_1869_FBF_CW_1184_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

There have been staggering price increases around the country in the last year in many sectors. Jason Hartman gives you the latest year over year numbers on rents, hotels and auto loans. The increases are staggering! In just one American city, rents have increased 40.8% in just one year! It's truly shocking to see rents go up that quickly, but if you take a quick look around the world, it’s even worse. When a housing market correction eventually happens, it will put upward pressure on rents. That's the beauty of income property. Other asset classes such as the stock market, don't have the great multi dimensional characteristics we have with income property.

As economic times change, the middle class is continuing to be hollowed out and things that were considered normal will soon be luxuries for many people. The destruction of the middle class has been underway for decades and it's coming to a real inflection point. Traveling, buying your own house and having your own car will be a thing of the past for many.  So, what's the moral of the story for today? 

If there's a big economic recession, you’ve got to have financial self defense. As you’ve heard Jason and others say before: don't wait to buy real estate, buy real estate and then wait. Income property is the most historically proven asset class in the world. Mortgages are still below the rate of official inflation and dramatically below the rate of real inflation. You're getting paid to borrow money and you're automatically getting inflation induced debt destruction. Go to and let Jason and his team assist you in your investing journey!

Key Takeaways:

0:00 Welcome to The Creating Wealth Show Episode 1868 

1:00 Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it

2:51 Massive government deficits 

5:01 Reagan, the debt ceiling and inflation

7:56 The Federal Reserve was created when no one was paying attention

8:55 Increase your credit lines at and protect your assets at

10:38 Take advantage of inflation induced debt destruction

11:31 Rents are high now, but will go higher

15:31 Rents are much more expensive around the world

19:38 Inflation is worse around the world

21:55 Subprime crisis in the auto loan industry

23:29 Other asset classes don't have the multi dimensional characteristics of income property

25:11 The government wants to push us into mass transit or into electric cars

28:48 If there is a recession, you’ve got to have financial self defense

30:42 As economic times change, the middle class is being hollowed out

34:44 Don't wait to buy real estate, buy real estate and then wait 

35:20 Learn more at



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Direct download: CW_1868_JH_Full_Ep_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Is an imminent housing market crash reality or fiction? Jason Hartman invites apartment syndicator Kyle Kovats to the show today to talk about where the housing market was in times of crisis and where it is going now. He presents housing, mortgage and demographic data that paint a very different picture from what many doom and gloomers are saying.

There is so much media sensationalism around the current housing market and lots of people predicting that it’s going to come crashing down just like it did in 2008-09, but few people are looking at the real data and making informed predictions based on the real numbers. 

Leading up to the 2008 financial crisis, there were three things happening: we were overbuilt, there were funny money loans, and demographics were vastly different. None of that remains true right now! We have very different market conditions and Kyle makes the case that a crash is highly unlikely.

Key Takeaways:

Jason's editorial

1:22 Welcome to The Creating Wealth Show Episode 1867

2:20 The 1970s was a very interesting decade with Nixon, the gold standard and rampant inflation

3:18 Supply and demand is the most basic law of economics

5:00 Raise rates, tighten the money supply and inflationary pressures will decline

6:43 In the 70s, our debt to GDP ratio as a country was dramatically lower than it is today

9:45 Today, CPI inflation is higher than interest rates

10:10 During the pandemic, we created so much new currency out of thin air

11:37 Negative interest rates

Kyle Kovats interview

14:57 Welcome apartment syndicator Kyle Kovats

16:24 Rising interest rates and recalibrating seller expectations

17:15 When you compare the demographics of 2008 to 2022, they couldn't be any different!

18:03 Adjustable rate mortgages are coming back

18:43 Percentage of immediate sales has slowed

20:49 Foreclosures are up by 130%, but compared to what? 

23:32 We're hitting the largest demographic patch ever with millennials ages 28 to 34

24:54 9 out of 10 mortgages have an interest rate below 5%

26:44 The average person taking out a loan today has a credit score of 776

29:28 39 trillion of real estate in this country: 12 trillion is debt, 27 trillion is equity

31:28 We're at about 2.6 months worth of inventory

34:18 The Fed is creating demand destruction by tightening the money supply and raising the rates

35:37 Leading up to the 2008  financial crisis we were overbuilding like crazy

36:51 All time nationwide low delinquency rate -  2.8%,

45:50 We built 5 million apartments over the last three decades, however we've had more renters than that entering the rental market

49:02 Single family home rents nationwide are up roughly about 15% year over year

50:38 Class C renters are much more affected by inflation 

53:39 Nationwide savings rate is about 4.4% of household income -  a little bit below historical norms

56:43 We could be in more of a long term inflationary period, as we're starting to see globalization diminishing

57:57 What happened in 1981 when Paul Volcker went nuts? 

1:00:52 Follow Kyle Kovats on Facebook and reach out to him via email



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Direct download: CW_1867_intro__Kyle_Kovats_Full_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Today's Flashback Friday is from episode 553, published last August 10, 2015.

Jeff, an existing client, is researching buying multiple properties at once in the Chicago area. After much debate about the advantages and disadvantages Jason gives a thumbs up in support of the venture. Because it’s true that buying multiple properties at once will save investors time and paperwork. Affordable maintenance costs, low vacancy rates and cost of living make Chicago the least expensive world class city in the U.S. And don’t miss next Wednesday when Jason interviews another presidential candidate and tells you more about JHU Live, a real estate investment workshop in sunny San Diego, California.

Key Takeaways:

Jason's editorial

1:53 Look forward to Wednesday for an interview with a presidential candidate

2:59The next Venture Alliance trip will be in Newport Rhode Island & Martha’s Vineyard

6:20 JHU - Live in San Diego - Meet the Masters

7:41 Land Contract experts will be at Jason Hartman University Live

9:08 Write a review on iTunes and send a copy to and get 30% off

Jeff Morris interview

10:28 Jeff asks Jason’s advice about investing in Chicago

12:09 Chicago is great but there are a few reasons why it’s not a slam dunk

12:24 But...the team you use is important! Pay attention to the in house services

14:47 Cash flow and rent to value ratios in Chicago

17:27 Is a low vacancy rate a sign of low rents

20: 16 The psychology behind raising rents for existing tenants

22:21 Our local market specialist in this area know what they are doing

23:20 Are there advantages to buying a group of properties all at once

25:08 Chicago is the most affordable world class city in the world

26:25 Rental Properties in Little Rock and Memphis versus rental properties in Chicago

28:35 A million shades of gray in real estate investing

31:16 An extreme self management example

33:46 Chicago area is a vibrant market





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Direct download: CW_1866_FBF_CW_553_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

The economic landscape is changing fast and Jason Hartman reminds you that one of the best things you can do is to “dig your well before you’re thirsty,” in other words, prepare yourself for a recession before it happens. On today’s episode, he encourages you to secure lines of credit so they are ready when investment opportunities arise. 

