Wed, 29 October 2014
![]() Today’s Creating Wealth Show is all about the ins and outs of real estate investing. Jason Hartman discusses what you can do to find your way on the path to wealth and how you can make the most of taxation (really!), before going on to see what a bullet-proof property in Birmingham, Alabama really looks like with their local property expert, ahead of November’s Property Tour.
Key Takeaways 1.45 – The path to wealth lies in diminishing our wants as we simultaneously increase our incomes. 07.05 – With taxation being everyone’s single largest expense, we need to find a way of working that in our favor. 10.05 – Depreciation tax deduction is, without a doubt, great for real estate investors. 14.04 – Income property gives you the benefit of trading assets through your life without paying taxes – legally. 19.43 – Yet another benefit is that travel expenses such as gourmet restaurant dinners and luxury hotel stays can sometimes be tax deductible. Even trips to the Creating Wealth Seminars and Property Tours could be deductible! 23.05 – Be sure to keep subscribing to the Creating Wealth Show to get access to a bunch of new interviews with amazing, upcoming guests. 25.32 – Centre Point, Alabama is known as a great rental market due to its great school system and fantastic renters living locally. 29.03 – Tenants will be selected for initial leases based on how well they fit to specific criteria. 32.25 – As real estate investors, we’re interested in linear markets, but you should still follow the trends of the cyclical markets.
33.53 – Head to for detailed proformas and more property information. |
Mon, 27 October 2014
![]() The impact of technology and the future of development plays a big part in today’s Creating Wealth Show. Jason Hartman talks about America’s growing role in this changing society, and makes particular note of the ever-increasing contributions of Generation Y. Later, he invites Consuelo Mack of WealthTrack on to give her thoughts about China’s current state, the importance of a diverse investment portfolio and where technology will lead us in 15 years’ time.
04.35 – It’s looking more likely that technology will save the world, and that America will be the developer of that technology. 07.50 – If you’ve registered to attend the Creating Wealth Seminar, Today’s Economy Boot Camp and/or the Birmingham Property Tour, be sure to make your flight reservations as early as possible. 10.20 – If the New World Order really is the Old World Order, it means huge implications for America. 14.27 – It is the US consumer that drives the economy – this means a strong, independent economy, regardless of the state of the rest of the world. 17.55 – China’s family policies will be their own downfall because in 10-15 years, there will be a huge demographic hole. 22.17 – Who knows where the latest innovations of 3D printing and the self-driving car could lead us? 26.20 – An investment portfolio needs a good level of diversification and well-managed real estate investment could make all the difference. 31.00 – Alternative investments are looking like an interesting option, but we still need to clarify all the details.
32.19 – For archived interviews and more information, head to
Direct download: CW_431_Consuelo_Mack_Host_of_WealthTrack_on_PBS.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:05pm EST |
Fri, 24 October 2014
![]() Jason Hartman’s topics for discussion today range from the business impact of Colorado’s legalization of marijuana to correctly assessing a company’s revenue to the changing demographics of today’s society. Later he talks to the author of Life Purpose Boot Camp, Eric Maisel about how we need to change our perception of meaning and anxiety in the creative world. Maisel’s atheist beliefs lead to a spirited exchanging of views, making today’s podcast informative and passionate.
Key Takeaways
03.20 – Be sure to register for the Birmingham Seminar and Property Tour at to take advantage of Early Bird ticket prices. 09.00 – While overall revenue figures are important, you can only really assess a company by looking at its revenue per employee. 12.30 - Jason discusses the legalization of marijuana in Colorado, but considers it from a business point of view. 14.50 – Generation Y is the largest demographic cohort, yet few even understand its impact and influence. 20.27 – There are growing trends and patterns between marital status and home owners’ requirements. 27.03 – Eric Maisel’s movement is not about searching for meaning, but about creating meaning. 34.15 – It’s important to assess if your life as it is has meaning, but it’s more difficult to throw everything away because of that. 36.15 – Part of the anxiety problem is that 99% of performing artists get no feedback whatsoever. 38.10 – The key to reaching this more creative level really lies in the morning creativity practice. 46.20 – Religion still has a very strong societal hold on people and it can be this sense of community which makes it hardest to leave. 50.22 – Maisel claims we have two choices with the future of religion: perpetuate lies or be honest and see which side produces higher morality.
