Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing with Jason Hartman

Single-family homes sales rose in January. This has made income property inventory low. You can find out which properties are available in the sought after Memphis market by joining Jason during the upcoming property tour and Creating Wealth Seminar. Jason shares a live recording from a previous seminar in which he thoroughly explains why investing in a single family home as income property is the only logical investment during an inflationary period. And, if the signs are correct the U.S is entering an inflationary period under the Trump administration.

Key Takeaways:

[1:43] National Association of Realtor’s article about home sales in January.

[5:11] Single-family homes sales are up and inventory is low.

[8:36] The Trump administration is a boon for the economy.

[9:21] A Goldman Sachs report says interest rates will rise.

[15:46] Venture Alliance Weekend and Memphis Property Tour details and dates.


ASSET MATRIX - Recording from Phoenix Live Event

[18:14] Inflation induced debt destruction by way of a mortgage.

[20:21] Jason explains how the government manipulates inflation numbers through hedonic adjustment.

[27:49] The ultimate investing equation.

[35:08] Anything that does not produce income is not an investment.

[36:59] Cash and bonds are destroyed by inflation.

[39:01] The IRS does not account for inflation.

[42:15] During deflationary periods people default on their loans.

[44:38] If you have a corporate job you are paying more taxes than the self-employed.

Mentioned in This Episode:

Jason Hartman

Venture Alliance Mastermind

Longevity and Biohacking Show

Direct download: CW_797_Jason_Hartman_ASSET_MATRIX_INFLATION_vs_DEFLATION.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:25pm EST

On this episode of the Creating Wealth Show, Jason Hartman talks with author and editor, Janet Portman, about becoming a landlord. Whether or not you call yourself a “landlord,” when you rent out a house, you’ll want to do it right!

Ninety percent of small properties are owned by individual landlords, and millions in this group are balancing their landlord responsibilities with their daytime careers. Tune in as Jason and Janet discuss everything from landlord business basics and finding good tenants, to complying with applicable rental laws and dealing with problem tenants.  Janet Portman, author, attorney, and nationally recognized specialist in landlord/tenant law, is managing editor at Nolo, the nation’s recognized leader in providing legal information for consumers and small businesses.

Portman oversees editorial work on all Nolo books and software. She is the author or co-author of Every Landlord’s Legal Guide, Every Tenant’s Legal Guide, and LeaseWriter Plus software, plus six other books, all published by Nolo.

As an expert in legal issues related to landlords and tenants, Portman has appeared on national television and radio and has been quoted in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Kiplinger’s, Smart Money, the Los Angeles Times, and other publications. She has also spoken on related topics such as disputes involving neighbors and pets. Before joining Nolo in 1994, Portman was a public defender for the California State Public Defender’s office, representing clients at the trial, appellate, and state Supreme Court levels. Portman received undergraduate and graduate degrees from Stanford University and a law degree from Santa Clara University.

Direct download: CW_796_FBF.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:39am EST

Jason shares the details for the Creating Wealth Seminar and Property Tour in Memphis, the Venture Alliance Mastermind in Las Vegas and what not to buy from your favorite local coffee shop before introducing guest, Julie Benezet. Julie is the Founder and Managing Principal of Business Growth Consultants and former Director of Global Real Estate at She joins Jason to give us a behind the curtain look at Amazon’s fascinating build out and philosophy. Julie also shares key points from her new book, The Journey of Not Knowing: How 21st Century Leaders Can Chart a Course Where There is None.

Key Takeaways:

[1:42] Jason wants you to live long enough to enjoy the fruits of your investments.

[5:28] A Creating Wealth Seminar and Property Tour is set for the end of March in Memphis, TN.

[6:49] Harry Dent has made some crazy predictions and will come back on the show to explain them.

[13:30] Information for the Venture Alliance Mastermind: Your Financial Friends event in Las Vegas.


Julie Benezet Guest Interview:

[17:01] Julie details her business planning efforts at

[21:55] Amazon’s ‘Get Big Fast’ mantra required employees who knew the rules of distribution.

[24:40] How Amazon chose locations for their fulfillment centers.

[28:17] Unpacking Julie’s book to understand the 4 steps required to do business in the 21st century.

[34:59] Julie reviews the 4 steps.

[35:56] Germany was the location of Julie’s defining moment as a leader.

[42:35] Pay attention to your customers!  

Mentioned in This Episode:

Jason Hartman

Creating Wealth Seminar and Property Tour in Memphis

Venture Alliance Mastermind

JHart88 on Voxer

Foundation for Economic Education

Business Growth Consulting

The Journey of Not Knowing

Jason details an exclusive new financing option for income property investors which is now available as it has never been a better time to lock in a rate. Trump, the first real estate president, may be good for business but he will usher in inflation and rising interest rates. Also, Joe describes the changes Fannie Mae recently announced. They are now allowing investors to put 20% down on their first 10 properties, but with caveats. The important thing to remember is that once you own the property you have options.

Key Takeaways:

[3:03] Details for the next Venture Alliance Mastermind in Las Vegas.

[5:02] An exclusive financing offer for income property investors.

[8:02] Owning the paper and being the lender is Jason’s second favorite asset.

[17:07] When you are a real estate investor your tenant is your customer.

[18:01] Jawad Mian writes “Check your biases at the door; Trump is good for business.”

[21:44] Vancouver, British Columbia is experiencing a bubble, sales have plummeted by 40%.

[26:15] Fannie Mae allows borrowers to put 20% down or the first 10 properties.

[28:28] Interest rates are rising so lock the rate on your property rate now.

[33:22] 85-90 days in the maximum time to lock in a rate.

[34:53] Joe explains loan level price adjustments to rate.

[37:07] The Trump administration may replace the head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

[42:00] The ease or difficulty of qualifying for a loan.

Mentioned in This Episode:

Jason Hartman

Venture Alliance Mastermind

Stray Reflections by Jawad Mian

Jason reveals how you can actually profit from prudent borrowing. Then Jason and Ben, a local businessman and caterer, discuss inflation and rising food prices.

Direct download: CW_793_FBF.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:54pm EST

Jason seeks to empower his investors with tools to assist them with self-managing their properties. The team offers complete solutions including inventory, property management tools and now exclusive financing with terms you will appreciate. Jason’s guest today is the founder of Rentec Direct, Nathan Miller. Nathan says his company is a client-focused program with a sweet spot of investors with 2-20 income properties.Tenant screening, automated payments and a property manager access option makes the tool accessible and easy to use.

Key Takeaways:

[1:38] Investor empowerment allows investors to control things in a positive way.

[4:09] The 3 major problems stemming from relinquishing control.

[5:55] The pathetic banks charge countless fees and don’t even pay interest anymore.

[20:38] Ask your Investment Counselor about our exclusive financing with reasonable fees.  


Nathan Miller Guest Interview

[25:07] Rentec Direct’s average client is an investor with 2-20 properties.

[27:06] The Rentec tool is designed to make a landlord’s life easier.

[32:16] Tenant screening is via Trans-Union.

[37:13] Rentec PM has the option to open an owner/investors portal and is 20% more.

[41:42] What differentiates Rentec Direct from their competition?

[47:17] Live chat support is available within the program.

Mentioned in This Episode:

Jason Hartman


Rentec Direct

Jason welcomes Muthiah Nachiappan to the show. Muthiah is a client with 9 properties and an avid property management contract reader. He discusses his self-designed Property Management Survey, the garbage fees most property owners pay but don’t question and how he became interested in income properties. For property owners, Jason shares 4 options for property management and then the 3 options property management companies have if they want to stay in business and service their customers.

Key Takeaways:

[2:44] Property Management contracts always favor the person who is drafting them.

[4:06] Jason wants to disrupt the property management business through self-management, a la carte services and flat fee property management.

[7:38] How Muthiah get interested in income properties.

[11:28] Muthiah explains his Property Management Survey.

[16:01] A flat fee system gives the property manager an agreed upon percentage of any money that comes in.

[21:30] These 4 options for property management should be available to every property owner.

[26:52] Property management companies need to change their business model to provide a hybrid option.

[31:21] Let your property management company know that you are an educated and aware investor.

[33:48] Muthiah shares his future investment plans and his retirement objectives.  

Mentioned in This Episode:

Jason Hartman

Jason talks with Harvey Mackay author of the New York Times #1 bestsellers Swim With The Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive and Beware the Naked Man Who Offers You His Shirt. Both books are among the top 15 inspirational business books of all time, according to the New York Times. In total, Harvey’s books have sold 10 million copies worldwide, been translated into 37 languages and sold in 80 countries.

Harvey is a nationally syndicated columnist for United Feature Syndicate, whose weekly articles appear in 52 newspapers around the country, including the Chicago Sun Times, Rocky Mountain News, Orange County Register, Minneapolis Star Tribune and Arizona Republic. He also is one of America’s most popular and entertaining business speakers. Toastmasters International named him one of the top five speakers in the world. At age 26, he purchased a small, failing envelope company in 1959 which has grown to a $100 million business employing over 600 people. MackayMitchell Envelope Company is one of the nation’s major envelope manufacturers, producing 25 million envelopes a day. As chairman, Harvey’s philosophy is engrained in the company, beginning with its motto: Do what you love, love what you do and deliver more than you promise.

