Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing with Jason Hartman

This episode includes a summary of’s 2016 real estate predictions and how the spending bill passed by congress last week included a tiny piece of legislation designed to limit the ability of financial advisors who only promote high fee products to their customers. And, like I always say, “It’s a great time to be alive”. I tell you about my trip to Arizona driving my new semi-autonomous Tesla and how the motor company is leveraging crowdsourced data to build a better road trip.


Key Takeaways:

[2:18] Join us at the Meet the Masters event to get started on your goals for the New Year

[4:08] Financial advisors might have to start giving you sound advice - article from Newser

[9:24] The spending bill which cleared congress last week

[11:55] Why Jason doesn’t confront his guests?

[20:30] Tesla Motors aggregates data to enhance the driving experience

[22:40] Brad Inman’s 2016 real estate predictions

[25:41] Was the 10.5% drop in home sales linked to changes in closing procedures?

[29:05] The era of the empowered investor

[34:54] Will Uber team up with a real estate company for instant access to showings?



JHart88 on Voxer

Venture Alliance Mastermind


The Big Short movie



Real Estate Tools

Direct download: CW2061420Jason.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:58pm EST

Jason ushers us into this episode by taking us through Julie Malinowski’s article “6 Trends Among Landlords and Tips to Outperform the Norm”. He also reminds us there are a few tickets left to the upcoming Meet the Masters event and about the upcoming Venture Alliance Mastermind in Dubai.


In today’s guest interview, Alvin E. Roth has written a book about markets. If you are wondering what type of market, as Mr. Roth tells us himself, it’s not important what type of market. It’s the market itself. He guides us through the interview discussing chapters of his book, “Who Gets What and Why” with real life examples of the organ donation market, the online matchmaking market and even shares his thoughts on how realtors have survived in our internet-based, do it yourself economy.


Key Takeaways:


Jason’s Editorial:

[2:42] Does ISIS really make over 1 Billion dollars a year?

[3:50] Gino from Cozy will be speaking at Meet the Masters

[4:44] Getting ripped off

[7:45] Julie Malinowski's article about 6 important property management trends and tips

[19:28] The 17th Meet the Masters event is coming up and there are a few tickets left

[20:35] Join the Venture Alliance Mastermind group during February in Dubai


Alvin E. Roth Guest Interview:


[21:56] The rules of a marketplace constitutes its design

[25:15] Alvin Roth analyzes the surprising U.S. real estate market

[28:30] Give realtors the 6% they deserve?

[33:10] Matching markets allow you to choose and to be chosen without pricing

[34:30] The matching market of organ donations i.e., kidney exchanges

[37:51] What rules should apply to repugnant transactions

[42:40] The government both interferes and supports all types of contracts

[45:19] “Who Gets What and Why” can be used as a field guide to markets

[46:28] How to understand signals of interest

[47:46] The matchmaking market signal experiment

[50:34] Contact information for Alvin Roth



Venture Alliance Mastermind

EZ Landlord Forms

6 Trends Among Landlords and Tips to Outperform the Norm

Who Gets What and Why


Living Kidney Donors Network


Direct download: CW_613_Alvin_E_Roth.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:13pm EST

Jason is feeling generous… Enjoy an entire free issue of The Financial Freedom Report.  Here is our source for innovative, forward-thinking investment property and home-based internet business strategies and advice.

Income property investing is the most reliable path to wealth. History has proven it time after time. So, why do people still waste their time and energy with Wall Street’s pitiful selection of junk stocks and laughably inefficient mutual funds? Who knows? Our guess is financial media payola and herd mentality – like buffaloes following the leader in a  blind charge over a cliff. Finally, here’s your chance to discover how to create real wealth in America today.

Obviously the question is “How do I get there from where I am?” This insurmountable hurdle is what stops most people. They have a hyper-inflated concept of how much money it takes to get started. The truth is,”Not That Much!”

The sky really is the limit when you have access to the right information. Information that tells you whether or not an investment makes financial sense the day you buy it. You need to know:

Why you shouldn’t believe the “national housing market” myth:
– 41 cities around the country hot for investing right now and the hottest micro-markets within them.
– How to tell at a glance if a property is a sweet deal and, more importantly, how to avoid the portfolio killers.
– Government policies that are destroying your savings, stocks, bonds, mutual funds and equity every single day.
– Secret ways you can grow wealthy from inflation while everyone else is moaning “The Economy is Killing Me” blues.
– How to apply unique arbitrage techniques to income property and skyrocket your wealth, while almost completely eliminating downside risk.

These may be pretty bold claims but income and wealth education pioneer, Jason Hartman, has built a career and a company on putting his money where his mouth is. If you want to create the kind of life-changing wealth Wall Street and other investment schemes promise but never deliver, Jason’s team of Investment Counselors would love to tech you how. They decided the best way to get this cutting-edge investment knowledge out to you is in a premium monthly newsletter, Jason Hartman’s Financial Freedom Report.

This newsletter is like nothing you’ve seen before. It vanquishes the guesswork and uses clear language to describe the strategies of how you can implement income property investing the right way. Re-create the exact steps Jason used to become a multi-millionaire. In addition, expect spot-on analysis of the real world of property investing in each lengthy, full-color, wealth creating issue. We strongly suggest that you do not take the risk of investing without it.

If you are exhausted from trying what doesn’t work and ready to create significant wealth in your life right now and protect what you’ve earned, the choice is very simple – Jason Hartman’s Financial Freedom Report.  It’s $197 annually for email edition; however, you can enjoy this issue with our compliments.

Direct download: CW_612_FBF.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:41pm EST

What makes the U.S. so great? What could lead to its financial demise? Our guest, John Addison answers both of these questions and makes some predictions for the future of our great nation as only he is uniquely qualified to do. He is a veteran of the financial services industry and currently shares his extensive knowledge through public speaking engagements. During the course of our conversation, he gives millennials savings advice and warns us about the problems of national debt and entitlement programs. 


Key Takeaways:

Jason’s Editorial:

[2:33] Merry Christmas from Jason!

[3:47] Upcoming monologue episodes

[4:25] Download Voxer and contact Jason @jhart88

[6:00] So, tell us about the new Tesla S and Elon’s dream

[15:23] Meet the Masters dinner is full

[16:30] Founder and CEO of Cozy Co. will be speaking

[17:32] Venture Alliance Mastermind in February


John Addison Guest Interview:

[18:44] The history of Primerica

[20:42] Middle-Market America has been ignored by the financial industry

[23:20] Delivering financial products is Primerica’s core value

[25:12] A question of the savings component

[30:49] Living beneath your means when you are young

[32:43] 108,000 independent representatives sell Primerica products

[35:31] In 1990, Primerica was sold and became Citigroup

[40:38] Sharing his life through public speaking

[42:56] This biggest challenge this economy has is it’s ability to grow

[46:13] The U.S. has the top capital market in the world

[49:09] Always look out for this…

[51:09] Main Street feels helpless

[53:24] U.S. debt and growth of entitlements are our biggest issues

[57:43] John’s advice to young people “Get paid for something you love” 

[58:53] Contact information for John






Venture Alliance Mastermind

Addison Leadership Group

Success Magazine

Our Meet the Masters of Income Property event is coming up soon and to start prepping for the affair Garrett Sutton introduces us to his topic of discussion for the event, asset protection. We talk about his new book and strategies for protecting your assets.

During the guest interview, Emily Filloramo helps us to unlock the fear and shame which may be holding us back from being the best we can be. She describes how childhood traumas may have a lasting effect in our business and personal lives. We need to recognize our negative self-talk and analyze our personal protective systems.


Key Takeaways:

Garrett Sutton Intro:

[2:23] Asset protection advice from someone who knows the business

[4:09] The State of California is the worst place to do business in the U.S.

[7:11] What is your asset protection strategy?

