Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing with Jason Hartman

Single-family homes sales rose in January. This has made income property inventory low. You can find out which properties are available in the sought after Memphis market by joining Jason during the upcoming property tour and Creating Wealth Seminar. Jason shares a live recording from a previous seminar in which he thoroughly explains why investing in a single family home as income property is the only logical investment during an inflationary period. And, if the signs are correct the U.S is entering an inflationary period under the Trump administration.

Key Takeaways:

[1:56] National Association of Realtor’s article about home sales in January.

[5:24] Single-family homes sales are up and inventory is low.

[8:49] The Trump administration is a boon for the economy.

[9:34] A Goldman Sachs report says interest rates will rise.

[15:59] Venture Alliance Weekend and Memphis Property Tour details and dates.

ASSET MATRIX - Recording from Phoenix Live Event

[18:27] Inflation induced debt destruction by way of a mortgage.

[20:34] Jason explains how the government manipulates inflation numbers through hedonic adjustment.

[27:59] The ultimate investing equation.

[35:21] Anything that does not produce income is not an investment.

[36:59] Cash and bonds are destroyed by inflation.

[39:14] The IRS does not account for inflation.

[42:28] During deflationary periods people default on their loans.

[44:51] If you have a corporate job you are paying more taxes than the self-employed.

Mentioned in This Episode:

Jason Hartman

Venture Alliance Mastermind

Longevity and Biohacking Show

Direct download: CW_993_FBF_Asset_Matrix.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:28pm EST

In today's episode Jason finishes off his idea of "crowding out" and the damages it can have on our society. Then he explores the idea of various types of deserts, including investment deserts.

Finally, Jason talks with Sara McFarland from Homee on Demand, a new app that's aiming to make property management from afar easier than it's ever been before. Your tenant can alert you to a problem, send you a picture of the issue, you can get a quote, and verify the issue is taken care of.

Listen in as Sara McFarland gives a rundown of the service, how they ensure you don't get ripped off, and how you can best use it in your portfolio.

Key Takeaways:

Jason Intro:

[2:57] Jason finishes off his point of "crowding out" from the last episode

[5:29] Various types of deserts, including investment deserts

[9:51] Have a service you think Jason can use? Talk to him about it and keep the money "in the family"

[16:39] The Hawkins family 5 year plan

[22:08] You need to invest in hard assets that keep up with inflation

Homee Interview:

[28:59] How Homee keeps vendors from cheating

[31:17] Can you use Homee as a self manager?

[33:18] Homee helps teach you more about your home


Direct download: CW_992_Homee.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:09pm EST

Jason Hartman discusses some key aspects for real estate investors. One of the most important, and most visible, components of investing is interest rates, and there are some absolutely critical things you need to remember about them. Interest rates impact real estate supply and demand, and home affordability. People buy homes based on payments, not price, and mortgage rates impact those dramatically.

Jason also looks at why some libertarians just don't pay attention to an economic reality and gives a big announcement about the Creating Wealth seminar in Philadelphia in May.

Key Takeaways:

[2:00] Why maintaining control is important when dealing with big, too big to fail, companies

[7:23] Jason's mom has seen the effects first hand of what giving people money can do

[11:05] Jason's thoughts on "crazy libertarians"

[15:46] What interest rates do to real estate supply & demand, and affordability

[18:40] Big announcement about the Creating Wealth Seminar on May 19th

[23:18] Housing prices is a flawed metric, you have to look at the average mortgage payment amount

[27:59] Supply of homes is constrained


Direct download: CW_991_Jason_Hartman.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:41pm EST

Today's Flash Back Friday comes from Episode 530, originally published in June 2015.

Jason invites Fernando to talk about the first inaugural event of the Venture Alliance mastermind meeting. Fernando says it was a small number of people who attended, but the value of information that he gained was priceless. Bob Proctor is today's Creating Wealth main guest. He is widely considered one of the greatest speakers on personal development and he teaches people how to unlock their hidden abilities. Bob and Jason talk on the subject of creativity, taking control of your life, breaking out of your conditioning, and much more on today's episode. 

Key Takeaways:

[2:25] What did Fernando think of the first Venture Alliance mastermind meeting?

[10:30] It's very difficult to find larger, more speculative deals on your own without the support of more experienced real estate investors

[14:05] You can join Jason and Fernando on an informal Chicago property tour and just hang out with the guys on July 16th

Bob Proctor Interview:

[17:05] Bob helps people recognize who they are, how to set goals, and much more

[20:45] We're conditioned to live the way we live and if that doesn't change, the results don't change

[26:55] The U.S is filled with creativity compared to other countries like China, for example

[29:50] What's Bob's thoughts on The Secret?

[34:25] How do we find our purpose?

[38:05] Bob gives some quick tips on how to accomplish your goals.

[39:35] Do your work, put your heart into it, and the sky will clear


Direct download: CW_990_Bob_Proctor.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:36pm EST

Jason Hartman starts today's show with a discussion on how real estate investing is going to continue to get better and more efficient, technologically, how business ventures are easier than ever, and how amazing the US real estate market really is.

Then Jason talks with Jason van den Brand, CEO & Co-Founder at Lenda, an online mortgage platform. The two of them discuss the current status of the mortgage market, what kind of easing or tightening we might see in the near future, how Lenda is able to cut fees in the lending process, how to get a rate quote, and more.

Key Takeaways:

Jason Intro:

[3:43] Know that things are only going to get better when it comes to technology helping us make things more efficient

[7:16] The adoption/absorption rate of technology is amazing

[10:54] Starting a business is easier and cheaper than it's ever been

[14:46] The US has a very special real estate market

Jason van den Brand Interview:

[17:20] What is Lenda?

[20:04] What Lenda is expecting to happen in the mortgage market this coming year

[24:35] The loans that are available through Lenda

[29:20] What you need to do to get a rate quote

[32:37] Is mortgage regulation going to loosen in the near future?

[35:03] Does Lenda have the same fees as conventional lenders or do they differ?


Direct download: CW_989_Jason_van_den_Brand.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:34pm EST

Jason Hartman does this episode from the US territory of Puerto Rico, where he's spent a few days seeing if he wants to live in this tax haven. The thing about Puerto Rico, however, is that while it might be a place with low tax, it's not a place with low real estate prices.

Then, Jason talks with Jake Bernstein, author of Secrecy World: Inside the Panama Papers Investigation of Illicit Money Networks and the Global Elite, about what the Panama papers are, why they're important, and what kind of impact we should expect to feel from the fallout.

Want to know why tax revenues are low, how governmental agencies have been paying spies for years, or more on the Rothchild family? Listen in to learn how the Panama papers can help you find out.

Key Takeaways:

Jason Intro:

[4:26] Puerto Rico real estate is NOT cheap

[6:46] Join Jason in Philadelphia for the Creating Wealth seminar

Jake Bernstein Interview:

[9:40] What are the Panama papers?

[13:36] Why do the Panama papers matter?

[17:53] Jake isn't as optimistic as Jason about how much money the new tax reform will repatriate

[20:59] Some of the scandals to be unearthed by the Panama papers

[25:19] The CIA & IRS' involvement in the Panama papers

[30:45] Is the Rothchild family in the Panama papers?


Secrecy World: Inside the Panama Papers Investigation of Illicit Money Networks and the Global Elite

Direct download: CW_988_Jake_Bernstein.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:15pm EST

Today's Flash Back Friday comes from Episode 508, originally published in April 2015.

Jason would like to remind his audience that the Memphis property tour is coming up and there's still a few seats left. Jason invites Brad, a market specialist for the Jackson, Mississippi market to give an extensive market profile on the area and why it's a good time to invest there. 

Key Takeaways:

5:35 – Jason welcomes Brad

9:20 – Brad sold some of his properties in 2005 and regrets it

15:40 – You can buy a house in Jackson for $50k and have it rent for $750

18:10 – Brad shares his thoughts on section 8 tenants

21:40 – Brad lists some key things he likes about Jackson

29:10 – There will always be people who will have a renter mentality and not purchase a home.


Direct download: CW_987_FBF_LMS_Brad.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:59pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with Harry Dent, author of the new book Zero Hour, about current demographic trends and what they means for our society (assuming fiscal and monetary policy doesn't go haywire), as well as how long technology takes to go mainstream and impact society, the impact of sunspots on our economy, environment, and psychology, why the new tax reform is the cure for the problem that doesn't exist, and more.

Key Takeaways:

Jason Intro:

[3:19] Each time you have an experience you get a new impression

[7:21] Airbus is planning to allow passengers to go sleep in the cargo hold during flights starting in 2020

[10:31] You need to be in a mastermind group to expand your thinking and up your lifestyle (maybe the Venture Alliance Mastermind???)

Harry Dent Interview:

[14:15] What does Harry learn by looking at sunspots?

[18:30] There's both global warming and cooling going on right now thanks to sunspots

[20:28] Harry does NOT believe this is the time to be cutting taxes

[23:28] The greatest BS economic recovery in history

[26:32] How much does money trickle in this consumption driven economy that needs growth?

[29:25] Nobody takes downturns into consideration when planning the future

[32:59] When are we likely to see a spike in life expectancy?

