Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing with Jason Hartman

Today's Flash Back Friday comes from Episode 482, originally published in February 2015.

On today's Creating Wealth show, Jason talks a little bit about mastermind groups and touches on an article that was released by USA Today on the subject of investments. Jason brings up some very interesting points on the minimum wage discussion as well as talks about conflict of interests in financial advisers. As always, Jason shares some timeless wisdom about the US dollar, commandments to live by, and more on the Creating Wealth show.

Key Takeaways:

1:30 - Jason talks about his mastermind group, Venture Alliance.

5:45 - Minimum wage increases always causes inflation.

11:00 - Give yourself small rewards along the way. 

13:40 Jason talks about commandment number nine.

17:20 - The American workspace is getting smaller as more people work from home.

23:15 - Jason talks about the gold bugs and other forms of currency.

27:45 - The US dollar will still be the reserve currency

30:10 – Jason does a deep dive into his personal commandments.

37:40 – There is no such thing as passive income.

41:00 – Jason's company looks for landlord friendly markets.

Mentioned In This Episode:

USA Today - Retirement Savings

You're Losing Your Office Space

US Dollar Most Crowded Trade

Direct download: CW_981_FBF_Jason_Hartman.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:51pm EST

Jason Hartman opens up the episode with client Muthia as they discuss a recent issue Muthia had with a provider that led to him filing a complaint and actually reaching a (relatively) positive conclusion.

For the off topic 10th episode, Jason talks with David Burkus, author of Friend of a Friend and Associate Professor of Leadership & Innovation at Oral Roberts University, about how to grow your network, develop key connections, the newest renaissance in business structure, new vacation policies, and more.

Key Takeaways:

Jason & Muthia Intro:

[4:05] Muthia's journey with one of the LMS' in Jason's network

[8:27] Paying taxes gets us the court system and regulatory agencies that allow you to file complaints against providers who take advantage of you

[13:15] Your duty as a citizen is to DO SOMETHING when people wrong you and others

[16:40] Join Jason in Philadelphia in May

David Burkus Interview:

[21:03] Is there a scientific method to networking?

[24:16] The best thing to do if you're trying to reach a specific contact

[30:19] The experimenting in getting away from the org chart

[35:15] You need to trust your employees and not punish the 99% because 1% couldn't be trusted

[37:43] Are things like unlimited vacation only available to companies with large funding bases?

[39:31] The most surprising thing about creativity


Direct download: CW_980_David_Burkus.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:34pm EST

Jason Hartman goes solo in today's episode, as he breaks down the flow of foreign money into the US real estate market and which states have benefited the most from that influx. He also explains why big business secretly loves some regulation, the shrinking of the welfare state (no matter how minimal it is), whether we're seeing signs of an economic letup, and more.

Key Takeaways:

[4:02] Some stats on foreign buyers of US real estate from the National Association of Realtors

[8:42] How much real estate investor money is coming in from some of the top countries like China, Canada & the UK

[10:45] Which states have benefited most from foreign money recently?

[13:12] There is, no surprise, a housing shortage going on right now

[17:32] 1984 is coming true, but not the way we all expected

[21:02] Why big companies secretly want more regulation

[25:41] Are there any signs of an economic letup?

[29:37] The welfare state is getting reigned in a little bit

[34:31] Households are dedicating 10% of after tax income at a lower rate than 5 years ago


Direct download: CW_979_Jason.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:07pm EST

Today's Flash Back Friday comes from Episode 302, originally published in February 2013.

Jason Hartman is joined on this episode by Steve Forbes, the editor in chief of Forbes Media, to propose and attempt to answer the question:  Why does government get bigger and bigger when we know it doesn’t work well? Mr. Forbes states that history proves free markets work for the people, while big and over-reaching government is about meeting its own needs.

In his book, Freedom Manifesto: Why Free Markets Are Moral and Big Government Isn’t, coauthored with Elizabeth Ames, the authors delve into historic events and statistics, showing that in every instance, big government promotes favoritism, stifles economic growth, dumbs down education, and creates an atmosphere of “rigidity and scarcity.” At the same time, it opens the door to corruption.

Mr. Forbes discusses the benefits of economic freedom, which promotes creativity and growth. Jason and Mr. Forbes also talk about current economic issues, including the bubbles that the Fed continues to create in the bond market and housing. “When government undermines money, bad things happen,” laments Mr. Forbes. “When government says it’s here to help, watch out!”

Direct download: CW_978_FBF_Steve_Forbes.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:14pm EST

Jason Hartman goes solo in today's episode to look into what's going on in the real estate world and beyond.

As interest rates continue to rise it's changing the real estate world, causing an even bigger inventory shortage. As interest rates rise the deals may look a little worse for the moment, but as time goes on they'll start looking better and better.

Today also features a market profile of the Memphis market, some tough news for Bitcoin investors, and a reminder to start planning your vacations to hang out with Jason & the gang.

