Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing with Jason Hartman

Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Jason Hartman interviews Alfred W. McCoy, Harrington Professor of History at the University of Wisconsin-Madison on his work investigating the changing nature of empires, the kind of world orders they create and projecting this knowledge into the future. McCoy’s latest book To Govern the Globe: World Orders and Catastrophic Change, analyzes the rise and fall of empires through their geopolitics.

Can the liberal international order that the United States created during its 70 years as the world’s great hegemon survive? Will the rise of China displace the US? China is using the Belt and Road Initiative to break our economic dominance over Eurasia and if that happens, then it is almost as if by natural law, power and profit will flow to Beijing and China will become the epicenter of the global economy. Global accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers estimates that by 2030, China's economy will be 50% larger than the US economy. 

Jason Hartman and Alfred McCoy also discuss the dollar as the world’s reserve currency, China’s presence in Africa and the ramifications of climate change producing very serious problems for world order.

Key Takeaways:

Jason's Editorial

1:34 The Russian invasion, Ukraine and the world

14:24 Alternative to the SWIFT banking system

15:13 Safe harbor of the world and isolationist policies

Alfred McCoy Interview

18:09 In 600 years of world history, there have been 90 empires, but only 3 world orders 

19:23 All powerful empires have an expiration date

20:13 Will the Chinese regime displace the US? Even with their growing demographic problem? 

22:18 What happened when China joined the World Trade Organization?

23:26 To be the global hegemon, you must dominate Eurasia

24:47 ​Estimates say that by 2030, China's economy will be 50% larger than the US economy

25:45 Nixon in China

27:09 Post Cold War US globalized economy

29:01 Securing a permanent lien on middle eastern oil after the 9/11 attacks

30:38 Renewable and nuclear energy

33:11 China as the world's global hegemon by 2030, will be the most adversely affected by climate change

36:43 Extending the retirement age

39:09 Evolution of the current world order

40:46 Lifting people out of poverty

42:53 China has had serious and sustained economic engagement with Africa for the past 45 years

48:16 Will the dollar retain reserve currency status? 

50:56 Climate change refugees and the world order

53:15 Could the world collapse into global disorder? 

56:03 Transforming our energy infrastructure into renewable energy

57:34 Potential technology to help us cope with climate change? 

59:20 Conclusions from historian and author Alfred McCoy

Get Alfred W. McCoy’s Books:


The WEALTH TRANSFER is happening FAST! Protect your financial future now! Did you know that 25% to 40% of all dollars ever created were dumped into the economy last year???  This will be devastating to some and an opportunity to others, be sure you’re on the right side of this massive wealth transfer. Learn from our experiences, maximize your ROI and avoid regrets.

Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason’s videos on his official YouTube channel:

Free Mini-Book on Pandemic Investing:

Jason’s TV Clips: 

CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning:

What do Jason’s clients say?:

Free Class:  Easily get up to $250,000 in funding for real estate, business or anything else:

Call our Investment Counselors at: 1-800-HARTMAN (US) or visit

Free white paper on the Hartman Comparison Index™ 

Guided Visualization for Investors:

Jason’s videos in his other sites:


Today's Flash Back Friday is from episode 442 published last November 21, 2014.

Geography and demographic patterns prove their importance in the discussions featured on today’s Creating Wealth Show. Jason Hartman talks to Peter Zeihan, author of The Accidental Superpower, about the many factors which have affected the economic and social growth of America and several other vital world powers. They consider topics from China’s one-child policy, the comparative strength of the dollar and the how the future looks in terms of oil production and 3D printing. 

Key takeaways

01:50 – Peter Zeihan has held high-ranking positions within Stratfor, an intelligence company used by government and business officials.

05:10 – You have to ask the bigger question: ‘compared to what?’ What are you comparing everything to?

06:03 – Jason Hartman details some of the guest interviews we have in upcoming episodes of the Creating Wealth Show. 

13.55 – Geography is still a vital factor to a country’s progress and development, especially when it comes to transportation.

