Mon, 31 January 2022
Today Jason gives a summary on the Creating Wealth Live virtual event that took place last weekend. He also reminds all Empowered Investor Inner Circle members of their monthly meeting every first Tuesday of the month. And a bit of a public service announcement for the members of The Collective Mastermind- it is chilly in Florida, so dress accordingly! He also talks about "buyer's remorse" and how time gives us a better perspective on things. Jason also hosts Tina Tamboer, senior housing analyst with The Cromford Report to discuss housing trends, household formation and relocation, and real estate market predictions for 2022. Are we in for a housing price crash or boom? The consensus right now, according to most analysts, is to expect prices to continue rising, but not at the rate we saw over the last year, however some industry professionals are predicting a decline. What are their reasons? Tina shares her methodology for evaluating current and future real estate prices and they discuss market predictions from Goldman Sachs, Core Logic, American Enterprise Institute, Zelman & Associates, and The Mortgage Bankers Association. Watch the video in YouTube HERE. Key Takeaways: 2:02 Creating Wealth Live virtual event report and the EIIC monthly meeting 3:46 Buyer's remorse 5:23 Unanswered prayers and dodging bullets; gaining perspective in time 9:34 It's cool and chilly in Florida 11:16 Whitney Houston's One Moment in Time 18:36 Tina Tamboer is a senior housing analyst with The Cromford Report 19:54 Predictions for 2022 - can we expect a housing price crash or boom? 21:30 Household formation and relocation trends affect supply and demand 23:45 Airbnb short term rental market crash 29:03 Bad predictions that missed the mark last year 30:30 Why interest rates are one of the most difficult things to predict and is Zillow too big to fail? 32:39 Mortgage forbearance and foreclosure crisis 37:50 Do house flippers and iBuyers represent real demand or only interim demand? 42:09 Lending practices and interest rates Find out more at Join The Collective Mastermind Tweetables: "Time heals all wounds" - Anonymous "Luck is what happens when preparedness meets opportunity" - Earl Nightingale "Luck is the word we use to describe successful people we don't like" - Paul Harvey "You're a winner for a lifetime if you seize that one moment in time" - Whitney Houston
The WEALTH TRANSFER is happening FAST! Protect your financial future now! Did you know that 25% to 40% of all dollars ever created were dumped into the economy last year??? This will be devastating to some and an opportunity to others, be sure you’re on the right side of this massive wealth transfer. Learn from our experiences, maximize your ROI and avoid regrets. Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason’s videos on his official YouTube channel: Free Mini-Book on Pandemic Investing: Jason’s TV Clips: CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning: What do Jason’s clients say?: Free Class: Easily get up to $250,000 in funding for real estate, business or anything else: Call our Investment Counselors at: 1-800-HARTMAN (US) or visit Free white paper on the Hartman Comparison Index™ Guided Visualization for Investors: Jason’s videos in his other sites:
Direct download: 1798_CW_STR_AIPIS_-_Price_Crash_or_Boom_The_Cromford_Report_by_Tina_Tamboer_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST |
Fri, 28 January 2022
Today's FLash Back Friday is from Episode 807 published last March 22, 2017. In this solo episode, Jason reviews articles which depict the current economic state of affairs from coast to coast. In San Francisco, one company is paying employees to move, developers are driving up the cost of homeownership in New York City and the most average city in the US is exactly where you would expect it to be. Jason also reminds us why we shouldn’t be alarmed by rising interest rates because, as he points out, you have to look at the big picture. Money is and will be flowing into the real estate market during the Trump Administration. Don’t let your money be lazy! Contact an investment counselor today.