52.23 – For more information, head to, and if you’re interested in learning more about natural psychology, you can download a free copy of Maisel’s book Natural Psychology at
Direct download: CW_430_Eric_Maisel_LIFE_PURPOSE_BOOT_CAMP.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:40pm EST |
Wed, 22 October 2014
![]() In the first part of today’s Creating Wealth Show, Jason Hartman talks about the great interviews that listeners can now access, the importance of market experience and muses on what the Federal Housing Finance Agency is really doing in terms of loans and lending.
Later, he invites health and wellbeing expert, Jenny Craig, to talk about her new book, to discuss her business strategy and to talk about what children really learn from their parents’ actions regarding food and exercise.
Key Takeaways
03.00 – Now that the issue with iTunes has been fixed, do go back and listen to the recently uploaded podcasts because Jason Hartman has been talking to some amazing guests and has some great interviews for you – the great Bill Bonner is just one example! 11.35 – Working with a company like Jason’s really gives you the advantage because they have so much market experience and they understand how the cycles work and have always worked. 21.00 – A lack of clarity regarding loans and the FHFA is just confusing matters for lenders and investors. 27.15 – For listeners interested in food and eating healthily, a new, free app named ‘Fooducate’ is just for you. 30.25 – Children remember what they see, and parents who think they can convince their children to eat healthily while they eat fast food are simply delusional. 33.55 – The initial success of Jenny Craig rested on seeing what the rest of the market was doing and finding a way to distinguish the business from everything else out there. 37.25 – You can’t just have a good idea; you need to have the quality there too, and especially if it’s related to what people are eating. 42.45 – In an organization, every member has to have a different skillset and has to bring something new to the team. 47.10 – Franchising is an area where you have to be willing to put in full commitment to everything you do, and for some people, it’s just not the right path. 53.46 – If you have to deal with a government official who is so strictly adhering to nonsensical rules, they can totally ruin your business. 54.50 – One of the best ways to eat more healthily is to get over the misconception that rich ingredients like butter add flavor. The spicing and seasoning is what gives the flavor.
01.02.00 – Jenny’s latest book, I Believe in Genevieve, can be purchased at independent and nation-wide bookstores, as well as online at |
Mon, 20 October 2014
![]() Jason talks a little a bit about what's going on in the world today and touches on some subjects like fusion fuel, cool apps, and more. Later in this podcast Jason interviews John Challenger about employment growth and what are some of the hotspots in the United States. John Challenger is an expert in global outplacement and career opportunities. He is the CEO of the Challenger, Gray & Christmas firm. The firm conducts regular surveys and reports about the current state of the economy, like layoffs, employment, and executive compensation.
Key Takeaways: 5:45 – Fusion fuel is much more efficient and safer in today's market. 8:40 – Every problem we've encountered, we've been able to solve with bonuses! With all the technology that's going on today, it's a great time to be alive. 10:45 – Jason loves the app called Fooducate. The app will scan the label and give you a grade as to how healthy the food product is and why. 15:30 – High speed trading is illegal and should be considered as insider trading. 17:00 – Jason Hartman is having a sale on his physical products. Check it out at 19:10 – Trainees who are part of the Little Rock Tour will celebrate a turkey dinner with Jason on Saturday, Nov 22. 21:40 – What areas of the country has good employment growth? Here's a clue - The Mid West. 25:00 – Most of the job cuts we're seeing today are from mergers and acquisitions and not from companies generating low revenue. 29:45 – There are so many jobs that don't need degrees. 35:00 – The education industry is so overpriced in a world where students can just take their classes online. 37:45 – There's some great robot technology going on. People are currently working on a robot to help minimize doctor mistakes. 40:10 – We're making far more stuff with much less people.
42:00 – What are some of the hot spots geographically? Illinois, California, New Jersey, Arizona, and more.
Direct download: CW_428-John_Challenger-Employment_and_global_outplacement_firm.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:29pm EST |
Fri, 17 October 2014
![]() On today’s Creating Wealth Show, Jason Hartman talks about the vital side of investing that is construction cost. As an investor within real estate, it’s so important to know the situation, whether it be adjusting how much you pay contractors to match with the area itself or knowing just how much the replacements to your property would be compared with the actual cost price.
Senate Libertarian candidate, Sean Haugh, features as Jason’s guest and together, they discuss the viability of war, the need for America to prove itself as a haven of free trade and prosperity and some of the most important points forming the basis of Haugh’s upcoming campaign.
Takeaways 02.00 – Jason Hartman’s personal risk evaluator model relies on construction cost and land cost, and this is a great way to minimize risk when investing in real estate. 06.30 – If you’re building in a higher price area, you’re going to have to pay your contractors more because they have to be able to afford to live in that area. 11.10 - Three sources of assessing your land value: tax collector or assessor for property taxes, an insurance broker - an insurance company selling you a policy based on the property, and an appraiser. 17.45 – If you’re interested in looking for the sorts of properties that can offer you regression to replacement opportunities, come along to the Birmingham, Alabama property tour in November. 20.10 – For more information specifically about risk assessment in investing, go to and type in ‘Hartman risk evaluator’ into the search bar to find podcasts and blog posts. 22.30 – Another recommendation for you is to look for the podcast and YouTube video about how to read a property Proforma. This is a really vital skill you can use to become a better investor. 25.20 – Surely we can’t go to war with anybody unless we have a direct congressional authorization? 31.00 – If we can reinstate America as a country of free trade and prosperity, we can give other countries reasons to work with us, not against us. 39.50 – With everything going on in the world, one of the most important things for us to do is work on empowering women. 47.00 – Being a Senator in the United States isn’t about having all of the answers – it’s about clearing the restrictions for the experts that do have the answers.
51.20 – Find out more about Sean Haugh by heading to, Twitter: @EmperorSean or Facebook searching Haugh for Senate. You can also find his YouTube channel by just searching his name. |
Thu, 16 October 2014
In preparation for the upcoming Property Tour and Creating Wealth Seminar, taking place in Birmingham, Alabama on the 22ndand 23rd November, today’s Creating Wealth Show has Jennifer as its guest. She works as part of the local market specialist team in Birmingham and takes the time to fill us in on the trends she’s noticed in the property market, the influence of the Section 8 program and some general tips on how to make the most of this part of the country for potential investing. Key Takeaways 01.20 – The next property tour will be taking place the weekend before Thanksgiving in November in Birmingham, Alabama. 05.40 – Bulletproofing a property is all about removing anything with mechanical parts which might prove a potential issue to the tenant. This ends up making investors’ lives much easier. 09.40 – In some markets, additional selling points don’t actually increase rental rates at all. 12.40 – Birmingham is fortunate to have a very stable market and additional houses for rehab are found through MLS, auctions and through mailing campaigns to potential sellers. 20.00 – It’s true that working as an investor within a Section 8 program isn’t always for everyone, and that all depends on your own personality. 21.45 – All properties are done up in compliance with Section 8, so regardless of the tenant’s personal profile, the property is ready for them to move in after approval. 23.00 – In most of the areas of Birmingham, healthcare and manufacturing are the largest employment industries.
25.43 – The latest statistic shows that around 43% of Birmingham’s population is rental based, which is a great pool to pull from.
Direct download: CW_426_Birmingham2C_AL_Property_Management_Jennifer_PM_LMS.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:17am EST |
Mon, 13 October 2014
![]() On today’s Creating Wealth Show, host Jason Hartman talks to financial maven and author, Bill Bonner, about his new book,Hormegeddon, how to create money out of thin air, the situation in Japan and whether you really can have too much of a good thing. Bill’s company, Agora Financial, is a leading marketplace for advice and talking points about everything to do with investing so he’s perfectly placed to assist those looking to increase their investment prowess. Ahead of the interview, Jason addresses the Elon Musk announcement of semi-autonomous cars and their inevitably disruptive impact on everything – including real estate.
Takeaways – The title for Bill Bonner’s latest book, Hormegeddon, comes from the term for specific biological experiments which went awry: hormesis. – With many of these things they can start out as beneficial but the more you use them, the more issues arise. – The notion of creating money is so difficult for even experts to understand – how can real money be created from absolutely nothing? From thin air? – The trade of the decade assessment is not a prediction; it’s all about analysing what’s up and what’s down. – The situation that Japan is currently in is terrible, and it doesn’t look to be improving in the immediate future. – Indeed, there’s every possibility that the US could follow suit and end up in a similar situation to Japan, especially with ever-increasing Chinese trade agreements using Chinese currency clauses. – One potential option could be ‘direct monetary funding’ which is the act of giving money, rather than lending it, in an attempt to bring the economy back up by consumer spending. – If you borrow money long-term for real estate purposes and it’s on a low-rate basis, inflation can eventually come along and pay off your debt for you. – Too much of a good thing is only too much. We view security as a good thing, but consider the money the Germans were spending on their own security during the war and that just can’t be justifiable. – Declining marginal utility is where you invest too much into one thing and it all backfires. – Decades ago, the huge houses used to be owned by people who made things and had a real role in society and manufacturing; now they’re just owned by hedge-fund guys. – With all of the technological advances now occurring, this is an amazing time to be alive. – Agora exists as a marketplace to collect together everyone’s questions and answers about investing because no one knows who’s going to have the right answer. – For more information, head to or for an entertaining read, check out
Tweetables We spent 200,000 developing our sentiments and our bodies as humans, but now we’re so unequipped to deal with quantitative easing. Tweet this! Empires get to impose their currency, but over time, they lose that ability – the dollar could seriously fall. Tweet this! |
Fri, 10 October 2014
![]() In the second half of today’s Creating Wealth Show, Jason Hartman speaks to author and former Department of Justice attorney, Sidney Powell. Together, they dive into some of the most scandalous and outrageous cases which have based through the Department of Justice in recent decades. Step-by-step, they overview several of the cases featured in Powell’s book Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice and consider the true state of our society.
