Fri, 30 June 2017
![]() Originally aired on CW 320. Jason Hartman interviews Dr. Bob Wright, co-author of Transformed! The Science of Spectacular Living and Beyond Time Management: Business with a Purpose, to talk about the science and positive results in personal transformation and finding purpose. Dr. Wright discusses identifying inner yearnings, becoming more engaged, and becoming more aware of our programming (limitations) and changing them. He explains the difference between learning and growing and how to transform our lives by rebuilding neuro pathways in the brain. He also defines the three types of happiness – hedonic, engaged and meaningful – and how to create an intimate relationship with our fears in order to transform. Dr. Wright then talks with Jason about finding deeper purpose in business, creating a more meaningful, more fulfilling experience.Dr. Robert Wright is a highly successful entrepreneur, world-class executive coach, and dynamic corporate consultant.
Direct download: CW2085020FBF20The20Science20of20Spectacular20Living20with20Dr.20Bob20Wright20Author20of20Beyond20Time20Management20Business20With20A20Purpose.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:37am EST |
Thu, 29 June 2017
In this solo episode, Jason recaps the extraordinary Venture Alliance Mastermind in Chicago this past weekend and he continues to advocate for the buy and hold, long-term investment strategy of income property. It is truly the most historically-proven asset class in the world. Jason also shares pertinent real estate articles demonstrating the absolute folly of the over-priced, luxury home market and an article about the hourly wage your renters must make to afford a two bedroom home in various states in the US. Key Takeaways:[01:12] Venture Alliance Mastermind wrap-up. [04:03] $51M Foreclosure Signals Bad News for Luxury Market. [09:16] The opportunity cost of letting your money sleep. [18:51] Linear, cash-flow market real estate investors should avoid trying to time the market. [21:43] The concept of sunk cost bias influences us to stay in a bad deal. [27:39] Refi-till-you-die leverages your property so you can take advantage of inflation induced debt destruction. [29:59] Pet rent should be charged to tenants with pets. [35:16] Make ready costs can be reduced long-term by using quality paints and surfaces. [36:12] What hourly wage do you need to make to rent a two bedroom home in states around the US? Mentioned in This Episode:$51M Foreclosure Signals Bad News in Luxury Market by Gina Carey
Direct download: CW2084920-20Upscale20Foreclosures2C20Opportunity20Cost20vs20Urgency2C20Market20Timing.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:25am EST |
Mon, 26 June 2017
![]() Investment Counselor and Local Market Specialist Liaison, Carrie joins Jason to see if he can correctly predict the effect the rise in interest rates will have on the US economy. Jason reminds us the Feds don’t directly impact mortgage rates but by directly impacting short-term rates all rates will be affected. For those of you who have income properties, the higher interest rates will put upward pressure on rents. And if you are looking for additional properties, be sure to get pre-approved for financing before the Oklahoma Property Tour and JHU Live event. Key Takeaways:[03:52] Oklahoma City has a lot of inventory available and you can see it on the upcoming property tour. [09:13] What does the spike in interest rates mean for investors? [15:27] Higher interest rates will put upward pressure on rents and lessen the concentration of wealth. [19:37] Local Market Specialists and Investment Counselors are always working in the client's best interest. [29:01] It's important to get pre-approved for financing in today's seller’s market. [30:30] Jason hints about the location for the next Venture Alliance Mastermind. Mentioned in This Episode:
Direct download: CW2084820-20Prices202620Rents20vs20Interest20Rates2C20Selling20The20Seller20On20You2C20Property2C20Market202620Provider20Quality20-20Carrie202620Jason.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:26pm EST |
Fri, 23 June 2017
![]() Originally aired on CW 343. Tom Kraeutler is the President of Money Pit Media and Co-host of “The Money Pit,” the nation’s largest nationally syndicated home improvement radio program. He is a home improvement expert.In a rapidly improving housing market, Kraeutler discusses some home improvements we can make, which will pay for themselves in resale value. This would include upgrading home efficiency and performance.
Direct download: CW2084720FBF20Home20Improvements202620Resale20Value20with20Tom20Kraeutler20Co-Host20of20E28098The20Money20PitE2809920AmericaE28099s2023120Home20Improvement20Radio20Program.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30am EST |
Wed, 21 June 2017
![]() Jason welcomes two guests to the show today. First, private lender Bill Green gets specific with available rates and financing offers available for buy and hold 30-year loans and shorter span bridge loans. He describes the differences between the options and shares and example of when each loan may be applicable for the purchase of your next property. And later in the show, Daren Blomquist returns to the podcast to give us a real estate market update and to provide some unique market data tools his company created. Supply is low and demand is high. If a property makes financial sense buy, buy, buy. Key Takeaways:
[01:23] Private lenders help fill the gap between agency loans and hard-money lenders. [05:05] Bill Green explains the financing and rates available for long-term and bridge loans.
Daren Blomquist Guest Interview:
[17:21] Home price appreciation accelerated during the 1st quarter. [20:01] Linear markets may be morphing into hybrid markets during this period of high demand. [25:49] Technology makes geography less and less important. [27:41] Daren describes the Housing Affordability Index tool and the Pre-mover Index tool. [35:45] Income Property Investors should be wary of high appreciation markets. [37:52] Are the front lines of the real estate market backing out because they smell trouble? Mentioned in This Episode:
Direct download: CW2084620-20New20RE20Metrics202620Forecasts20-20The20Pre-Buyer20Index2C20ATTOM20Data202620RealtyTrac20-20Daren20Blomquist.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:24pm EST |
Mon, 19 June 2017
On today’s episode, Jason welcomes Investment Counselor, Oliver back to the podcast to discuss current market conditions, why it’s important to attend live events and the solid foundation of linear markets. A real estate bubble might be right around the corner in expensive cyclical markets but if your portfolio includes a smart mix of linear and hybrid market properties you will ride the wave and continue to grow your wealth no matter what the economic climate. Be sure to check the Creating Wealth Show’s back catalog of episodes for more information about the 10 Commandments of Successful Investing. Key Takeaways:[05:08] When new clients see the monthly cash flow their income properties create they get hungry for more properties. [07:33] An example of how to get rich on linear market properties; breaking down the benefits. [14:19] Attending live events like the Oklahoma City JHU event, Property Tours and the Venture Alliance allows you to meet like-minded investors. [17:58] Current market conditions are making property inventories tight. [23:20] Real estate investors must combine their capital with persistence to make money. [29:09] Buy and hold real estate investments are still on good solid ground with good rent to value ratios. [31:02] Expensive new construction properties act like a hybrid even in a linear market. [33:29] Jason recommends the book, Outwitting the Devil. Mentioned in This Episode:Outwitting the Devil: The Secret to Freedom and Success by Napoleon Hill
Direct download: CW2084520-20Market20Conditions202620Client20Case20Studies20with20Oliver202620Jason.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:35pm EST |
Fri, 16 June 2017
Originally aired on CW 819 When 18 out of 20 valuation sources say the S&P is radically overvalued, it might be true. Most of you know never to invest in the stock market (unless you are an insider) but just in case, Jason shares a table with some astounding estimations of how overvalued the S&P is. And a local market specialist joins us from Oklahoma City to describe the benefits of investing in the primarily new construction market there. He says that a dollar stretches further, tornadoes have moved East and it’s a landlord friendly market.
Direct download: CW_844_FBF_S26P_Overvalued_Says_18_Metrics2C_REI_P.E_Ratio_26_Surprise_Market_Profile.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:42pm EST |
Wed, 14 June 2017
Jason has left the most expensive city in the US, NYC, and is enjoying fly over state pricing once again. The meat of this episode is a recording of a Creating Wealth Live session which focuses on inflation. We all know inflation is right around the corner as it is the only way the government can get out of the current economic climate. Inflation will erode our purchasing power, our stocks, our savings and the rich will get richer. Investing in Income Property is your best weapon against the forthcoming inflationary increase. Key Takeaways:[02:54] Using a movie or Broadway play can get the attention of the political left. [06:29] Investors should align their interests with the government and the powers that be. [09:18] The Venture Alliance Mastermind in Chicago and the Oklahoma City JHU Live and Property Tour.
Creating Wealth Live Clip
[10:42] The 6 ways the government is likely to inflate themselves out of a mess. [12:54] Understanding inflation in all of its forms. [15:53] The political left uses the guise of compassion and the right uses the guise of fiscal responsibility. [17:57] The government imports a deflationary force. [21:53] All the bills Americans need to pay are increasing while the price of ‘wants’ is going down. [25:39] How does income property counteract inflation? Mentioned in This Episode:Renter’s Warehouse - Get 3 free months of property management with this link.
Direct download: CW2084320Creating20Wealth20Live20on20Inflation20Induced20Debt20Destruction20with20Jason20Hartman.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:46pm EST |
Mon, 12 June 2017
![]() Client and fellow podcaster, Elisabeth Embry joins Jason to discuss the importance of coming to the live events, finding the true value of your properties and what happens when interest rates rise and inventories are low. The upcoming Venture Alliance and Oklahoma City Property Tour and Jason Hartman University Live events are a great way to meet like-minded people who are income property investors. You can share your creative ideas with Jason or any of the investment counselors at these events and there are tried and true professionals who share their real life experience on the panels. Go to and sign up today. Key Takeaways:[03:13] In a booming real estate market nobody is making money if they don't have any inventory to sell. [06:48] The quality of properties lowers when property inventories are limited. [09:31] Puerto Rico, are the tax breaks worth the risk? [16:04] Zillow could be getting sued for their Zestimates. [23:14] A Trulia article states houses haven't reached the pre-recession peak. [27:14] To see properties that make sense come to the Oklahoma Property Tour and Jason Hartman University Live Event. [30:19] Will there be three rate hikes by the Federal Reserve in 2017? [35:22] Sarbanes-Oxley had very little effect on Wells Fargo thievery. [40:23] If you are a Jason Hartman client and want to contribute to a mutual project or goal contact your investment counselor. Mentioned in This Episode:Renter’s Warehouse - Get 3 free months of property management with this link.
Direct download: CW2084220-20Interest20Rate20Hikes2C20Zillow20Accuracy2C20Most20Market20Values20Still20Low202620More20with20Elisabeth202620Jason.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:50am EST |
Fri, 9 June 2017
![]() Originally aired on CW 267. Despite the grim, doom-and-gloom events occurring in our world today, emerging technologies will make it possible to overcome challenges and bring about significant abundance. Jason Hartman interviews Steven Kotler, co-author of the book, “Abundance,” also co-authored by Peter Diamandis.
Direct download: CW_841_FBF_Technological_Optimism_with_Steven_Kotler_Author_of_Abundance_The_Future_is_Better_Than_You_Think.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:38am EST |
Wed, 7 June 2017
![]() Jason is in the big apple, New York City, for this 10th episode show. He is definitely not looking for income properties as the Hartman Risk Evaluator said there were no good rent-to-value ratios to be found there.
Jason’s welcomes author William Poundstone to tell us about his new book, Head in the Cloud: Why Knowing Things Still Matters When Facts are So Easy to Look Up. Mr. Poundstone is also the author of the New York Times best-selling books, Fortune's Formula: The Untold Story of Scientific Betting System that Beat the Casinos and Wall Street, Priceless: The Myth of Fair Value and How to Take Advantage of It and Gaming the Vote: Why Elections Aren't Fair and What We Can Do About it. Key Takeaways:[04:11] Income property is the 'ideal' multi-dimensional asset class but there are others. [07:28] Corporate raiders would creatively acquire a company and part it out akin to income property investors today. [12:29] The upcoming Venture Alliance Mastermind in Chicago includes an appearance by Mish Shedlock.
William Poundstone Interview:
[17:22] William explains the premise of his latest book, Head in the Cloud. [21:13] Having a general knowledge of baseline facts and the Dunning-Kruger effect have humbling assets. [23:38] The larger a person's vocabulary is akin to their ability to think. [27:22] How does America stack up on the map of ignorance? [29:53] Americans will vote for judges with less ethnic sounding names if they don't know the candidates. [36:01] The Kelly Formula informs a user of the optimal amount you should be putting on each bet or investment. Mentioned in This Episode:Renter’s Warehouse - Get 3 free months of property management with this link.
