Wed, 30 March 2016
![]() Jason’s mom will be attending the upcoming Venture Alliance Mastermind trip to Jekyll Island. She decided to prepare herself by reading the updated version of The Creature from Jekyll Island again. She and Jason review sections of the book and discuss the insanity which is the Federal Reserve and how the entity came to be. You are invited to join Jason and his mother on the Jekyll Island trip as a Venture Alliance member or as a guest. If you attend you will experience a piece of American financial history and possibly have your coffee disturbed by a famous hotel ghost.
Key Takeaways: [3:47] Jason’s mother’s assessment of the book “The Creature From Jekyll Island” and the history of the Federal Reserve. [12:27] The ghosts of the Jekyll Island hotel do more than drink the guests coffee, they pick pockets too. [18:28] Past podcasts guests, Chris Martenson and Bill Bonner agree, the Federal Reserve system is convoluted. [22:38] We all easily pay 60% or more of our income to some sort of tax. [32:36] Listeners must see the 99 Homes, The Big Short and Life and Debt documentaries. [34:11] The government can tax people through taxes or inflation, which is the hidden tax. [40:06] When you invest in income property you align yourself with the Federal Reserve.
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Mon, 28 March 2016
As a former Senior Financial Analyst with the Federal Reserve of Dallas, Danielle DiMartino Booth researched and gained insight into US economic policy from behind the curtain of the central banking system . This allows her to forecast upcoming economic events such as inflationary periods and major shifts in the monetary system. She has a gift of translating high-level fiscal discussions into layman’s terms for large organizations.
Key Takeaways: Jason’s Editorial: [3:27] Everything is connected to the internet and has an app to monitor it. [6:11] A summation of the movie, 99 Homes. [11:22] Listen to past and upcoming podcasts to shed a light on what we discuss at our Venture Alliance trips.
Danielle DiMartino Booth Guest Interview: [17:36] Who is Richard Fisher and why did Danielle follow him in and follow him out? [20:57] We should be servicing all debt in all forms, public and private. [25:45] The gravest sin of the central banking system is taking the incentive away from education reform. [29:11] We are in a currency war and wars are not fought without a budget. Does this mean inflation is imminent? [33:34] When there are major shifts in the economy you should re-tool your workforce but Congress just extended unemployment benefits. [37:43] Public pensions will be staring down the barrel of steep challenges. [38:59] 9,000 businesses left California for Texas because Texas is a business friendly state. [40:47] Contact Danielle and read her newsletters
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Fri, 25 March 2016
![]() As always, our purpose at The Creating Wealth Show is here to provide the cutting-edge information necessary to “create wealth” in today’s economy. Many of our listeners are interested in learning more about profiting from various business opportunities, we are now adding this “track” to our list of sought after real estate and financial experts. Here to help us launch this new track is Dan Sullivan, co-founder of The Strategic Coach®. As an international organization offering practical thinking tools and support, Dan Sullivan has structured his company to help individuals create the personal and professional future they want. Dan’s strong belief in the power of the entrepreneur is evident in all areas of Strategic Coach which works to help entrepreneurs reach their full potential in both their business and personal lives. He is author of over 30 publications, including The Great Crossover, The 21st Century Agent, Creative Destruction, and How The Best Get Better®. |
Thu, 24 March 2016
![]() For decades John Tesh has been entertaining people in all walks of life. He has excelled in live performances, sports announcing, news programs and now in radio on his Intelligence for Your Life TV show, where he shares the mic with his wife Connie Sellecca. He has earned six Grammys, two Emmys and an AP award for his brilliant work. In today’s podcast, John opens up to Jason about his various chosen professions, how he started his new venture and what really lights him up. Find out more about this amazing artist in this 10th episode lifestyle event.
Key Takeaways: [5:20] Jason gets an email from listeners about autonomous vehicles. [20:23] John Tesh works in radio but sitting behind a grand piano is what lights him up. [25:43] Tesh believes his show is a credible source of information in a sea of opinions. [27:48] Is it wise to pick a lane or should you choose another path? [32:09] In today’s world, you can reach your market directly through self-syndication. [35:08] You can use the “against all odds” biographies of others as a blueprint for your life. [40:23] Connie and John met at the gym. [43:19] Apprenticeship is the best education strategy.
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Mon, 21 March 2016
Jason goes it alone in this very informative and futuristic episode. He breaks down vacancy rates so you know how often you can be without tenants and have a healthy passive income. He alerts us to tools which help us to do the math with our properties. He even has a special discount for his favorite tool, Property Tracker. He then delves into Peter Diamandis’s newsletter about why this is such an amazing time to be alive. You will be amazed to hear the possibilities we humans will have in less than 5 years.
Key Takeaways: [4:26] Healthy vacancy rates [8:52] Meet the Masters online course [12:13] Raising rents and 2-year leases [16:17] “Abundance: The future is better than you think”, new products coming our way [24:41] We all want cheap, abundant energy [25:42] Mapping the materials genome [27:44] When the government misleads us about inflation it is an example of Moore’s Law [30:59] Explaining hedonic indexing [33:08] Recyclable carbon fiber composites
Mentions: Abundance the future is better than you think - Peter Diamandis |
Fri, 18 March 2016
Jason talks with Les Leopold on his new book: “How to Make a Million Dollars an Hour: Why Financial Elites get away with siphoning off America’s Wealth.” In the interview, Les details just how hedge funds are making unthinkable amounts of money. Les Leopold co-founded and currently directs two nonprofit organizations, the Labor Institute of New York and the Public Health Institute. He designs research and educational programs on occupational safety and health, the environment and economics. He also serves as a strategic consultant to the Blue-Green Alliance which brings together trade unions and environmental organizations. One of Leopold’s projects related to his environmental line of work was instrumental in forming an alliance between the United Steel Workers Union and the Sierra Club, two giants in their respective spheres of influence. He is a proud graduate of Oberlin College and Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs (MPA 1975). Leopold also authored several other books about “The Man Who Hated Work and Loved Labor: The Life and Times of Tony Mazzocchi,” (Chelsea Green Publishing, 2006.) If you’d like to read more by Les, you can take a look at his articles published by AlterNet at |
Wed, 16 March 2016
![]() Jason answers questions from his highly-intelligent listener base. Clients inquire about interest rates, the 5-year outlook of rental income real estate and using self-directed IRA money to invest in income properties. Jason shares his strategies and tools on how he formulates his predictions on the multi-dimensional asset class of real estate income property, why he doesn’t like using cap rates for residential property evaluations and accessing the Property Tracker software to project future values.
Key Takeaways: [2:00] Income property is the most historically proven asset class [5:45] Listener questions from the Salt Lake City JHU event [8:04] Predicting interest rates [9:38] Advantages to the suburban market in a linear market [12:22] Stress testing your portfolio [15:44] 3 dimensions of real estate - Values and rental incomes are counter-cyclical [16:53] Why is income property real estate investing so attractive? [19:15] Cap rates are not useful metrics for residential income property evaluations [22:13] Using Self-Directed IRA money for an investment [24:52] Property Tracking Software to see your properties 10-year projection [27:35] The next Venture Alliance Mastermind will be on Jekyll Island in Georgia
Mentions: Grant’s Interest Rate Observer |
Mon, 14 March 2016
If you are using microeconomics to plan for your future you may be ready to sell your assets and buy a “Preppers guide to self-sustainability”. But, if you take a step back and look at the bigger picture of macroeconomics you will see that it’s an amazing time to be alive. Jason’s guest Jawad Mian says “the key is to watch the disruption”. Manufacturing may be at an all time low but the services provided by Silicon Valley and the tech industry will offset any economic loss with growth, just in different terms. The market always corrects itself just differently than people perceive it to. The future is brighter than you might think.
Key Takeaways: Jason’s Editorial: [2:02] Jawad is a super interesting guy who spoke to us in Dubai [4:20] John Naisbitt got me interested in macro trends in the economy [6:34] Meet the Masters home study course in audio and video from Hartman Education online [9:09] The Venture Alliance Mastermind is a high-level mastermind for real estate investors
Jawad S. Mian Guest Interview: [11:21] The Chinese economy is crashing and the Fed will hike the rate at the wrong time [15:24] The real growth in consumer spending is over 3% and stocks should have a positive year [19:12] A perfect storm in Dubai, but it doesn’t feel like it’s in the midst of a crisis [23:12] An example of the rental market in Dubai [26:50] When central banks accumulate debt the debt becomes a write-off [31:05] What about technology and unemployment? [33:25] Contact Jawad or John Mauldin
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Fri, 11 March 2016
![]() Jason Hartman is joined on this episode by Greg Farrell, author of Crash of the Titans: Greed, Hubris, The Fall of Merrill Lynch, and the Near Collapse of Bank of America, for a discussion of the economic crash and the resulting bailouts, as well as some of the inside dealings with some of the major banks, such as the buyouts by Bank of America. Greg explains how these banks that participated in the buyouts grossly underestimated the depth of problems in their own banks and in those they acquired. Greg relates his research on Merrill Lynch’s attempt in the 1980s to become more like Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street banks, which was to their detriment because they lacked the expertise for such business practices, and became involved in and in the middle of many of the scandals of the late ‘80s and early ‘90s. Like CitiGroup, they were in over their head. Jason and Greg discuss Wall Street in general and then specific financial groups regarding the recklessness and risky businesses, funds, etc, that they entertained to give the impression of higher rates of returns. As the plot unfolded, large bonuses to CEOs and high-producing brokers came into play, which encouraged an all or nothing attitude toward the company and fostered a “me” attitude versus long-term stability of the company. Greg also talks about what he calls the “Charlotte Mafia,” the clash of company cultures. Greg Farrell is a correspondent for the Financial Times. In January 2009, he broke the news that Merrill Lynch had paid out its 2008 bonuses a month ahead of schedule, in December, even though Merrill was in the process of losing $28 billion for the year, and Bank of America needed an extra $20 billion in taxpayer funds to complete its acquisition of the firm. That story sparked an investigation by New York attorney general Andrew Cuomo. Greg is a past winner of the American Business Press’s Jesse Neal Award for investigative reporting and a recipient of the Knight-Bagehot Fellowship for business journalism. He earned a BA from Harvard University and an MBA from the Graduate School of Business at Columbia University. Episode: CW 257: Crash of the Titans: Greed, Hubris and The Fall of Merrill Lynch and the Near Collapse of Bank of America with Author Greg Farrell
Wed, 9 March 2016
![]() Average Americans are speaking up and they want a hard ass in the White House. They are tired of the trouble making, intolerant progressive democrats who know nothing of economics. They may be in search of a man similar to Ronald Reagan, like Donald Trump. Both former president and possibly future president speak in generalities because it is their job to lead, not to be the experts. Trump will use the American military when it is needed to serve the best interests of the American public. Jason’s guest, Jeffrey Lord says Obama’s presidential leadership is considered weak among international leaders and it is putting America in jeopardy.
Key Takeaways:
Jason’s Editorial: [1:13] Is Rand Paul too boring to get elected for President? [4:52] Bernie is in the pocket of big labor unions [6:15] Your questions answered - Income property, diversification, how to invest capital gains [17:47] Venture Alliance, JHU Live in Salt Lake and Meet the Masters
Jeffrey Lord Guest Interview: [20:06] The American left is not very tolerant [24:42] Ronald Reagan and Trump are different people, but they both make great points [31:18] CNN offered me a job and they don’t censor me [33:03] Trump supporters are average Americans [34:39] Trump talks in generalities and not in specifics [37:38] Bernie Sanders is not an economist and has no clue about the economy [39:59] Are the progressive democrats the bad guys? [45:54] It’s probable Trump will be the republican nominee even after the loss in Iowa [50:08] Trump would put businessmen in government positions, no more dynasties [52:35] Re-orienting foreign policy towards national interests [55:48] Displaying superior military strength works [57:09] How to find Jeffrey Lord’s book
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Mon, 7 March 2016
![]() Dick Cheney has been vilified more than any other Vice President in US history. His former employer, Halliburton, has been accused of misdoings and profiting from the Iraq war after the attack on the World Trade Center towers. Jason’s guest, James Rosen from Fox News says Cheney is a deeply analytical person who has studied US history in search of clues from the past which may lead us into a brighter future. He says Cheney is to be admired for his running of the federal government directly after the 9/11 crisis. He promotes the buying of his book “Cheney One on One” to gain a deeper understanding of the man who ruled the free world for a few minutes from an underground bunker in 2001.
Key Takeaways:
Jason’s Editorial: [5:14] Watch the video “How to analyze real estate investments and read a performa.” [9:39] Jason answers listener questions about depreciation and appreciation [15:38] Know how to keep score as an investor [18:42] LTI ration - Land to Improvement Ratio [20:45] Remember the Salt Lake City event is on March 12th. Join us for JHU Live!
James Rosen Guest Interview: [21:58] 10 Hours of interviewing the most controversial VP in the US [25:49] Cheney opened up about his spiritual beliefs through the years [29:04] In Cheney One on One, Dick Cheney discusses 9/11 [32:11] What does Dick Cheney think about recent disruptive events? [33:37] Statistics are manipulated [36:54] Syria and the Israelis [40:19] Buy the book and learn how Cheney’s mind works [41:00] Contact information for James Rosen
Mentions: @JamesRosenFNC |
Fri, 4 March 2016
Join Jason Hartman and MC Company Principal and Co-Partner, as well as the Real Estate Adviser of Robert Kiyosaki, Ken McElroy, in this insightful discussion about real estate investing, inflation, and the effect of today’s economy on the rental markets. Both Ken and Jason learned the power of leverage to hedge against inflation, and in this episode, they share their combined knowledge with the listeners. Ken feels that investing in real estate and watching the dollar, mortgage rates, and inflation are lifelong endeavors and it’s important to stay on top of those things. He also shares why he prefers apartments over residential investments, expressing it allows greater control over the financial outcome of the asset. Ken talks about the pent up demand of Gen Y’ers, who currently are forced to live at home due to scarcity of jobs, but who will eventually flow into the rental market if and when jobs are created and the economy begins to improve. Jason and Ken also share their similar knowledge regarding macro- and micro-markets, the importance of researching job markets, employment rates, population, schools, etc. “At the end of the day, it’s all about demographics,” Ken says. Ken McElroy has over 20 years of experience in multifamily asset/property management, development, project/construction management, investment analysis, acquisitions and dispositions, business development, and client relations. With his years of experience and knowledge, Ken has a unique property management perspective. Ken authored the best-selling book, The ABCs of Real Estate Investing; The Advanced Guide to Real Estate Investing; The ABC’s of Property Management; and his most recent book, The Sleeping Giant. Ken, as the Real Estate Advisor to The Rich Dad Company, has also co-authored with Robert Kiyosaki several audio programs, including “How to Increase the Income from Your Real Estate Investments;” “How to Get Your Banker to Say ‘Yes!’;” and “How to Find and Keep Good Tenants.” Ken is a chapter contributor in the newly released The Real Book of Real Estate. Ken is also a gifted speaker and has inspired audiences all over the world with appearances for several PBS specials and leading industry events. He hosts WS Radio’s weekly Entrepreneur Magazine’s Real Estate Radio program, interviewing experts in real estate, financial and legal arenas. Ken’s passion to educate others make these programs a favorite among listeners. Ken held several board positions, including President of Entrepreneurs’ Organization Arizona within Entrepreneurs’ Organization and Arizona’s Chapter of Entrepreneurs’ Organization, and is still an active member. He is active in the community and has served on advisory boards for Child Help and AZ Food Banks, where he conducted the largest food drive in the state of Arizona. |
Wed, 2 March 2016
If you have been watching mainstream media to keep up with current events in the financial world you may not have heard of these alarming changes. Chris Martenson joins Jason to warn us all about the looming upheaval in the global economy, additions to legislation in the US, and how the stock market no longer makes sense. 2016 could be the year the world falls into a deflationary spiral causing many countries to default on their dollar based financial obligations. He says the warning signs are there and if you are concerned with keeping your life balanced you should be investing in alternatives to oil, fertile land and your emotional well-being.
Key Takeaways:
Jason’s Editorial: [1:42] Why is it an amazing time to be alive? [2:48] The Salt Lake City JHU Live event [5:14] Join the Venture Alliance Mastermind - Commandment #3 Thou shalt maintain control
Chris Martenson Guest Interview: [9:09] Will Brazil be the first Black Swan default country? [14:21] During the global downturn there will be nowhere to turn [15:35] Japan - Demographics and the lack of natural resources will be their downfall [17:59] The economic debt of the world is 200 Trillion dollars [20:30] Normalizing interest rates [21:37] 2016 - The global economy could go into a deflationary pattern [27:46] The Omnibus spending bill made derivatives senior obligations of the banks [33:13] People should become aware of the risks and make an action plan [35:25] “How to Prosper” and how to become resilient [40:12] The stock market no longer makes sense [43:34] Robots will be a true disruptor [45:44] The future will see 3 billion people in the middle class who are consumptive [49:49] How to contact Chris and get the “How to Prosper!” book [50:26] Losing emotional capital costs more than financial ruin
Mention: Jason Hartman - To Enter the Contest Jason Hartman - To Sign up for Salt Lake City |
Mon, 29 February 2016
![]() Jason starts things off with his thoughts on cycles of opportunity, autonomous cars, and information about how you can win free tickets to the next JHU event. The JHU event will highlight how to evaluate properties for the most historically proven asset class in the world. And returning guest, Dan Millman who is the author of 17 books, talks about his new book “The Four Purposes of Life”. He shares his special life calculator which utilizes the numbers from your birth date to enlighten you about your life path. This information can help guide you on your journey.
Key Takeaways:
Jason’s Editorial: [4:32] The opportunity cycle when supply exceeds demand requires sorting [10:00] The autonomous cars will be virtually everywhere, it’s a game changer [14:45] The problem with statistics [18:57] Land contract options available [21:15] Evaluating properties at the next Jason Hartman University Live event
Dan Millman Guest Interview: [24:25] Writing The Four Purposes of Life [26:29] What are the Four Purposes of Life? [28:56] Purpose #4 - Attend to the arising moment [34:15] Increase your quality of presence [35:55] Purpose #1 - Learn the lessons of life a little more gracefully [39:51] Purpose #2 - The difference between your career and your calling [43:04] Purpose #3 - Discover life’s path [47:45] All of my books have their own purpose [48:25] 12 required courses in the school of life [50:00] Contact information for Dan Millman
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