Key Takeaways:

[3:43] Rising rates are making the inventory shortage even worse

[6:13] The harder it is to acquire a good property, the better it is in the long run once you acquire it

[9:58] EVERY investment takes time and some of your attention, even the ones that seem simplest

[13:08] Memphis market profile

[24:47] The IRS is coming after owners of bitcoin

[29:21] Get ready for the Creating Wealth event in the Northeast



Direct download: CW_977_Rates_Up_Inventory_Down.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:16pm EST

If you're looking at leaving the world of property managers and go into self-management, today's show highlights a useful tool for you to potentially use on your journey.

Jason Hartman kicks off the show discussing some current events in cryptocurrency, the upcoming Creating Wealth event in the Northeast in May, karma, and social credit scoring in China.

Then Jason talks with Dana Dunford, CEO of Hemlane, about how their software can help people with the hybrid management model that Jason is an advocate of. Hemlane offers a portal for owners to screen tenants, schedule showings, remind your tenants of showings, list and advertise your property, connect with real estate professionals for the lease up and tenant turn, and many other functions.

Key Takeaways:

[3:04] Sometimes you have to listen to fate

[9:16] Cryptocurrency ads have been banned by Facebook, Google, and now Twitter

Dana Dunford Interview:

[16:28] Long distance self-management still needs a management company or real estate agent to provide a la carte services on the tenant turn & lease up

[21:28] Hemlane can help you generate more revenue and increase your NOI

[24:50] Transparency up front is critical

[31:40] The $40/month per property for the higher service is a bit steep, what do you get and why is it better than a property manager?

[36:10] How much are tenant turns and lease ups costing through Hemlane?

[40:41] The geographical limitations of Hemlane


Direct download: CW_976_Dana_Dunford.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:18pm EST

Today's Flash Back Friday comes from Episode 176, originally published in July 2010.

Jason provides a unique commentary on the gulf oil spill, firing your investment property manager, buy and hold investing. Following the monologue, Jason talks with Steve Dexter about his book Real Estate Debt Can Make You Rich and long term investing. Housing and commercial property prices the lowest they’ve been in nearly a decade, this classic real estate investment guide is timelier than ever. Dr. Schumacher, who passed away in 2006, found that the way to a lifetime of financial security was to buy smart and never sell, and he built a $20 million fortune using his own savvy advice. The book, updated by Steve Dexter (an expert commentator for CNN/Money, CBS Radio and Fox TV), reveals step-by-step investment techniques that can work in the midst of a slow real estate market or a booming one for first-time buyers or seasoned investors, and for buyers of single-family residences, apartment buildings or shopping.

Steve's latest book is Buy and Hold Forever- How to Build Wealth for the 21st Century, one he co-wrote with the late Dr. Schumacher who was known as the ‘pope” of real estate investing. His first book Real Estate Debt Can Make You Rich published by McGraw-Hill, was rated one of the top 5 real estate books of the year by Bob Bruss, a nationally syndicated columnist of the Washington Post Media Group. Steve’s second book is Beat the Banks-Prospering in the Rising Wave of Bank Foreclosures. He has been a distinguished speaker at the Harvard Business School, Harvard Law School and their Graduate School of Design and has mentored many of their students about entrepreneurship and real estate investing. He also has spoken at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Business Management located in Chicago. He is also a member and speaker of NAREE (National Association of Real Estate Editors), a professional group of authors and major newspaper journalists who write about the national real estate market.

Direct download: CW_975_FBF_Steve_Dexter.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:30pm EST

It's time to take another deep look into rates and ways to finance your properties. Jason talks to lender Aaron about what's going on in regards to rates today, how it's been changing in the last few months, and where to expect it to go in the future.

The two discuss how higher interest rates don't necessarily mean your investments can't make sense. Higher rates also mean more write offs on your taxes, plus your tenant is still paying your debts. So you might have lower cash flow, but it can still be a great investment that gets better over time with your locked in rate.

Key Takeaways:

[2:10] You must, you must, you MUST (promise me you will) get a home inspection

[4:52] There are events coming up on the East coast and in Hawaii, so figure out if you can make them tax deductible!

[10:51] Every new regulation requires someone be hired to make sure the lenders are adhering to it, which raises costs

[12:48] What kind of rates can you get today with 20% down?

[16:02] Are people still taking out adjustable rate morgages for investment properties?

[18:48] You need to get your mindeset right when it comes to your real estate business. It's not always strictly about the cash flow

[24:34] The inverse correlation between bonds and rates

[26:35] The best strategy ever is to lock in as many 30 year fixed rates as possible


Direct download: CW_974_Rate_Hikes.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:01pm EST

Jason Hartman takes this episode to delve into some important happenings in the real estate world today. Some of Trump's recent moves have been bringing jobs back to the states, and companies are expected to bring money back, and it's creating good times for a lot of people.

With that good time comes something every real estate investor can enjoy, rent inflation. BUT, when times are good it's important to be vigilant with your providers and make sure they're not getting lazy.

