Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing with Jason Hartman

Relationship expert and best-selling author, Dr. John Gray, joins Jason Hartman to talk about research studies and Dr. Gray’s new work, “Boys to Men.”  Dr. Gray talks about how his observations have been backed up by and further explained by brain studies, showing obvious differences between men and women in brain function and hormones that affect health and behavior. He offers a deeper explanation of these differences based on scientific research showing how activities particular to each gender, diet, and an increased existence of xenoestrogens in our environment play a significant role in hormonal balance and imbalance.

Dr. Gray discusses the proper use of supplements and the dangers of pharmaceuticals. This leads into his new work regarding healthy male development and his upcoming new book, Boys to Men, a look at how boys have been affected by today’s culture, showing a higher dropout rate than girls, lower comprehension, and higher instances of boredom and depression.  The high carbohydrate diet we consume plays a big role in this trend, and he cites inflammation in the brain as one factor in decreased comprehension. He describes activities, diet and supplements that can alleviate inflammation and stress and bring about optimal health in both men and women.

John Gray, Ph.D. is the best-selling relationship author of all time and the most trusted voice in relationships today. He is the author of 17 books, including The New York Times #1 Best-Selling Book of the last decade, MEN ARE FROM MARS, WOMEN ARE FROM VENUS. His 17 books have sold over 50 million copies in 50 different languages around the world. John is a leading internationally recognized expert in the fields of communication and relationships. His unique focus is assisting men and women in understanding, respecting and appreciating their differences.

Direct download: cw-270-JohnGray.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:27am EDT

Jason Hartman starts with a discussion about the recent Facebook IPO scandal.  Morgan Stanley and the other IPO underwriters gave the bad news to their big clients about Facebook having a bad quarter but didn't bother to tell their financial advisors and individual clients about this - more bad behavior on Wall Street? 

Short Bloomberg News clip. What would Eliot Spitzer think of Morgan Stanley CEO James Gorman?

Direct download: cw-269-ClientCase.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:31pm EDT

Jason Hartman's monologue on episode #268 covers a range of topics, including:

Some thoughts on 3-D Printing and how it may mean fewer U.S. manufacturing jobs in the near term, Paul and Wohlers say the growing number of factories that likely will relocate to the U.S. should yield a net increase in employment.

The last show on "Abundance - The Future is Better Than You Think" and Jason's desire to have Alvin Toffler and or Heidi Toffler on a future episode - American writer and futurist, known for works discussing the digital revolution, communication revolution, corporate revolution and technological singularity. Works include: Future Shock, The Third Wave, Power Shift, Revolutionary Wealth, Creating a new civilization, War and Anti-War.

Marcus and Millichap survey showing strong rental markets with limited rental housing supply and increasing rents in 39 markets nationwide.

Direct download: cw-268-Indianapolis.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:33am EDT

Despite the grim, doom-and-gloom events occurring in our world today, emerging technologies will make it possible to overcome challenges and bring about significant abundance. Jason Hartman interviews Steven Kotler, co-author of the book, “Abundance,” also co-authored by Peter Diamandis.

Steven talks about the four forces bringing about abundance, explaining how improvements and new developments in communication technology have already brought many people around the globe out of poverty by bringing more and more brilliant minds online. Medical technology advances will make it possible to diagnose illnesses and disease from home, without incurring the costs of physician and lab fees. People may soon be able to pick IBM’s supercomputer Watson’s brain online for free. There have been huge advancements in online education technologies.

Steven and Jason also discuss population control by raising the standard of living through clean water, education, and good healthcare. Steven points out the domino effect of continuously improving technologies that allow for higher standards of living and better health. He also talks about the “network effect,” how it affects people and governments around the world, leading to amazing innovations and changes from surprising sources.

There have been incredible advancements in clean water and food production. The answer to saving biodiversities that cannot be replaced is freeing up land and repurposing it. Vertical gardening is one new process that provides more food in less space, while dropping the transportation costs of farming to zero.Steven Kotler is a bestselling author and an award-winning journalist. His books include the non-fiction works: Abundance, A Small, Furry Prayer, and West of Jesus, and the novel The Angle Quickest for Flight. His articles have appeared in over 60 publications, including: New York Times Magazine, Wired, Discover, Popular Science, Outside, GQ, and National Geographic. He writes “The Playing Field,” a blog about the science of sport and culture for

Direct download: cw-267-StevenKotler.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:35am EDT

Jason Hartman discusses the two California city bankruptcies that occurred in just one week.  Both Stockton, California and Mammoth Lakes are seeking bankruptcy protection. Jason has been predicting municipal bankruptcies for about six years now noting how big government simple does not work, more to come.

Airbus is investing several hundred million dollars for a new manufacturing plant in Mobile, Alabama in hopes that the Airbus A320 can better compete with the Boeing 737 in the American market - this is good news for income property owners; however, it will take a few years to materialize.

Direct download: cw-266-ClientCall.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:16pm EDT