Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing with Jason Hartman

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What do you mean, 30th anniversary of the peak of civilization? Jason Hartman talks about the shifts in culture, the economy, and technology throughout the years. What's peaked, and what is climbing faster than ever?

Jason is interviewed by Sterling White of The Real Estate Experience Podcast. Jason shares his journey and wisdom from the first three chapters that motivated him in real estate. Learn about the successes and failures that made Jason who he is today.

Key Takeaways:

[1:20] What news station has 'gone off the rails?'

[4:50] What would be the New Years' resolution for a N. Korean?

[7:20] This New Year is the 30th anniversary of the peak of civilization. 

[10:25] "Let me control the music; I care not who controls the money supply, and I care not who makes the laws." -Jason Hartman

[14:45] Have you checked out our Youtube Channel?

[16:21] The book that started it all for Jason, in three chapters: Nothing Down by Robert Allen

[19:20] You may have some bad experiences, it's not perfect, but keep going, keep investing

[21:30] If our mindset is wrong, we'll let the opportunity slip away

[24:20] We have to manage scarcity, mentality, and ego

[28:00] Your job is to pay the bills; your real estate will make you rich

[29:00] What failure has set you up for success?

[32:45] Thou shalt not gamble, buy a property that makes sense the day that you buy it

[41:45] Debt is not wrong in real estate; the mortgage is a huge asset


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The Real Estate Experience Podcast

Direct download: CW_1628.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

Although we have been mixed up with some challenging and not-so-great looking economic times, the real estate market still seems to be flourishing. Jason Hartman shares some great news about US real estate, along with some interesting anecdotes about building supplies for new homes. 

The script is flipped, and Mike interviews Jason Hartman. Jason and Mike talk about being ‘area agnostic.’ Why should you diversify your investment portfolio into 3-5 markets? Become a Platinum Property Investor. 

WIN $500 CONTEST: $500 ‘Stimulus Check’ to the Winners!

Key Takeaways:

[1:00] We face potential economic hardship and challenging times, but real estate is doing great!

[7:45] Because of pricing shifts, Charlotte builder went from lumber framed homes to steel-framed, and then back to lumber. 

[10:45] Have you thought about cryptocurrencies lately?

Interview from the past

[18:00] How I got started in real estate.  

[19:45] If you want to get rich in real estate, learn the business first. 

[24:20] Investing smart means following the ten commandments of investing. Number 3 is “Maintain Control.”

[28:00] The US markets are starting to show signs of “real maturity.”

[34:20] Market and economic predictions? 

[39:00] What is Platinum Properties?


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Direct download: CW_1627_Hotseat_from2015.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Find out what is the hidden wealth creator for income property investors

Everybody needs food and energy. Jason Hartman begs the question, why are they excluded from the consumer price index when calculating the core rate? In this in-depth talk on economic maladies, Jason discusses inflation, deflation, and stagflation (stagnation) - and which is likely to show up in our lives throughout the next few years. How much do we (the entire human race) produce in a year? 

Key Takeaways:

[2:45] The political spectrum is less of a line and more of a circle. 

[6:30] “We just want a job.” - how money solves so many problems. 

[9:10] This decade, we will see changes, the likes of which we’ve never seen. 

[11:00] Is UBI good or bad?

[14:00] Inflation, deflation, or stagflation (or stagnation); what’s what?

[15:20] Why is inflation the most common scenario?

[17:20] The assets are the things you own, and the liabilities are the debts you have…right?

[20:00] How much does the entire human race produce in terms of economic value every year?

[22:00] Sighted inflation is a lie! 

[24:10] What are the two commonly excluded components from the consumer price index to get the core rate (core inflation)?

[26:00] Which assets do ‘ok’ in an inflationary environment? 

[31:00] The IRS does not know how to calculate inflation. 

[32:30] Economic malady number 2: deflation. 

[39:00] How can income property help me with my taxes?


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Direct download: CW_1626_Your_Asset_Matrix__3_Economic_Maladies.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Jason Hartman asks you, “what will life be like in 2021?” As well, Jason offers an update on a couple of Florida markets. This all before his introduction to an episode from just over one year ago.