Takeaways 01.00 – Sidney Powell’s book, Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice, deals with some of the most scandalous and historic events to come out of the United States’ Department of Justice. 09.20 – Within the Merrill Lynch case, it got to the point where favourable statements were hidden for six years while four Merrill Lynch executives were sent to prison without even a listed criminal offence. 13.00 – Sometimes there are two sides to a story and you need to dig a little deeper to find out what really happened. 16.55 – You have to question when a judge says he’s never had such a fine person before him for sentencing, and then passes a sentence. 20.20 – (Project on Government Oversight) has identified over 400 instances of misconduct by prosecutors in the last decade. 22.00 – Despite having a criminal conviction against his name a few days before the re-election, Ted Stevens only lost his place on the Senate by a few votes. 27.45 – The Bar associations are less than useless in these situations because they just give the same response. 32.00 – Judge Sullivan is turning around the Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the IRS and doing his best to achieve a just result. 34.10 – There are too many aspects of the IRS case that just seem conveniently timed for it to be believable. 34.40 – Many of Sidney’s articles about these issues can be found at 36.40 – If the IRS is being used to target political opponents, who gave that order?
38.45 – Information about the book and how to purchase it can be found at Tweet Sidney using the handle @SidneyPowell1 and be sure to ‘like’ Licensed to Lie on Facebook. |
Wed, 8 October 2014
![]() In the first section of today’s Creating Wealth Show, Jason Hartman talks about his experience in property tours and discusses the issues of either over- or under-diversifying your portfolio with your investments with investment counsellor, Sarah. Afterwards, the discussion moves to a focus on the ever-changing industry of manufacturing as Jason talks with the President and Executive Director of The Alliance for American Manufacturing, Scott Paul. They discuss topics from moving this industry overseas, to the changing situation over history and even to the impact and potential for change due to 3D printers, with Scott Paul giving his experienced overview on each.
Key Takeaways 07.00 – The property investment market in Texas is rather different to the rest of the US seeing as there’s no state income tax and tenants only pay property tax if they themselves own the property. 10.30 – To reach the right level of diversification, you want to realistically be looking at investing in 3-5 markets. 16.15 – The tours and seminars are a great way to network and to find out information – even if it’s not a market you’re particularly interested in getting involved with, they’re great things to attend. 21.00 – The manufacturing market is so vast – it includes both the larger products such as fridges, and the smaller parts you don’t see, such as packaging or car parts. 24.00 – If a US steel plant were to move to China, the percentage increases of output pollutants are staggering. 25.40 – Manufacturing is one of the most important and effective ‘multiplier’ industries in the United States. 32.00 – The situation has changed prettily drastically since the 1990s and that’s not necessarily a good thing. 37.40 – We’re also putting ourselves in a risky security situation due to our total dependence on one manufacturing company in China. 43.00 – Putting money into improving the US infrastructure would be a very wise investment. 43.50 – Find out more information about Scott Paul and his work at and on Twitter using the handle @KeepItMadeinUSA 47.40 – Germany is in a particularly good position right now, in terms of manufacturing, even though its average compensation manufacturing is almost 20% higher than that of the United States.
52.50 – Manufacturing has the potential to be transformed with the innovation of 3D printing. |
Mon, 6 October 2014
In this particular episode of Creating Wealth, Jason Hartman is his own guest as he remedies an issue from an earlier episode of the show. Available here is a chance to hear his take on the Eight Financial Rules That Apply to Everyone and Their Money, as listed by Business Insider, and a few of his own Commandments. In the second half of the show, Jason finds out about the changing demographics of the United States and questions the consequences on real estate investing, as well as putting some figures and statistics to the eternal question, ‘Can money make you happy?’