If you aren’t a member already, Jason’s Empowered Investor Pro meets monthly and discusses the most urgent issues in this changing market. Last night’s meeting centered around rent increases and adjustable rate mortgages, so join today or risk getting left behind! 

Today’s guest is Peter S. Goodman, Global Economic Correspondent for The New York Times, author of Davos Man: How the Billionaires Devoured the World. Peter profiles the “Davos Man” - someone who makes himself the solution where he is actually  the problem. We’ve seen the billionaires who meet in Davos at the World Economic Forum generating profit opportunities for themselves at social expense. What is the solution?

You can watch the video HERE.

Key Takeaways:

Jason's editorial

1:03 Introduction: Davos Man and Woke Inc.

3:01 Join the Empowered Investor Pro today! Go to

3:32 Population clocks and America's favorable demographics are driving up rental prices

5:49 A real world example

7:09 Adjustable rate loans

9:00 What to do now?

11:17 Look for ways to cut expenses

11:54 Secure credit lines. Free funding workshop at

13:25 Dig your well BEFORE you're thirsty

14:28 Set up entities to protect assets. Go to

15:17 Make educated investments. Watch the video on to learn how to analyze a real estate deal

15:57 More to follow

16:35 Tucker Carlson: Corporate America wants you childless

Peter S. Goodman interview

20:14 Recap: “Davos Man” makes himself the solution where he is the problem

20:57 Bankers get bailed out, but homeowners don’t

21:51 Healthcare system and surprise billing

26:01 Generating profit opportunities for themselves at social expense

32:05 Is Trump the “Anti-Davos Man?”

34:54 China is a complex challenge for the global trading system

39:40 China's WTO session was driven by the interests of American shareholders

41:36 Our democratic society is under threat from this inequality

42:53 We need three things: progressive taxation, antitrust enforcement and collective bargaining

43:48 Get more info at Follow Peter on Twitter @petersgoodman



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Direct download: CW_1865_INTRO__Davos_Man_Part_2_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Jason Hartman wishes you all a very happy 4th of July celebrating the independence and constitution of this great country and gives you the latest numbers on the biggest scam of all - inflation! He reports the latest CPI inflation numbers to see how much extra your Fourth of July BBQ will cost you this year. 

Today’s guest is Peter S. Goodman, Global Economic Correspondent for The New York Times and they discuss his new book: Davos Man: How the Billionaires Devoured the World. Is the World Economic Forum conference in Davos a serious discussion about climate change and injustice or just a chance for billionaires to get together and do business? 

The World Economic Forum institution was started by German economist Klaus Schwab back in the 70s, on the proposition that if you got businesses and governments together, you could solve a lot of problems. He's into public private partnerships. He's into Win Win solutions. But along the way, it has become, under the guise of a nonprofit foundation, a highly lucrative enterprise. And Schwab brings in heads of state from around the world to meet with billionaires, public intellectuals, a whole lot of journalists, the odd Hollywood celebrity, musicians etc. But according to Goodman, it’s a charade; they are there to do business.

Key Takeaways:

Jason's editorial

1:26 Happy Independence Day!

2:59 The Importance of our fantastic constitution

5:13 Recent Supreme Court rulings

7:21 Inflation: the biggest scam of all - the latest CPI numbers

9:42 Housing inventory numbers are up

11:09 Learn where to invest at

12:16 Income and housing prices are non correlating indicators

15:02 Get a free portfolio makeover!

Peter Goodman Interview

16:15 Welcome Peter S. Goodman, Global Economic Correspondent for The New York Times, author of Davos Man: How the Billionaires Devoured the World

16:49 World Economic Forum conference in Davos - is this a shadow government?

18:48 Rent-seeking behavior in Davos

19:44 The WEF was started by German economist Klaus Schwab back in the 70s

20:52 A chance for the billionaire class to virtue signal

22:56 Who is the “Davos Man?”

25:15 Marc Benioff, philanthropy, Trump tax cuts and capitalism

27:38 Big companies avoid taxes by using foreign subsidiaries

32:44 Christian Smalls, Amazon warehouse worker

35:25 “Davos Man” makes himself the solution where he is the problem

39:44 Bankers get bailed out, but homeowners don’t



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Direct download: CW_1864_INTRO__Davos_Man_Part_1_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Today's Flashback Friday is from episode 271 published on August 1, 2012.

Jason Hartman answers client questions, discusses the organization of your real estate portfolio and is interviewed by Future Money Trends. During the interview, Jason discusses the multi-dimensional nature of income property and the one-dimensional or maybe two-dimensional nature of other investments as well as the demand equation.

They can outsource all the manufacturing jobs to China, they can outsource all the call centers and administrative jobs to India or the Philippines, they can even “outsource” retail shopping to the internet; however, so long as the U.S. population is increasing there will be increased demand for housing. This is especially true with all the home-based business and corporate people working at home.

Even Fortune 1000 companies are telling some of their employees to work at home. Remember that people only have three choices 1) buy, 2) rent or 3) be homeless.  Be sure to join Jason and his team in Atlanta, Georgia. 

Details and registration at: and call in to The Creating Wealth Show at (480) 788-7823 to get your economic, investment and personal finance questions answered.  People cannot accurately predict appreciation or depreciation so any asset that doesn’t produce income from day one is a speculation and speculators usually lose. Investing isn’t a gamble since it involves buying assets that produce income. There are many interesting issues discussed in this interview.



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Direct download: 1863_FBF_CW_271_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Ladies and gentlemen we have an economy built on smoke and mirrors, built on a house of cards. Let’s not forget that currency is lent into existence and today, Jason Hartman shares exactly how much outstanding credit the United States has. 

Also, house inventory levels are starting to move in an upward direction. We’re still a far cry from normal market levels, but Jason gives you the latest numbers from Altos Research.  