Jason Hartman starts today's episode from the Ritz-Carlton in Key Biscane, FL. He has created a new ratio for you to think about that can be put alongside the Rent-to-Value Ratio and all the other ones Jason has coined. Then he explores the concept of the unemployment rate versus the labor participation rate, the differences between them and what that means.

Then investment counselor Adam joins Jason to discuss a property in Mobile, AL and also to look at the growing wages in specialized blue collar jobs. The two explore how this will impact real estate values and what it could mean to 4 year colleges.

Key Takeaways:

[1:25] What is life going to be like this coming year (2021)?

[3:30] In person update from St. Augustine, Florida Short-Term Rental Market.

[4:15] Update on Jacksonville, Florida market as well.

[6:00] Alabama new construction:

Blast From The Past Episode Originally Aired December 17, 2019

[11:06] Jason's newest ratio

[13:52] Unemployment Rate vs Labor Participation Rate

[18:32] The discouraged worker skews unemployment stats

[20:02] A property profile in Mobile, AL

[23:56] Blue collar wages are enticing people away from 4 year colleges

[29:28] How rising blue college wages rising could impact real estate and the cost of repairs to our investment properties


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Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes)


This episode of FlashBack Friday was originally published: October 12, 2010

Jason shares President Ronald Reagan’s 1982 radio address to show how much the world has changed in 25 short years which illuminates America’s best export and the essence of it’s “brand” – freedom. Next, “Shift Happens” as global prosperity booms. And finally segment two in our series on commercial real estate investing. Stay tuned for lots more innovative “new thinking” about investing and the financial world with our upcoming Creating Wealth podcasts in 2008.

Happy holidays and best wishes for the new year!

Direct download: CW_1624_FBF.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Jason Hartman discusses the 12 Days of Christmas with one caveat: inflation adjustments! First, let us all rediscover the true meaning of Inflation. This year, Inflation for the 12 Days of Christmas has some peculiar changes, thanks largely to social distancing. Will we get a second stimulus? If so, how much will it be? Does your investment produce income? If not - it’s probably not an investment. 

Contest TWO Winners: $500 Make a video: Tell us about your real estate and investing goals, health, fitness, etc.

Key Takeaways:

[1:20] Inflation, one of the economic maladies. 

[3:10] What’s the average US home price, not the median home price?

[5:30] What will happen with this second pandemic stimulus?

[9:40] Inflation, Inflation, Inflation! 

[10:00] What’s the difference between Real and Nominal, Price, and Value?

[16:20] For 37 years, PNC has been indexing the 12 days of Christmas. 

[20:00] The Inflation starting with a partridge in a pear tree. 

[25:25] Five golden rings or six geese a-laying? 

[31:50] No inflation on nine ladies dancing; it’s not even available. 

[33:00] Are we all going to end up being germaphobes? 

[38:00] Some Q&A from live viewers.

[39:00] What’s double arbitrage?

[40:30] If it doesn’t produce income, can it be called an investment?


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Direct download: CW_1623_The_12_Days_of_Christmas_INFLATION_ADJUSTED.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Jason Hartman discusses with Rabbi Moffic the successes and fears of Moffic's short-term-rental (STR) purchase, taking place at the outset of the pandemic. The STR market was divided into great success and great struggle through the coronavirus pandemic. The automobile once changed how we lived. As we move into a period where cars are self-driving, we will see another significant shift in how we live. 

Key Takeaways:

[1:45] Bubble In the Sun, The Florida Boom of the 1920s and how it brought on the great depression 

[4:00] Evan purchased a Short-Term-Rental Home in St. Augustine, Florida, in February 2020 (COVID-19).

[9:50] What had more influence on society, automobiles or Genghis Khan?

[14:00] Automobiles once changed how we lived; Apple self-driving cars and Tesla are both likely to change how automobiles affect our lives.

[19:20] The rise of suburbia is upon us. 

[22:30] Housing inventory is the lowest; it's been in recorded history. 

[27:45] New inventory is impossible to pencil out as a starter home. 


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Direct download: CW_1622_Evan_and_Happy_Holidays.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

From the stimulus bill to AB 2088, Jason is feeling admittedly indignant. Where are your tax dollars going, and how are they being affected? Do you have time to read the 5,593 page COVID-19 stimulus bill that congress released? California is trying to push their rich out and taking their money no matter where they end up. 