If you are a new investor or thinking about investing in income property, visit and watch the video, How to Analyze a Real Estate Deal. It’s free educational material. Key Takeaways:[2:22] The measurements used to determine the Most Average City in America. [7:57] A small tangent turns into a rant about the downsides of Tesla ownership. [14:13] The Business Insider article about Zapier paying employees 10K to move outside of San Francisco. [16:42] Developers are swarming in New York City neighborhoods article. [19:13] Signs money continues to flow into the real estate. [22:20] The ability to borrow is a great asset. [28:46] Money will flow into real estate under a Trump Administration. [30:07] Work with an investment counselor to help build your portfolio. [33:33] What will cause the rise of the suburbs? [38:08] Why you should go back and listen to previous Creating Wealth episodes. Mentioned in This Episode:
Articles: Newser: This is the Most Average City in America by Michael Harthorne Business Insider: ‘We’re like cockroaches’: Developers are swarming over emerging neighborhoods by E.B. Solomont
The WEALTH TRANSFER is happening FAST! Protect your financial future now! Did you know that 25% to 40% of all dollars ever created were dumped into the economy last year??? This will be devastating to some and an opportunity to others, be sure you’re on the right side of this massive wealth transfer. Learn from our experiences, maximize your ROI and avoid regrets. Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason’s videos on his official YouTube channel: Free Mini-Book on Pandemic Investing: Jason’s TV Clips: CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning: What do Jason’s clients say?: Free Class: Easily get up to $250,000 in funding for real estate, business or anything else: Call our Investment Counselors at: 1-800-HARTMAN (US) or visit Free white paper on the Hartman Comparison Index™ Guided Visualization for Investors: Jason’s videos in his other sites: |
Wed, 26 January 2022
![]() Register for the VIRTUAL LIVE Creating Wealth conference on January 28 and 29, 2022. Visit today! Are we on the verge of war? The situation in Ukraine and an impending war with Russia is something that should concern us all. The news media is a joke as political sound bites rule the day. And listen in on Mark Steyn of the GB News Channel on YouTube as he talks about the PANIC PORN forced down our throats by supposedly democratic government leaders. And we also take up part 2 of Jason's interview with Robert Breedlove, host of The "What Is Money" Show as they continue to do a deep dive on the concept of money and how it affects society as a whole! Especially the emergence of the crypto currency around the world and how it alter our daily lives. Key Takeaways: 1:37 On the verge of war 4:51 What does it mean to the money? 6:16 A perspective on housing affordability 7:43 The news media has become a joke 10:10 Commentary from Mark Steyn 15:33 Join us this weekend for the Creating Wealth LIVE virtual event 19:27 Money is a language, Bitcoin investing strategy 22:47 Bitcoin is an internet protocol, Bitcoin as digital gold 24:47 The threat of Bitcoin to governments and central banks 27:42 Could Bitcoin be made illegal? 30:31 The state is lashing out trying to reassert the validity of its borders through excessive action 33:43 Inflation and taxation to cover government debt 34:44 Bitcoin ideology and technology Mentions:
The WEALTH TRANSFER is happening FAST! Protect your financial future now! Did you know that 25% to 40% of all dollars ever created were dumped into the economy last year??? This will be devastating to some and an opportunity to others, be sure you’re on the right side of this massive wealth transfer. Learn from our experiences, maximize your ROI and avoid regrets. Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason’s videos on his official YouTube channel: Free Mini-Book on Pandemic Investing: Jason’s TV Clips: CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning: What do Jason’s clients say?: Free Class: Easily get up to $250,000 in funding for real estate, business or anything else: Call our Investment Counselors at: 1-800-HARTMAN (US) or visit Free white paper on the Hartman Comparison Index™ Guided Visualization for Investors: Jason’s videos in his other sites:
Direct download: CW_1796__CC_CW_AMA_-_Robert_Breedlove_What_Is_Money_Part_2_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST |
Mon, 24 January 2022
![]() Register for the VIRTUAL LIVE Creating Wealth conference on January 28 and 29, 2022. Visit today! Jason Hartman welcomes Robert Breedlove, host of The "What Is Money" Show for a great discussion about fiat money, the gold standard, market manipulation, inflation and of course, Bitcoin - the digital gold and decentralized currency of the people. Bitcoin was released at a time when nothing like it existed. This "immaculate inception" of Bitcoin is essential to its decentralization and to its existence as the one asset in the world that is as Robert puts it, "immune to everyone's opinion." Key Takeaways: 4:23 What is money? 6:25 The first economic surpluses, trade and division of labor 10:31 Specialization of labor, the gold standard as a measure of value and market price discovery 14:22 The United States rewrote the international banking order to suit its own interests 16:20 Check out, Bitcoin - fix the money, fix the world 17:10 Dr. Saifedean Ammous and The Bitcoin Standard 19:26 Time preference, value of money, inflation and interest rates 21:25 Misallocation of capital through currency debasement, distorted price signals and economic recessions 22:57 Why mass inflation is still a threat to rich countries 29:16 Join The Collective
The WEALTH TRANSFER is happening FAST! Protect your financial future now! Did you know that 25% to 40% of all dollars ever created were dumped into the economy last year??? This will be devastating to some and an opportunity to others, be sure you’re on the right side of this massive wealth transfer. Learn from our experiences, maximize your ROI and avoid regrets. Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason’s videos on his official YouTube channel: Free Mini-Book on Pandemic Investing: Jason’s TV Clips: CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning: What do Jason’s clients say?: Free Class: Easily get up to $250,000 in funding for real estate, business or anything else: Call our Investment Counselors at: 1-800-HARTMAN (US) or visit Free white paper on the Hartman Comparison Index™ Guided Visualization for Investors: Jason’s videos in his other sites:
Direct download: CW_1795__CC_CW_AMA_-_Robert_Breedlove_What_Is_Money_Part1_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST |
Fri, 21 January 2022
Register for the VIRTUAL LIVE Creating Wealth conference on January 28 and 29, 2022. Visit today! Today's Flash Back Friday is from episode 888 published last September 27, 2017. Jason welcomes Economist Mike Norman to the show to discuss Modern Monetary Theory or MMT. Mike shares examples of common misconceptions people have of the US monetary system and economy, such as the US debt clock, that inflation equals growth and how the tax system works. He believes that the US has an unlimited supply of capital and balancing the budget or functioning as a fixed monetary system would accomplish the opposite of what is needed to create growth. And, Jason announces the winner of the Amazon Echo raffle. Key Takeaways:[01:40] Paige Glenview is the winner of the Amazon Echo raffle. [04:23] SkyNews clip about giving women permission to drive in Saudi Arabia. [06:44] Meet the Masters and ADVenture Alliance event information. Mike Norman Guest Interview: [10:06] Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) explains the value of money. [13:25] A tax system is required to create demand for money. [17:56] A fixed monetary system creates cycles of economic depressions and recessions. [20:23] The US national debt is a summation of what is owned by the US and its constituents. [27:51] A dollar must be created and pumped into the economy before it can be used to pay a tax debt. [30:12] The US has an unlimited amount of new capital. [35:39] There is a difference between inflation and growth. Mentioned in This Episode:Meet the Masters of Income Property Event
The WEALTH TRANSFER is happening FAST! Protect your financial future now! Did you know that 25% to 40% of all dollars ever created were dumped into the economy last year??? This will be devastating to some and an opportunity to others, be sure you’re on the right side of this massive wealth transfer. Learn from our experiences, maximize your ROI and avoid regrets. Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason’s videos on his official YouTube channel: Free Mini-Book on Pandemic Investing: Jason’s TV Clips: CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning: What do Jason’s clients say?: Free Class: Easily get up to $250,000 in funding for real estate, business or anything else: Call our Investment Counselors at: 1-800-HARTMAN (US) or visit Free white paper on the Hartman Comparison Index™ Guided Visualization for Investors: Jason’s videos in his other sites: |
Wed, 19 January 2022
![]() Register for the VIRTUAL LIVE Creating Wealth conference on January 28 and 29, 2022.Visit today! Here's part 2 of Jason's speech at George Gammon's Rebel Capitalist Live conference that took place in Houston last Jan 7-9, 2022. Jason covers what the government is doing in our economy and how we can align ourselves to profit even more this year! He also gives a few predictions and how we can use these forecasts for our benefit. To see the charts Jason talks about in the video, pls go to his YouTube channel HERE or download your copy of the Hartman Comparison Index at You can also watch the video "How to analyze a real estate investment and read a pro forma" at Key Takeaways: 1:38 Register for the Creating Wealth Virtual LIVE conference 4:01 We're in good hands! NOT! 7:23 Cantillon effect, crisis and opportunity 9:29 If you can't beat 'em, join 'em by using Inflation Induced Debt Destruction 10:56 Predictions 14:35 Your tenants work for you! 17:41 Mortgage rates- lowest they've been in history, but it will rise 21:04 Inflation Induced Debt Destruction 22:32 HCI and the tale of 3 Markets 27:12 We care about the payment, not the price 30:54 Protect your freedom
Tweetables: Socialism is trickle up poverty- John Mackey
Websites: Mentions: Debt: The First 5,000 Years by David Graeber A Random Walk Down Wall Street by Burton Gordon Malkiel
The WEALTH TRANSFER is happening FAST! Protect your financial future now! Did you know that 25% to 40% of all dollars ever created were dumped into the economy last year??? This will be devastating to some and an opportunity to others, be sure you’re on the right side of this massive wealth transfer. Learn from our experiences, maximize your ROI and avoid regrets. Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason’s videos on his official YouTube channel: Free Mini-Book on Pandemic Investing: Jason’s TV Clips: CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning: What do Jason’s clients say?: Free Class: Easily get up to $250,000 in funding for real estate, business or anything else: Call our Investment Counselors at: 1-800-HARTMAN (US) or visit Free white paper on the Hartman Comparison Index™ Guided Visualization for Investors: Jason’s videos in his other sites:
Direct download: CW_1793_Jason_Rebel_Capitalist_PART2__v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST |
Mon, 17 January 2022
![]() Register for the VIRTUAL LIVE Creating Wealth conference on January 28 and 29, 2022.Visit today! George Gammon hosts Jason as he speaks at the Rebel Capitalist Live Conference last January 7-9, 2022 in Houston. In part 1, Jason gives his predictions for this year and beyond. He talks about the state of the current market and where we're headed as well as giving raw data for everyone to come up with their own conclusions. To see the charts Jason talks about in the video, pls go to his YouTube channel HERE. Key Takeaways: 2:03 Horse medicine, handshaking and anti bodies 4:50 Get your tickets to the LIVE virtual Creating Wealth event 7:46 Introductory comments 9:03 Predictions and a decline of standard of living 14:12 Inventory, bubble and the entry level housing 17:26 Government's solution to the housing crisis 20:48 Client case studies and 23:34 Why income property is the most historically proven asset class in the world 28:13 Another client case study 29:12 The economy is fake news and population issues 33:19 The kleptocracy hiding inflation and selling America off 34:26 A few of the kleptocrats we can follow
Tweetables: Success leaves clues- Jim Rohn
The WEALTH TRANSFER is happening FAST! Protect your financial future now! Did you know that 25% to 40% of all dollars ever created were dumped into the economy last year??? This will be devastating to some and an opportunity to others, be sure you’re on the right side of this massive wealth transfer. Learn from our experiences, maximize your ROI and avoid regrets. Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason's videos on his official YouTube channel: Free Mini-Book on Pandemic Investing: Jason’s TV Clips: CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning: What do Jason’s clients say?: Free Class: Easily get up to $250,000 in funding for real estate, business or anything else: Call our Investment Counselors at: 1-800-HARTMAN (US) or visit Free white paper on the Hartman Comparison Index™ Guided Visualization for Investors: Jason's videos in his other sites: |
Fri, 14 January 2022
![]() Register for the VIRTUAL LIVE Creating Wealth conference on January 28 and 29, 2022.Visit today! Today's Flash Back Friday is from episode 895 published last April 9, 2018. Jason Hartman talks with Alan Beaulieu, President & Principal at ITR Economics and author of Prosperity in the Age of Decline, about what’s going on in our economy when it comes to energy, inflation, and millennials. The two take a look at the difference between virtuous and non-virtuous inflation, how the millennials might respond to seeing actual inflation (and ways you can educate yourself about how times used to be different) and why you should be excited about the things that are coming. Alan also gives his thoughts on the recent tariffs and tax reform. Key Takeaways: Intro: [5:20] What the Icehotel Art Suites are like [7:52] Join Jason in Philadelphia Alan Beaulieu Interview: [11:54] What’s coming in the economy next [13:54] What is “virtuous” and “non-virtuous” inflation? [16:56] In 12 years there will be 30 million more people drawing down on Medicaid and Social Security [21:03] Every single industry is having problems finding enough people, so the future isn’t as bleak as you might think [24:28] The 5 sources of inflation [28:03] We’re in a golden age with stable energy [30:17] The 3 reasons Alan’s excited about where we’re headed Website:
The WEALTH TRANSFER is happening FAST! Protect your financial future now! Did you know that 25% to 40% of all dollars ever created were dumped into the economy last year??? This will be devastating to some and an opportunity to others, be sure you’re on the right side of this massive wealth transfer. Learn from our experiences, maximize your ROI and avoid regrets. Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason's videos on his official YouTube channel: Free Mini-Book on Pandemic Investing: Jason’s TV Clips: CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning: What do Jason’s clients say?: Free Class: Easily get up to $250,000 in funding for real estate, business or anything else: Call our Investment Counselors at: 1-800-HARTMAN (US) or visit Free white paper on the Hartman Comparison Index™ Guided Visualization for Investors: Jason's videos in his other sites: |
Wed, 12 January 2022
Register for the VIRTUAL LIVE Creating Wealth conference on January 28 and 29, 2022.Visit today! In today's 10th episode Jason welcomes an old friend, Brian Moran, author of the best-selling book The 12 Week Year-The guide to shortening your execution cycle down from one year to twelve weeks Most organizations and individuals work in the context of annual goals and plans; a twelve-month execution cycle. Instead, The 12 Week Year avoids the pitfalls and low productivity of annualized thinking. This book redefines your "year" to be 12 weeks long. In 12 weeks, there just isn't enough time to get complacent, and urgency increases and intensifies. The 12 Week Year creates focus and clarity on what matters most and a sense of urgency to do it now. In the end more of the important stuff gets done and the impact on results is profound.
Turn your organization's idea of a year on its head, and speed your journey to success.
Key Takeaways: 3:14 Introducing New York Times best-seller Brian Moran 7:42 How does it work 11:09 Tracking your lead and lag indicators and scoring your execution 14:27 An overview of the mechanics 17:20 Accountability as ownership; you always have a choice 19:28 You are the problem and the solution 20:51 Be comfortable with being uncomfortable 22:00 Envisioning your vision, not a pipe dream 24:52 Find out more about The 12 Week Year
Tweetables: We are driven by our mindset; our thinking drives everything- Brian Moran You have to sacrifice to be great- Brian Moran Mentioned: Uncommon Accountability: A Radical New Approach To Greater Success and Fulfillment
The WEALTH TRANSFER is happening FAST! Protect your financial future now! Did you know that 25% to 40% of all dollars ever created were dumped into the economy last year??? This will be devastating to some and an opportunity to others, be sure you’re on the right side of this massive wealth transfer. Learn from our experiences, maximize your ROI and avoid regrets. Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason's videos on his official YouTube channel: Free Mini-Book on Pandemic Investing: Jason’s TV Clips: CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning: What do Jason’s clients say?: Free Class: Easily get up to $250,000 in funding for real estate, business or anything else: Call our Investment Counselors at: 1-800-HARTMAN (US) or visit Free white paper on the Hartman Comparison Index™ Guided Visualization for Investors: Jason's videos in his other sites:
Direct download: 1790_10th_Show_SOW_-_The_12_Week_Year_by_Brian_Moran_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST |
Mon, 10 January 2022
![]() Register for the VIRTUAL LIVE Creating Wealth conference on January 28 and 29, 2022. Visit today! After 5 years of watching people get bad financial advice, Joe Brown decided to equip people with more control and help them protect and secure their financial future. Join Jason in today's discussion and benefit from Joe's wealth of wisdom! Key Takeaways: 3:42 FED tapering and the repo market 7:46 Quantitative Easing (QE) Infinity 11:28 Catch 22 14:17 Housing shortage, the FED and money printing 18:08 Yield curve control and home mortgages 20:24 Universal Basic Income and the digital dollar 24:20 China is already doing this 26:00 Predictions and hyperinflation 29:00 Real estate will do fairly well 30:55 How much debt can a country take? 32:41 A thought experiment- redirecting purchasing power
Mentions: This Time Is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly YouTube: Twitter: @heresyfinancial
The WEALTH TRANSFER is happening FAST! Protect your financial future now! Did you know that 25% to 40% of all dollars ever created were dumped into the economy last year??? This will be devastating to some and an opportunity to others, be sure you’re on the right side of this massive wealth transfer. Learn from our experiences, maximize your ROI and avoid regrets. Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason's videos on his official YouTube channel: Free Mini-Book on Pandemic Investing: Jason’s TV Clips: CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning: What do Jason’s clients say?: Free Class: Easily get up to $250,000 in funding for real estate, business or anything else: Call our Investment Counselors at: 1-800-HARTMAN (US) or visit Free white paper on the Hartman Comparison Index™ Guided Visualization for Investors: Jason's videos in his other sites:
Direct download: 1789_CW_HS_CI_AMA_CC_-_Heresy_Financial_Joe_Brown_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:51pm EST |
Fri, 7 January 2022
![]() Today's Flash Back Friday is from episode 677 first published on May 23, 2016. Jason's guest today George Gilder, has a brilliant way of looking at the world. He is back for his second interview and this time they are discussing his new book The Scandal of Money: Why Wall Street Recovers but the Economy Never Does. George has also authored Wealth and Poverty. He is the Co-founder of the Discovery Institute, one of the original pillars of supply-side economics and a former speechwriter for Ronald Reagan while Reagan was running for President. He says “You can print money but you can’t print value.” Key Takeaways: 2:25 The whole world is being controlled by algorithms. 6:24 The 1031 exchange allows you to exchange one property for two and improves cash flow. George Gilder Guest Interview: 10:27 The closed loop economy is not the fault of Capitalism, it is the Federal Reserve and the Obama Administration. 13:23 Because of regulations and restrictions companies don’t want to go public. 16:45 Supply-side surges the economy up by enabling creativity and growth. 21:51 How is the Fed keeping a closed loop economy? 26:38 The goal of the future is to dismantle this paralyzing regulatory apparatus and reforming the Fed. 28:41 China has demographic problems but they have a massive expansion of venture capital. Mentioned in This Episode: Cincinnati Property Tour Sign Up The Scandal of Money: Why Wall Street Recovers but the Economy Never Does |
Wed, 5 January 2022
![]() Register for the VIRTUAL LIVE Creating Wealth conference on January 28 and 29, 2022. Visit today! Today Jason is headed to Houston to speak at Rebel Capitalist LIVE with George Gammon. But before he goes, Jason talks to Ed Brady of the Home Builders Institute about the building industry and its peripheral issues like housing and labor shortages, mortgage rates, and some of the challenges they are facing. He also has one of his many predictions involving home owners with super low mortgages rates and the price of construction materials. He also gives some staggering numbers: nearly 40% of homes in the US are PAID OFF! The average home has had a 57% increase in equity- year on year! How does that affect you? Find out on today's episode! Also, make sure to download the latest version of the Hartman Comparison Index, which contains updated information, which will give us good guidance on what to expect this year. See link below. Key Takeaways: 2:13 Predictions delayed, predictions half-baked 3:38 A foretaste of things to come 5:19 Increase in equity year on year 7:49 Homeowners and hoarders, renovations BOOM 9:18 A housing bear, reflexivity and George Soros 11:16 Off to Houston for Rebel Capitalist LIVE 13:02 Sign up for the CREATING WEALTH VIRTUAL LIVE conference today! 