Key Takeaways:

[3:58] Jobs are coming back to America

[7:27] Rent inflation is coming

[12:46] As a real estate investor, it's critical that you remember who your customer really is (hint: it's the tenant)

[16:05] In a booming economy, the big job as a real estate broker is the job of sorting people out

[20:12] Sometimes the booms can make providers a little sloppy, so it's important to stay on top of property managers and the like


Direct download: CW_973_Mason.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Today's Flash Back Friday comes from Episode 111, originally published in October 2009.

Would you like to escape the rat race? Famous "Rich Dad" author and speaker in the areas of personal finance, real estate and business, Robert Kiyosaki joins Jason Hartman for a discussion on success and passive income.


Direct download: CW_972_FBF_Robert_Kiyosaki.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:35pm EST

Jason Hartman starts off the show discussing how home sales are strong, even if they're a lagging indicator, and where exactly they're really taking off.

Then Jason talks with client Brandon Cook, a young member of the Venture Alliance Mastermind, about his journey investing in real estate. Brandon is currently the owner of 6 properties and is looking forward to more, and talks about breaking through the initial hurdle of investing.

Key Takeaways:

[2:33] Home sales are very strong, but remember they lag

[4:57] A suprise in the hottest housing market category

[11:41] Jason's latest book recommendation: The Effective Executive

Brandon Cook Interview:

[16:35] Brandon discovered Creating Wealth and started listening at Episode 48

[22:05] The first one is always the hardest

[30:41] What has Brandon learned on his investment journey

[33:20] Introducing the Jr Venture Alliance Mastermind membership!


The Effective Executive

Direct download: CW_971_Brandon_Cook.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:35pm EST

Jason Hartman starts today's show with a recap of the JHU Live event from this past weekend and a preview of a future event in the Northeast.

Then, in his 10th episode interview, Jason talks with Benjamin Hardy, author of Willpower Doesn't Work: Discover the Hidden Keys to Success, about how to time hack, be much more productive, the difference between successful people and the unsuccessful, relative ease in 10Xing your business, not using your circumstance as an excuse, and more.

Key Takeaways:

[4:51] You can't separate politics from personal finance in today's world

[9:05] There's now a Venture Alliance Jr membership level for those under 35

Benjamin Hardy Interview:

[10:29] The premise of Slipstream Time Hacking

[14:18] You can choose to think of time as away or as a distance

[18:33] What would Ben's response be to someone who said his book was just "work harder and faster"?

[20:37] 10X thinking is a lot easier than 2X thinking, and it works, just look at Ben's life

[23:23] What can we do on a daily basis to hack time?

[26:57] How Ben invested in the right relationships to grow his exposure so quickly

[30:44] Your behavior shapes your personality

[33:35] You need to regularly get out of your routine environment

[37:44] Don't use your circumstances as an excuse

[41:40] It's not your personality that shapes your choices, it's your choices that shape your personality


Direct download: CW_970_Benjamin_Hardy.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:37pm EST

Today's Flash Back Friday comes from Episode 647, originally published in March, 2016.

Jason answers questions from his highly-intelligent listener base. Clients inquire about interest rates, the 5-year outlook of rental income real estate and using self-directed IRA money to invest in income properties. Jason shares his strategies and tools on how he formulates his predictions on the multi-dimensional asset class of real estate income property, why he doesn’t like using cap rates for residential property evaluations and accessing the Property Tracker software to project future values. 

Key Takeaways:

[2:00] Income property is the most historically proven asset class

[5:45] Listener questions from the Salt Lake City JHU event

[8:04] Predicting interest rates

[9:38] Advantages to the suburban market in a linear market

[12:22] Stress testing your portfolio

[15:44] 3 dimensions of real estate - Values and rental incomes are counter-cyclical

[16:53] Why is income property real estate investing so attractive?

[19:15] Cap rates are not useful metrics for residential income property evaluations

[22:13] Using Self-Directed IRA money for an investment

[24:52] Property Tracking Software to see your properties 10-year projection

[27:35] The next Venture Alliance Mastermind will be on Jekyll Island in Georgia


The Creature from Jekyll Island

Direct download: CW_969_FBF_3_Stress_Tests.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:44pm EST

Jason Hartman starts today's episode with some new observations on the GOP Tax Reform, specifically involving depreciation and the changes that have been made to it for real estate investors.

Then Jason talks to one of his podcast mentors, Jim Puplava, host of Financial Sense, about his thoughts on the new tax reform, what's happening with inflation (both today and moving forward), the different motivation of millennials compared to former generations, and more.

Key Takeaways:

[3:23] The new tax plan and bonus depreciation

[8:04] The massive change in deductions for major repairs

Jim Puplava Interview:

[13:54] Will the new tax plan expedite people and companies leaving high tax states?

[18:42] Hidden taxes in states like California

[19:48] What's the endgame when states and municipalities go bankrupt? Is it just a federal bailout?

[22:42] Jim's current inflation thoughts

[26:12] How much longer can the US continue to kick the can down the road when it comes to the debt?

[29:38] Why double inflation arbitrage is fantastic for real estate investors

[32:52] What the next downturn is going to look like

[38:10] Jason's new theory


Direct download: CW_968_Jim_Puplava.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:55pm EST