Key Takeaways:

[1:00] Feeling indignant?

[3:25] The longest bill ever passed on the shortest day of the year.

[6:20] Are we (the US gov) unwinding all of the checks and balances of our founding fathers?

[8:00] Your cut of 2 trillion is 600 bucks; where is the rest going?

[15:00] California is driving out the rich! 

[20:00] You never want to live in a place where the government is broke. 

[24:10] Assembly bill 2088, California. 


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Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes)


Direct download: CW_1621_The_California_Rant.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Why are we so lonely? Jason Hartman talks about the consumer product companies' benefits from a society troubled with excessive divorces. Has the single/divorce rate grown organically, or has some force behind the proverbial curtain driven it up?

Jason talks with Karen Straughan, who is known for her Youtube Channel, Girl Writes What? Feminism or anti-feminism, what's the best takeaway for improvements for all? An often misunderstood term, Karen sheds light on the way to better understand the movement. 

Key Takeaways:

[1:00] Why are we so lonely? 

[2:20] It's better for consumer product companies to have people marry and then divorce, and possibly for the government too.

[6:30] "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle." - Gloria Steinem

[9:00] "Follow the money."

Karen Straughan

[15:30] Why is feminism an often misunderstood word?

[17:00] Feminism sort of declared war on men back in 1848. 

[17:45] Has feminism hurt women, how so?

[22:00] Is there a hidden agenda to double the consumer market by splitting up couples?

[29:00] Do parts of feminism fuel vengeful behavior? 

[33:45] Is feminism a conspiracy to reduce the birthrate among educated people?

[36:00] Feminism and conspiracy. 

[45:00] Look at how the music narrative of women has changed in the last 50 years. 


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Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes)


Direct download: CW_1690_Karen_Straughan.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

This Flash Back Friday episode was originally published: May 2015

Jason reads two articles to the audience. One is about the perception of Wall Street from Business Insider and another on CEO wages from Newser. Jason encourages you to leave him a voicemail on your opinion about the articles. Today’s guest is Douglas Goldstein. Douglas is the author of Rich As A King and he talks to Jason on using the concept of chess to become a more strategic investor.

Key Takeaways:

[3:40] There’s one common theme in the CNBC show American Greed – investors didn’t have control.

[8:05] Be sure to check out this upcoming Flashback Friday episode.

[10:40] Jason reads an article from Newser about CEO wages. Send him a voicemail on your thoughts about this article.

[16:05] Jason introduces Douglas.

[22:15] How do we apply chess to our investments?

[30:30] Focus on one piece of your investment and try to make it just slightly better.

[35:30] What are zero coupon bonds?

Mentioned In This Episode:

Direct download: CW_1619_FBF_Chess.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Jason Hartman talks about Richard Cantillon in the same breath as the Federal Reserve. What do these two have to do with each other right now? Go long on real estate!

Investment Counselor, Adam, talks with Jason Hartman about how specific real estate markets are doing compared to markets in the Hartman Network. How much growth can you expect, and where should you put your money with such low inventory?

Check It Out:

Key Takeaways:

[1:20] 2021? Outlook looking good?

[2:45] "The Cantillon Effect refers to the change in relative prices resulting from a change in money supply . The change in relative prices occurs because the change in money supply has a specific injection point and therefore a specific flow path through the economy."

[4:30] Go long on real estate, and stock up on these mortgages while rates are low! 

[6:55] "Is this the roaring 20s?"


[10:30] How are markets doing in the Hartman Network right now?

[17:00] How are Texas properties different as far as investing dollars?

[19:00] Are inflation stats wrong today?

[22:00] Let's take a look at inflation-induced debt destruction.


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Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes)


Direct download: CW_1618.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Jason Hartman talks about the staggering number: 35% of US dollars were created this year. Will all of this money-creation cause inflation, and if so, is that good for investors?  

Is the foreclosure wave coming, is the crash coming? The delinquency rate is decreasing, but naysayers are still looking for a bubble to pop. Jason Hartman talks with investment counselor Adam about the foreclosure wave, forbearance, and appreciation in this two part interview. 