19:20 – The dollar is the only hard currency in the world that exists in sufficient volume to lubricate the global system. What if the printing press actually was an option?

21:34 – America’s commitment to free trade still has a huge impact on today’s world economy.

27:04 – All of the various financial crashes are happening for the same reasons and we need to learn from them.

30:07 – China is in such a difficult demographical situation that America’s social pressure for near-retirees seems like nothing. 

32:34 – Boundaries and ideas are starting to change for retirees, but those staying on in work are still in the minority.

34:31 – The future of American oil production and usage could have totally transformed by this time next year.

37:19 – The impact of 3D printing on supply chains is just staggering, and it’s going to continue to shrink the industry.

42:42 – For more information, head to and the book, The Accidental Superpower is available at any local bookstore and online. 


Mentioned in this episode

The Accidental Superpower: The Next Generation of American Preeminence and the Coming Global Disorder by Peter Zeihan

Money: Master the Game by Tony Robbins


The WEALTH TRANSFER is happening FAST! Protect your financial future now! Did you know that 25% to 40% of all dollars ever created were dumped into the economy last year???  This will be devastating to some and an opportunity to others, be sure you’re on the right side of this massive wealth transfer. Learn from our experiences, maximize your ROI and avoid regrets.

Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason’s videos on his official YouTube channel:

Free Mini-Book on Pandemic Investing:

Jason’s TV Clips: 

CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning:

What do Jason’s clients say?:

Free Class:  Easily get up to $250,000 in funding for real estate, business or anything else:

Call our Investment Counselors at: 1-800-HARTMAN (US) or visit

Free white paper on the Hartman Comparison Index™ 

Guided Visualization for Investors:

Jason’s videos in his other sites:

Today, Jason shows us a chart about productivity and compensation, and how the disparity between the leadership in corporations, the shareholders and the average worker are so enormous and egregious and disconnected. He also talks about why homes are so expensive, the price increase in housing materials and the labor shortage.

Moreover, Jason shares a short video by Larry Kudlow talking about how we can save America, by killing inflation. Jason also discusses how we can use debt to create wealth by using his revolutionary strategy of Inflation Induced Debt Destruction! And in a future episode, we will have a returning guest, Laurence Kotlikoff, for an update on the numbers surrounding the unfunded government mandates.

And if you are interested in working with Jason in building your real estate portfolio through a special coaching program, just visit

You can also listen to Jason's CryptoCast podcast where he and guests talks about everything about cryptocurrencies.


Key Takeaways:

1:45 Chart- Productivity and compensation

5:48 The 70's and 80's

7:41 CEO wages vs. the average wage

11:06 No real increase in pay

12:06 Costs for home construction materials and labor are UP!

15:12 Buffet, Munger, cryptocurrencies, venereal disease and rat poison

19:03 Corporatocracy, feminism and egg freezing, plastics and sperm counts

23:27 Save America- Kill Inflation

29:08 There is no Reagan or Paul Volcker. This Inflation is NOT transitory

30:35 Join our mentoring and coaching program

31:45 The great migration and the flattening of America's talent pool

33:12 Ashley's Blogcast: How to Profit from Millions of Americans Moving to the Suburbs



Milton Friedman's "Free to Choose"

Peter Drucker

Lou Dobbs' "War on the Middle Class"

Tim Cook of Apple

Larry Ellison of Oracle

Ed Brady of Home Builders Institute video HERE

Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger

Ronald Reagan and Paul Volcker

John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath



"A corporation has only one responsibility and that is to its shareholders" - Milton Friedman


The WEALTH TRANSFER is happening FAST! Protect your financial future now! Did you know that 25% to 40% of all dollars ever created were dumped into the economy last year???  This will be devastating to some and an opportunity to others, be sure you’re on the right side of this massive wealth transfer. Learn from our experiences, maximize your ROI and avoid regrets.

Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason’s videos on his official YouTube channel:

Free Mini-Book on Pandemic Investing:

Jason’s TV Clips: 

CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning:

What do Jason’s clients say?:

Free Class:  Easily get up to $250,000 in funding for real estate, business or anything else:

Call our Investment Counselors at: 1-800-HARTMAN (US) or visit

Free white paper on the Hartman Comparison Index™ 

Guided Visualization for Investors:

Jason’s videos in his other sites:

Direct download: CW_1808_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Jason Hartman welcomes a special guest today, the mysterious and brilliant Doomberg, to discuss if the story of 2022 could be a food inflation and food shortage crisis born directly from the energy crisis that we're seeing today. Jason and Doomberg take on this ongoing train wreck energy crisis we're living through and discuss how China's response to the energy crisis that started in Europe is creating even more supply chain issues. The cost of energy is embedded into every product and service, and Doomberg demonstrates how this energy crisis is going to feed into substantial price shocks in the food space. Just consider how the price of fertilizer has recently skyrocketed! These increases will hit the poor and the lower middle classes of the economic spectrum the hardest, but they offer some possible solutions for uncertain times ahead. "Doomberg is the anonymous publishing arm of a bespoke consulting firm providing advisory services to family offices and c-suite executives. Its principals apply their decades of experience across heavy industry, private equity and finance to deliver innovative thinking and clarity to complex problems."

Watch the video HERE:

Get Doomberg's latest articles:


Key Takeaways:

Jason's editorial

1:37 Preparing for all kinds of shortages

2:35 Some stats from the National Association of Realtors

6:44 Download the Hartman Comparative Index and enquire about our coaching program

8:28 "Do it with You" program

Interview with Doomberg

11:16 What can we expect in 2022?

12:57 If you choke off the energy supply, you're deciding who lives and dies

14:30 Consequences of the anti fossil fuel movement

17:03 Liquid natural gas (LNG) prices are skyrocketing

19:13 Aluminum alloys, magnesium and the automotive industry

22:29 "America's Energy Strategy is Bonkers" - shutting down of the Keystone Pipeline and the national moratorium on drilling

23:54 Beholden to Vladimir Putin for supplying gas, Europe is one violent cold snap away from political uprising

25:02 The price of fertilizer has skyrocketed in the US leading to massive price spikes in food

26:30 "Starvation Diet" and inflationary food prices

29:11 Should we prepare for the worst? What can we do to prepare?

33:38 Increase the working capital of your home; being prepared is not selfish, it's responsible

37:14 Generators for emergency times

40:49 Economic and financial action steps for tough times ahead


"The future ain't what it used to be" - Yogi Berra

The WEALTH TRANSFER is happening FAST! Protect your financial future now! Did you know that 25% to 40% of all dollars ever created were dumped into the economy last year???  This will be devastating to some and an opportunity to others, be sure you’re on the right side of this massive wealth transfer. Learn from our experiences, maximize your ROI and avoid regrets.

Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason’s videos on his official YouTube channel:

Free Mini-Book on Pandemic Investing:

Jason’s TV Clips: 

CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning:

What do Jason’s clients say?:

Free Class:  Easily get up to $250,000 in funding for real estate, business or anything else:

Call our Investment Counselors at: 1-800-HARTMAN (US) or visit

Free white paper on the Hartman Comparison Index™ 

Guided Visualization for Investors:

Jason’s videos in his other sites:

Direct download: 1807_CW__HS_AMA_CI_-_Doomberg_Scary_Food_Shortages__Metals_Scarcity_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Today's Flash Back Friday is from episode 777 published last January 11, 2017.

The upcoming 19th Meet the Masters of Income Property live event is upon us. With big name speakers like G. Edward Griffin, Garrett Sutton and Darin Bloomquist, this event is to be worth more than 5x’s the cost of the ticket. Jason’s guest today is an income property investor and one of the very first Venture Alliance Mastermind members. Elisabeth Embry started investing in real estate after realizing a high-paying position is great as long as you have it. She and her husband knew they would need to address their future income. She shares her story and the best elements of Meet the Masters and the Venture Alliance Mastermind.  

Key Takeaways:

[1:34] G. Edward Griffin, Garrett Sutton and Darin Bloomquist will be speaking at the Meet the Masters of Income Property Event.

Elisabeth Embry Case Study

[6:40] Elisabeth’s work focuses on large scale program management and business management.

[9:08] The Rich Dad, Poor Dad and The Millionaire Next Door books influenced Elisabeth’s decision to invest in income property.

[11:39] A good property manager is worth their weight in gold.

[15:31] Property Managers and Local Market Specialists can get complacent.

[18:00] This Meet the Masters of Income Property Event will have increased audience participation.

[21:28] Local Market Specialists have so much good information to share during the Meet the Masters.

[22:17] Elisabeth enjoys networking with the like-minded community of real estate investors at the Meet the Masters of Income Property event.

[24:53] The Venture Alliance Mastermind helps leverage the lessons other people have already learned.

[30:07] The quality of the presenters are world caliber business leaders.

[32:36] Elisabeth and her husband are continuing to expand and take advantage of Jason’s network.

Mentioned in This Episode:

Jason Hartman

Meet the Masters of Income Property Tickets


The WEALTH TRANSFER is happening FAST! Protect your financial future now! Did you know that 25% to 40% of all dollars ever created were dumped into the economy last year???  This will be devastating to some and an opportunity to others, be sure you’re on the right side of this massive wealth transfer. Learn from our experiences, maximize your ROI and avoid regrets.

Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason’s videos on his official YouTube channel:

Free Mini-Book on Pandemic Investing:

Jason’s TV Clips: 

CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning:

What do Jason’s clients say?:

Free Class:  Easily get up to $250,000 in funding for real estate, business or anything else:

Call our Investment Counselors at: 1-800-HARTMAN (US) or visit

Free white paper on the Hartman Comparison Index™ 

Guided Visualization for Investors:

Jason’s videos in his other sites:

Direct download: 1806_FBF_CW_777_Elisabeth_Embry_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Today Jason talks about art, love and the peak of human civilization and how things have been downhill ever since 1990! He also shows you how amazing income property is through the concept of "Share of Income."

And welcome back Simon Caron, the Uneducated Economist, as he and Jason finish their talk about economics and the housing market, it's many facets and troubles! 

With a background in the lumber industry and his direct work in sales at a lumberyard, Simon's research comes from real world, real life experience as he deals firsthand with the current building material and lumber shortage logistical nightmare on a daily basis. He reports that lead time for a lot of building materials is now three months and discusses the Cantillon Effect, worsening inequality and the crisis builders are facing just to get their projects completed. Builders are having to order supplies before they even have a permit, putting the cart before the horse! Simon also encourages you to pay close attention to debt (especially corporate debt), rising interest rates and central bank digital currencies.

Key Takeaways:

Jason's editorial

1:03 Feedback on Jason's expose' - or rant!

3:48 Give give give

6:00 The most powerful forms of art

8:29 Love- it's a marketplace just like real estate

12:23 Energy, sperm, plastics and channeling your sexual energy

15:40 Share of income

Simon Caron, the uneducated economist

19:54 Opinion about the supply chain

21:31 Simon explains the Cantillon Effect

24:20 The Cantillon Effect leads to wealth transfer and poverty

26:46 How will this building and construction issue play out over the next 1-2 years?

29:29 The Fed has lost control over inflation

32:08 California's supply chain problems and shortages

36:29 Pay attention to debt (especially corporate debt), rising interest rates and central bank digital currencies

39:19 Moving away from the Dollar as a reserve currency

40:25 The good, the bad, and the ugly about central bank digital currencies

42:02 Central bank digital currencies and universal basic income are inextricably connected

44:17 It's become burdensome to use cash

47:04 Find Simon Caron on YouTube, Instagram and



Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill


Fashion is a catalyst for attraction- Jason Hartman



The WEALTH TRANSFER is happening FAST! Protect your financial future now! Did you know that 25% to 40% of all dollars ever created were dumped into the economy last year???  This will be devastating to some and an opportunity to others, be sure you’re on the right side of this massive wealth transfer. Learn from our experiences, maximize your ROI and avoid regrets.

Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason’s videos on his official YouTube channel:

Free Mini-Book on Pandemic Investing:

Jason’s TV Clips: 

CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning:

What do Jason’s clients say?:

Free Class:  Easily get up to $250,000 in funding for real estate, business or anything else:

Call our Investment Counselors at: 1-800-HARTMAN (US) or visit

Free white paper on the Hartman Comparison Index™ 

Guided Visualization for Investors:

Jason’s videos in his other sites:

Direct download: 1805_CW_Simon_Caron_part_2_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Today Jason talks about the impending Russian and Ukraine conflict, why the government wants to keep us single, the US Debt Clock, inflation induced debt destruction and the Hartman Comparison index! 

And welcome Simon Caron, the Uneducated Economist, who quite frankly, is a lot more educated than many economists out there! With a background in the lumber industry and his direct work in sales at a lumberyard, Simon's research comes from real world, real life experience as he deals firsthand with the current building material and lumber shortage logistical nightmare on a daily basis. He reports that lead time for a lot of building materials is now three months and discusses the Cantillon Effect, worsening inequality and the crisis builders are facing just to get their projects completed. Builders are having to order supplies before they even have a permit, putting the cart before the horse! Simon also encourages you to pay close attention to debt (especially corporate debt), rising interest rates and central bank digital currencies.

Key Takeaways:

Jason's Editorial

1:30 Happy Valentines day to all... or NOT! Cultural Marxism is here

2:18 We may be on the verge of world war 3

5:48 They want us to be single! 

8:44 The evolutionary perspective; sowing the seeds of separateness

14:16 The disgusting Super Bowl half time show

15:31 The debt clock and impossible math

25:47 Align your interests with the government and central bank

26:20 Free white paper on the Hartman Comparison Index™ 

Interview with Simon Caron

29:20 Welcome Simon Caron, the Uneducated Economist

33:20 Builders need to order supplies before they even have a permit which puts the cart before the horse

34:28 If building material costs keep going up, how can home prices stabilize?

36:27 Widening gap between housing starts and housing completions

38:35 Windows are to houses as semiconductor chips are to automotives

Watch the video at Jason's YouTube channel HERE.


"Cultural Marxism is in conflict with our happiness" - Jason Hartman

“I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.” – Albert Einstein



The WEALTH TRANSFER is happening FAST! Protect your financial future now! Did you know that 25% to 40% of all dollars ever created were dumped into the economy last year???  This will be devastating to some and an opportunity to others, be sure you’re on the right side of this massive wealth transfer. Learn from our experiences, maximize your ROI and avoid regrets.

Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason’s videos on his official YouTube channel:

Free Mini-Book on Pandemic Investing:

Jason’s TV Clips: 

CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning:

What do Jason’s clients say?:

Free Class:  Easily get up to $250,000 in funding for real estate, business or anything else:

Call our Investment Counselors at: 1-800-HARTMAN (US) or visit

Free white paper on the Hartman Comparison Index™ 

Guided Visualization for Investors:

Jason’s videos in his other sites:

Direct download: 1804_CW_Simon_Caron_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:07pm EST

Today's Flash Back Friday is from episode 1086 published last November 19, 2018.

Jason Hartman starts today's show by discussing the enduring asset that is real estate. Buildings you see that have been there for decades, if not centuries, still make money for their owners. Then Jason answers some more mortgage FAQs, including financing multiple properties at once and what a Power of Attorney can do for you.

Then Jason talks with Paul Moore, author of The Perfect Investment: Create Enduring Wealth from the Historic Shift to Multifamily Housing, about what demographics are telling the two of them about the next decade for landlords, as well as home ownership rates and the current habits of both baby boomers and millennials.

