Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing with Jason Hartman

Today's Flash Back Friday comes from Episode 1037, originally published in August 2018.

Today's episode is about one short, simple, beautiful word: DEBT. Fresh off reading/listening to George Graeber's Debt: The First 5,000 Years, Jason delves into the subject matter head first, playing some clips from the book and discussing them in regards to today's world.

Key Takeaways:

[4:34] The recent history of the rotation of the worst big bank in America, Wells Fargo is currently in the lead and had a computer glitch make hundreds lose their homes

[10:06] Why the housing market is actually different this time around

[15:10] Some samples from Debt: The First 5,000 Years

[25:45] It's incredible how throughout history, conquering nations make money by going in, making "improvements" and forcing the newly conquered people to pay for them, or by making them pay back the money the conquering nation spent defeating them

[30:05] The 60s and 70s featured a time where America was prosperous and people were getting cost of living raises and , followed by decades of stagnant wages until Donald Trump


Debt: The First 5,000 Years

Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn)

Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes)

Direct download: CW_1401_FBF_Debt.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Get Ready! Meet The Masters 2020. Jason Hartman presses on through the Coronavirus, always look on the bright side of life. Working from home is increasing the housing market. Our setup for today’s guest speaker is mindset. A great mindset is to keep learning from history, with movies, books, and the works.

Powerful, motivating words from James Malinchak, “Mindset, Skillset, Get off your Asset.” James reminds us of what we have that is great, and how to keep using it. Follow the clues of success.

Key Takeaways: 

[2:00] Meet The Masters 2020, coming up!

[5:40] The world is awash in goods

[13:10] The Coronavirus workaround: to work from home! Is this increasing the demand for housing?

[17:52] James Malinchak

[22:10] The minute you choose to stop learning, you stop earning

[24:05] Success leaves clues

[28:40] Mindset, skillset, get off your asset!


Jason Hartman Quick Start

Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn)

Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes)

Direct download: CW_1400_James_Malinchak.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Jason Hartman is joined today by mortgage consultant and trainer, Jen Du Plessis. As a real estate investor, it’s great to gain insight on both sides of the mortgage business. Jason and Jen discuss GSE, QM and non-QM loans, as well as the great recession and where the pendulum has moved to now. This leads to a prediction of interest rates dropping even more.

But before that, Jason offers congratulations because rent is on the rise. Listen to some average rent rates across the country and plan accordingly.

Key Takeaways:

[1:50] Investor Congratulations! Rents on the rise

[3:40] Book, “Debt, The First 5,000 Years” by David Graeber

[6:50] Not one person in a thousand can understand our monetary system

[9:00] Landlord vs tenant in NYC 

[12:28] According to Yardi Matrix; About 1.5 million housing units were delivered over the last five years, and 3,000 more expected for delivery this year. A housing shortage? Yes!

[17:00] GSE: Government Sponsored Enterprise

[19:00] What’s QM? And what’s non-QM?

[29:16] From 2004, through the great recession, where is the pendulum now?

[30:20] Right now, the average mortgage company makes $457/loan they originate.

[32:30] Are we going to see interest rates go down even more?


Jason Hartman Quick Start Podcast

The PropertyCast

Direct download: CW_1399_Jen_Du_Plessis.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:20pm EST

In this episode, Jason Hartman discusses Coronavirus’s impact on the U.S. market. He also speaks on how humans are wired for negative thinking and can be so easily affected by things out of our control. India may or may not have found the motherload of gold, but the land is a limited supply, and it has already been discovered. 

In the second segment, Jason is joined by Joffre LeFevre for an in-depth discussion about the U.S. market, what affects it, and how the global market influences the U.S. economy. 

Key Takeaways:

[1:20] Coronavirus and the market

[6:00] Humans are wired for negativity

[9:08] “Nation makes stunning gold find,” is the gold motherload in India?

[15:05] Coronavirus headlines might just be an excuse for people to sell

[19:00] In regards to the stock market, when do we know when we get to the bottom?

[19:33] 90% Downside days

[27:10] Sources of energy have changed

[31:00] What about negative interest rates?


Jason Hartman PropertyCast

Direct download: CW_1398_Joffre_LeFevre.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Jason Hartman is joined today in Medellin, Columbia with Macro-Addict, Entrepreneur, Investor, and Real-Estate expert, George Gammon. Jason and George discuss U.S. inflation when compared to Columbian inflation and the two different economies to consider. What does this mean for interest rates when considering inflation and taxes? What is the difference between bottoms-up and top-down analysis? And finally, grow smart, not big - the importance of building economic freedom.

Key Takeaways:

[2:32] Inflation in Columbia is 30-40% at times

[4:18] Is inflation always a monetary phenomenon?

[5:45] Two different economies, the financial economy, and the real economy

[7:45] Money is lent into existence

[9:45] Current interest rates in the U.S. are negative after inflation and taxes

[15:45] Bottoms up vs tops down analysis

[22:40] Grow smart, not big

[24:10] More economic freedom, not more revenue


Direct download: CW_1397_George_Gammon.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Today's Flash Back Friday comes from Episode 1007, originally published in June 2018.

From the studios of the Financial Survival Network, Jason Hartman and Kerry Lutz get together for this episode to discuss the softening of Dodd-Frank, changes in protections for renters in some markets of the US that are making it harder for landlords, potential uses for Blockchain that could significantly impact the way people invest, and some key economic lessons you have to teach your children.

Key Takeaways:

[5:49] Jason went and got stretched today, and it was quite the experience

[7:07] The FBI says you need to reboot your router ASAP

[8:45] The counter intuitive concept that is slowing home sales in the US

[11:58] If you can trade tokens instead of stocks the transaction fees can be sliced immensely

[15:23] The biggest commitment in precious metals to blockchain

[21:31] Jason & Kerry's thoughts on the changes to Dodd-Frank

[25:58] The #1 thing you need to teach your kids about economics: money always goes where it's treated best

[29:24] The Meet the Masters audio product is now available at


Direct download: CW_1396_FBF_Kerry_Lutz.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:27pm EST

Jason Hartman makes his way to Medellin, Colombia to chat with George Gammon about creative real estate investing linked to the Colombian Peso and oil. The two discuss the CAPE ratio and what is cheap in the United States.

In our second segment today, Jason is joined by in house economist Thomas Young, to discuss our Presidential Candidates Capital Gains Tax Plans. Do these new Capital Tax Gains Tax Proposals make sense?

Key Takeaways: 

[3:15] George Gammon, what took you to Medellin, Colombia? Pesos and Oil?

[7:05] Real Estate Investor turned reality tv star

[9:25] Colombian house flipping

[13:30] What is the CAPE ratio or Shiller P/E ratio?

[17:15] What is cheap in the United States?

[20:35] In house economist, Thomas Young, and capital gains taxation 

[23:36] Zero Sum Gain

[28:30] The government’s tax code currently encourages investors to take the risk, and that risk is sometimes successful and grows the economy


Direct download: CW_1395_George_Gammon.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Jason Hartman celebrates and encourages the increasing preference of U.S. citizens renting vs owning. Information from CoreLogic invites the question, are tenants getting the better deal renting?

In today’s second segment, we take a look at a smartphone app to boost your real estate investment game. Jason interviews Yaza, CEO and Co-Founder, Peter Sisson, about the key features of this new smartphone app. Learn how to optimize your time and energy with this handy smartphone tool. 

Key Takeaways:

[3:20] CoreLogic says home prices increase will move from 4% to 5.2% this year

[6:05] Are U.S. citizens/tenants getting a better deal renting vs owning?

[11:45] California, now what did you do?

[15:43] What is YAZA?

[17:40] Location-based unedited video for sharing. 

[19:50] Searchable by content, in HD, and it’s not stored on your phone

[23:33] What is a deep-fake?


Jason Hartman Quick Start Podcast

Direct download: CW_1394_Peter_Sisson.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Jason is joined with investment counselor Carrie to discuss some more current properties. Take a mini-tour with Carrie in York, Pennsylvania, or listen up for this auditory property tour through Alabama, Georgia, and Indiana. 

In the second segment today, Jason discusses the hybrid approach to property management, prompted by a Voxer message from client Bruce. As well, Jason speaks on three basic economic maladies; inflation, deflation, and stagnation. This drives the show to our final topic of Jimmy Carter and Malthusian thinking. 

Key Takeaways:

[1:20] Atlanta, Georgia area property only 9 miles from the Hartsfield-Jackson Airport

[4:30] Port city, Mobile, Alabama property offers low property taxes

[7:00] Property Tour with Carrie in York, Pennsylvania

[9:00] The latest empowered investor, Bruce, taking the hybrid approach

[11:40] Firing your property manager, self-managing or the hybrid approach. Not all bad or mysterious

[13:30] The three basic economic maladies; inflation, deflation, and stagnation

[18:40] The carter administration was typified by Malthusian thinking 

[19:45] Jimmy Carter’s infamous Malaise Speech


Direct download: CW_1393_Carrie.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Today, Jason Hartman is joined with investment counselor, Sara, and they discuss some current properties that you view on the website. As well, the two discuss some common investor questions including the 6% appreciation estimate and strategy for navigating the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac loan limit. 

In the second segment of today’s show, A Fire-Side Chat, Jason is joined at a live event with three guests. The three guests share a quick background to their real estate journey: the how, the why, and the success of their real estate ventures.

Key Takeaways:

[2:40] If you’d like a private tour with a local market specialist, contact one of our investment counselors

[6:15] Common client questions: Where does the 6% appreciation estimate come from?

[9:10] Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac loan limit is 10 financed properties per person: make a good use of your financing with a fourplex under one conventional loan

[10:00] The debt coverage ratio provides a little comfort for the conservative investors

[12:20] Mortgage Sequencing for loan leverage

[17:15] A fire-side chat with Doug, Evan, and Sara. The barrier to entry and success stories.

[23:04] Are tech startups changing the world? 


Jason Hartman PropertyCast

Direct download: CW_1392_Sara.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Today's Flash Back Friday comes from Episode 393, originally published in July 2014.

Jason Hartman and Doug explore the multiple ways in which you can invest in real estate, and the pluses and minuses to each.


Direct download: CW_1391_FBF_Doug.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Our mind is the most powerful force known to mankind. Today, Jason Hartman shares some secrets to brain hacking and understanding the flaw of our subconscious mind. After understanding this flaw, we can use it as an advantage for progress. 

In the second segment of today’s episode, we flashback to a narrative about the human brain, and it’s role as a generator. Your brain is not just a processor. 

Today’s final segment is taken from Commandment #3, Stay In Control. 

Key Takeaways:

[1:40] Our mind, the most powerful force known to mankind

[4:20] Brain Hacking, the flaw of the subconscious mind 

[13:45] Creative Visualization: Our mind is so powerful that we can create our future by visualizing it

[18:00] Holographic Brain Theory

[28:06] Commandment #3: Stay In Control (Maintain Direct Control Of Your Investment


Guided Visualization Podcast

Direct download: CW_1390_Visualization.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:17pm EST

Jason Hartman is joined today with guest, Evan Moffic, in a client case study and phenomenal deal on a short term rental property. With understanding how inflation plus tax deduction works, when compared to your interest rate, you will be getting paid to borrow money. 

Evan shares his thoughts on the natural dilemma that humans aren’t designed to think long term but we should, and with a well built real estate investment portfolio in play. Lastly, Bernie Sanders; What are you doing, What are you suggesting? 

Key Takeaways:

[1:38] A phenomenal deal on a short term rental property bought through the Jason Hartman network

[7:10] The Feds target inflation rate is 2%

[13:50] Getting paid to borrow: interest rate compared to inflation + tax deduction

[17:00] We aren’t designed to think long term

[18:50] Bernie Sanders, keep calling out the banks, but Capitalism isn’t all bad


The Mammoth Cost of Bernie Sanders’ Big Plans

Direct download: CW_1389_Evan_Moffic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

The Coronavirus might affect the US housing market in a way that you did not expect. Joining Jason Hartman today is investment counselor, Adam Schroeder. The two discuss the great returns on properties that come across as boring, but make sense the day you buy them.

Refi til ya die! - More details on how and why this is the way to go. And the story behind PropertyCast, the Hartman Method and Schroeder Application to getting the real estate ProForma in simplest fashion.

Key Takeaways:

[1:15] The housing market vs the coronavirus, and its effect on foreign investors

[7:50] Boring properties but great returns

[9:00] Do not go by the greater fool theory applied to real estate, it is a very dangerous strategy

[11:30] Properties that make sense the day you buy them

[14:25] Refi til ya die

[21:00] Don’t wait to buy real estate, Buy real estate and then wait!

[22:00] The birth of PropertyCast



Jason Hartman PropertyCast

Direct download: CW_1388_Adam.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Are there any correlations with Real Estate and Great Dating Cities? Investors are more eligible mates. Today, we share a live conference clip with a discussion about timing the market and answering the valuable question, “Where not When!”

In the final segment of today’s episode, Jason answers a listener’s question about timing the market.

Key Takeaways:

[1:30] Crazy life: Bullseye with an ax, a business cruise, Aspen to Tampa

[4:00] Valentines Day and Real Estate: Investors and homeowners are more eligible mates!

[6:45] Top ten Best & Worst cities for dating in the USA

[13:10] It’s better to know which market to be in than to wait

[14:15] People rarely calculate the returns the period they are waiting

[15:00] Timing the market = regrets waiting

[23:05] A listener’s question about Timing the Market

[28:30] Don’t be so partisan all the time, give people credit where it’s due. Look at our economy now


The Best & Worst Metros for Dating 2020

Direct download: CW_1387_Jason.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:59pm EST

Today's Flash Back Friday comes from Episode 1007, originally published in June 2018.

From the studios of the Financial Survival Network, Jason Hartman and Kerry Lutz get together for this episode to discuss the softening of Dodd-Frank, changes in protections for renters in some markets of the US that are making it harder for landlords, potential uses for Blockchain that could significantly impact the way people invest, and some key economic lessons you have to teach your children.

Key Takeaways:

[5:49] Jason went and got stretched today, and it was quite the experience

[7:07] The FBI says you need to reboot your router ASAP

[8:45] The counter intuitive concept that is slowing home sales in the US

[11:58] If you can trade tokens instead of stocks the transaction fees can be sliced immensely

[15:23] The biggest commitment in precious metals to blockchain

[21:31] Jason & Kerry's thoughts on the changes to Dodd-Frank

[25:58] The #1 thing you need to teach your kids about economics: money always goes where it's treated best

[29:24] The Meet the Masters audio product is now available at


Direct download: CW_1386_FBF_Kerry_Lutz.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Greetings from Sarasota, Florida! Jason Hartman shares the good news, “America is Increasingly, A Nation of Renters!” What socioeconomic changes have prompted this shift in the last decade, and how does it benefit the real estate investor?

In the second part of today’s show, we share a clip from a live conference. Jason asks, “What got you into real estate?” Doug and Evan both share a bit about Equities vs. Real Estate Investing and Self-management.

Key Takeaways:

[1:35] Good news from CBS News, “America Is Increasingly, A Nation of Renters”

[3:16] The renter class has changed, is it now acceptable to rent?

[14:55] Inflation induced debt destruction, IIDD, looks at the way you get paid to borrow money over time

[17:35] A Live conference chat with Evan and Doug: Self-management, & Equities (stocks) vs Real Estate Investing

[18:00] “You can never make enough money with your own two hands”

[19:45] The tech revolution has made real estate more valuable


Direct download: CW_1385_Renters.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:32pm EST

In today’s episode, Jason questions California’s proposal to use its eminent domain power to take over properties for rent control. What does this do to/for the landlord? The effects of the coronavirus on the human race and the economy aren’t something to ignore.

Investment Counselor, Adam, returns to the show with our February 2020 Mortgage Rate Update.

Key Takeaways:

[1:05] The “Socialist Republic of California” took some huge steps toward economic suicide. Is California Rent Control a mistake?

[7:33] Money goes where it’s treated best

[11:20] Three forms of power: violence, capital, and information

[13:45] What is to come of the potential pandemic of the coronavirus?

[16:20] Investment Counselor, Adam, with our February 2020 Mortgage Rate Update

[25:00] Reach the Jason Hartman Investment Counseling Team, 1.800.Hartman


Direct download: CW_1384_Mortgage_Update.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:52pm EST

Congratulations to our Super Bowl 54 Champions, The Kansas City Chiefs, and the supporters of Brexit! Are you a HENRY? Big problems and big success run in the same circle.

Today, Jason Hartman speaks on Commandment No. 3 of the 21 Commandments of Successful Investing, “Thou shalt maintain control.” As well, he shares some interesting business concepts developing with Cloud Kitchens. And, Is there any legitimacy to the Super Bowl Indicator?

Key Takeaways:

[2:44] Welcome to HENRY: High Earner, Not Rich Yet!

[9:26] If you have bigger problems, it’s probably because you have more success

[10:42] “It’s not what we get by reaching our goals that matters, it’s who we become just by trying” -Zig Ziglar

[12:12] Commandment No. 3 of 21 Commandments of Successful Investing: Thou shalt maintain control

[24:35] When you own the real estate, you own something real

[25:00] Have you heard of Ghost Kitchens?

[28:00] The Super bowl Indicator: Does Kansas City’s win actually give us a good indicator of what will happen this year with the S&P 500?


Direct download: CW_1383_Jason.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Super-Monday, the youngest Creating Wealth listener and a letter about money from the late great Kobe Bryant. Today, investment counselor, Naresh returns with questions for Jason about a few investment properties in “The Vegas of the South,” and Citrus Springs Florida. Jason elaborates on the recurring real estate investment theme of “Refi ‘till you Die.” And finally, the importance of understanding ROA (Return On Amortization).

Key Takeaways:

[4:28] A Fourplex, new home construction deal!

[7:05] Tunica Resorts property, the Vegas of the South

[8:32] 32% return on invest IS a conservative number in a multidimensional asset class

[8:50] How To Analyze an Asset Class, Free Video -

[9:45] Advice on money, from a letter that Kobe Bryant wrote

[15:30] “Refi ‘till you Die” plan

[16:20] ROA return on amortization

[26:50] Citrus Springs, Florida


Mamba Mentality: The Mindset That Made Kobe Bryant a Master

Direct download: CW_1382_Jason.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST