Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing with Jason Hartman

Chris Mayer is the Managing Editor of Agora Financial and Editor of the Capital and Crisis publication. 


Mayer breaks down the unemployment numbers for us and whether it is actually getting better. 


He then discusses the benefits of traveling around the world to get an investment story. Given the instability in the emerging markets, Mayer assesses whether this is the beginning of the next global financial storm. 


Chris has prepared a SPECIAL video for our listeners. He shares SEVEN incredibly safe stocks that you should buy now. Chris believes these stocks will multiply your wealth 20 times over. Visit to find out what these companies are. 



Direct download: CW_376_-_The_Real_Unemployment_Rate_with_Chris_Mayer.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:00am EST

Doug Casey is the Founder & Chairman of Casey Research and author of the new book, "Right on the Money: Doug Casey on Economics, Investing, and the Ways of the Real World."


Casey gives his outlook on gold stocks. He then shares the pros and cons of dividend-paying, large cap stocks. 


Overall, he thinks 2014 will turn into a bad year for the economy and stocks.


Visit Casey Research at


Doug Casey is the Chairman at Casey Research, LLC. He is a highly respected author, publisher, and professional investor. Mr. Casey wrote the book on profiting from periods of economic turmoil. His book "Crisis Investing" spent multiple weeks as number one on the New York Times bestseller list and became the best-selling financial book of 1980 surpassing big-caliber names. Mr. Casey then broke the record with his next book, "Strategic Investing", by receiving the largest advance ever paid for a financial book at the time. His book "The International Man" was the most sold book in the history of Rhodesia. 


Mr. Casey has been a featured guest on hundreds of radio and television shows, including David Letterman, Merv Griffin, Charlie Rose, Phil Donahue, Regis Philbin, Maury Povich, NBC News, and CNN and has been the topic of numerous features in periodicals such as Time, Forbes, People, and the Washington Post. He has written newsletters and alert services for sophisticated investors for over 28 years. 


In addition to having served as a Trustee on the Board of Governors of Washington College and Northwoods University, Mr. Casey has been a Director and Advisor to nine different financial corporations. He is widely respected as one of the preeminent authorities on rational speculation especially in the high-potential natural resource sector. 


Mr. Casey graduated from Georgetown University in 1968.

Direct download: CW_375_-_Right_on_the_Money_with_Doug_Casey.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:00am EST

Join Jason Hartman on episode 374 as he discusses a wide variety of things. First, a recap of the last several episodes with commentary on asset protection, Bitcoin, Michael Lewis and longevity. Next, Jason outlines the upcoming episodes including:


375 Doug Casey

376 Chris Mayer - Managing Editor of Agora Financial

377 Jason with team member

378 Greg Palast - Banksters, Wall Street

379 Noah Kagan - Business, Marketing, etc

380 Peter Shallard - The Shrink for Entrepreneurs 


We review the following new topics:


France bans work e-mails after 6 PM

Where's the (cheap) beef? US beef prices soar

Team clones stem cells from 75-year-olds skin

And... What this means to us, as investors.

Direct download: CW_374_-_IDEAL_Income_Property_Stem_Cells__Inflation.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 4:08pm EST

Rodney Johnson is President and Editor of Dent Research. He joins the show to explain why gold will fall below $800.


Johnson then discusses whether the US economy is slowing. He also shares how investors can build streams of income instead of relying on equity markets.


Visit Dent Research at


Rodney Johnson works closely with Harry Dent to study how people spend their money as they go through predictable stages of life, how that spending drives our economy and how you can use this information to invest successfully in any market.  


Rodney began his career in financial services on Wall Street in the 1980s with Thomson McKinnon and then Prudential Securities. He started working on projects with Harry in the mid-1990s. He’s a regular guest on several radio programs such as America’s Wealth Management, Savvy Investor Radio, and has been featured on CNBC, Fox News and Fox Business’s “America’s Nightly Scorecard, where he discusses economic trends ranging from the price of oil to the direction of the U.S. economy.  


He holds degrees from Georgetown University and Southern Methodist University.

Direct download: CW_373_-_Gold_Prices_with_Dent_Research_editor_Rodney_Johnson.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:47pm EST

Patrick Byrne is the Chairman & CEO of He joins the show to discuss why he made the decision to add Bitcoin as a payment form for


This interview is action-packed with Bitcoin content. Byrne explains how and when he first heard about Bitcoin and what his reaction was. He shares his thoughts on the currency nature of Bitcoin as well as the transaction part. 


Byrne himself doesn't own Bitcoin. He discusses why someone with all his connections wasn't one of the first buyers.


Byrne thinks the new cryptocurrency space will destroy central banking and give rise to a new kind of ecosystem. reported more than $130K in Bitcoin sales in 24 hours, and more than $1 million in sales since they started accepting Bitcoin in January. Byrne thinks more retailers will follow suit.


Visit at

Direct download: CW_372_-_Overstock.com_using_Bitcoin_with_CEO_Patrick_Byrne.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:11pm EST

A best-selling author, speaker and a member of an elite group of "Rich Dad's" advisors, hand selected by author Robert Kiyosaki, Garrett speaks to investors and entrepreneurs on a variety of topics including asset protection, liability limitation, wealth creation, as well as various business and real estate issues. As an advisor for Robert Kiyosaki, Garrett has authored Own Your Own Corporation.

Garrett's books provide an accessible source of information for building your own success. A member of the State Bars of Nevada and California, as well as the American Bar Association, Garrett attended Colorado College and the University of California at Berkeley where he received a B.S. in Business Administration in 1975. In 1978, he graduated with a J.D. from University of California's Hastings College of Law in San Francisco.

Beyond his desire to educate people and business in wealth protection and growth, Garrett serves on the boards of the American Baseball Foundation, located in Birmingham, Alabama and the Nevada-based Sierra Kids Foundation.

Direct download: CW_371_-_Rich_Dad_Attorney_Garrett_Sutton_on_Asset_Protection_1.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:07pm EST

In this fascinating two-part episode, Jason Hartman talks about Michael Lewis's new book "Flash Boys" and comments the on the excellent CBS 60 Minutes segment discussing high-frequency trading and how the stock market, according to Michael Lewis and many other experts, is rigged.


In part two, Jason interviews Dr. Rush from Cenegenics as they discuss the latest breakthroughs in health and longevity science. This interview was originally recorded for Jason's new "Longevity Show" which will launch soon but he wanted to share it in this episode so you can benefit from the ideas right away. Visit for details. Many experts believe that we are on the verge of major breakthroughs when it comes to increasing lifespan and this has wide ranging implications for, not only our own lives and well-being, but the economy, the real estate market, commodities consumption, wealth creation, government entitlement programs like Social Security and Obamacare but also the outlook for inflation and investing to grow our wealth with income property.

Direct download: CW_370_-_Michael_Lewis__Stock_Market_Rigged__Cenegenics_on_Longevity.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:14pm EST