Joseph Wang, aka The Fed Guy, former senior trader on the open markets desk at the Federal Reserve is back for part 2 of his interview today. Joseph gives his take on the Fed’s response during times of economic crisis such as the Great Recession and the recent pandemic. Was it right of the Fed to get involved and stimulate the economy, or should they have let the economy and markets work themselves out?

🏆Contest Winners from the last month:🏆
YouTube: Politicracked Podcast, John Cottom, Ted Bauer, Brooklyn Soccer
Creating Wealth Podcast Review: Isaac Wels, Nate Mur, BradyGtt, ETrain7273

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Key Takeaways:

Jason's editorial

1:03 Introducing Joseph Wang part 2

2:00 Based on Altos Research, housing inventory is going up up up!

3:03 Download our slide decks; just go to

4:15 The 90 day average; going back to a 'normal' market

5:18 Segmenting the market by price

9:45 Raffle Winners last week and pausing the raffle- for now

11:50 An economy of smoke and mirrors

Joseph Wang Interview

17:52 The Philipps curve debate

20:43 Debt to GDP ratio and the dollar collapse

23:03 Why do other countries buy dollars? 

26:35 Bloodbath in the cryptocurrency markets

29:10 Understanding the Fed - is there a man behind the curtain? 

31:14 Was the Fed right to interfere during Covid and the Great Recession? 

33:41 What is a shadow bank? 

35:55 The story behind Long Term Capital Management

37:04 Be cautious with financial assets

38:47 Joseph Wang’s book Central Banking 101, Learn more at follow Joseph on Twitter @FedGuy12



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Jason Hartman’s Real Estate News and Technology (RENT) YouTube Channel

Direct download: CW_1862_intro__Central_Banking_101_The_Fed_Guy_Joseph_Wang_p2_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Jason Hartman invites Joseph Wang aka The Fed Guy, to the show today. Who better to talk about the inner workings of the Federal Reserve than someone who actually worked there! Joseph Wang is a former senior trader on the open markets desk at the Federal Reserve and the author of Central Banking 101.

Jason and Joseph tackle the biggest question on everyone’s mind: will mortgage rates go higher? How much higher can they go? Why did the Fed wait so long to start quantitative tightening and raise rates? Why didn’t they do it more gradually? 

Is the Fed part of a greater conspiracy? Is there a man behind the curtain pulling the strings? Joseph Wang tells all!

Key Takeaways:

Jason's editorial

1:25 Working at the world's biggest investor

3:21 Us versus the G7

8:47 Increasing renter population

10:47 Mortgage rates are higher but you’re still getting paid to borrow

14:09 Mortgage rates are still below inflation 

15:54 Bidding wars in the rental market

Joseph Wang's interview

20:48 Welcome to The Creating Wealth Show, today’s guest: Joseph Wang, aka The Fed Guy

22:08 Interest rates and mortgage backed securities

24:22 Quantitative easing - buying mortgages and treasuries 

26:56 Quantitative tightening and higher mortgage rates

29:52 Rents are going higher

31:33 Short term vs long term interest rates

33:13 Decreased labor supply and higher wages

36:02 China is the fastest aging country in the entire world

39:24 The Fed is absolutely political



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Jason Hartman’s Real Estate News and Technology (RENT) YouTube Channel

Direct download: CW_1861__CC_AMA_CI_HS_-_Central_Banking_101_The_Fed_Guy_Joseph_Wang_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Today’s a Flashback Friday and a 10th episode! This one is from episode 885 published last September 20, 2017.

In this solo episode, Jason analyzes widespread public statistics about US home sales, the value of the US Dollar and the looming pension crisis and asks the question ‘compared to what?’ The doomsayers may not be considering all the facts when predicting the collapse of the US economy and the real estate bubble. Jason breaks down the concept of price discovery and details how it is directly impacted by the interest rate. He ends the show by scrutinizing the top-heavy economies in Europe.

Key Takeaways:

03:00 Wells Fargo settled a class-action lawsuit for $142 million for ripping off America.

04:01 Does social media pressure give the average consumer leverage?

10:03 Including 'Compared to what?' information can help clarify statistics.

13:21 The three types of home sale markets are the buyer's market, the seller's market and the broker's market.

22:45 War as a business plan.

24:53 The cyclical, conservatives markets aren't likely to crash.

30:09 Price discovery is directly impacted by the interest rate.

33:41 Single-family home sales predictions from the Mortgage Bankers Assoc. & Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

39:49 Demographics & Pensions.

Mentioned in This Episode:

Jason Hartman

Property Tracker

Meet the Master’s of Income Property

Venture Alliance Mastermind

PragurU Youtube Channel



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Direct download: 1860_FBF_CW_885_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Peter Zeihan, geopolitical strategist, is back on the show with Jason Hartman to discuss the breakdown of supply chains and global manufacturing, labor shortage, inflationary pressures, generational demographics, the Russia Ukraine conflict, and so much more! 

At the moment, the labor disconnect is the single largest issue behind our inflation numbers and the worker shortage will increase every year until 2030. The advanced worker cadre of baby boomers is moving into retirement and the need for government spending to keep these people alive will skyrocket.

The very core of globalization is that anyone can go anywhere to get anything. This will change as China is no longer a reliable manufacturing partner and many companies are on their way out. Also, when we talk about the breakdown of supply chains, we're entering into a world where raw commodity access is no longer guaranteed, so we can look forward to large portions of the world losing access to the inputs that are necessary to attempt a modern lifestyle. Take silicon for semiconductors for example; 95% of it comes from one mine in North Carolina. So it's one thing to control global food or global energy - it's another thing when you can control the only input that allows digitization to even theoretically happen. 

The sourcing of raw materials is critical. Now that the world's top wheat exporter has invaded the world's number four wheat exporter, what short and long term consequences can we expect? Not to mention that Russia is also the world's largest exporter of fertilizer and the components necessary so people can make it. We're in the early stages of a multi year shortage in all things agricultural.

PETER ZEIHAN is an expert in geopolitics: the study of how place impacts financial, economic, cultural, political and military developments. He presents customized executive briefings to a wide array of audiences which include, but are not limited to, financial professionals, Fortune 500 firms, energy investors, and a mix of industrial, power, agricultural and consulting associations and corporations. Mr. Zeihan has been featured in, and cited by, numerous newspapers and broadcasts including The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, AP, Bloomberg, CNN, ABC, The New York Times, Fox News and MarketWatch.

