Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing with Jason Hartman

Jason talks with Michael Kitces, who is a financial planner and runs the blog Nerds Eye View.

Direct download: CW_627_FBF.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:06pm EDT

Owning the most historically proven asset class, income property, is getting easier. This new service allows landlords to screen tenants, view credit reports and collect rents from a smartphone or tablet.  There are nominal fees built into services like debit card processing and the obtaining of a credit report which are paid for by tenants. Professional property owners now have a one-stop shop for managing their income properties, no matter where they are in the world. 


Key Takeaways:


Jason’s Editorial:

[1:24] The devastating news from the stock market, was it manufactured? 

[5:44] Could the government take away the benefits of the most tax favored asset?

[7:37] The entire world economy is 60 trillion in a year and we lost 8 trillion in less than 1 month

[9:58] Let’s print more money because there is no limit 

[12:57] Get free powerpoint slides and a reserve your spot for the next JHU event March


Gino Zahnd Guest Interview:

[17:12] What exactly is Cozy and how did it start?

[20:23] A landlord has access to a tenant’s credit report without the chance of identity theft

[22:10] An agent can only use the screening tools or the full-service option

[24:59] Can a landlord can still add an application fee to cover their time spent?

[27:44] Credit reports & background checks have a fee associated with them via Cozy

[29:35] Automated Clearing House (ACH) payments are free between landlord and tenants

[32:07] Cozy eats the cost of transactions in exchange for client satisfaction

[33:26] 2 ways for a landlord to initiate payments

[35:45] Cozy’s goal is to be the best one-stop shop for realizing rent payments

[39:52] Rental markets are in the U.S. are fragmented and hard to access

[40:50] Cozy is available on your phone or tablet and new services are coming


Mentions: - For the Matrix powerpoint



Hartman Education - Meet the Masters of Income Property Slides

Direct download: CW_626_Gino_Zahnd.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:09pm EDT

How do families with a high net worth keep, grow and protect their wealth for future generations? They put their families to work in single, family and virtual family offices. The idea behind the resource is to allow the wealth creator of the family enough time and space to create additional wealth while everyday tasks such as investments and insurance can be handled by industry specialists. Basically, when you are ultra-rich you need someone else to manage your daily and long-term financials to avoid possible costly mistakes.


Key Takeaways:


Jason’s Editorial:

[1:26] Is the economic “recovery” a myth?

[4:30] The robotics revolution may be the harbinger of creative destruction

[7:50] Rents increasing in 2016 - Business Insider article

[11:21] Living standards will decline all over the world in the near future

[12:43] Making the math work in high tax states in difficult

[15:36] Consider your real estate portfolio is a family office

[21:39] Venture Alliance Mastermind in Dubai is coming up and a new Jason Hartman University


Richard Wilson Guest Interview:

[23:45] A family office is a money management system for the wealthy

[24:30] There are 14.4K ultra-wealthy people in the world

[26:42] Family office terms - multi, single and virtual

[30:59] We are in the process of adoption

[32:26] The reason Family Offices exist is to curb costly mistakes

[38:30] Investors can use real estate strategically

[42:46] The Family Office structure should be based on core goals

[45:41] Family members run the family offices for a spectrum of privacy

[47:22] The U.S. is still the #1 place for value growth

[51:22] Traditional and creative ways to work with families

[54:15] Contact information for Richard





Venture Alliance Mastermind

Hartman Education

Mastering the Rockefeller Habits

Family Offices

The Single Family Office book

Direct download: CW_625_Richard_Wilson.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:41pm EDT

Jason Hartman takes a unique middle ground on the Occupy Wall Street protests since Wall Street doesn’t represent capitalism as the right-wing media would have us believe while the left-wing media who supports big government and big unions doesn’t represent capitalism either. Both sides are promoting a fairy tale.

A recent Facebook post sums it up fairly well: This whole issue really isn’t that simple. I assume that most of the protesters are clueless folks who need haircuts; however, so is the conservative media (that I mostly agree with) in saying that Wall Street represents “capitalism” – nothing could be further from the truth, Wall Street, banks and mega-corporations are mostly ANTI-CAPITALISM in that they are playing a rigged game with lobbyists, government cronyism and insider dealings at every level. They use lawyers, accountants and PR firms to commit their crimes. There is very little capitalism on Wall Street.

If you’re looking for capitalism, look at Main Street, where small business operates under far too much government interference. Jason discusses the powerful “Qualified Written Request” (QWR) letter and how it can be a tool for loan modification, short sale, deed-in-leiu of foreclosure and foreclosure litigation.

You’ll also hear a short article from Jason’s newsletter, The Financial Freedom Report, on that all to upsetting topic of “Too Big to Fail.”


Direct download: CW_624_FBF.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Is there a safe place to invest your money within the Chinese economy? Jason’s guest and author of the new Crouching Tiger book, Dr. Peter Navarro says no. He sees through the beefing up of the Chinese military as a way to distract from the economic failure which is drawing near. China is claiming additional territories and it says it doesn’t want conflict with the U.S., but its strained relations with Japan may force the U.S. into defensive mode. Dr. Navarro says he is surprised none of the 2016 U.S. presidential candidates are discussing the issue and stresses foreign policy should be the number one talking point of the future U.S. president.


Key Takeaways:

Jason’s Editorial:

[1:40] Upcoming Venture Alliance Mastermind in Dubai

[7:19] Saudi Arabia is Snapping Up US Farmland - Rob Quinn, Newser

[12:24] Here’s what you can expect to pay for a rental in 10 major US cities

[18:02] Check out our Meet the Master’s of Income Property Home Study Course


Dr. Peter Navarro Guest Interview:

[20:50] A geopolitical detective story - the story behind Crouching Tiger

[23:51] China was the most powerful economy and country for 5,000 years

[27:02] This book is designed to educate financial analysts about the geopolitical risks in Asia

[28:53] Is the U.S. required to get involved in China - Japan relations?

[31:19] Why does the U.S. have 300,000 troops in Asia?

[32:30] Creating Wealth listeners should be doing these things

[35:20] Japan is an island nation with no natural resources

[37:20] Hindi Chini Bhai Bhai - India and China are brothers

[40:47] The Chinese economic miracle is over

[46:19] Find out more about the Crouching Tiger book and documentary



Venture Alliance Mastermind


Saudi Arabia is Snapping Up US Farmland article

Rental Reality - What You Can Expect to Pay for a Rental in 10 Major US Cities article

Meet the Master’s of Income Property Home Study Course

Crouching Tiger by Dr. Peter Navarro

Direct download: CW_623_Dr_Peter_Navarro.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:33pm EDT

This episode can be summed up by the popular saying “Everyone is a genius in a bull market”. Many financial hosts warn against taking on debt to build wealth. Jason clearly illustrates why we should be using fixed rate mortgage as a financing vehicle and outsourcing debt to tenants while enjoying the tax advantages.


Naresh is not a real estate investor, yet. He has come up with some basic, but necessary questions for Jason which will help him and all of you budding, soon to be real estate income property investors out there. Jason reminds us “real estate is the most historically proven asset class” and carefully lays out his answers in easy to understand, common sense terms.


Key Takeaways:

Jason’s editorial:

[2:35] Predicting market cycles would be easier if governments and central banks didn’t interfere

[8:41] The business cycle is an economic concept which affects real estate

[10:14] The Reluctant Investor’s Lament poem by Donald Weill

[17:46] Everybody’s a genius in a bull market

[19:55] Our Investment Counselors are geographically independent, market-wide gatekeepers

[23:21] Our organization has relationships with local market specialists which give clients leverage

[26:53] New clients need at least 24% cash down when purchasing a property

[29:37] The rise of the “debt bigots”

[33:38] Debt is a powerful thing, you must be wise with it

[34:30] Always use debt as leverage when purchasing real estate income properties

[37:09] A fixed rate mortgage guarantees your rate for 30 years plus tenants pay off your debt

[38:33] Podcast feeds are divided and education is free


Mentions: - The Meet the Masters on-line course

Venture Alliance Mastermind

Direct download: CW_622_Market_Timing.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:17pm EDT

Jason Hartman discusses the destruction of America’s great middle class and how to avoid it. Let’s not let the USA become a banana republic. Jason recommends the book War on the Middle Class by Lou Dobbs and his interviews with Rich Dad author Garrett Sutton and Jim Rogers and then he talks about and article received from Chris McLaughlin: Middle class down this decade.

The first decade of the 21st century will go down in the history books as a step back for the American middle class. Last week, the government made gloomy headlines when it released the latest census report showing the poverty rate rose to a 17-year high. A whopping 46.2 million people (or 15.1% of the US population) live in poverty and 49.9 million live without health insurance. But the data also gave the first glimpse of what happened to middle-class incomes in the first decade of the millennium. While the earnings of middle-income Americans have barely budged since the mid 1970s, the new data showed that from 2000 to 2010, they actually regressed. For American households in the middle of the pay scale, income fell to $49,445 last year, when adjusted for inflation, a level not seen since 1996. And over the 10-year period, their income is down 7%.

Unlike the richest Americans, middle class families have most of their wealth tied up in the equity of their homes, which took a beating in the recession. And high unemployment has left many people with little or no other income at all. At the same time that Americans had less cash to spend, they were also being hit with rising prices for some crucial items. Even accounting for inflation, it still costs more to buy a home, fill your gas tank, go to the doctor and put food on the table than it did only 10 years ago. And not only is it more expensive to live a middle-class life, it costs more to get there too. The price of a college education — still considered the ticket to higher
wages and a better lifestyle — has surged over the last decade, even in spite of the recession. Facing these burdens, the American Dream is undergoing stark changes, with fewer people choosing to buy homes and more young people postponing their own independent lives. The census data showed about 14.2% of all young people ages 25 to 34 are still living in their parents’ homes this year, compared to about 11.8% before the recession began in 2007.