Direct download: CW_790_FBF.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:39pm EST

Jason kicks this episode off with a financing offer for investors who have reached their Fannie/Freddie financing limit or are looking for an alternative to high-fee hedge fund loans. And later during the interview, the Executive Chairman of the Ayn Rand Institute, Dr. Yaron Brooks offers up his in-depth look at President Obama’s and President’s Trump’s governing styles. Dr. Brooks is the author of the best-selling book Equal is Unfair: America’s Misguided Fight Against Income Equality. He believes deregulation, decreasing taxes and shrinking government spending are the corrects paths to make the US government serve the American people in the manner intended by our forefathers.

Key Takeaways:

[2:10] Jason offers a limited supply financing opportunity, you can’t refuse.

[8:20] Trump’s temporary immigration ban is upsetting tech executives.

[15:54] Investing in paper investments when inventory is limited.  


Dr. Yaron Brook Guest Interview:

[19:16] Ayn Rand understood our culture so well she was able to predict the financial future.   

[23:04] What does Dr. Yaron Brook think about Trump?

[32:19] The president should be massively deregulating the US economy and shrinking government spending.

[40:32] Ayn Rand believed Libertarians didn’t focus enough on individualism.

[42:21] Altruism is the idea that a person should live for the sake of other people.

[45:29] Dr. Brook believes technology is the true reason for the loss of manufacturing jobs in America.

Mentioned in This Episode:

Jason Hartman

Refi 'Til Ya Die!

Ayn Rand Institute

Yaron Brooks Podcast

Equal is Unfair: America’s Misguided Fight Against Income Equality

Jason kicks off this episode with a reminder about the support he and his team gives their clients and his thoughts about the Trump administration and the forthcoming inflation. Guest Chris Porter is the coauthor of Big Shifts Ahead and the Vice President and Chief Demographer at John Burns Real Estate Consulting. Chris explains how demographic issues affect the real estate market, the economy and business cycles.

Key Takeaways:

[1:42] Advocating for clients is what sets Jason and his team apart from other real estate groups.

[7:03] Jason only does business with top-shelf vendors.

[9:14] An upcoming Memphis property tour?

[11:53] The inflationary economy and the real estate market should do well under the Trump administration.

[17:35] Income property is a multi-dimensional asset.


Chris Porter Guest Interview:

[24:05] Chris dives into the new book Big Shifts Ahead: Demographic Clarity for Businesses.

[26:37] Chris lists the nicknames given to generations which were based on the shifts they ushered.

[35:10] A generation is more likely to act like their grandparents than their parents.

[36:06] The impending shadow demand on the housing market.

[38:25] Immigration has fueled one-third of the population growth in the U.S.

[40:41] John Burns Real Estate consulting estimated home ownership will fall below 61% over the next 10 years.

[44:07] Southern markets are offering incentives to businesses for relocation.

[45:42] Defining urban, suburban and rural communities.

[50:16] Surban - Bringing the best urban qualities to a traditional suburban environment.

Mentioned in This Episode:

Jason Hartman

John Burns Real Estate Consulting

Big Shifts Ahead

The lending regulations have changed drastically within the past two years, causing investors quite a headache when attempting to buy America’s most tax-favored investment, income properties….

Direct download: CW_787_FBF.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:32pm EST

Jason’s curiosity leads him down the path of celebrity net worth. The numbers he uncovers are not what you might think. And, during the guest interview, David Pogue shares simple life hacks for making money in the sharing economy and how to get free stuff. David is the founder of Yahoo Tech, a technology columnist and correspondent for Scientific American and CBS Sunday News morning. He is the former tech columnist for the New York Times and the host of PBS’s NOVA. David is a four-time Emmy winner, a two-time Webby award winner and author of several books including his new release, Pogue’s Basics: Money.

Key Takeaways:

[4:38] How much are they worth? Looking at the income versus net worth of the rich and famous.  


David Pogue Guest Interview:

[16:42] David Pogue describes the Pogue book series.

[18:38] Pogue’s Basics: Money is basically a book of financial life hacks.

[22:40] The psychology of money.

[28:00] The sharing economy is changing lives.

[32:14] The Internet of Things is not winning over the market.

[35:50] The Consumer Electronics Show will feature wearable medical trackers and voice controlled apps.

[39:30] Apple has recently put its best foot forward in voice-controlled tech.

[41:08] David Pogue is busy writing his new books.

Mentioned in This Episode:

Jason Hartman

Creating Wealth #784 - Packaged Commodities

Holistic Survival Show

Celebrity Net Worth

David Pogue

@pogue - David Pogue on Twitter

Yahoo Tech