🏆Contest Winners from the last month:🏆
YouTube: John Cottom, Ted Bauer, Brooklyn Soccer, Ryan Klein
Creating Wealth Podcast Review: Nate Mur, BradyGtt, ETrain7273, Smurfdaugg

Claim your prize within 1 month at

Key Takeaways:

Jason's editorial

1:03 Prologue to today's episode

3:17 An excerpt from Peter's introduction

6:57 Last week's raffle winners; claim your prize at

Peter Zeihan interview

9:04 Welcome Peter Zeihan, he just released his new book The End of the World is Just the Beginning: Mapping the Collapse of Globalization

10:29 Globalization is unique to this period in history

11:54 Mass explosion of economic activity around the world

13:18 Aging demographics around the world

14:35 China crammed 200 years of economic advancement into 40 years

18:38 Historically, capital and demographics have not been intertwined

20:57 The link between inflation capital availability and demographics - Boomers are retiring in large numbers

22:00 We have a 400,000 workers shortage and that will increase every year until 2030

23:49 The labor disconnect is the single largest issue behind our inflation numbers 

26:35 Labor market over the next 20 years 

28:02 Can China take over the world?

31:04 China’s severe lockdown measures

33:19 China in Africa

35:36 Will automation destroy jobs?

38:25 The future of manufacturing 

40:29 Was the Bretton Woods Agreement a good system? 

43:22 Peter Zeihan on industrial commodities

46:21 What’s next for the economy? 

49:17 Building material shortage

51:24 Learn more at Follow Peter on Twitter @PeterZeihan and check out his new book - The End of the World is Just the Beginning: Mapping the Collapse of Globalization



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We have witnessed a massive shift in Federal Reserve policy over the last several months and a tightening of the money supply and it is having profound effects on the real estate market and on all the financial markets, whether it be precious metals, stocks or cryptocurrencies. It’s been a rough ride for stock and crypto investors, with an absolute bloodbath in these markets recently.

But where is the real estate market disaster that everyone is expecting? Where is the real estate market crash? First of all, we've got to distinguish real estate from income property. Are we talking about linear markets, cyclical markets or hybrid markets? Are they markets with good Land to Improvement Ratios? Also, in order to have a real estate crash, there are several things that have to line up, including distressed borrowers and high unemployment rates. Jason takes a closer look at all of these factors to see if a crash in the real estate market is on the horizon.

🏆Contest Winners from the last month:🏆
YouTube: John Cottom, Ted Bauer, Brooklyn Soccer, Ryan Klein
Creating Wealth Podcast Review: Nate Mur, BradyGtt, ETrain7273, Smurfdaugg

Claim your prize within 1 month at

Key Takeaways:

1:33 Where is the housing market going? 

3:00 Rough ride for stock market investors

4:24 Real estate is the last man standing 

7:06  The strength of the mortgage holder will determine the fate of the market

9:10 United States GDP

10:49 Nearly 40% of the homes in the US have no mortgage at all

11:46 People with no mortgage balance are unlikely to go into foreclosure

13:18 24% of all first LIEN mortgages in the country have an interest rate below 3% 

16:16 Black Knight Data - the housing market now versus the Great Recession

18:09 How many adjustable rate mortgages now vs 2007

20:09 The Federal Reserve and the IRS go together

24:38 What’s going on with inventory? 

28:55 Learn to analyze properties at

32:10 Demographics and the housing market

34:57 Multi dimensions of real estate

37:07 Demographics for the rental market and the entry level home buying market





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Jason Hartman’s Real Estate News and Technology (RENT) YouTube Channel

Direct download: CW_1858_Jason_Hartman_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Today's FlashBack Friday is from episode 1655 published last March 3, 2021.

Are we in a Stock Market Bubble? Jason Hartman performs a walk-thru of the Wilshire 5,000 Index, discussing bubbles past and present. What kind of clues can we pick up? Self-management might not be for everyone, but it is for the empowered investor. Listen in for some self-management tips from clients across the Hartman Network. 

Key Takeaways:

1:44 Are we in a stock market bubble? Wilshire 5,000 Index

5:54 From The [first] Tech Bubble to the Housing Bubble. 

8:19 We have two completely separate economies; the Wall St. economy and the Main St. economy. 

12:37 Self-management and being an empowered investor, and using Thumbtack. 

17:22 Refi ‘Til Ya Die

21:17 Stagflate, tax, and lie.

26:37 If you are interested in self-managing, we highly advise you to join the Empowered Investor Network.

29:37 Thou shalt maintain control. 


Jason Hartman Quick Start

Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn)

Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes)




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Jason Hartman’s Real Estate News and Technology (RENT) YouTube Channel

Direct download: CW_1857_FBF__CW_1655_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

The "times they are a changing." In a time when investments are taking a hit, real estate in the "last one standing." Stocks, bonds, cryptocurrencies- nothing still compares to income property. It truly is the IDEAL investment: Income, Depreciation (in taxes), Equity buildup, Appreciation and Leverage.

Jason also asked T.I.N.A. on the show but she refused- bad hair day and all... But indeed, There Is No Alternative when one realizes the multi-dimensional aspects of income property compared to other investments; especially a BANK ACCOUNT, where you lose at least 8% per year! (IF you believe what the government says about the inflation rate) versus a 25% return on investment!

So, learn the math. Go to and watch a FREE video on why income property is the better investment.

Jason also welcomes ​​back Lynette Zang, Chief Market Analyst for ITM Trading, in which they continue their discussion on the current state of our economy and different investments and some steps to take in case a collapse/reset does occur! 

Key Takeaways:

Jason's editorial

1:19 A huge shift in our economy

2:34 T.I.N.A.'s having a bad hair day

5:05 A losing investment option

6:00 Income property- Learn to do the math

8:55 Go to and watch a FREE video on why income property is the better investment

Lynette Zang interview

10:31 Inflation would have run rampant

11:05 Correlation between recessions and interest rates

13:54 Will the Fed continue to raise interest rates?

16:18 Nothing left for the Fed to do: the end is near

18:05 Is the reserve currency coming to an end?

20:23 A big strong middle class is what makes a country stable

22:28  Is gold insurance or an investment?

23:53 The number one product of any government and any central bank is its currency

25:01 Gold coins vs gold bullion

29:58 Learn more at ITM




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Jason Hartman’s Extra YouTube Channel

Jason Hartman’s Real Estate News and Technology (RENT) YouTube Channel

Direct download: CW_1856__Lynette_Zang_Part_2_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

For all of the crash bros out there waiting for a real estate crash, don't hold your breath! Jason Hartman takes you through some revealing statistics from Black Knight Data Reports to show you once again, why a real estate market crash is not on the horizon any time soon and why the housing shortage is set to last decades. Remember, the two value drivers for anything, whether it be currency, mortgages, precious metals, etc, the two value drivers are simply scarcity and utility. When your mortgage is below the current rate, it becomes irreplaceable. 

Jason is joined today by Lynette Zang, Chief Market Analyst for ITM Trading. We are at the end of this current monetary experiment! Central banks are out of tools and out of time. Are we headed into a hyperinflationary depression? The system is already shifting and will have to be reset - we just need a big enough crisis to get everybody on board…

🏆Contest Winners from the last month:🏆

YouTube: Ted Bauer, Brooklyn Soccer, Ryan Klein, Shiao-wen Huang, Creating Wealth Podcast Review: BradyGtt, ETrain7273, Smurfdaugg, L. von Mises. Claim your prize within 1 month at

Key Takeaways:

Jason's editorial

1:26 Welcome to listeners from 189 countries worldwide

1:54 Top Gun sequel, aviation, innovation and fiat money

5:16 We traded true innovation for a welfare state and political correctness

8:25 Tom Cruise - the most successful actor of all time? 

9:02 Black Knight real estate stats - 24% of all first lien mortgages have interest rates below 3%

10:04 The low interest rate mortgage market will create a housing shortage for decades to come

12:31 Show me crash bros - where is the distressed seller?

13:17 This week’s giveaway winners! Claim your prize at

Lynette Zang Interview

14:17 Welcome Lynette Zang, Chief Market Analyst for ITM Trading

15:37 Valuing Gold and crypto 

17:50 Moving property and equity into the digital universe

18:53 What do you think the real rate of inflation is?

21:23 Inflation is a wealth transfer from the poor to the rich

23:38 Democracies such as Canada have gotten heavy handed

24:49 Modern monetary theory and central bank digital currencies 

27:06 The Federal Reserve is out of tools

29:42 Purchasing power chart of the consumer dollar

31:27 Nixon closed the gold window on August 15 of 1971 and  in that same era, he took a historic trip to China



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Jason Hartman's Real Estate News and Technology (RENT) YouTube Channel

Direct download: CW_1855__Lynette_Zang_Part_1_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Today's Flashback Friday is from episode 1076 published last October 29, 2018. 

Today's episode features Jason Hartman looking at some economic data that's come out in regards to the housing market, and what that means for us as investors. You must be wary of misleading statistics and keep in mind that, even after you close, a real estate deal is never done. Listen in as Jason introduces you to the unconventional thinking when it comes to the demise of Sears for commercial real estate investors and more.

Key Takeaways:

4:04 A look at one potential rental income property

9:39 Be mindful of misleading statistics

11:51 There's a difference between appreciation and capital improvement that will skew the comparable sales in a neighborhood

14:36 When you purchase a piece of income property, the deal is not final

20:12 The interesting part of the demise of Sears in regards to landlords of shopping malls

23:31 The Appraisal Principle

27:34 Over 75% of Americans view renting as more affordable than owning a home

32:48 Don't let the tail wag the dog when it comes to your investments


Profits in Paradise

Jason Hartman's Alexa Flash Briefing

The PropertyCast



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Direct download: CW_1854_FBF_CW_1076_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Power is the name of the game for politicians and they will do anything to keep it, including protecting the real estate industry at all costs, which is responsible for 3.9 trillion dollars in revenue or nearly 17% of the national gross domestic product. But can a judge rule that creditors can go after the assets in your IRA? Follow the case of a California judge who will decide if creditors may come after your IRA assets not deemed necessary for living expenses or any distributions you take from your IRA. 

Jason Hartman is joined by Kim Hopkins, owner of Iron Peak Properties, who shares her story about building a real estate empire that allows her to live her life by design. Follow her journey from academia to corporate America to real estate!

Key Takeaways:

Jason's editorial

1:25 Politicians and power

3:15 Why politicians will do everything to preserve the real estate industry

4:45 The real estate industry was responsible for 3.9 trillion or nearly 17% of national GDP

6:30 My secret lil pleasure 

8:18 States with the largest income generated per home sale in 2021

10:33 Last year, 6.12 million existing homes were sold

11:02 Yet another reason to leave the socialist republic of California

13:24 Engage in asset protection strategies. Go to

Kim Hopkins interview

14:15 Welcome Kim Hopkins, owner of Iron Peak Properties, which owns and manage over 350,000 square feet of real estate in Oregon, Washington, Utah, Texas and Arizona with a focus on multi-tenant industrial properties

16:28 The journey from academia to corporate to real estate

19:04 Kim’s desire to build something new

21:04 Representing females in mathematics was not enough

21:51 Imposter syndrome

25:09 Tax credits for big companies startup

27:23 Rich Dad, Poor Dad – retiring from W2 corporate America

30:38 Is your job really the most important thing?

32:42 Women in the workforce produce tax revenue for the government and more GDP for the overall economy

34:50 Moving up in the corporate world complicates life even more

36:10 Lifestyle design: five hour workday from home in real estate

38:30 Building a civilization

39:25 Edward Bernays

 41:40 Start with your endgame: building a real estate empire


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Recently returned from a whirlwind speaking tour, join Jason Hartman as he gives you the latest on inflation: the topic of the year. Actually, more like the biggest problem of our lifetime as it rages across the globe, inflating the cost of living up to 70% in some countries around the world. Are we living through an inflation pandemic? Or is it an inflation PLANDEMIC? What other inflationary pressures are waiting in the wings?

Go ahead! You can make fun of Jason's haircut! Compared to what? Compared to a year ago, he did have more hair! :)

Today, Jason challenges all listeners about his claim- that income property is the most historically proven asset class in the world! A successful business could, but those need a ton of work!

He also invites everyone to join the rebranded Empowered Investor Pro! Lots of connections, education, tools and bonuses to be had! Go to today! Furthermore, Jason shares what's going on in Turkey's economy and how strong the American brand and its currency is till today! He also shares his speech at a convention in Plano, Texas!

🏆🏆🏆Contest Winners from the last month:🏆🏆🏆
YouTube: Brooklyn Soccer, Ryan Klein, Shiao-wen Huang, No No
Creating Wealth Podcast Review: ETrain7273, Smurfdaugg, L. von Mises, common_review

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Key Takeaways:

Jason's editorial

1:26 Yes, you can make fun of my haircut!

2:46 A challenge to Jason's claim about income property

4:04 Coco in Dallas and the 'cutting room floor'

4:35 The cost of living is up almost 70% in some countries

6:40 The world’s inflation pandemic - or is it an inflation PLANDEMIC?

7:52 Empowered Investor Pro Community Meeting. Join us via

10:26 Chart: Unemployment and the labor force participation rates

12:12 The Dollar in decline- WRONG! It is still the reserved currency of the world

14:02 Raffle winners!

Jason's presentation at Plano Texas

15:33 How many of you think there is a housing bubble?

17:11 The 2008 Great Recession 

21:27 Inflation is a good thing for us as real estate investors

23:15 Elon Musk: we need more people

24:46 A YouTuber’s view on the Foreclosure Moratorium

25:51 False timeline comparison - waiting to time the market

29:01 New construction homes and canceled builder contracts 

31:27 Last year, the average homeowner gained over $57,000 in equity 

34:30 Looming housing shortage and why it’s about to get worse

36:14 Always ask: compared to what?



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Today's FlashBack Friday was published last August 21, 2017.

Jason welcomes Patrick Donohoe of The Wealth Standard Podcast to discuss the dirty details of pensions, insurance policies and Ponzi schemes. Jason describes the difficulties and common mistakes average retail investors make when investing in financial services. And, Pat gives a comprehensive overview of how to make the most of your existing policies in order to invest your money in the most historically-proven asset class, income property.

Key Takeaways:

02:25 Is the US a giant Ponzi scheme?

05:31 Understanding the difference between pension benefit plans and contribution plans is essential.

15:15 The financial service industry preys on retail investors.

20:49 Harry Markopolos is waiting to capitalize on a market correction.

27:09 Analyzing the patterns and mistakes of the middle-class investor.

35:27 The Wealth Standard Podcast focuses on helping individuals understand the comprehensive nature of the economy.

37:49 Pat explains how policyholders can reduce their risk and get investment money for cash-flow properties.

Mentioned in This Episode:

Be Your Bank

The Wealth Standard

The Wizard of Lies

401K Jail Article

Venture Alliance Mastermind


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When it comes to learning, there is no substitute for rolling up your sleeves and doing it yourself! So why not learn to analyze deals with Property Tracker? It’s an incredible software that helps you analyze ROI, cash on cash return, cap rate, gross rent multiplier and much more. Get your free account at! Jason takes you through the software with a client case study and shows you just how awesome this multidimensional asset class can be! 

So we’ve had a slight increase in the housing inventory, but will it make a difference and help cool off this red hot housing market? Join Jason as he goes over the latest numbers. 

Why rewire our brain? Is it even possible? Jason Hartman explores this and much more with today’s guest, Dr. Alok Trivedi, also known as Dr. Rewire. Can we rewire our brains to get different results? Should we aim to live successfully or to live in balance? How do we know if our goals are strategic or if they will only create chaos? Find out with Dr. Trivedi! 

Dr. Trivedi aka Dr. Rewire, is a media personality, founder of the Aligned Performance Institute, and the author of "Chasing Success: Lessons in Aligned Performance." He is sought out by CEOs, celebrities, professional athletes and entrepreneurs to rewire their thinking with his science-backed approach so they can transform their health, wealth and relationships.

Key Takeaways:

Jason's editorial

1:16 Real estate investor client case study - Ocala Florida 2019

3:23 Purchase price vs current price 

4:10 Property tracker: software for deal analysis - free account at

5:55 Jason’s RENT Real Estate News & Tech software demo YouTube channel

6:34 Learn to analyze ROI, cash on cash return, cap rate, gross rent multiplier, etc with Property Tracker

7:14 One year projection feature 

8:48 Total return on investment for client case study

11:04 Housing inventory update

12:42 Inventory needs to increase by 500% to get back to a “normal” market

15:17 ​​Inventory shortage in the entry level market is dramatically worse

16:06 This week’s raffle winners 

Alok Trivedi Interview

17:52 Welcome Dr. Alok Trivedi, also known as Dr. Rewire 

18:19 Why rewire our brain? Is it even possible? 

20:03 New Year's resolutions

21:06 What happens on a neurochemical level when you don't achieve your goals 

22:01 Failure is the greatest lesson 

23:26 It's the successes that we keep chasing

24:34 Success is one thing and fulfillment is another

26:10 Over index of dopamine causes our chaos

27:35 Regulating and balancing our potential for growth 

28:53 The most dangerous moment comes with victory

30:12 Positive and negative root experiences

35:00 How do you govern your brain? 

36:58 The longevity factors: regulation of dopamine and regulation of glucose

38:03 How do we know if our goal is strategic or if it will just create chaos

41:33 Goals should be just out of reach, but not out of sight

42:57 Balancing dopamine and the emotions that follow 

43:54 Learn more at and look for Dr. Trivedi's new book this summer! 


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Are we on the brink of a housing market crash? Think again! Jason shows you why it’s different this time. We shouldn't have to rely on anything extraordinary happening to get a good return on investment. Putting our hopes, dreams and hard earned money into Ponzi schemes such as the stock market or high flying cyclical markets is a risk. Real estate is a fantastic investment vehicle, as it is a need based commodity and a multidimensional asset. Jason shows you how to evaluate the true affordability of home prices today amidst constant news of soaring prices, out of control inflation and the current housing bubble.


🏆🏆🏆T Contest Winners from the last month:🏆🏆🏆YouTube: Ryan Klein, Shiao-wen Huang, No No, Ji-In Roh
Creating Wealth Podcast Review: Smurfdaugg, L. von Mises, common_review, Alexstrath1

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1:25 Home, where we spend most of our time

2:32 Power poverty

3:43 Uber issues and the Silicon Valley Ponzi scheme

5:40 The Jason's ex-girlfriend metric

7:48 An anecdote from The Simpsons

9:38 Housing affordability

10:40 DQYDJ Index

13:10 An inconvenient lie

14:43 At the precipice of the crash vs. today, housing is more affordable

17:24 Sustaining a country's population- start having babies

27:57 Consumers, foreclosures and bankruptcies

31:17 NAR Study: Inventory of existing homes for sale nearly 2M short of 6 month's supply


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Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Today's Flashback Friday is from episode 281 released last October 9, 2012.