[36:10] The wild card in predictions using demographics is the government's monetary & fiscalpolicy

[39:39] Why we're going to have a big revolution if things don't change


Direct download: CW_986_Harry_Dent.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:20am EST

Jason Hartman talks with Alan Beaulieu, President & Principal at ITR Economics and author of Prosperity in the Age of Decline, about what's going on in our economy when it comes to energy, inflation, and millennials. The two take a look at the difference between virtuous and non-virtuous inflation, how the millennials might respond to seeing actual inflation (and ways you can educate yourself about how times used to be different) and why you should be excited about the things that are coming. Alan also gives his thoughts on the recent tariffs and tax reform.

Key Takeaways:


[4:54] What the Icehotel Art Suites are like

[7:28] Join Jason in Philadelphia

Alan Beaulieu Interview:

[11:30] What's coming in the economy next

[13:29] What is "virtuous" and "non-virtuous" inflation?

[16:31] In 12 years there will be 30 million more people drawing down on Medicaid and Social Security

[20:38] Every single industry is having problems finding enough people, so the future isn't as bleak as you might think

[24:03] The 5 sources of inflation

[27:38] We're in a golden age with stable energy

[29:54] The 3 reasons Alan's excited about where we're headed


Prosperity in The Age of Decline: How to Lead Your Business and Preserve Wealth Through the Coming Business Cycles

Direct download: CW_985_Alan_Beaulieu.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:47pm EST

Today's Flash Back Friday comes from Episode 493, originally published in March 2015.

In today's introduction portion of the Creating Wealth show, Jason Hartman invites Sarah on to the show to talk about the Memphis market. Jason also announces a property tour for the Memphis area in May, so be sure to buy your early bird tickets now before the price raises at Today's Creating Wealth principle guest is Andrew Zatlin. He is an economists and is famously know for his Moneyball Economics. He sits down with Jason to talk about Hookernomics, how you can learn where the market is going by simply talking to escorts, the unstable Japanese economy, how gold will drop in prices, and much more on today's episode. 

Key Takeaways:

1:50 – Huge interest in the Memphis market right now.

6:05 – Jason talks about the Memphis property tour schedule and dates.

14:10 – Jason introduces Andrew to the show.

16:45 – Most policy makers out there have an old-fashioned way of approaching this very new economy that we're in.

27:16 – Andrew explains why he decided to interview escorts and prostitutes about the state of the economy.

42:00 – Andrew set out to find the true data points that really matter to our economy.

50:45 – China has created a super bubble for themselves and they are bond to crash.

53:20 – Japan doesn't make thing any more and they're also in big trouble. Andrew explains further.

57:30 – Jason and Andrew touch on the gold bug subject.

62:40 – There's a free report on that shows you how vices, hookernomics, can show you what's going on in the economy right now. 

Mentioned In This Episode:

Direct download: CW_984_FBF_Andrew_Zatlin.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:09pm EST

Jason Hartman takes a victorious look at a recent Wall Street Journal story declaring that more people are viewing renting as a long-term solution to their housing situation. That is FANTASTIC news for landlords, and will put the upward pressure on rent that every investor wants. Jason also gives a few travel hacks for going on a trip to multiple climates, and includes another market profile from producer Adam, this time on the Indianapolis market.

Key Takeaways:

[2:25] The next decade of being a landlord is going to be amazing

[7:05] More and more people are seeing renting as a long term housing solution

[10:56] Jason's travel hacking tips for going on a multi-dimensional weather trip

[14:57] Indianapolis Market Profile


Direct download: CW_983_Indianapolis_Market_Profile.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:31pm EST

Jason Hartman breaks down some important topics in today's show as he talks about one of the vital assets you have in your toolkit, and that's your credit score. With so many different companies and credit scoring models, it's key that you understand what impacts your score. You need to stay on top of it (and make sure it doesn't get TOO high because then you're not doing enough of what Jason thinks you should be doing).

Jason also looks into what kind of a job the Fed has been doing on their charter, opposition to Amazon, Google and Facebook, the myth of the Rented Home purchase, and some interesting results from his recent DNA test.

Key Takeaways:

[3:50] The Fed's job of evening out inflation has been...not so great

[7:29] Trump's opposition to Amazon and Jason's opposition to Google & Facebook

[9:57] Some disgusting behavior from Goldman Sachs around the time of the mortgage crisis is a PRIME example of how Wall Street treats the average person

[11:51] There are the big 3 credit bureaus for your FICO scores, but tons of factors that create each score, PLUS there are even more FICO scoring models out there

[13:43] If your credit score is too high you might not be borrowing enough money (but don't borrow for frivolous purposes, borrow for properties)

[17:45] A rundown on a few FICO scoring models

[21:54] Do millennials really understand inflation?

[23:32] The Rented Home Myth

[29:24] Jason gave in and did a DNA test


Direct download: CW_982_Jason_Hartman.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:33am EST