[8:47] Series LLC’s

[10:16] Garrett has 10 books including 6 in the Rich Dad Advisor series and his new book

[12:04] Meet the Masters of Income Property, extra tickets are available

[13:04] Venture Alliance Mastermind meeting is in Dubai - Get your tickets now


Emily Filloramo Guest Interview:

[15:00] Pieces of ourselves which hold us back

[17:27] Going deeper to identify the part of you which is afraid of success

[18:52] People live through a mask especially in their 20’s and 30’s

[21:15] Feeling shame and not belonging at a young age

[23:47] Arrogance is a sign people are hiding shame

[25:18] Understanding psycho-spiritual healing

[28:44] Is it safe for you to reach a goal is a question which identifies negative self-talk

[31:07] A Nelson Mandela quote

[33:05] Self-sabotage in the face of fear

[36:36] Analyzing your protective system

[40:41] Contact information for Emily



Garrett Sutton

Finance your own Business - Garrett Sutton

Jason Hartman

Venture Alliance Mastermind

How to Permanently Erase Negative Self-Talk So You Can Be Extraordinary

Be More Extraordinary

Direct download: CW2061020Emily20Filloramo20-20How20To20Erase20Negative20Self-Talk.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:55am EST

Jason Hartman talks with the founder of, Greg Hunter, who has nearly nine years network experience as an investigative correspondent.  He worked for ABC News and Good Morning America for nearly six years. Most recently, Greg worked for CNN on shows such as Paula Zahn Now, American Morning and various CNN business shows.  Greg is a hard hitting reporter who has a history of getting to the truth no matter how difficult the subject.  Some of his stories include “Dangerous Deadly Depleted Uranium Munitions,” where Hunter uncovered the Army’s lack of warning for radioactive dust exposed to our troops on the battlefield.

In a story called “Produce the Note”, Hunter uncovered in 40 percent of foreclosures the bankers cannot prove they legally own the property. If an embattled homeowner knows that fact, it could mean the difference between being thrown out in the cold and having a roof over his head. And in a report in March of 2008, Hunter exposed the hidden fact the banks were in trouble and the economy was headed for a fall.  Greg warned viewers of the coming problems long before other reporters picked up on the looming financial catastrophe.  In 2009, many in the mainstream media said things such as “no one saw the crisis coming.”

Hunter joined ABC News in 1999 from WTSP-TV in Tampa.  He has earned a “National Headliner Award,” an International “Freddie Award”  for health and medical reporting, as well as investigative reporting awards from both the “Society of Professional Journalists” and the “Radio Television News Directors Association.”


Direct download: CW_609_FBF.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:15pm EST

If you were on the fence about Wall Street being the modern version of organized crime after listening to this episode you may quickly empty out your retirement account and invest it in income property. Putting clients interests after their own is perfectly legal in today’s mutual fund industry and even the supposed protective watchdog agency, FINRA gets all of their funding from Wall Street. Our guest, Bobby Monks, helps us, the average investors to demystify the market and advises us on safer places to invest our money (it’s real estate! Who knew?).


Key Takeaways:


Jason’s Editorial:

[1:58] What questions are we asking ourselves?

[6:56] How to be grateful for and enjoy everything in life

[7:55] Changing your question changes your life

[9:55] The Venture Alliance Mastermind Dubai trip still has a few tickets


Bobby Monks Guest Interview:

[12:36] Bobby truly is an insider

[14:03] Is Wall Street systemically corrupt?

[15:46] Breaking down the elements of kickback fees in retirement accounts

[18:46] What can investors do to fight back

[20:01] Average investors should negotiate like the institutional investors do

[22:21] And it’s all perfectly legal

[24:08] FINRA is a lap dog, not a watchdog

[26:45] FINRA is a self-regulatory organization created 2007 paid for by Wall Street

[28:43] Demystifying the system for the average investor

[29:59[ Index funds have their problems too

[32:08] Why real estate is a better investment than money market

[36:11] Institutional Shareholder Services is the real Wall Street watchdog

[38:53] Contact Bobby and get the book



Facebook -

Venture Alliance Mastermind

Bobby Monks

Spinnaker Trust




Direct download: CW_608_Bobby_Monks.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:18pm EST

It’s a great time to be alive. Technology allows us to communicate and collaborate with a country and it’s people, anytime day or night. We can use air-conditioning to deep freeze conference rooms and take jumbo jets to Dubai for amazing educational seminars. Our guest, Jane Root has transformed major networks with what she calls clever pleasure. She searches out engaging true stories and backs them up with interesting facts to inform and entertain us. Her latest project The 2000s: A New Reality is available on National Geographic and Youtube.


Key Takeaways:


Jason’s Editorial:

[1:25] Predicting the future and investing for cashflow

[2:51] Yogi Berra quote

[3:24] A VIP dinner before our Meet the Masters

[5:04] The smartphone is intelligent more intelligent than NASA in 1969

[6:44] Middle-class plummets to less than 50% in the U.S.

[16:02] Tony Robbin’s air-conditioning abuse

[20:36] Tony Robbins powerful event therapy

[22:32] The Venture Alliance trip in Dubai

[23:26] Proximity is power


Jane Root Guest Interview:

[25:43] The 2000’s show us the world is a strange place

[27:42] The 80’s monetized and the 90’s economized

[33:04] Napster led the way for the iPod

[35:19] Some real stories from the 2000’s are comedies

[36:51] Enron was a big production to disguise what was really happening

[38:26] Technology came alive in the 2000’s

[40:04] Trends came together with collaboration

[42:32] Fun facts about the 2000’s you may not have known

[43:47] Contact information for Jane




Discovery Channel Networks

Yapp app


Middle Class Plummets to Less than 50% article

Jason Hartman

Venture Alliance Mastermind

Jason discusses commercial real estate and the value of housing vs office and retail properties.  Next, a radio interview on Platinum’s Predictions White Paper Special Report with an exclusive “ROI Build” profiling over 30 markets nationwide including The S&P/CaseShiller Home Price Indices. 

The White Paper includes forty (40) pages of unique information, innovative thinking, including executive summary, numerous charts and graphs, narrative information you will need to make wise decisions in 2010 and beyond. Also included are market predictions of over 30 markets nationwide including Platinum’s exclusive ROI build showing projected return on investment for each market – NOBODY ELSE DOES THIS!

Direct download: CW_606_FBF.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:20pm EST

Personal savings is designed to be built over time. Gold is an asset which may not be growing exponentially, but it continues to hold its value. Our guest, Joshua Crumb, runs the service company BitGold. BitGold is a software-based service which allows users to sign up at no cost and to buy gold or other precious metals at any time and in any amount they choose. Joshua has an extensive background including working for Goldman Sachs in the Global Economy division. He shares his thoughts on inflation, flaws in the federal system and his thoughts on why millennials may not have the leverage to invest in real estate.

Key Takeaways:

Jason’s Editorial:
[1:20] Kudos to Elizabeth and Debra in Tony Robbins organization
[3:18] No Voxer messages today, but you can record questions
[3:55] 2 medias in the world - the monologue and the dialogue
[8:36] The IMN conference - get the slides from the presentation free of charge
[10:15] Meet the Masters event is just about sold out
[10:41] Tony Robbins talks about 6 human needs
● Certainty
● Variety
● Significance
● Connection and Love
● Growth
● Contribution
[14:35] 3 questions from the event
[17:16] Venture Alliance Mastermind Dubai trip is coming up

Joshua Crumb Guest Interview:
[18:20] Joshua worked for Goldman Sachs in Global Economic Strategies
[19:52] Gold really isn’t an investment
[21:45] Savings is designed to be accumulated over time
[23:12] Gold may not be growing but it is holding its value
[27:25] Feedback on Peter Schiff’s predictions
[28:59] Millennials don’t have much leverage
[30:28] 2 important trends happening in the U.S. economy
[33:00] Long-term inflation is low
[34:14] Joshua believes inflation will increase
[35:56] Conspiracies may exist but no one can prove it
[36:20] BitGold makes it easy for anyone in the world to buy gold
[37:26] Brinks manages your gold and it’s insured with BitGold
[38:47] The service is fully redeemable and you can access your gold at any time
[39:45] BitGold is basically a software
[41:50] Spending your gold by way of a pre-paid Mastercard
[44:10] Comparing the risks between a saving account of gold and a bank account
[45:34] BitGold is only 4 months old but has 350,000 users


jhart 88 on Voxer - for answers to your questions
Jason Hartman - for IMN slides
Venture Alliance Mastermind

Small businesses have always found it difficult to find new customers, but technology has now made it possible for their customers to find them. Aggregation websites allow individuals to connect with service providers based on a simple search of a need they have. This sharing economy, dubbed the gig economy, offers flexibilities and opportunities previously not available to many workers.

Jason and Jon Lieber discuss the benefits of this economic atmosphere. the multitude of companies who offer these types of flexible opportunities and the crushing impact government regulations would have on both small business owners and the workers they contract.

Also, early in this episode there is a Voxer communication between Jason and a long time Creating Wealth listener you shouldn’t miss! 

Key Takeaways:

Jason’s Editorial:

[1:57] Geographically independent living

[3:53] Is there a flood of Chinese money flowing into the U.S. real estate market?

[5:52] Does the U.S. real estate market improve when the stock market drops?

[7:44] Making money through investments or through a business

[9:14] Only 8 tickets left for Meet the Masters

[9:39] Join us for the Dubai Venture Alliance trip

[10:08] Tough questions for Jason from a Creating Wealth listener via Voxer


Jon Lieber Guest Interview:

[34:50] Thumbtack connects individuals with small business professionals

[36:31] Finding work with your smartphone is possible through technology

[39:06] Aggregating insurance issues

[39:40] Thumbtack works with independent contractors by facilitating the introduction

[41:52] Finding new clients is a contractor's most difficult task

[44:23] A cost effective way to bring humans together

[45:54] The social safety net applies to employees but not independent contractors

[48:22] People still struggle to find work even when using aggregators

[50:13] Small businesses may not be able to employ a full-time worker but can offer flexible work

[51:27] Flexibility is the key to these new job opportunities

[53:42] If the government starts regulating  the cost will be passed on to workers and consumers

[57:01] Millions of small businesses are having difficulty dealing with government regulations





Four Hour Workweek

Chinese Cash Floods U.S. Real Estate Market - New York Times article

Voxer - Contact Jason on jhart88

Venture Alliance Mastermind







Direct download: CW2060420Jon20Lieber.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:34pm EST

Jason talks with Harvey Mackay author of the New York Times #1 bestsellers Swim With The Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive and Beware the Naked Man Who Offers You His Shirt. Both books are among the top 15 inspirational business books of all time, according to the New York Times. In total, Harvey’s books have sold 10 million copies worldwide, been translated into 37 languages and sold in 80 countries.

Direct download: CW_603_FBF.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:24am EST

NeighborhoodScout is an online data tool you can use to make real estate evaluations a breeze. Simple searches serve up quality information. The information is used by government agencies, real estate investors and individuals alike. Today’s guest, Dr. Andrew Schiller, the creator of the site, has a Ph.D. in geography, focusing in sustainable development.


Key Takeaways:


Jason’s Editorial:

[1:43] Jeff uses Voxer to ask Jason about startup costs

[7:09] General observations from the IMM conference in Scottsdale, AZ

[9:04] Embrace the fragmentation, 11K homes are owned by investors with less than 5 properties

[10:50] REITs is just not profitable, say some

[12:45] Meet the Masters of Income Property in January

[13:20] The Venture Alliance Mastermind trip to Dubai


Dr. Andrew Schiller Guest Interview:

[14:48] A Ph.D. in geography, using data for sustainable development

[17:29] Predicting crime risk at the individual address level

[17:49] Labeling real estate based on financial predictors

[18:50] Neighborhoodscout serves over 1 million people a month

[20:53] Analysing the raw data for vacancy rates and trends

[25:55] What should an investor be looking for when using NeighborhoodScout

[27:28] Communities with good schools maintain their value during tough times

[31:33] Other factors to consider when investing in income property

[34:29] The tipping point for stable rentals

[36:35] Why on earth would students take on 4 times the debt than their first job would pay?

[39:09] Our information on crime is very telling, Oakland, CA is the most expensive dangerous city

[42:58] Derby Street in Berkeley, CA, why is the crime so high?

[44:10] Inexpensive and safe places are available in the U.S.

[47:20] The perfect place for Jason to live

[49:10] How to use a subscription to the website

[50:01] The Federal Reserve and HUD use NeighborhoodScout for tax credit info

[52:43] Meritocracy



Voxer - Find Jason at jhart88


Venture Alliance Mastermind


Location Inc


Direct download: CW_602_Dr_Andrew_Schiller.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:38pm EST