Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing with Jason Hartman

Jason Hartman is joined by George Farah, author of No Debate: How the Republican and Democratic Parties Secretly Control the Presidential Debates, and founder of Open Debates, for an inside look at how the presidential debates are a rigged game. George refers to the debates as “the Super Bowl of politics.” So what really goes on in the debates?

The people would like to know. As George explains, the debates are tightly controlled by the Commission on Presidential Debates through scripting, strict time limits, and the exclusion of third-party candidates. This commission is supposed to be non-partisan, but the reality is it’s a private corporation that was created by the Republican and Democratic parties and financed by companies like Anheuser-Busch, to allow the two main party nominees to dictate the terms of the presidential debates. A secret contract is negotiated by the Republican and Democratic parties and given to the Commission to implement.

Third-party candidates have been excluded repeatedly from the debates and the questions that the American people have are restricted and manipulated by the Commission.

Direct download: cw-279-GeorgeFarah.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:02pm EDT

Jason Hartman welcomes guest co-host/listener, Brandon, from Portland, Oregon as they discuss several things.  First, a discussion of some of Jason's recent book consumption including; Abundance: The Future is Better Than You Think by Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler and Free: The Future of a Radical Price by Chris Anderson.

Next, Jason and Brandon analyze Peter Schiff's most recent video criticizing Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and QE3 (Quantitative Easing).  Peter has some things right and others wrong.  As Jason has pointed out in so many prior episodes gold and silver are mediocre asset classes and shouldn't really be considered 'investments' but rather defensive ways to save money, a way to store wealth and keep pace with inflation.  

An investment is an OFFENSIVE tool, gold and silver are only defensive tools. The real way to profit is to exploit the next housing bubble.

Direct download: cw-278-Brandon.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:33am EDT

Jason Hartman is joined by Dr. Steve Sjuggerrud, editor for Stansberry Research, for a discussion of real estate investing domestic and international, attractive mortgage rates, and government deals that are making real estate a much more attractive investment. Steve talks about what he calls the “Bernanke Asset Bubble,” where the Fed would like to see a booming real estate market and stock market to get the country back on its feet.  Jason and Steve also talk about the demographics of the rental market and comparative returns of the rental market and stocks.

Dr. Steve Sjuggerud is the founder and editor of one of the largest financial newsletters in the world, True Wealth.  Since inception in 2001, True Wealth readers have made money every year with safe, contrarian investment ideas. Steve did his PhD dissertation on international currencies, he's traveled to dozens of countries looking at investment ideas, and he's run mutual funds, hedge funds, and investment research departments. Steve's investment philosophy is simple: "You buy something of extraordinary value at a time when nobody else wants it. And you sell it at a time when people are willing to pay any price to get it." It's harder than it sounds, but Steve continues to be able to do just that for his readers.

Direct download: cw-277-SteveSjuggerud.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:39am EDT

 A quick announcement that due to popular demand, the Atlanta Property Tour is now sold out. Stay tuned for your next chance to participate in a property tour with Jason Hartman.

Direct download: Atlanta-Tour-Sold-Out.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:34am EDT

Jason Hartman talks with one of his Investment Counselors, Steve, about a Naked Capitalism blog post on the new real estate train wreck in securitized rentals.  Wall Street's newest "innovation" based on rental income.  Will this be another Wall Street scam like the pools of subprime mortgages, auction rate securities, derivatives or numerous other products that were misrepresented to investors.

Next up, a discussion of the 'lost decade' for the American middle class based on a Newser article and some talk about the investor-driven recovery in real estate.  

Direct download: cw-276-GeraldineBerry.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:51am EDT