Direct download: CW2084020William20Poundstone20-20Head20in20the20Cloud2C20Why20Knowing20Things20Still20Matters20When20Facts20Are20So20Easy20to20Look20Up202620Fortune27s20Formula20Scientific20Bettering20System.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:41pm EST |
Mon, 5 June 2017
![]() Jason and guest, Bob Filner take part in a jovial tete-a-tete about the Trump Administration, how the remiss government regulators are towards financial institutions and the reinvention of the democratic party. As the former House Committee Chairman on Veteran’s Affairs, Bob Filner tackled Jamie Dimon and JP Morgan by threatening to press charges for their unethical treatment of military personnel by foreclosing on their mortgage loans. Mr. Filner was also the Mayor of San Diego and this interview comes on the heels of the release of his new book, Trumping Trump: Making Democrats Progressive Again. Key Takeaways:[03:18] Retargeting keeps people in a perpetual state of stale. [14:44] The Venture Alliance Mastermind and the Oklahoma JHU Live and Property Tour will include the micro and macro benefits to income property investing.
Bob Filner Interview:
[17:51] Bob Filner shares the purpose behind his book, Trumping Trump. [20:19] Will the Tobin tax discourage trading and betting on non-asset based investments? [23:13] Bob would like to rebrand the democratic party as the party of the working people. [25:11] Bob threatened Jamie Dimon and JPMorgan for foreclosing on military personnel's home while they were serving in active duty. [31:13] It is pathetic how easily you can buy justice. [32:05] Does the financial system need less or more regulation? [42:14] The problem with the Trump administration as Bob Filner sees it. [47:20] Trump's policies could have a devastating affect on the US economy. [49:16] What benefits the American worker more jobs and higher pay or low cost imported goods? Mentioned in This Episode:Renter’s Warehouse - Get 3 free months of property management with this link. Women’s Investing Network Podcast Trumping Trump: Making Democrats Progressive Again by Bob Filner
Direct download: CW_839_Trumping_Trump2C20Congressman_26_SD_Mayor_Bob_Filner2C_Committee_on_Veterans27_Affairs2C_Former_Mayor_of_San_Diego.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:30pm EST |
Fri, 2 June 2017
![]() Originally aired on CW 536. The debt crisis in Greece is proof that Socialism doesn’t work. Can you imagine camping out in front of an ATM only to be turned away? We need to be responsible. Socialism has never worked. Investing in long term, stable rental properties is the proper way to create and grow wealth. Make a decision on a material fact with us. Should the family have been notified about a stalker before they bought a house? And we go way back to the 1970’s when Jimmy Carter warned that the world’s oil was almost gone and the U.S. should invest in new technologies. Is the oil gone and do new energy sources have environmental sins of their own?
Category:general -- posted at: 7:03pm EST |
Wed, 31 May 2017
![]() This episode is very telling about the current and future state of the current US economy. Jason welcomes Tempo Funding Managing Director Mike Zlotnik to the show to discuss the what factors gave rise to and will ultimately tank the economy. As listeners to this program, you know real estate is the best class to hedge against inflation but if you also invest with institutional investors it may be time to fold your hand and become your own decision maker.
The Oklahoma City JHU Live event and Property Tour also includes a special panel of experts who will share their stories and answer your questions. Key Takeaways:[03:30] Yield rate and Cap rate compression defined. [08:01] After the 2008 crash the deal flow was abundant. [10:04] Institutional investors get rewarded for deploying capital, not finding the best deal. [15:04] Inflation is here and markets are softening. [20:44] Stagflation is a bizarre scenario but it is likely to happen. [29:19] Investors must prepare for the worst-case scenario. [30:51] Tempo Funding provides short and long-term hard money lending. Mentioned in This Episode:Renter’s Warehouse - Get 3 free months of property management with this link.
Direct download: CW_837_Asset_Inflation_Keeping_People_Out_of_The_Investor_Class2C_Stagnation2C_Hard_Money_Lending2C_Wage_Growth_with_Mike_Zlotnik.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01pm EST |