Check It Out:

Key Takeaways:

[2:45] 35% of all US dollars have been created in the last ten months. 

[4:00] The Federal Reserve became the biggest investor in all world history.  

[8:00] Jason speaks about the economists that have had a significant effect on our livelihood. 

[12:00] Will all of this money-creation cause inflation?


[18:00] Real estate has been making a fortune for fifty years, and the naysayers keep waiting for the crash to come. 

[20:00] Timing the market does not work. 

[21:00] Do you remember Long Term Capital Management?

[23:45] Foreclosures were down all over the country before COVID-19 hit. 

[25:00] Does the forbearance issue 2020 lead to more money in the system?

[28:20] The average US foreclosure period is 841 days.

[32:20] What is the incentive to come out of forbearance if you are concerned about a potential shutdown? 

[37:45] Rents are being paid regardless of the stimulus. 

[41:30] Are we going to see a stall or bubble burst?


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Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn)

Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes)


Direct download: CW_1617.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Land, gold, and art, or stocks, bonds, and cash? Jason Hartman talks with Dan Ferris, editor of Extreme Value and host of the Stansberry Investor Hour Podcast. “You need to learn to preserve wealth outside the financial system,” Ferris said. Ferris and Hartman go in-depth discussing diversification and its importance versus playing it safe with multi-dimensional assets. Inflation; don’t predict it, prepare for it.

Check It Out:

Key Takeaways:

[1:30] The crash bros have been wrong, and wrong again. 

[3:45] Are the SJW good people?

[6:25] If you need a model for consumption, it is as easy as checking in with nature.

[8:00] Global food prices have hit a six-year high (adjusted for inflation)

[11:00] High-frequency traders get even speedier with cutting edge cables -WSJ

Dan Ferris

[17:00] Let’s talk about Bitcoin, Gold, and Silver. 

[19:10] “Bitcoin is the hardest currency on Earth.” - Ferris

[26:00] Bitcoin, is 11 years long enough for people to start accepting it for commerce?

[18:45] Inflation is coming! 

[30:00] Will there be a great reset?

[31:00] Don’t predict, prepare. 

[32:45] Land, gold, and art OR stocks, bonds, and cash?


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Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes)


Direct download: CW_1616_Dan_Ferris_Part_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with Dan Ferris, the editor of Extreme Value and host of the Stansberry Investor Hour Podcast. Dan and Jason speak on subjects ranging from the broad economy to some of the conspiracy theories that might be ignored a little too much. Understanding the government’s role in the shifting economy and what the Fed is doing with each dollar can help one understand whether or not we are in a bubble. As well, how long can the stimulus work before it has no effect? 

Check It Out:

Key Takeaways:

[2:00] “I traveled, mid-pandemic” -Jason

[4:00] Is the housing market going to crash?

Dan Ferris

[10:00] Would our founding fathers have been called “conspiracy theorists with tin foil hats?”

[13:00] The government wins every election. 

[14:00] Where is the economy going?

[15:45] The Fed doesn’t buy securities because they are saving up for retirement. 

[19:15] Why might the stimulus stop working so efficiently?

[23:00] “This is the most insanely overvalued market in all of history.” - Ferris

[25:00] Nit-picking on Warren Buffet. 


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Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes)


Direct download: CW_1615_Dan_Ferris_Stansberry_Research.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Today’s Flash Back Friday was originally published in August 2019.

Jason Hartman talks with Walter E Williams, Professor of Economics at George Mason University and author of American Contempt for Liberty, about what is going on in our society today. America has become a country of people who hate liberty and want to take from others to give to themselves or others who they deem need it more. There seems to be an unwillingness to accept that people earn more than others and thinking that the government needs to step in and play a role. Walter explains to Jason how we can solve our problems by telling the government to get out of the way more than telling them to help.

Key Takeaways:

[2:34] Make sure you're investing in things that make sense THE DAY YOU BUY THEM

Walter E Williams Interview:

[7:46] Do United States citizens really have contempt for liberty?

[13:41] Has the Trump administration turned the tide at all?

[17:03] Is a wealth tax fair?

[21:51] Politicians are doing exactly what we elect them to do

[27:05] The only way we're going to solve our nation's problems


Jason Hartman opens by suggesting the idea that the wealth distribution in America might happen naturally. While people can work remotely and choose to leave the big cities, these high wage earners will take what they have to share to suburban America.  

Gold is the only monetary asset in the world that is not somebody else’s liability. Jason Hartman talks with Charles Goyette going beyond every conversation about gold in the economy right now. Gold’s value continues to rise, and not just compared to the dollar. Goyette says that China, along with the rest of the world, is de-dollarizing. Goyette gives an insightful, thought-provoking history and prediction of currencies in all forms across the globe. 


The Last Gold Rush…Ever! 7 Reasons for the Runaway Gold Market and How You Can Profit from It by Charles Goyette

Key Takeaways:

[1:30] What does Bloomberg have to say about San Francisco?

[2:30] Water seeks the lowest point. 

[7:15] When people flee to a less expensive area, they’re able to gain wealth, get ahead faster, and have an overall better standard of living. 

[8:45] Why was the Berlin Wall built?

[12:20] High earning, highly educated people leaving previously favored cities will change the face of suburban America. 

Charles Goyette

[18:30] Maybe we should have ‘socialist distancing’ as opposed to social distancing.

[20:20] In the last 100 years, the US has had three versions of the US dollar. 

[21:00] Was the US government doing the mega version of check kiting? 

[27:30] No trillion dollar debt?

[29:00] Are we looking at a sort of rampant runaway towards socialism in the US?

[30:40] For our economic might to end, it has to be replaced.

[34:15] China, along with the rest of the world, are de-dollarizing. 

[35:40] How does bitcoin play into the future of global currency?

[37:15] “Socialism; ideas so good we have to force you to accept them.”

[39:20] Is gold an investment, insurance, or a currency?

[41:00] Is gold as scarce as we think?

[44:45] Any closing thoughts on the new world order and the great reset?


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Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes)


Direct download: CW_1613_The_Last_Gold_Rush.._Ever_Charles_Goyette.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Jason Hartman shares the pros of flying mid pandemic. While at a real estate conference, he can’t help but notice how the vast majority of attendees are incredibly bullish on real estate. Who else has become part of the California exodus?

In this part two discussion, George Gammon joins Jason Hartman, further illustrating some of the truth behind global conspiracies. George states that more data produced by the free market capitalist economy is needed to understand and accurately control pricing. What are we trading for green energy?

Special Mentions:

Key Takeaways:

[1:30] First time flying in 10 months! 

[4:45] Many people are very bullish on real estate! 

[6:00] Where in the world is Elon Musk?

[8:25] Warnings have been issued about pending great reset.

[10:15] How do you vet the abundant real estate offers?

George Gammon

[16:30] We need all of the data that is produced by the free-market capitalist economy. 

[17:10] George explains the benefits of a central bank digital currency.

[19:50] The digital currency that wins the game is the one backed by the government. 

[22:00] The possibility of digital currency backed by the government puts an overwhelming amount of control into the government’s hands. 

[25:30] People generally revolt against their inability to eat, not having freedom stripped away.

[28:40] Is there a chance that we can sustain our current lifestyle if we move to green energy?

[30:45] Is green energy a trade-off or a solution?

[34:45] How can we compare today to how unemployment was measured during the great depression? 

[37:00] Own a little gold, maybe some bitcoin, definitely have a 30 year fixed mortgage.


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Direct download: CW_1612_George_Gammon_Pt2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Jason Hartman invites you all to put on your tinfoil hats in preparation for this interview with George Gammon exploring some topics often considered economic conspiracy theories. George, a regular visitor on our show, brings you some unsettling details outlining the great reset and the repo market. How are communism and capitalism connected? How far will artificial intelligence infiltrate into our every day lives?  

Key Takeaways:

[2:15] Let’s put on our tinfoil hats for a moment. 

[3:30] What is the repo market?

[9:40] “A trillion a day keeps the economic consequences away.” -Jason

[11:40] This great reset has been talked about since 2016 or earlier. Conspiracy theory?

[14:15] EVERYTHING shall feed into the central computers.

[17:45] George goes deep into artificial intelligence. 

[21:00] Is communism the next stage of capitalism?

[23:00] Big government is great for the inner circle.

[24:15] Price signals help you allocate resources efficiently. 


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Direct download: CW_1611_George_Gammon_Pt1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Once again, single-family investment properties prove to have lasting value - beating out the purported success of commercial real estate. Jason Hartman ponders, will there be a Boxing Day Blues, with pandemic relief packages drying up?

Plagues have always been a part of the human experience, but the seriousness of COVID-19 is rare. Jason Hartman talks with author and professor, Dr. Nicholas Christakis. Dr. Christakis shares bits from his book Apollo’s Arrow: The Profound and Enduring Impact of Coronavirus on the Way We Live. As well, Jason probes Dr. Christakis of the blueprint of a good society - from selections of Blueprint: The Evolutionary Origins of a Good Society.


Sunday Coffee Tok: new time 7:00/4:00 pm EST/PAC time.

Jason and Adam: Every other Wednesday at 9:30 am EST.

Key Takeaways:

[2:30] Single-family home RE beats commercial again. 63 Bed, Bath, and Beyond stores are closing at the end of this fiscal year.

[5:15] 2.3% is the number that represents the number of office building loans converted into mortgage-backed securities that are more than 30 days delinquent.

[8:00] Millions are set to lose those big federal aid programs.

[9:00] The boxing day blues, pandemic relief packages likely to dry up or not?

[10:30] More lawsuits against Facebook! 

Dr. Nicholas Christakis

[14:00] Unpacking: Apollo’s Arrow

[15:45] What’s the severity of Coronavirus in comparison to past pandemics?

[18:45] Dr. Christakis debunks some COVID-19 myths.

[22:30] There are two critical epidemiological properties to understand about a virus: the infection fatality rate and the contagiousness (R-Naught).

[27:45] The modern mind thinks science and tech have already solved all significant issues. 

[29:15] We are fortunate to be in a period when a vaccine can be made available in real-time.

[30:45] What is “good behavior” for surviving COVID-19?

[34:30] The real estate industry is being reshaped, as it always has in times of pandemics. 

[38:00] Talking about Blueprint, The Evolutionary Origins of A Good Society.

[39:50] What’s the forbidden experiment?

[41:45] A perfect natural experiment. 

[47:20] That good feeling you get when in the presence of your friends was shaped by natural selection. 


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Direct download: CW_1610_Dr_Nicholas_Chistakis.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Today's Flash Back Friday was originally published in September 2015.

If you’re here it’s because you’re interested in creating or growing your wealth through real estate investing. And today’s episode is the perfect vehicle to help you do that.

One of our experts, Joe, joins us to give the down and dirty details of what it takes to get the best financing deal and the specifications you need to qualify for up to 20 properties. We also talk about whether or not you need an attorney to close a loan, the differences between technical refinancing and cash out refinancing as well as how many months’ of reserves you need.

This is expert advice free of charge! And it’s all here on today’s episode of Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing.

Quick answers in the lightning round to all of the most important financing questions. We dig in and ask prudent questions of Joe our financing guru. If you are looking to create your wealth through real estate investments this is the episode for you. Down and dirty details of what it takes to get the best financing deal and the specifications you need to qualify for up to 20 properties. Expert advice free of charge!

Key Takeaways:

Jason’s Editorial:

[1:23] Lender Lightning Round show

[1:58] The great Facebook debate

[4:29] Commandment #3 - Thou shalt maintain control

[9:28] Ric Edelman’s - 10 great reasons to keep a long term mortgage and never pay it off

[11:07] The supply chain of financial advisors

[15:40] It’s an amazing time to be alive

[16:18] The Chinese Government makes it easier to buy overseas assets

[18:40] Newport Rhode Island trip for Venture Alliance members and guests

Lightning Round:

[21:30] Inflation induced debt destruction

[22:15] Financing 10 properties per spouse through Fannie Mae

[22:53] Down payments vary - 5% down reduces your rate

[23:43] Financing through an LLC

[24:24] 1 loan, 1 property with vanilla residential financing

[25:45] Multiple inquiries about your credit score can lower it over time

[27:00] A LLC needs different insurance

[27:47] Is a power of attorney be sufficient to close the loan

[28:29] An attorney is not needed to close the loan

[29:57] A 2 year landlord history - Fannie Mae no, Freddie Mac yes

[30:56] The minimum credit score is 620 for the first 4 properties, 720 for 5-10

[31:50] Cash out refinancing on investment properties

[33:05] You can always finance your primary residence but different guidelines may apply

[34:21] Lenders need 6 months of reserves

[35:37] Offsetting the mortgage payment based on possible rental income

[37:42] Rental income loss

[38:38] Technical refinance or delayed financing

[40:22] 100% replacement cost needed in homeowners insurance

[44:37] Do your due diligence but beware of multiple credit checks


Fruitcake Fraud

Direct download: CW_FBF_1609.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM) thought they had the market all figured out - oops. Jason Hartman reminds you all to invest in something that makes sense the day you buy it; market timing is for the fools. We are looking at record-low interest rates again (mortgage rates)! It's time to invest!

Investment counselor Adam returns for part two on their discussion of the doom and gloom, will we see another great recession? Even if we do see another great recession, understanding IDEAL can help set you up for comfort. 

Jason Hartman's Quick Start Podcast

Key Takeaways:

[1:30] If market timing were possible, wouldn't it be done?

[4:00] Real Estate is getting cheaper! 

[11:00] In March 2020, Jason said, "don't invest" - today (December 2020), "DO IT!"


[12:00] What is the government?

[15:00] When is all of this Doom & Gloom going to come true?

[17:00] What if it's another great recession right now?

[25:30] Let's compare income property with the value investing philosophy of Warren Buffet. 

[27:00] Understanding IDEAL

[33:00] "we'll just put the tool back in the toolbox, and everything will be ok.".. or not!


Jason Hartman Quick Start

Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn)

Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes)


Direct download: CW_1608_Adam_Part_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Who has End of The World Syndrome? Jason Hartman reminds everyone of the ups and downs of the market, but not the end. The migration, or the flattening of America, continues as Hewlett Packard is leaving silicone valley. 

Adam questions JP Morgan’s move, “relaxing their mortgage standards.” Jason and Adam discuss the potential for another housing bubble or the great recession. Also, Jason and Adam break down some of Jerome Powell’s dialogue. What does this mean for the investor?  


Key Takeaways:

[2:15] End Of The World Syndrome? 

[3:00] To those waiting for the RE crash…

[9:00] Hewlett Packard is leaving silicone valley. 

[12:10] “The flattening of America.”

[14:10] The Final Frontier


[19:30] Is JP Morgan relaxing their mortgage standards…again? 

[23:15] Is this the start of a housing bubble that leads to a great recession?

[25:23] Go to 

[27:30] Key-phrase: “when the crisis has passed…”

[34:20] Jerome Powell - The Federal Reserve - “the world’s biggest hedge-fund.” 


Jason Hartman Quick Start

Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn)

Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes)


Direct download: CW_1607_Another_Great_Recession_-_Mortgage_Rates_Debt__Disaster_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Jason Hartman zooms in on San Francisco to talk about vacancy rates, rental rates, and leverage. Also, Jason shares a few stories from his time spent with the amazing Tony Hsieh in Las Vegas. 

Andrew Cushman of Vantage Point Acquisitions returns for part two to discuss one of the new investors' first questions: where do I start building my portfolio? Popular cities sound like a great starting point, but the better investment opportunity might be a city you've never heard of. 

Key Takeaways:

[2:00] Phase 1 to phase 2 of the Mass Migration of America.

[2:53] The median pricing to rent a 1 bedroom apt in San Francisco is $2800.

[6:00] What's a real estate excavator?

[7:30] Nearly 46% of ALL Americans are considering moving within the next year. 

[9:15] Jason speaks on the innovation of Tony Hsieh

[13:15] Hear from the client: Muthia

Andrew Cushman

[15:00] "I don't want to invest in Arizona because I don't want to be too spread out."

[17:15] How did you identify these growing markets early, before they stopped making sense?

[19:45] How do I decide what market to invest in?

[23:40] One of the best ways to protect yourself from an inflationary environment is to invest in real estate. 


Jason Hartman Quick Start

Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn)

Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes)


Direct download: CW_1606_Andrew_Cushman_Pt_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST