Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing with Jason Hartman

Jason Hartman talks with Adam about the definition of a recession and what impact globalization may (or may not) have on the future of recessions. They also explore how the United States reacts to trade situations and what impact that has on markets such as the ones we invest in.

Key Takeaways:

[2:55] With a recession potentially looming, you need to stress test your portfolio, which is something we'll be doing at Profits in Paradise

[8:09] Some of the old recession indicators aren't as reliable anymore because causes of GDP have shifted over the years

[10:48] A strong manufacturing base makes local economies take much longer to shift

[16:08] Why do they say that de-globalization could lead to more recessions

[19:40] It's important to look at states the same way we do countries to see which states are the friendliest to businesses

[24:41] The hidden benefits of self-management

[27:13] This year's wealth simulation will really delve into how Refi Til Ya Die really works

[26:00] The hidden benefits of self-management

[28:32] This year's wealth simulation will really delve into how Refi Til Ya Die really works

[32:54] A Baltimore, MD property available


Direct download: CW_1292_Recession.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:10pm EST

Today focuses on Commandment #13: Thou Shalt Understand the Theory of Relativity As It Applies to Real Estate Investing.

Visualization is an immensely powerful thing. What the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.

Because of the power of visualization, Jason went and found an expert who can help real estate investors get in the right mindset and, hopefully, set you on a path to an even better portfolio and life.


Direct download: CW_Bonus_Commandment_13.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Today's Flash Back Friday comes from Episode 952, originally published in February 2018.

Jason Hartman, his mom Joyce, and Drew finish up their long talk about property management practices. This time Drew throws some questions toward Joyce about how to walk the line with a tenant while still keeping a good personal relationship with them, tenant retention, and Jason's theory on the pinball effect that can happen when you own enough places in one market.

Key Takeaways:

[2:01] Occassionally you may have difficulty with insurance when you self-manage

[2:56] The riskiest part of self-managing is the tenant turn

[6:34] Join Jason on a trip to Sweden or come to San Jose for the next JHU event

Jason's Mom & Drew Interview:

[9:34] One of the nice things about not being near your investment properties is that you CAN'T go over and meet anybody

[11:56] How to retain tenants, and how to get rid of deadbeats

[14:16] Once you've formed a relationship with a tenant as a self-manager, is it awkward to raise the rent on them or enforce late fees, etc?

[18:38] When do you build the expectation of rent increases into the relationship?

[25:39] Why the hybrid management is the best system, and what to expect from your realtor helping you

[28:15] Do self-management styles change based on the type of neighborhood your property is in?

[31:46] Jason's pinball effect when you have enough properties in one market


Direct download: CW_1291_Mom_Drew_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Jason Hartman starts today's show discussing an article that explains how hard new construction starts are hitting various markets. They're down by over 80% in some markets and over 50% in a majority.

Then Jason talks with David Osborn, co-founder of Magnify Capital and best-selling author of Wealth Can't Wait: Avoid the 7 Wealth Traps, Implement the 7 Business Pillars, and Complete a Life Audit Today!, about making the conscious decision to be wealthy and how you can actually follow through on that decision while avoiding common pitfalls. They also discuss how absolutely vital the morning is to your life and how you can win the morning.

Key Takeaways:

[2:44] Home building is down more than 50% since before the Great Recession

[7:32] Chicago only has about 20% of the construction they had before the Great Recession

David Osborn Interview:

[15:40] Being wealthy starts with making a choice

[19:36] The mindset is critical but often overlooked

[23:49] When you become successful you eventually just have to learn to deal with being in lawsuits

[26:58] Do NOT hire someone just because you like them

[33:49] Miracle Morning Millionaires

[35:47] By 11am the world is coming at you and you're in reaction mode


Direct download: CW_1290_David_Osborn.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Jason Hartman and Adamp take a deep dive into what GDP is and some of the plusses and minuses inherent to it. While breaking down a CNBC video explaining GDP they look at whether government spending should be increased, decreased, or left the same, how just because GDP is rising doesn't mean our economy is improving, and much more.

Key Takeaways:

[4:33] What Jason learned from a New York City bus driver

[10:26] The CEO of WeWork has stepped down, who helped show the importance of Commandment #3

[16:06] US GDP is 38% government spending

[21:02] Importance of looking at GDP rates and inflation rates

[26:40] The important relationship between income distribution and GDP


Direct download: CW_1289_Adam_GDP.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:20pm EST

Jason Hartman and Adam start off today's show discussing the impact of Dodd-Frank on the US economy. The massive bill that was quickly pushed through in response to the Great Recession is still being sussed out, and it's possible some parts will never be fully enacted.

Then Jason talks with Richard Rahn, Advisor to former President George HW Bush and Chief Economist of US Chamber of Commerce for Ronald Reagan, about his thoughts on digital currencies and whether they will ever full grab hold in the United States with the power of the government. They also discuss Richard's time in politics and why he left the White House.

Key Takeaways:

[6:50] The world of fakeness

[13:05] Dodd-Frank gave the government the ability to audit loans being given to companies, but the volume of loans makes that virtually impossible to reliably do

[16:12] Credit default swaps and the Great Recession

[18:57] Property profile of a home in Merrillville, IN

Richard Rahn Interview:

[24:01] When Richard started being interested in what would eventually become cryptocurrency

[31:24] The government could target any one of us because most people are committing crimes they don't even know about. But going after encrypted peer-to-peer transactions would be impossible

[35:17] Why does Richard think Bitcoin won't be the answer?

[36:30] Richard's time in the Reagan and Bush administration


Direct download: CW_1288_Richard_Rahn.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:58pm EST

Jason Hartman and his client, Rabbi Evan Moffic, are on the road today discussing two different investment philosophies. The first is the fox method, ping ponging between investments and always going for what's the hottest trend. Then there's the hedgehog strategy that has you focus on one thing and do it to the best of your abilities. After dissecting the pros and cons of those strategies it's time to investigate the abundance mentality and what good it can do us all in our lives.

Key Takeaways:

[4:26] The fox strategy vs the hedgehog strategy

[7:28] Fox's at least take action, but hedgehogs stay true to the investment philosophy that they know and understand

[11:53] Evan is branching out a little buying a new construction short-term rental, but he made sure it could still function as a long term rental if trying a new strategy didn't work out

[16:01] It looks like there will be 2 property tours at the upcoming Profits in Paradise

[17:11] Evan will be speaking at Profits in Paradise, discussing happiness and wealth

[21:04] Judaism believes that wealth brings with it a responsibility to give

[24:40] One of the things Evan doesn't like about the FIRE movement


Direct download: CW_1287_Evan_Moffic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Visualization is an immensely powerful thing. What the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.

Because of the power of visualization, Jason went and found an expert who can help real estate investors get in the right mindset and, hopefully, set you on a path to an even better portfolio and life.

Today focuses on Commandment #12: Thou Shall Hold Thy Tenants Accountable.


Direct download: CW_Bonus_Commandment_12.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Today's Flash Back Friday comes from Episode 951, originally published in February 2018.

It's time for Jason Hartman to have a good, old fashioned discussion on property management. This time, however, there are THREE sides at the table.

In one corner is Jason's mom, who is an EXTREME do-it-herself self-manager. In another corner is Drew, who has always been with a property management company and isn't ready to step into the self-management world. And in the final corner is Jason, with his method of a hybrid model.

Listen in as these three discuss concerns, strategies, and tips for property management, no matter which road you decide to go down.

Key Takeaways:

[7:51] The hardest part of Jason's business is property management

[10:16] Drew's properties in Indianapolis were A builds, but after the Great Recession they're in C+ neighborhoods now

[13:05] Jason's hybrid self-management practice

[17:00] Where Jason's mom gets access to running credit reports and everything she needs to do to screen tenants

[21:58] The most important thing you need to communicate to your tenant about rent

[27:52] Property managers have inherent conflicts of interest

[29:48] How Joyce gets her property ready for the next tenant

[32:26] Questioning pricing can frequently lead to dramatic reductions in price


Direct download: CW_1286_FBF_Mom_Drew.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Jason Hartman and Carrie are happy to present 4 properties that have recently become available that are potentially great deals for your portfolio. Listen in as they break down each property, explaining where they are, what the team is like in that market, and what kind of returns you can get.


Direct download: CW_Bonus_4_Hot_Deals.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with Peter Wehner, author of Wealth and Justice: The Morality of Democratic Capitalism and Vice President & Senior Fellow at the Ethics & Public Policy Center, about what attacks are currently being done against democratic capitalism and what we can do about them as a society. The two also explore the potential ramifications for capitalism being done by President Trump.

Key Takeaways:

[4:35] Is Democratic Capitalism the most moral system out there?

[7:04] Capitalism correctly accounts for human nature

[10:25] The ideas of Karl Marx have been probably the most consequential in economic history

[13:38] The idea that the government has the moral high ground

[16:55] What does Peter mean with the saying "The death of politics"?

[20:41] Peter's concern about Trump's policies

[28:48] What is The Death of Politics about?


Ethics & Public Policy Center

Wealth and Justice: The Morality of Democratic Capitalism

Direct download: CW_1285_Peter_Wehner.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Jason Hartman and Adam discuss several issues in today's show. The first one is the news that the average FICO score is at an all time high. This is due to several factors, but the underlying facts about the credit rise show some very good news for our economy. The two also discuss a new credit scoring on the horizon that might help more people get credit and allow those who make strategic defaults able to get loans sooner.

After playing another of the 5 Year Plan videos, Jason and Adam dive into an event in France that shows the creep of what employers are responsible for, as well as a new California law that is aimed at companies that employ freelancers. The two have differing takes on the law, tell us yours!

Key Takeaways:

[4:07] Jason has been researching an investment vehicle that might be better than the 1031 Exchange and he'll discuss it at the upcoming Profits in Paradise

[7:11] Consumer spending seems to be more in line with wages these days

[11:51] They're creating a new way to create credit scores with more data points

[15:39] Credit management isn't just the ability to repay

[19:29] Jeff's 5 Year Plan for retirement

[26:20] How employers are being hampered even more with a ridiculous event in France

[31:48] California's new law about independent contractors could have some big ramifications

[34:15] We need to divorce health care from employment


Direct download: CW_1284_FICO_Gig.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Jason Hartman starts today's show discussing some good news for real estate investors in the Chicago area, as well as why investors in California should actually be thankful for their current tax situation.

Then Jason talks with Rob Stephens, co-founder of Avalara MyLodgeTax, about whether the short-term rental market is oversupplied and what the impact of institutional investors is doing to the marketplace as a whole. They also discuss some of the tax implications of running short-term rentals.

Key Takeaways:

[1:18] Good news for investors in Chicago

[7:34] Jason put an offer down for a short-term rental property, but make sure you're not violating Commandment #21 to avoid manias

[10:15] Tech companies are playing by different rules, so it's nice to see them being investigated

Rob Stephens Interview:

[13:59] Is the short-term rental market oversupplied?

[17:17] How will short-term rentals hold up in the next economic downturn?

[21:26] What has the increased usage of short-term rentals done to the timeshare market?

[22:43] The way institutional investors are getting involved in short-term rentals

[27:22] Tax compliance

[30:30] How much do room/tourism/hotel taxes differ across the country?


Direct download: CW_1283_Rob_Stephens.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Jason Hartman and Adam examine some troubling trends in the real estate market these days. The first is the entire STATE of California, which is about to enact state wide rent control. This would be a massive shift in policy that will lead to other issues. Then there's the affordability issue that's been hampering house across the country for years. Jason and Adam examine what new trends that's causing in our present day.

And finally, don't forget to submit your video for the Empower Investor contest and win tickets to Profits in Paradise!

Key Takeaways:

[5:48] What rent control ACTUALLY does

[8:47] Rent controlled areas always run short on housing because nobody wants to build there because of regulations

[16:37] Adam Frenza's 5 Year Plan

[25:14] How the Trump administration is responding to rent control movements

[27:16] How rent control creates a scenario like runaway inflation, and the road out is a rough one

[29:29] People are starting to realize that affordability is a national problem

[32:39] Rental property is one of the only businesses where people will happily give you 40% of their income


Direct download: CW_1282_Rent_Control.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:14pm EST

Visualization is an immensely powerful thing. What the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.

Because of the power of visualization, Jason went and found an expert who can help real estate investors get in the right mindset and, hopefully, set you on a path to an even better portfolio and life.


Direct download: CW_Bonus_Guided_Visualization_13.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:27pm EST

Today's Flash Back Friday comes from Episode 494, originally published in March 2015.

In the introduction portion of the Creating Wealth show, Jason Hartman answers two voicemail questions left by his listeners. He then introduces Richard Vague as his guest for today's show. Richard Vague is one of the few economists who are currently talking about the problems of massive private debt. He is the author of The Next Economic Disaster and talks to Jason about China's economic problem along with some interesting facts and correlations about the US economy. 

Key Takeaways: 

8:00 – Jason talks about the 6 ways the government can get out of its mess. 

11:20 – Jason answers a listener voicemail question. 

18:50 – A listener asks about 3D printing a house. Jason shares his thoughts. 

24:30 – Jason introduces Richard Vague to the show. 

29:15 – Richard talks about China's debt problem. 

35:10 – Private debt growth leads to higher interest rates. 

38:15 – Richard gets his stats by looking at all consumer and business debt. 

42:30 – A lot of economists don't include private debt in their model. 

49:00 – What should we do to avoid the next economic disaster? Richard explains. 

51:10 – Quick recap, what are the stages of an economic crisis? 

Mentioned In This Episode: 

The Next Economic Disaster by Richard Vague

Direct download: CW_1281_FBF_Richard_Vague.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with James Malinchak, #1 speaker coach & trainer and former Secret Millionaire on ABC (as well as this year's Profits in Paradise keynote speaker), about his time on the TV show as well as how people can take what they have, get the right mindset, and turn their life into a success. There are a lot of external forces on you in your life, but the response you have to all of them is strictly up to you.

Key Takeaways:

[7:27] James' experience on The Secret Millionaire

[15:36] What are the traits that lead someone who is poor to become successful?

[18:22] In every situation you can either have excuses or results, and excuses don't matter

[22:05] The response you choose to tell yourself after an event is all that really matters

[25:38] What James will be talking about at the upcoming Profits in Paradise

[29:34] It is an absolute necessity to invest in yourself


Direct download: CW_1280_James_Malinchak.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Jason Hartman talks today about the news he's seen recently while avoiding Hurricane Dorian. That includes problems with pooled assets, taking out the management fees and industries that are taking a turn for the worse that show potential weakness in the real economy.

Then Jason talks with Ellen Brown, author of Banking on the People: Democratizing Money in the Digital Age, about the money supply, specifically as it relates to what we refer to as "Quantitative Easing". Ellen explains how she believes we can solve some of society's woes and why she isn't on board with Modern Monetary Theory.

Key Takeaways:

[3:20] There are more lawsuits being filed over 401k fee abuse

[5:07] How much better would our economy be if insiders stopped skimming off the top?

[8:37] Workers under 35 are saying they're content with their pay

[11:56] The trucking and shipping industry is having some problems

Ellen Brown Interview:

[13:22] Quantitative easing needs to be changed to get money out into the real economy

[21:27] What Ellen means when she talks about "speculative markets"

[24:54] What does this mean for the average person?

[29:04] 80% of the population is carrying debt right now

[33:45] What is keeping Ellen from being a fan of MMT


Direct download: CW_1279_Ellen_Brown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Jason Hartman and Adam begin the show discussing how half of the potential home buyers are currently throwing in the towel because they can't find a house in their budget. They're getting discouraged and losing hope for the future as well, causing a surge in renters. As an investment property owner, that puts you in a fantastic position.

Then Jason talks with Nely Galan, former president of Telemundo and author of Self-Made: Becoming Empowered, Self-Reliant and Rich In Every Way, about her journey up the corporate ladder and why she got in to investing in commercial properties. Nely took the dramatic step of leaving a solid, promising job in network TV to become employee #1 at a small startup called Telemundo. Nely explains how you can use your early jobs to prepare yourself for your own success and why sacrifice is necessary.

Key Takeaways:

[4:39] Since the Great Recession homebuilders have just ignored investment priced properties

[7:07] One reason why Jason doesn't like owning a primary residence

[11:31] The number of adults who think they'll buy a home in the next year has dropped from 24% to 12% since the start of 2018

Nely Galan Interview:

[14:44] Make mistakes on other people's dime so you can succeed when you go out on your own

[19:34] Being employee #1 can be worth it

[21:09] Every job you do teaches you something that eventually leads to mastery

[24:07] Why Nely wrote Self Made

[27:59] You have to be willing to sacrifice something to get something better


Direct download: CW_1278_Nely_Galan.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Jason Hartman and Adam start today's show with some more details about the exciting (and potentially very lucrative) contest that's going on called The Empowered Investor. You could potentially win a $3,000 cruise allowance and 2 tickets to Profits in Paradise!

Then Jason plays a clip from Frank Gallinelli where Frank explores two things that real estate investors need to understand, even if you don't use them every day: Net Operating Income and Capitalization Rates.

Finally Jason talks with Ray Hespen, co-founder and CEO of Property Meld, about how property owners can proactively close the problem areas that tenants and landlords have in order to retain the tenants longer. Learn how tenants like to be contacted in today's age, why they leave, and how Ray's software may be able to help you.

Key Takeaways:

[2:46] How to enter the Empowered Investor challenge and win free tickets to Profits in Paradise

[5:55] Deadline for submissions is midnight EST, Monday September 23, 2019

[7:35] Frank Gallinelli presentation on Net Operating Income and Capitalization Rates

Ray Hespen Interview:

[21:33] What issues does Property Meld address to help the tenant?

[23:27] Around 1/3 of all non-renewals are due to poor maintenance experiences

[29:02] The strongest correlation between maintenance requests and renewals is speed, hands down

[31:35] Renters nowadays want to be texted, not called


Direct download: CW_1277_Ray_Hespen.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Visualization is an immensely powerful thing. What the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.

Because of the power of visualization, Jason went and found an expert who can help real estate investors get in the right mindset and, hopefully, set you on a path to an even better portfolio and life.

Today's guided visualization journey takes us back to the very first week.


Direct download: CW_Bonus_Visualization_14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:58pm EST

Today's Flash Back Friday comes from Episode 837, originally published in May 2017.

This episode is very telling about the current and future state of the current US economy. Jason welcomes Tempo Funding Managing Director Mike Zlotnik to the show to discuss the what factors gave rise to and will ultimately tank the economy. As listeners to this program, you know real estate is the best class to hedge against inflation but if you also invest with institutional investors it may be time to fold your hand and become your own decision maker.

Key Takeaways:

[03:30] Yield rate and Cap rate compression defined.

[08:01] After the 2008 crash the deal flow was abundant.

[10:04] Institutional investors get rewarded for deploying capital, not finding the best deal.

[15:04] Inflation is here and markets are softening.

[20:44] Stagflation is a bizarre scenario but it is likely to happen.

[29:19] Investors must prepare for the worst-case scenario.

[30:51] Tempo Funding provides short and long-term hard money lending.

Mentioned in This Episode:

Jason Hartman

Venture Alliance Mastermind

Rent Control Movie

Tempo Funding

Direct download: CW_1276_FBF_Mike_Zlotnik.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Jason Hartman is back and talks with Adam today to discuss Fannie Mae's Chief Economist Doug Duncan's latest comments about the housing market. Not surprisingly, the huge lack of inventory is making a substantial impact. Jason and Adam break down how big an impact it is, what's causing it, and if there's hope on the horizon.

Then Jason talks with Ingo Winzer, founder and president at Local Market Monitor, about how his company is able to analyze 300 local markets and what elements are important for investors to pay attention to when examining markets on their own.

Key Takeaways:

[6:29] The graying of America

[11:10] Getting into real estate might seem expensive now, but it also seemed expensive in the 70s, 80s, 90s, etc and it's turned out pretty good

[13:16] The labor shortage in construction since the Great Recession is going to make ramping up construction difficult

Ingo Winzer Interview:

[19:08] Rents behave differently from prices because rents tend to move with income

[25:12] What Ingo bases his price forecast on

[30:49] How do you factor in retired people and those in the gig economy when factoring in the job market

[35:05] You need to figure out where the concentration of renters are in your market before you invest


Direct download: CW_1275_Ingo_Winzer.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:05pm EST

In place of a voiceless Jason Hartman, Adam takes the reins today to discuss some articles that have come across his eyes discussing home prices in various areas of society and why they shouldn't be as big a surprise as the media seems to think they are. He also touches on the possibility of the government offering a 100 year bond.

Then Jason talks with Patri Friedman, Executive Director of The Seasteading Institute, about creating new countries using the seasteading technique. Patri discusses how the concept would work in today's environment and why it's not absurd to think of a country being created on the water. It's coming sooner than you expect.

Key Takeaways:

[2:34] Home prices in driveable areas are now outpacing those in walkable areas

[4:39] Government considering offering a 100 year bond

Patri Friedman Interview:

[8:36] What is seasteading?

[13:28] Why not just buy land from a country rather than doing everything out at sea?

[17:28] Patri's goal is seeing governments competing for citizens by treating them best

[21:04] How do you deal with security when you're in the middle of the ocean?

[25:25] What are these seasteads going to do for currency?


Direct download: CW_1274_Patri_Friedman.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with Jeff Astor, VP of Business Development at Broad Financial and author of The Ultimate Self-Directed IRA:: Using Self-Directed IRAs & Solo 401ks To Invest In Real Estate, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cryptocurrencies, Gold, Private Businesses, Startups, Exotics & Much More, about how to invest in various assets at the "arms length" that the tax code requires. Jeff explores some unique investments clients have made that satisfy the legal requirements, as well as explaining the difference in the 2 types of self-directed IRAs.

Key Takeaways:

[6:43] What are "exotic" investments and how you keep your investments "at arms length"

[9:45] There are 2 types of self-directed IRAs, the custodial model and the checkbook model

[13:52] Finding financing for IRAs since you need a non-recourse loan

[17:10] Do people set up multiple LLCs inside their IRA to get even more asset protection?

[21:44] Make sure you do your research on self-directed IRA companies, because custodial companies rely on trust

[24:50] Can you take possession of precious metals if you purchase them through a self-directed IRA?


Direct download: CW_1273_Jeff_Astor.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with Chris Porter, Senior Vice President & Chief Demographer at John Burns Real Estate Consulting, about what trends their company has been seeing. There have been some profound shifts in the way that Americans want their communities, what they're looking for in a house, and whether they even WANT to own a house.

Key Takeaways:

[4:01] There's an amazing amount of infrastructure in our world that has been thought out to keep us safe

[6:30] The history of labor day and why being an income property investor is a way to let yourself CHOOSE to labor

Chris Porter Interview

[10:08] The labor shortage in construction right now is a great opportunity for new technology to come into the market

[15:28] Some developer trends going on right now

[19:27] The current housing trends of Millennials and Baby Boomers

[22:54] Are the insititutional investors here to stay?

[27:28] Chris' prediction on home ownership rates has been somewhat right. Why he thinks it wasn't completely acurate

[32:21] Why the way generations are widely defined make no sense


Direct download: CW_1272_Chris_Porter.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:10pm EST