Key Takeaways:

[2:59] Income property is an enduring asset class

[6:50] More mortgage FAQs: can you finance multiple properties at the same time?

[11:01] Can a Power of Attorney sign for you for your investment properties?

Paul Moore Interview:

[14:35] How the demographics for the next decade looks for landlords

[16:33] Where Jason believes home ownership rate should be

[18:48] The faster growing demographic of renters is the baby boomers

[21:48] Millennials are renting in large numbers, partially thanks to the portability society

[25:43] What investing really is and other investment philosophies


The Perfect Investment: Create Enduring Wealth from the Historic Shift to Multifamily Housing


The WEALTH TRANSFER is happening FAST! Protect your financial future now! Did you know that 25% to 40% of all dollars ever created were dumped into the economy last year???  This will be devastating to some and an opportunity to others, be sure you’re on the right side of this massive wealth transfer. Learn from our experiences, maximize your ROI and avoid regrets.

Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason’s videos on his official YouTube channel:

Free Mini-Book on Pandemic Investing:

Jason’s TV Clips: 

CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning:

What do Jason’s clients say?:

Free Class:  Easily get up to $250,000 in funding for real estate, business or anything else:

Call our Investment Counselors at: 1-800-HARTMAN (US) or visit

Free white paper on the Hartman Comparison Index™ 

Guided Visualization for Investors:

Jason’s videos in his other sites:

Direct download: 1803_FBF_Paul_Moore_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

The government and central bank are inflating away their debt! So should we! If you can't beat them, join them! Jason's strategy of Inflation Induced Debt Destruction does exactly that! Visit for more information. He also share some slides from the Hartman Comparison Index. You can watch the video on Jason's YouTube channel.

Join Jason today as he welcomes Dr. Peter McCullough, MD. Dr. McCullough has over 50 peer-reviewed papers and is an extremely credible person in the medical field. 

After receiving a bachelor’s degree from Baylor University, Dr. McCullough completed his medical degree as an Alpha Omega Alpha graduate from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School. He went on to complete his internal medicine residency at the University of Washington, cardiology fellowship including service as Chief Fellow at William Beaumont Hospital, and master’s degree in public health at the University of Michigan. Dr. McCullough is a practicing internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist in Dallas Texas and the Chief Medical Advisor of the Truth for Health Foundation.

Listen in to hear another side of this whole pandemic/vaccine debacle and discover what you can do to protect your liberties!

Follow Dr. Peter McCullough, MD at Twitter @P_McCulloughMD and Listen to his podcast America Out Loud: The McCullough Report


Key Takeaways:

1:20 Become an Empowered Investor and citizen

2:46 "I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend your right to say it"

4:14 Proxies to who knows what

5:07 Inflate away your real estate debt

6:22 The Hartman Comparison Index™ Price vs. payment

13:40 Investing in our current environment:

Interview with Dr. McCullough

15:05 Who is Dr. McCullough

17:15 Misinformation and censorship

18:44 Booster concerns and the vaccine numbers tell the story

20:03 Why the misinformation?

21:33 Data, death and deception- is there any end in sight?

23:46 What is truly important

26:33 A collapsing house of cards

28:22 Numbers are grossly under-reported

32:50 Data: The vaccines are causing great harm

36:05 World Council for Health and post vaccine issues

38:53 Inflammation and post vaccine metrics

41:16 Fertility side effects, tin foil hats and dating sites

45:30 Fracturing of decisions- the wall begins to crumble

48:44 Vaccines don't work


The WEALTH TRANSFER is happening FAST! Protect your financial future now! Did you know that 25% to 40% of all dollars ever created were dumped into the economy last year???  This will be devastating to some and an opportunity to others, be sure you’re on the right side of this massive wealth transfer. Learn from our experiences, maximize your ROI and avoid regrets.

Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason’s videos on his official YouTube channel:

Free Mini-Book on Pandemic Investing:

Jason’s TV Clips: 

CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning:

What do Jason’s clients say?:

Free Class:  Easily get up to $250,000 in funding for real estate, business or anything else:

Call our Investment Counselors at: 1-800-HARTMAN (US) or visit

Free white paper on the Hartman Comparison Index™ 

Guided Visualization for Investors:

Jason’s videos in his other sites:

Direct download: 1802_CW_HS_JS_WIN_HI_ALL_SHOWS_-_Dr._Peter_McCullough_MD_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:05pm EST

Today Jason talks about strategically forming relationships and to "not let life pick your associations by accident" i.e. be intentional with whom you associate. In life and in business, know the WHO, not the HOW.  

Jason also welcomes Uros and Marijana for today's client case study. They are originally from Serbia then moved to Vancouver, Canada last 2014 and decided to invest with Jason's company.  Canada is a proxy for all foreign nationals who want to invest in the US housing market. They are also joined by Shannon, one of Jason's lending partners. Listen in and see if you qualify!

Watch the FREE video on how to read a PRO FORMA at

Key Takeaways:

1:30 Client Case study of foreign nationals investing in the American real estate market

2:43 The Collective Mastermind- strategically forming relationships

6:35 A $500 real internal age test

7:46 "Don't let life pick your associations by accident"

9:47 Join our coaching program or Empowered Investor Inner Circle. Know the WHO, not the how

12:07 Reduced housing inventory leads to more renters

15:27 The population that matters

17:31 Housing inventory numbers

Client Case Study:

19:40 Meet Uros and Marijana

26:49 It has to make sense the day you buy them

28:04 Shannon and the housing programs for non-Americans and the 30 year fixed rate mortgage

32:45 High Inflation and stagflation

35:21 Using debt like the wealthy to become rich; the decline of standards of living

37:00 Goals, loan limits and qualifications for foreign nationals

40:14 International background check

41:46 Personal loans from banks in Canada with offices in America

45:41 Join The Collective Mastermind

Mentioned in the episode:

Listen to Jason's Longevity & Biohacking Show

The Collective Mastermind Weekend Gathering

Empowered Investor Inner Circle


"Don't let life pick your associations by accident"- Jason Hartman

"The biggest challenge we have, is that we don't have enough people."- Elon Musk


The WEALTH TRANSFER is happening FAST! Protect your financial future now! Did you know that 25% to 40% of all dollars ever created were dumped into the economy last year???  This will be devastating to some and an opportunity to others, be sure you’re on the right side of this massive wealth transfer. Learn from our experiences, maximize your ROI and avoid regrets.

Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason’s videos on his official YouTube channel:

Free Mini-Book on Pandemic Investing:

Jason’s TV Clips: 

CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning:

What do Jason’s clients say?:

Free Class:  Easily get up to $250,000 in funding for real estate, business or anything else:

Call our Investment Counselors at: 1-800-HARTMAN (US) or visit

Free white paper on the Hartman Comparison Index™ 

Guided Visualization for Investors:

Jason’s videos in his other sites:


Direct download: 1801_CW_-_Client_Case_Study_Uros__Marijana_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Today is special because it is both a Flash Back Friday and a 10th episode show. It's from episode 800 featuring Grant Cardone, published last March 6, 2017.

Jason’s guest is the larger than life, Grant Cardone. Grant is a firm believer in ‘it’s not what you know, it’s who you know’. Grant explains the inspiration behind his book, The 10X Rule, his strategy behind getting the life you want and why becoming rich is the only safe haven in today’s world. Grant recommends making your goals ten times bigger than they currently are and being willing to do whatever it takes to get what you want.

Grant is a New York Times bestselling author, Executive Producer of the reality show, Turnaround King and Host of the Cardone Zone.

Key Takeaways:

[2:52] Venture Alliance Mastermind details.

[8:48] Jason and Naresh discuss the impact the self-driving car will have on real estate.

Grant Cardone Guest Interview:

[20:16] Grant’s new venture Act Like Success is based on committing first and figure the rest out later.

[25:38] The 10X Rule is based on a concept that the goals, targets and actions people are making are low based on their potential.

[27:53] How to stay excited and make your goals 10X.

[29:43] Breaking free of middle-class thinking.

[37:03] Find power in who you know not what you know.

[41:29] You have to do whatever it takes!

Mentioned in This Episode:

Jason Hartman

Venture Alliance Mastermind

Grant Cardone

Tired of Missing Sales

Cardone University

@grantcardone on Twitter

The WEALTH TRANSFER is happening FAST! Protect your financial future now! Did you know that 25% to 40% of all dollars ever created were dumped into the economy last year???  This will be devastating to some and an opportunity to others, be sure you’re on the right side of this massive wealth transfer. Learn from our experiences, maximize your ROI and avoid regrets.

Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason’s videos on his official YouTube channel:

Free Mini-Book on Pandemic Investing:

Jason’s TV Clips: 

CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning:

What do Jason’s clients say?:

Free Class:  Easily get up to $250,000 in funding for real estate, business or anything else:

Call our Investment Counselors at: 1-800-HARTMAN (US) or visit

Free white paper on the Hartman Comparison Index™ 

Guided Visualization for Investors:

Jason’s videos in his other sites:

Direct download: 1800_FBF_CW_800_Grant_Cardone_v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

You are all invited to collaborate with real state professionals nationwide through Jason's Empowered Investor Inner circle. Jason also talks about the BEST index out there when looking at housing prices and how the Consumer Price Index (CPI) is heavily manipulated through weighting, substitution and hedonic indexing and much more! But the best way to understand real estate values is with the Hartman Comparison Index. Get your free white paper at

Central planners are scared of deflation, so they will do whatever they can, including printing trillions of fake dollars out of thin air. Make sure you are prepared to invest in any environment and let Jason teach you how with his brand new coaching program: Income Property Mastery. Check it out at

He also finishes up his talk with Tina Tamboer of the Cromford Report. Listen in as they talk about the housing market, supply and demand curve, new home builders, home price increase and housing affordability, population decline, mortgage lenders and interest rates, and more real estate data!

Watch the video in YouTube HERE.

Key Takeaways:

1:51 You're invited to the Empowered Investor Inner Circle monthly meeting. Go to

2:50 Get your copy of the Hartman Comparison Index™ 

4:27 Cost of Living Very Well Index

5:37 Consumer Price Index for Urban and core inflation, and how they manipulate it

8:32 Personal consumption expenditures including food and energy chain type price index

9:00 The FED's target inflation rate, population, the GDP and the Philips curve

12:02 An airplane's death spiral; a metaphor for the central planner's nightmare- deflation

14:06 Inflation Induced Debt Destruction

15:04 Sign up for our new coaching program

Interview with Tina Tamboer of the Cromford Report

15:53 What affects demand

17:05 Percentage growth of housing units vs percentage growth of population

19:14 Are there any houses for first time home buyers out there still?

20:25 The United States population rate is in decline

24:34 National Association of Homebuilders Affordability Index

30:49 Housing price increases are not sustainable

33:22 Lending practices have loosened up

35:42 Buyers and sellers are in an arm wrestling match

39:25 Seasonal real estate trends

42:21 Find out more at


The WEALTH TRANSFER is happening FAST! Protect your financial future now! Did you know that 25% to 40% of all dollars ever created were dumped into the economy last year???  This will be devastating to some and an opportunity to others, be sure you’re on the right side of this massive wealth transfer. Learn from our experiences, maximize your ROI and avoid regrets.

Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason’s videos on his official YouTube channel:

Free Mini-Book on Pandemic Investing:

Jason’s TV Clips: 

CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning:

What do Jason’s clients say?:

Free Class:  Easily get up to $250,000 in funding for real estate, business or anything else:

Call our Investment Counselors at: 1-800-HARTMAN (US) or visit

Free white paper on the Hartman Comparison Index™ 

Guided Visualization for Investors:

Jason’s videos in his other sites: