Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing with Jason Hartman

Previously aired as CW 373


Rodney Johnson is President and Editor of Dent Research. He joins the show to explain why gold will fall below $800.


Johnson then discusses whether the US economy is slowing. He also shares how investors can build streams of income instead of relying on equity markets.


Visit Dent Research at


Rodney Johnson works closely with Harry Dent to study how people spend their money as they go through predictable stages of life, how that spending drives our economy and how you can use this information to invest successfully in any market.  


Rodney began his career in financial services on Wall Street in the 1980s with Thomson McKinnon and then Prudential Securities. He started working on projects with Harry in the mid-1990s. He’s a regular guest on several radio programs such as America’s Wealth Management, Savvy Investor Radio, and has been featured on CNBC, Fox News and Fox Business’s “America’s Nightly Scorecard, where he discusses economic trends ranging from the price of oil to the direction of the U.S. economy.  


He holds degrees from Georgetown University and Southern Methodist University.

Direct download: CW_823_FBF.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

The housing market is a seller’s market right now and Trump’s tax cuts may elongate the duration. Jason explains how a tax cut will boost the US economy and how investors can benefit from the multiplier effect. And later in the interview, Joe Fairless shares his rags to riches story. He explains how he got started investing, the necessary components of a master lease and how he scaled his portfolio so quickly.

Key Takeaways:

[01:28] Renter's Warehouse is the perfect sponsor for the Creating Wealth Show.

[04:27] The availability of properties in a linear market.

[07:50] CNBC clip about the demand for property in this seller's market.

[10:15] Trump wants to bring the tax rate from 35% to 15%.

[14:01] A Facebook memory reminds Jason of the big government disasters of the past.

[19:08] Income property investors can benefit from the multiplier effect of the proposed tax cuts.


Joe Fairless Guest Interview:


[24:23] Joe's startup story is one of delayed gratification and success.

[31:03] Joe reflects on the positives and the negatives of his investment experience.

[34:03] The master lease investment was 6.3 million on Joe's first property.

[37:32] The downsides of a master lease.

[42:14]  How Joe scaled the growth of his portfolio quickly.

[44:28] Free resources from Joe Fairless.

Mentioned in This Episode:

Jason Hartman

Renter’s Warehouse offers a special discount to Creating Wealth listeners

National Real Estate Investors Association

Joe Fairless

Multifamily Syndication

Big data is here, it’s there, it’s everywhere. Real estate investors should use it to their advantage. Tenants credit scores are easy to access and just a click away. In this episode, Jason unpacks recent headlines which paint a picture of the state of the economic mindset in the U.S. Articles about the future of the insurance industry, your 401k account and the current value of the housing market are all scrutinized and analyzed. He also offers up some recommended reading to those worried about the state of the environment.

Key Takeaways:

[02:28] Newser article The Key to Easy Life Insurance, a Selfie? describes the future of the insurance industry.

[11:45] Jason's secret to aging well.

[14:19] Jason remarks on the Wall Street Journal article Grab Your Pitchforks America Your 401k May Need Defending From Congress.

[20:11] Recommended books on energy and environmentalism.

[20:56] RealtyTrac article Are We Headed Towards Another Bursting Housing Bubble in 2017?

[29:40] Headlines on the RealtyTrac site are telling about the state of the union.  

Mentioned in This Episode:

Jason Hartman

Creating Wealth Ep.#165 with Tony Alessandra

Longevity and Biohacking Show


Venture Alliance Mastermind

3 Dimensions of Real Estate  


Articles & Books

The Key to Easy Life Insurance, a Selfie?

Grab Your Pitchforks America Your 401K May Need Defending From Congress

Smaller, Faster, Lighter. Denser, Cheaper: How Innovation Keeps Proving Catastrophists Wrong by Robert Bryce

The Bet by Paul Sabin

Are We Headed for Another Bursting Housing Bubble in 2017?

Direct download: CW_821_Jason_Hartman.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:30pm EST

Originally aired as CW 165 

Jason talks with Dr. Tony Alessandra CSP, CPAE about The Platinum Rule. Listen at: Tony has a street-wise, college-smart perspective on business, having been raised in the housing projects of NYC to eventually realizing success as a graduate professor of marketing, entrepreneur, business author, and hall-of-fame keynote speaker. He earned a BBA from the

Direct download: CW_820_FBF.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:56pm EST

When 18 out of 20 valuation sources say the S&P is radically overvalued, it might be true. Most of you know never to invest in the stock market (unless you are an insider) but just in case, Jason shares a table with some astounding estimations of how overvalued the S&P is. And a local market specialist joins us from Oklahoma City to describe the benefits of investing in the primarily new construction market there. He says that a dollar stretches further, tornadoes have moved East and it’s a landlord friendly market.

Key Takeaways:

[02:07] The two ways to win on Wall Street.         

[04:05] Give value to the psychology of investing.

[07:13] An example of a crappy real estate deal in Santa Ana, California.

[11:02] The stock market is radically overvalued, 18 of 20 valuators concur.

[23:46] Yield/Dividend type investors always win.


Oklahoma City Metro Market Profile:

[26:03] New Construction keeps the economy rolling in Oklahoma City.

[31:05] The Oklahoma City area boasts a thriving economy and positive cash flow.  

[33:05] Are tornados and issue for investors needing to insure properties?

[38:09] Home value to income ratios in the Oklahoma City area.

[42:54] The local market specialist has an interest to satisfy investors.

[46:17] Property management services are available short and long term.

Mentioned in This Episode:

Jason Hartman

Hartman Education

Real Estate Tools

Direct download: CW_819.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

One of the benefits of listening to the Creating Wealth podcast is current, as well as,  historical data on the most historically proven asset class, income property. Jason handpicks Flashback Friday episodes that contain pertinent information about predictions and changes in real estate and the overall state of the US with regards to the real estate/housing markets. Reviewing industry trends of the past may help you balance future investments so be sure to listen to the Flashback Friday episodes.


Today’s guest is Reichen Kuhl, CEO and Founder of the rental contract insurance company, LeaseLock. He shares useful information about the program designed to identify rent payers and to protect landlords from those who don’t pay their rent.

Key Takeaways:

[02:54] Listen to Flashback Friday episodes to gain perspective on today's real estate market.

[11:25] Hold on loosely, but don't let go can be a song lyric or a real estate investment strategy.

[14:52] Cap rate and cash-on-cash return are metrics that don't tell the whole investment story.

[18:59] Examples of available properties to demonstrate the importance of understanding a pro forma.


Reichen Kuhl Guest Interview:


[27:00] LeaseLock is an insurance policy a tenant will pay the rent.

[30:37] How exactly does the LeaseLock know who will be a rent payer?

[36:12] Insurance industries are able to insure people differently in spite of Fair Housing laws.

[38:19] The cost is LeaseLock is 7% of the full lease value of the rental unit.

[41:35] Miscellaneous information about LeaseLock as a business.  

Mentioned in This Episode:

Jason Hartman

Real Estate Tools


Originally aired as CW 215

Jason Hartman talks with James Anderson, managing director of, about the historical cycles of gold and silver and other precious metals, against the monetary cycles. 

As the world’s fiat currencies continue to be debased through inflation, regulation, and irresponsible spending, precious metals investing is on the rise.  But do you physically own your gold

Direct download: CW_817_FBF_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:43am EST

This episode is chock full of trends, predictions and current affairs. Jason (The Predictive Genius) Hartman is a purveyor of rational recklessness. He shares an article from The Atlantic which asserts that Americans are moving out of the city and into suburbia. Once again proving his theory of the resurgence of the suburbs to be correct. Jason also reminds us to take time to remember the good things in life by way of the ‘Winning is Giving’ poem by one of his early mentors, Denis Waitley.

Key Takeaways:

[2:56] Humans make emotionally-charged decisions and then rationalize them with logic.

[06:40] Why the best real estate deals never close.

[09:09] Price, Terms and Time (PTT) are the 3 corners of the real estate deal triangle.

[11:06] ‘Winning is Giving’ by Denis Waitley

[13:53]  Are the 3 value drivers of real estate still location, location and location?

[19:04] An article from The Atlantic "Why are so many Americans saying goodbye to cities?"

[27:57] Thou shalt only invest where there is universal need.

[31:56] A portfolio review and rebalance is necessary every 6-months or so.

Mentioned in This Episode:

Jason Hartman

Venture Alliance Mastermind

Atlantic Article - Why So Many Americans Saying Goodbye to Cities by Derek Thompson

Direct download: CW_816_Jason.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:11pm EST

It’s a wonderful time to be alive, especially if you are an income property investor. New technologies allow investors to self-manage properties all over the U.S. no matter where in the world they are located. Jason speaks with Merrick Lackner the Co-founder of Rently and Rently Keyless. Merrick describes the mechanics behind turning your rental properties into smart homes to give you more control over showings, energy consumption costs and the general well-being of your properties as well as the cost of installation and maintenance.

Key Takeaways:

[03:07] Changes in property management and increased returns from investments.

[04:34] Do you know which billionaire lives in a trailer park?


Merrick Lackner Guest Interview:

[09:21] Merrick saw the need to improve on the showing of rental properties.

[12:57] Merrick describes the different options Rently offers.

[20:48] How the Rently process is coordinated for the renter and the landlord.

[25:30] The smart matching program includes a background check.

[26:58] Rently Keyless Entry gives real estate investors more control over their properties.

[30:10] How much does Rently Keyless cost to install and maintain?

[33:02] Rently offers different access for renters and owners to reduce liabilities and provide privacy.

Mentioned in This Episode:

Jason Hartman

Jason Hartman University


Real Estate Tools


Rently Keyless

Originally aired as CW 244

Join Jason Hartman and client, Patrick, for a timely discussion about the benefits of real estate investing. Patrick shares his experiences working with Jason Hartman and Platinum Properties Investor Network’s investment counselors.

Direct download: CW_814_FBF.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00am EST

Finally an economist talks about some new, positive stuff! Jason welcomes guest expert, Frances Donald the Senior Economist at Manulife Asset Management and Chief Economist at John Hancock Financial Services. Frances is a wealth of information as she shares CEO, consumer and investor sentiment numbers with regards to the housing market and the job market. Jason can’t seem to pin Frances down on whether or not Trump, our first real estate president, is responsible for the growing economy but she does acknowledge the stock market is rallying based on the promised policy changes.


Frances says despite student loan debt and banks being reluctant to give mortgage loans to younger people the pent up demand leaves room to run in the real estate market.

Key Takeaways:

[4:42] Frances has a positive outlook for the U.S. economy based on the investor sentiment survey.

[7:24] Does Trump deserve credit for the good economic forecast?

[8:41] The challenge for the housing market moving forward is that interest rates are moving up.

[11:42] Companies large and small are feeling more optimistic with Trump as president.

[13:23] Residential investment or housing is a small percent of the total economy.

[18:00] Frances Donald shares the two drivers of rental housing.

[20:32] The natural relationship between housing and rentals is currently broken.

[24:11] Wage growth and how it relates to demographics.

Mentioned in This Episode:

Jason Hartman

Real Estate Tools

John Hancock

@francesdonald on Twitter

To start the show, two clients who bought properties at the Creating Wealth Seminar and Memphis Property Tour tell their stories of why they do business with Jason’s company. And, later a recording from the Venture Alliance Mastermind in Las Vegas with Jeff. Jeff details how he creates balance in his life and has a successful career.

Key Takeaways:

[1:27] Adam bought his 9th property during the Memphis Property Tour.

[4:32] A client who likes doing business with Jason’s organization because they provide a one-stop shop.


Las Vegas Venture Alliance Recording


[10:24] Jeff breaks things down into quarterly and daily goals.

[13:04] How Jeff strategically forms his 4 key goals.

[18:22] Meditation is a key component of successful people’s lives.

[22:23] The importance of teaching and growing every day.

[26:13] Choosing to create a leader, not a doer.

Mentioned in This Episode:

Jason Hartman

A Tale of Two Brothers Podcast

Venture Alliance Mastermind

Direct download: CW2081220Venture20Alliance20Mastermind.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:36pm EST