Jason Hartman has his mom back on the show to discuss her DIY property management/self-management strategies and one of her tenants who has occupying a property for 23 years - no vacancy! Then Jason interviews his Birmingham, Alabama Local Market Specialist (LMS) and talks to a caller/listener with some good real estate investing questions.

Here's an excerpt from Wikipedia on this market:

Birmingham is the largest city in Alabama. The city is the county seat of Jefferson County. The city's population was 212,237 according to the 2010 United States Census. The Birmingham-Hoover Metropolitan Area had a population of about 1,128,047 according to the 2010 Census, which is approximately one-quarter of Alabama's population. Birmingham was founded in 1871, during the post-Civil War Reconstruction period, through the merger of three pre-existing farm towns, notably, former Elyton.

It grew from there, annexing many more of its smaller neighbors, into an industrial and railroad transportation center with a focus on mining, the iron and steel industry, and railroading. Birmingham was named for Birmingham, one of the major industrial cities of the United Kingdom. Many, if not most, of the original settlers who founded Birmingham were of English ancestry. In one writer's view, the city was planned as a place where cheap, non-unionized, and African-American labor from rural Alabama could be employed in the city's steel mills and blast furnaces, giving it a competitive advantage over industrial cities in the Midwest and Northeast.

From its founding through the end of the 1960s, Birmingham was a primary industrial center of the South. The pace of Birmingham's growth during the period from 1881 through 1920 earned its nicknames The Magic City andThe Pittsburgh of the South. Much like Pittsburgh, Birmingham's major industries were iron and steel production, plus a major component of the railroading industry, where rails and railroad cars were both manufactured in Birmingham. In the field of railroading, the two primary hubs of railroading in the Deep South were nearby Atlanta and Birmingham, beginning in the 1860s and continuing through to the present day. The economy diversified during the later half of the twentieth century. Though the manufacturing industry maintains a strong presence in Birmingham, other businesses and industries such as banking, telecommunications, transportation, electrical power transmission, medical care, college education, and insurance have risen in stature.

Mining in the Birmingham area is no longer a major industry with the exception of coal mining. Birmingham ranks as one of the most important business centers in the Southeastern United States and is also one of the largest banking centers in the United States. In addition, the Birmingham area serves as headquarters to one Fortune 500 company:Regions Financial.

Five Fortune 1000 companies are headquartered in Birmingham. In the field of college and university education, Birmingham has been the location of the University of Alabama School of Medicine (formerly known as the Medical College of Alabama) and the University of Alabama School of Dentistry since 1947, and since that time, it has also become provided with the University of Alabama at Birmingham (founded circa 1969), one of three main campuses of the University of Alabama, and also with the private Birmingham-Southern College.

Between these two universities and Samford University, the Birmingham area has major colleges of medicine, dentistry, optometry, pharmacy, law, engineering, and nursing. Birmingham is home to three of the state's five law schools: Cumberland School of Law, Birmingham School of Law, and Miles Law School. Birmingham is also the headquarters of the Southeastern Conference, one of the major U.S. collegiate athletic conferences.


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Greeting Empowered Investors! If you still don’t believe that real estate is cheap historically, join Jason today as he shows you how prices stack up compared to 50 years ago. In today’s market, it seems like the sky is falling and prices are higher than ever. Jason explores the home price to income ratio, declining purchasing power and how to combat this with sustainable investing.

Key Takeaways:

Jason's editorial

1:03 Invest in places that make sense!

2:49 Where is the market going?

3:50 Saying vs. Doing

7:52 Declining purchasing power; what is the market doing?

12:10 The Case-Shiller National Index in US Dollars and gold

16:33 Compared to what? Gold versus a median priced house

21:09 Houses versus USD and Gold in grams

24:26 A meme to illustrate the housing shortage

27:27 Segmenting the housing inventory based on prices

29:27 Write us a comment or review to enter our $50 Amazon Gift Card raffle giveaway.

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The Hartman Comparison Index

Case-Shiller Index

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Today Jason gives an awesome report on the Wholesale Mentoring event last weekend and continues to educate listeners on why income property is the I.D.E.A.L. investment; not to mention the tax benefits it brings you as an investor!

Then Jason and Gene Morris, one of Empowered Investor's clients, take a deep dive into the state of the housing market and answer some of your most pressing real estate questions!

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Contest Winners from the last month
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Creating Wealth Podcast Review: L. von Mises, common_review, Alexstrath1, vlepe33
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Key Takeaways:

Jason's editorial

1:27 A short report on the Wholesale Mentoring program

4:19 Income property is the I.D.E.A.L investment

7:03 A bit deeper on tax benefits

15:21 Announcing last week's raffle winners

Q & A with Gene Morris 

17:46 Will housing prices remain high or go up even further? Will 2024 be the year housing crashes

19:42 Is it time for a recession? New York City vs Jacksonville

21:45 Decline in our standard of living; 2008 - 2012 housing crisis

23:15 Incredibly low housing inventory; What is a good cash on cash return?

26:28 What do you consider a good total return on investment?Check out the pro formas on to find your overall return on investment.

27:56 What Zimbabwe can teach investors about jurisdictional diversification

32:56 Ken McElroy invites you to The Collective Mastermind


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Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Today's Flashback Friday is from episode CW 465 published last January 16, 2015.  

Today’s Creating Wealth Show features Jason Hartman himself in an extended intro portion. Here, he talks about his personal tax and rental experience in the Socialist Republic of California, he gives an update on the latest developments in Bitcoin, and he also discusses some of his earlier market predictions and how they’ve progressed.

Key Takeaways

01.48 Even when you think you have everything sussed, something can come along and surprise you!

05.19 Being a homeowner is great, but renting gives you such flexibility.

09.43 Whether you were a believer or not, bitcoin seems to be sinking fast.

13:17 Rent to value ratio should always be on your mind when dealing with income property.

18.33 Houston, North Dakota; a market may look great, but who knows what the future may hold?

23:20 Jason Hartman compares stock market investments to those in real estate markets.

27.52 From next week onwards, the Creating Wealth Show will be reduced to two episodes per week.


The place you live is almost always going to be an expense, but you’ve got to live somewhere.

Spending money or real long-term wealth. Which would you prefer?

Often, it’s better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly.



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Jason Hartman invites Casey Michel, author and investigative journalist, to speak about his new book which uncovers how the US has created the greatest money laundering scheme in history.

