Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing with Jason Hartman

On this show we’ll hear from Paul Harvey, Jim Rogers, Ron Paul and truth challenged Ben Bernanke about commodities investing and the virtues of trading fake dollars for real assets.

Direct download: CW_772_FBF.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

The population of the millennial generation is more abundant than even the baby boomers. Millennials are mobile, they wait until later to marry and they thrive in the sharing economy. Jason kicks this episode off by delving into the statistics surrounding this massive group of consumers.  


Jason’s guest today is the well-known, co-host of Fox News Channel’s, The Five, Kimberly Guilfoyle. Kimberly contributes to the O’Reilly Factor, Hannity and she is a guest host for On the Record with Greta Van Susteren. Kimberly is the author of the bestseller, Making the Case: How to Be Your Own Best Advocate. During this down-to-earth episode, Kimberly shares her path from prosecutor to TV personality, author and advocate.  

Key Takeaways:

[2:07] Statistics on the millennial housing market and their affinity towards the sharing economy.

[8:03] Unpacking the Investor’s Business Daily article Diversifying the Suburbs.

[16:06] January’s Meet the Masters of Income Property Event details.


Kimberly Guilfoyle Guest Interview:

[18:40] Kimberly is originally from San Francisco and now resides in New York City

[22:46] Kimberly believes it’s important to do something you are passionate about.

[24:27] Why it is important to surround yourself with people who are uplifting.

[26:07] You can do quite well taking calculated, sound risks in real estate.

[28:06] Finding contractors you can partner with is a big deal.

[29:04] Kimberly recalls meeting Gavin Newsom and the power of great love.

[33:34] Turning your skills into advocacy.

Mentioned in This Episode:

Jason Hartman

Meet the Masters of Income Property Event details

Kimberly Guilfoyle

Making the Case: How to Be Your Own Best Advocate

Direct download: CW_770_Kimberly_Guilfoyle_-_OReilly_Factor__Hannity_on_Fox_News.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Let’s call this one the “Non-Show” where you can hear some quick highlights of past shows and forward the five-minute “demo reel” to friends and family.

Upcoming shows include: Addison Wiggin, editorial director and publisher of The Daily Reckoning and executive publisher of Agora Financial and cash flowing, turn-key income property opportunities in Dallas, TX.

Direct download: CW_769_FBF.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Jason speaks with Bob Pozen about possible changes in the real estate market under a Trump administration. Changes in legislation and regulations may lift up small to medium sized banks and increase the amount of lending by the biggest banks. Bob Pozen is a Senior Lecturer at MIT’s Sloan School of Management, a Senior Research Fellow at the Brookings Institute and former Associate General Counsel for the SEC. Bob has authored two books Extreme Productivity and Too Big to Save which is discussed during today’s podcast.   

Key Takeaways:

[2:04] The historic change in the leadership of the U.S. Government.

[3:50] Remember to register for the 2017 Meet the Masters Event slated for January.


Bob Pozen Guest Interview:

[6:11] Legislation that may be changed through banking system while Dodd-Frank is left as is.

[9:50] There has been too much regulation on small to medium sized banks.

[11:33] The problems are Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are they were never public nor private.

[15:13] The FHA and VA insure 100% of the mortgages made by banks.

[15:55] More money flowing into the real estate market will cause an upward pressure on prices.

[18:46] Home buying increases when rates start to go up but then level out.

[19:28] Pozen was chosen by President Bush to join a bipartisan commission to strengthen Social Security.  

[21:00] Security and Exchange Commission has constraints regarding employees working for corporations after their service.

[23:22] Getting to the gist of Bob Pozen’s book Too Big to Fix.

[25:59] Peer-to-Peer lending is pretty much unregulated.

[27:38] As the economy strengthens banks should lend more.

Mentioned in This Episode:

Bob Pozen

Jason Hartman

Jason Hartman Events

What a treat! Jason leads us into this episode revealing the possibilities available to the real estate market under our first US real estate president and reminds us the Fed has only raised the interest rate twice in the last decade. The political cartoon Christine sent in will have you laughing until the next great episode of Creating Wealth. This episode finishes like a fine wine with Jason’s personal recording of the sensational Leann Rimes answering questions from a private group and then wowing the crowd by belting out an amazing Amazing Grace.  

Key Takeaways:

[2:24] Can you imagine Leann Rimes singing Amazing Grace acapella right in front of you?

[4:50] The first real estate President could repeal Dodd-Frank.

[7:09] The multi-dimensional asset class that is income producing real estate.  

[10:10] What caused the 2008 Great Recession?

[11:25] Christina sent Jason a great political cartoon.

[16:07] You should start thinking of aging as a disease.

[20:48] Align your financial interest with the powers that be!

[23:55] Leann Rimes answers audience questions and sings Amazing Grace.

Mentioned in This Episode:

Jason Hartman

Direct download: CW_767_Leanne_Rimes.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:31pm EST

Originally aired as CW 132


Investors are convinced they cannot trust Wall Street to deliver the American Dream of financial security and independence. The same investors know Packaged Commodities™, in the form of income properties, are the best method to achieve this American Dream. Eighty-five percent of wealthy Americans created their fortunes this way. Since the real estate crash in 2007, our nation has changed the once under-regulated lending requirements to extremely strict mortgage qualifications in hopes of avoiding another crash in the future. This attempted fix has not only stopped the irresponsible individual from placing themselves in a loan they cannot afford, but it unfortunately bottle-necked the ability for responsible real  estate investors to purchase lucrative income properties and take advantage of historically low pricing and interest rates.

To inform investors on the latest lending situations, Jason Hartman welcomes registered financial consultant and mortgage professional, Randy, to this episode of The Creating Wealth Show. With over 22 years of experience in the mortgage industry, Randy has personally assisted thousands of individuals obtain mortgage loans for their primary or income property needs.

Upcoming shows will feature: Nancy Marmolejo, one of the top 50 most powerful and influential women in social media and award winning founder of Viva Visibility.

Direct download: CW_766_FBF.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:03pm EST

The market is moving and it seems to be moving in the right direction for real estate investors. The historical average for appreciation for single family homes is ~6% nationwide. If you are already an income property investor, the good news is rents may be pushing upward. Jason’s guest today is the author of the new book, Global Shocks: An Investment Guide for Turbulent Markets. Nick Sargan is Senior VP and Chief Economist at Fort Washington Investment Advisors. He is a former economist at Morgan Guaranty trust, Salomon Brothers, Prudential Insurance and JP Morgan. He shares his insights about how the markets will react to a Trump presidency.

Key Takeaways:

[2:50] Large corporations take advantage of customer’s time and call center workers are drones.

[8:45] The flawed cap rate is an evaluation of a property’s performance minus appreciation and leverage.

[14:45] The annual Meet the Masters of Income Property Event is in January.


Nick Sargen Guest Interview:

[16:55] President-elect Trump may lead the US with a pro-business stance.

[20:27] Trump is a spender which could lead to higher interest rates.

[22:35] Nick Sargen worries about Trump’s trade issue.

[25:21] Budget deficits do not mean inflation.

[27:58] Trump will be a pro-growth, real estate president.

[30:50] The market is moving with the belief that all of Trump’s policies will promote growth.

[33:40] Diving into the Global Shocks: An Investment Guide to Turbulent Markets book.

[36:14] How to capitalize on a bubble.

[39:58] Financial institutions have led the way during the current stock market rally.  

Mentioned in This Episode:

Jason Hartman

Jason Hartman - Inflation Induced Debt Destruction Podcasts

Nick Sargen

Global Shocks  

No one but Jason seems to be saying it but Donald J. Trump is America’s first real estate president. It’s true his presidency may bring inflation but it’s ok because many real estate investors already have their debt locked up for three decades. Jason’s guest on today’s podcast is Nick Adams. Nick is the Founder and Executive Director of FLAG, The Foundation for Liberty and American Greatness. He also works as a columnist for He is a former Centennial Institute Policy Fellow. Nick discusses his bestselling book, The American Boomerang: How the World’s Greatest Turnaround Nation Will Do It Again and his belief that Trump will be America’s next great president for four and possibly even 8 years.

Key Takeaways:

[1:18] Get yourself to a low or no income tax state.

[2:02] Jason’s 9-day travel adventure including the Venture Alliance Mastermind and Freedom Fastlane.  

[6:50] Trump is the first US real estate president.

[8:22] The deflationary effects of technology, Hartman’s Theory of Relativity and the recovery of the US economy.   

[15:24] Investors who already have their debt locked in shouldn’t care if rates up.

[18:22] Meet the Masters is filling up, get your tickets for

Nick Adams Guest Interview:

[20:51] The American Boomerang included what Nick Adams thought needed to happen for an American Renaissance.

[22:41] Nick Adams read The Art of the Deal when he was 11-years-old and he publicly supports Trump.

[26:40] Unlike in Australia, the Tall Poppy Syndrome does not apply in the US.  

[31:12] There are four ways America is considered to be exceptional culturally, militarily, economically and scientifically.

[34:31] People need to be confident for the economy to be roaring.

[35:30] These are the 5 things America needs to do to economically boomerang.  

[39:18] Will the next 4 years under President Trump bring wealth for America?

Mentioned in This Episode:

Jason Hartman

Meet the Masters of Income Property Tickets

Venture Alliance Mastermind  


Today on the Creating Wealth show, Jason returns from the Meet the Masters event and tells his listeners that he still believes that investing within the United States is your best option as oppose to internationally. He also introduces his guest Dr. Ben Carson on the show where they talk about the medical system, debt, big government, and Ben’s latest book entitled One Nation.

Direct download: CW_763_FBF.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:03pm EST

To start things off, Jason shares his thoughts on what a Trump presidency may look like for real estate investors, how Trumps trade policies will affect the markets and how aligning your interests with the Federal Reserve allows investors to game the system. Today’s guest Dr. Robert Johnson is the President and CEO of the not for profit American College, author of the books, Invest with the Fed: Maximizing Your Portfolio Performance by Following Federal Reserve Policy, Strategic Value Investing and the study What to Expect When You’re Electing. Dr. Johnson shares his insights to long-term market strategies, what political harmony means for the stock market and how asset classes perform in a changing interest rate environment.

Key Takeaways:

[1:15] The intimate setting and the speakers made the Venture Alliance Mastermind a success.

[4:02] Second only to Donald Trump, Real Estate mogul Ken McElroy joined in the discussion.  

[9:41] Meet the Masters of Income Property Event Details and Early Bird pricing information.  

[10:18] We need to game the system by aligning interests with the Federal Reserve.

[12:22] Trump is a wild card whose trade policies will have a massive effect on inflation.

[19:15] Good things will happen to the real estate market under a Trump presidency.


Dr. Robert Johnson Guest Interview:

[23:38] The republican party controlling all aspects of the government will mean sweeping reforms.

[27:04] Invest with the Fed analyzed how asset and equity classes perform during different interest rate environments.

[29:52] Stock market growth is higher when democratic presidents are serving or when there is political harmony.   

[32:22] Long-term perspectives show the economy and the stock market move forward together.

[35:10] The best strategy is a long-term market strategy.

[36:49] Equity real estate investment trusts perform very well during rising rate environments.

[38:44] Will the cost of small business financing go up under a Trump administration?

[41:21] Is this time going to be different?

Mentioned in This Episode:

Jason Hartman

Venture Alliance Mastermind

The American College


Direct download: CW_762_Dr_Robert_Johnson.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:26pm EST

James D. Kuhn, President of New York City’s Newmark Grubb Knight Frank commercial real estate advisory firm joins Jason to discuss the forthcoming Trump presidency, what the presidency could mean for real estate markets and if it’s likely the US economy will soon see inflation. With no political history, Donald Trump is a wild card who was elected based on his job growth platform. Proper handling of trade policies and initiatives for corporate entities could spur job growth in low and middle class communities.

Key Takeaways:

[2:03] It is possible for Trump to spur the economy, especially in real estate.

[6:12] There will be winners and losers from Trump’s trade policies.

[11:19] James D. Kuhn believes the link between the lower and middle class benefiting from job growth is education.

[14:14] The demand for online college education is growing and it should be made available to everyone.

[16:14] Even before the election real estate investors thought it was hard to find value in the real estate market.

[19:00] The question for the Feds is, “at what point is the economy ready to handle inflation?”

[20:42] Real estate is the last great investment opportunity especially for those who watch their markets.

[23:09] An income property should make financial sense the day you buy it.

Mentioned in This Episode:

Jason Hartman

Newmark Grubb Knight Frank

Direct download: CW_761_James_D._Kuhn.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:20pm EST

Jason talks with real estate “artist” and 5-time international best-selling author, philanthropist, risk-taker and visionary, Frank McKinney, who sees opportunities and creates markets where none existed before. 

Direct download: CW_760_FBF.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:55pm EST

Will inflationary pressure follow Trump’s inauguration? It’s very likely as global trade has caused the cost of goods to plummet in America. One million dollars doesn’t go as far as it used to. Jason relays a personal invitation to the owners of Results Property Management, Ken Logan and Quentin Kearny to come on the Creating Wealth show to justify their position in the complaint litigation case Jason has filed against them. Jason acknowledges income property to be the best investment you can make in America but he warns you must keep your eyes open to the opportunists and the corruption that exists under the guise of property management companies such as Results Property Management. He cites Commandment #3, of his 10 Commandments of Real Estate Investing, Thou Shalt Maintain Control.

Key Takeaways:

[1:50] The historic, recent US election may bring inflationary pressure to the economy.

[6:00] What is a protectionist trade policy?  

[6:52] The cost of goods has plummeted since globalization took hold.

[8:09] Is it fair to have open trade borders with countries with low regulatory burdens?

[9:34] Analyzing the Visual Capitalist infographic - Is one million dollars enough to last a lifetime?

[15:09] The chances are high Rich Dad Advisor, Ken Mcelroy will be speaking at this weekend’s Venture Alliance.  

[17:21] A summary of Jason’s current litigation against Results Property Management.

[20:55] Commandment #3 is Thou shalt maintain control.

[25:03] An audio representation of Jason’s “Spot a Property Management Rip-off” video.

Mentioned in This Episode:

Jason Hartman

Jason Hartman Events

Venture Alliance Mastermind

AIPIS Podcast

Visual Capitalist

Direct download: CW_759.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:06pm EST