14:49 Welcome Ed Brady 15:56 The problem with affordability 18:54 Aging construction workers 21:04 Manufactured Homes 25:00 Solving the labor shortage 28:18 COVID related problems, a breakdown 30:10 Affordability problem 33:54 Financing homes, credit scores and the racial disparities 37:11 Home ownership is not for all, income property is 38:51 FICO and financial literacy and COVID Tweetables: The Millennial generation has been called the "BOOMERANG generation"- Jason Hartman We need to expand opportunities for training and labor- Ed Brady
The WEALTH TRANSFER is happening FAST! Protect your financial future now! Did you know that 25% to 40% of all dollars ever created were dumped into the economy last year??? This will be devastating to some and an opportunity to others, be sure you’re on the right side of this massive wealth transfer. Learn from our experiences, maximize your ROI and avoid regrets. Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason's videos on his official YouTube channel: Free Mini-Book on Pandemic Investing: Jason’s TV Clips: CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning: What do Jason’s clients say?: Free Class: Easily get up to $250,000 in funding for real estate, business or anything else: Call our Investment Counselors at: 1-800-HARTMAN (US) or visit Free white paper on the Hartman Comparison Index™ Guided Visualization for Investors:
Direct download: CW_1787_CW_AIPIS_HI_-_Home_Builders_Institute_Ed_Brady_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:17pm EST |
Mon, 3 January 2022
![]() In today’s episode Jason talks about the upcoming show and his predictions for 2022, including shadow demand, urban dweller, rise of suburbia, remote worker, remote working out, multi-generational living, “The Grapes of Wrath” migration, supply demand shock, trickle up economics, Richard Cantillon, Joseph Schumpeter, National Housing Assistance, stagflation, Great Resignation, digital dollar, PTSD pandemic, tale of 3 markets, Universal Basic Income, Modern Monetary Theory, Socialism, surveillance and censorship society of 1984, crisis and opportunity, client case studies, and more! He also welcomes former dentist turned real estate investor and author Dr. David Phelps, who recently launched his new book "Own Your Freedom: Sustainable Wealth in a Volatile World." David talks about his own experience of gaining financial freedom, going from trading his time for money to building an impressive portfolio of real estate income properties. Dr. Phelps is on a mission to help you achieve and own your financial freedom! Key Takeaways: 8:40 Welcome Dr. David Phelps and his new book "Own Your Freedom: Sustainable Wealth in a Volatile World" 10:50 The safe and secure route then discovering real estate investing 13:54 The real estate light bulb went off 16:22 Owning assets is more powerful than your own efforts trading time for dollars 19:09 Instead of just spending, invest 22:14 Obtain your own financial freedom 24:08 You must put your own oxygen mask on first 26:08 The founding fathers and freedom 28:05 The decades of indoctrination 30:43 Regardless of what you believe, there is an agenda 32:15 Elevate yourself to investor status and the power of association, Ken McElroy and George Gammon and the Collective Mastermind 36:04 The mind of money
Tweetables: "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Voltaire We are here to protect the people, places and profits you care about in these turbulent times. Jason Hartman Money always goes where it's treated best. Jason Hartman The WEALTH TRANSFER is happening FAST! Protect your financial future now! Did you know that 25% to 40% of all dollars ever created were dumped into the economy last year??? This will be devastating to some and an opportunity to others, be sure you’re on the right side of this massive wealth transfer. Learn from our experiences, maximize your ROI and avoid regrets. Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason's videos on his official YouTube channel: Free Mini-Book on Pandemic Investing: Jason’s TV Clips: CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning: What do Jason’s clients say?: Free Class: Easily get up to $250,000 in funding for real estate, business or anything else: Call our Investment Counselors at: 1-800-HARTMAN (US) or visit Free white paper on the Hartman Comparison Index™ Guided Visualization for Investors: |