But before that, join Jason at the Wholesaling Mentoring program in Jacksonville, Florida!

South Dakota has pioneered an entire industry of what they call anonymous trusts. South Dakota has taken this to a magnitude we've never seen by creating perpetual anonymity for these trusts. The information of those in the trust will never be shared with governments, with other jurisdictions, tax authorities, investigators, which is why we've seen both Americans and non Americans flocking to South Dakota. $900 billion is the top line estimate in South Dakota, but it's still a question of how many total assets are actually there, who those assets are connected to and what those assets are actually doing after they pass through all the anonymity that the state of South Dakota freely offers.

Casey Michel’s book also talks about illicit foreign money purchasing steel mills, factories and manufacturing plants in places like Cleveland, Ohio, the Rust Belt and the Midwest. They're not revitalizing local communities and bringing jobs back, but rather using those assets to hold and hide funds, using them as part of a broader transnational money laundering scheme. And so what ends up happening is that not only do the jobs never come back, the folks who have the remaining jobs are just laid off, the factories begin falling apart and it’s clear they are never going to come back. These local communities in places such as West Virginia, Kentucky, Texas and Illinois are seeing their economic crown jewels go to complete rot because of this system of kleptocracy.

Towards the end of the broader Cold War period, one could see a sudden surge in the creation of financial secrecy pools and broader economic structuring that incentivized the outflow of illicit suspect wealth from post communist states. These states are linked directly to rising oligarchies and dictatorships that are smothering local populations, looting national treasuries, and making sure bridges, roads, hospitals and schools are never built. And then beyond that, there is no broader free market economy that actually develops in those countries.

Key Takeaways:

Jason’s editorial

1:03 Introducing American Kleptocracy

3:32 Kleptocracy and Nancy, the worlds best investor

5:01 Join Jason at the Wholesaling Mentoring program. Go to

6:06 Winners of the $50 Amazon gift card weekly raffle have 30 days to claim your prize.

Casey Michel Interview

6:30 Welcome Casey Michel, writer and investigative journalist, author of AMERICAN KLEPTOCRACY: How the U.S. Created the World’s Greatest Money Laundering Scheme in History

7:11 What is a kleptocracy?

8:41 Kleptocracy is now a transnational phenomenon, closely intertwined with the broader offshoring economy

9:47 The World Summit

12:10 Incentivizing the outflow of suspect wealth from post communist states

15:15 Private wealth located in global financial secrecy jurisdictions

17:17 The beneficiaries of dynastic wealth have flocked to places within the US

20:32 For every $1 that is given in foreign aid, $3 of untracked, illicit capital leaves those developing countries

21:35 Anti-money laundering regulations across a number of industries except the real estate industry

22:08 Billions of illicit foreign money flowing into London real estate

22:06 25:19 The offshoring world is comparable to a superpower such as the US or China, The sad state of the media today

29:27 Casey Michel's first book AMERICAN KLEPTOCRACY is out now from St. Martin’s Press, Who are the world's biggest money laundering offenders?

34:40 Learn more at


"Power corrupts; and absolute power corrupts absolutely" - Lord Acton


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Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Jason is back from another Collective Mastermind event and gives s summary of the awesome things that took place including a talk by Dr. Peter McCullough, Rollo Tomassi's new book "The Rational Male." He also gives another prediction about builder contract cancellations and how it will affect the dynamics of the current housing market! 

And today, Jason welcomes Daniel and Chuck Gillette, income property investors and who are also part of Jason's Empowered Investor Inner Circle. Daniel and Chuck give a fascinating behind-the-scenes look at their income property journey; from their dad's property, to flipping, to owning a growing number of single family properties- 23 currently and counting! Through Jason's leadership and guidance, they have built their income property portfolio and are living a life they could only have imagined!

🏆🏆🏆This week's raffle winners of $50 Amazon Gift Cards:🏆🏆🏆

“No No” from YouTube and "common_review" from The Creating Wealth podcast. Please claim your prize within 1 month at

Key Takeaways:

Jason's editorial

1:34 A Collective Mastermind report including Dr. Peter McCullough

4:18 Rollo Tomassi's book "The Rationale Male"

6:52 A Jason Hartman prediction: Builder contract cancellations; enjoy the decay!

17:10 Last call for the Wholesale Mentoring Event in Jacksonville! Learn Wholesale Real Estate Investing from the Experts! Go to NOW!

18:33 Announcing the winners of the $50 Amazon Gift Card weekly raffle giveaway!


Gillette brothers interview

20:40 Introducing the brothers Gillette, Daniel and Chuck

23:00 Getting started in real estate and student housing blues

26:19 Discovering Jason Hartman and the value of the single family home

27:27 A bigger vision through leverage and Refi 'Till Ya Die 

28:30 Small flippin' success

29:45 Background and retirement

31:20 Raising the next generation of income property investors

32:58 Be Area Agnostic when remote investing

35:30 Managing your properties- by remote through Hemlane

42:28 Self-managing tips and other amazing apps

44:15 Plans for the future



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Flashback Friday episode CW 1154 was released last March 20, 2019.

Jason Hartman starts the show talking to in-house economist Thomas about the things that impact your mortgage payment when you first get your loan. Some of them are pretty obvious, but there are several things that stand out as uncommon.

Then Jason talks with Raghuram Rajan, former Governor of the Reserve Bank of India and former Chief Economist and Director of Research at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), about how community has been weakened, which has allowed competitive markets and governments to get out of balance. They also discuss what jobs will remain after automation takes off even more, mortgage rates and whether we're headed toward inflation or deflation.

Key Takeaways:

3:16 What sorts of things impact your mortgage payment when you first receive your loan

5:19 There are some new credit scoring models that are becoming more prominent

10:03 If interest rates start to climb too high, adjustable rate mortgages might start making a comeback

Raghuram Rajan Interview:

14:22 What the IMF is and how it differs from the World Bank

19:17 Massive technological change tends to hit an area and hurt before the benefits kick in later

22:28 After automation comes and takes many of the jobs, there will still be jobs that involve human interaction

27:48 Is Raghuram seeing inflation, deflation, stagflation or what in the coming years?

30:31 Are mortgage interest rates artificially low?

35:15 There's good deflation and bad deflation


The Third Pillar: How Markets and the State Leave the Community Behind

Raghuram Rajan at Chicago Booth School of Business



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