Key takeaways 03.40 – According to the Business Insider’s financial rules, spending money just to show that you have money is the surest way to lose money. 06.50 – Be sure to reward yourself or find a way to celebrate when your investments are going well. 10.30 – Wealth is totally relative. 15.00 – Getting rich has little to do with your income and everything to do with your savings. 18.30 – You can learn far more from failures than from successes. 27.30 – Look out for a future episode of the Holistic Survival featuring the author of 13 Hours: The Inside Account of What Really Happened in Benghazi. 29.00 – Be sure to check out the How to Read a Proforma video on Jason’s YouTube channel: Jason Hartman Media. 31.00 – The increasing population of single adults has led to a changing trend in real estate investing. 38.00 – If you invest in Wall Street stupidity, you’re only going to get so much out of it. 45.00 – Help us to know what we’re doing right so we can keep producing such great content for you. Go to iTunes or whichever platform you use to listen to our shows and tell us what you think.
48.00 – For a special half-price offer, you can own the Creating Wealth Home Study course and/or the Meet the Masters physical products. To take advantage of this, just head to |
Fri, 3 October 2014
![]() Investing guru, Bryan Ellis, joins Jason Hartman on today’s Creating Wealth Show to discuss some of the common pit-falls of investing, as well as to give some indication of the potential foreclosure rate. They consider the state of today’s smoke and mirrors economy and its impact on future investing and finances.
Key Takeaways
04.35 – The economy’s strength situation now seems to be a lot more regional than it was around 2007-2008. 05.30 – RealtyTrac’s announcement about foreclosures shows us that we can’t build a future without finishing what we started in the past. 06.15 – People’s three fundamental needs are the same as they’ve always been: food, clothing and shelter. 13.30 – We need the world to realize that the economy we’re running off is just smoke and mirrors. 17.30 – When the changes start to take place, huge inflation could be a very real possibility. 19.00 – Investment doesn’t have to be in stocks; it can be in real estate, or even just in commodities such as copper, steel, labour etc. 21.30 – Think of a deal from the most conservative standpoint you can, and ask yourself if it makes sense. 23.20 – A lot of people still haven’t realized that intellectual property could be the answer to successful investing. 25.00 – Many companies have a lot of intellectual property that they don’t even classify as such. 26.50 – The entire structure of this intellectual property set-up focuses on the presence of a third party. 29.30 – Ultimately, the fact still remains that the fundamentals are what matter.
30.00 – For more information about Bryan’s investing strategies or to receive his newsletter, visit |
Wed, 1 October 2014
![]() In this 10th episode production of the Creating Wealth Show, Jason Hartman brings to light several business stories which have caught his attention. While the first concerns shady Wall Street dealings and the men that get to the top because of them, the second proves many of his earlier theories about the dollar to be true.
Later, he speaks with Wall Street worker turned Navy Seal turned author, Mark Divine about the importance of striking a balance between your own personal, spiritual and emotional being and how that can influence the way you work in business. He uses his Seal experience to write his latest book, The Way of the Seal, which provides realistic and useful advice for achieving this balance. Key Takeaways
04.00 – The current situation with Wall Street means that it’s high frequency traders who are in hugely high-up financial positions in real estate and investing. 06.45 – Despite numerous negative predictions about the fate of the dollar, it has once again reached another 4-year high. 14.00 – What passes for ‘business’ in Wall Street is not for everyone, and some workers simply don’t want to be a part of that environment. 16.30 – Think about why you do what you do. If it’s just to scrape money off the top, that’s just flat-out wrong because you’re not adding any value to society. 21.30 – The internet is changing the world and the way it works, from democratizing publishing and more in the same way the information revolution worked. 24.30 – In the times between the old and the new, the ones with the biggest guns and the biggest biceps will come out on top. 28.00 – An awareness of your own situation and your ability to react to it are skills you learn as a Navy Seal, but they’re also skills you can apply as a businessman or entrepreneur to your everyday working life. 30.00 – The realm of your subconscious, your creativity, your heart mind and your belly mind leads you to the seat of intuition. 32.15 – The importance of movement is still fundamental: children don’t really start to learn until they start to crawl, and if they miss that stage, that sets them back a long time in terms of learning. 39.00 – Understandably, it can be difficult to find the time to exercise, but if you can make the effort to find that time, it will make a huge difference. 40.50 – More information about Mark’s ideas and programs can be found at and
46.00 – Working on the bookend system of the morning and evening ritual can both set you up correctly fr the day ahead and settle you enough for a good night’s sleep.