Next Jason and Sara answer audience questions. Be sure enter sweepstakes for free tickets to “Meet The Masters of Income Property Investing at:

Direct download: CW_621_FBF.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:01pm EDT

Mike Fernandez’s family was kicked out of Cuba five years after Fidel Castro took over the government. His family landed in the United States with no money, no food and no place to live. His father was able to get work as a short order cook and after just three years he was able to buy a house for his family to live in. Mike was drafted after one semester in college and after providing his service in the army he worked selling insurance policies door to door. It was there he earned his grit and learned to accept failure.


He is now a billionaire who runs multiple companies at once. He says to succeed, sacrifice must become part of your journey and it is the execution of the smallest detail which can make or break you. He believes the U.S. gives an equal opportunity those all those willing to try.


Key Takeaways:

Jason’s Editorial

[2:08] Venture Alliance membership is growing, welcome Mike & congratulations to Jeff & Shannon

[3:30] Meet the Masters content will be available

[4:50] Venture Alliance in Dubai


Mike Fernandez Guest Interview:

[6:26] Mike’s long journey from Cuba to become the successful entrepreneur he is today

[10:43] Changing our focus towards Cuba - Stop hurting the government and help the people

[13:36] Using work to validate my life

[17:06] Providing healthcare to those with HIV with Magic Johnson

[18:05] The U.S. gives everyone an equal opportunity to try

[20:53] Only you can hold yourself down, no one else can hold you down

[22:42] Mike’s super formula starts with sacrifice

[25:10] The best place to invest in real estate will be Miami

[26:37] Contact information for Mike Fernandez



Jason Hartman

Hartman Education

MBF Healthcare Partners

Simply Healthcare Plans

Humbled by the Journey

Humbled by the Journey on Facebook

Direct download: CW_620_Mike_Fernandez.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:10pm EDT

You may want to make sure your portfolio is diversified with a big chunk of hard assets before listening to this podcast. Jason’s guest, Adam Taggart, is the coauthor (along with Chris Martenson) of Prosper and The Crash Course. The books describe an upcoming extension of the 2008 credit crisis based on economic, environmental and technology-driven changes. They foresee a period of quick change then markets collapsing from the outside in.


Adam shares the book’s eight types of capital. Investing in these eight attributes will allow you to possibly weather the storm economically, physically and environmentally. And even if the storm never comes you will be smarter, more flexible and your wealth will be better protected.


Key Takeaways:

Jason’s Editorial:

[2:13] The next Meet the Masters in next January

[3:16] Buy the Meet the Masters Course for 2014 & 2015

[4:36] Income property is the most historically proven asset class


Adam Taggart Guest Interview:

[6:22] The Crash Course book details how trends will affect our future

[11:56] A small shockwave can affect the entire global monetary system

[14:07] The unpleasant side of a “glut” of oil and environmental depletions

[22:30] Debunking the faith in technology argument

[28:33] Economic systems are the easiest to change

[32:10] There is more net energy per capita than in any other time in history

[33:41] True wealth = The ability to rebound from adversity in any sector

[35:16] The 8 key components which make up capital

[40:01] The importance of your cultural capital

[42:52] The 2008 crisis had plenty of warning signs

[45:45] How long can this go on?

[49:00] Moving forward people should put their wealth into things which can’t be inflated away

[53:58] Contact Adam or learn more



Peak Prosperity

The Crash Course

Hartman Education

Venture Alliance Mastermind

The Future is Better than You Think

Longevity & Biohacking Show

Direct download: CW_619_Adam_Taggart.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:31pm EDT

George Gilder is Publisher of the Gilder Technology Report, Chairman of the Gilder Group, co-founder and Senior Fellow at Discovery Institute, an original pillar of Supply Side economics, and author of, “KNOWLEDGE AND POWER: The Information Theory of Capitalism and How it is Revolutionizing our World.”

The information age is changing our country’s economics. Gilder explains his new paradigm for kick-starting economic growth and how companies outside the tech sector can benefit from Silicon Valley-style information flow. Gilder believes the risks inherent in free enterprise relate to accumulation of knowledge.

Gilder also discusses the drivers that lead to poverty as well as the most efficient ways to eradicate poverty.

Direct download: CW_618_FBF.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:27pm EDT

Technological changes may give real estate investors better tools to access previously unavailable markets, but no amount of technology will ever replace a human’s need for shelter. As long as investors keep their eyes looking forward to the future and stay on top of the increasing number of research tools available they will successfully build a diverse, long-term wealth strategy based upon single family home investment properties.


Jason and the Real Estate Guys take a break from their real estate conference speaking engagements to discuss predictions for the future of the real estate investment market, the influx of tenants looking for rentals and how technology is changing investors ability to see beyond their own backyard and experience the benefit of geo-arbitration.


Meet the Masters is this weekend & there are still spaces available for our Venture Alliance trip in beautiful Dubai. 


Key Takeaways:


Jason’s Editorial:

[1:29] Our archives are split because of limitations in iTunes

[6:19] Science has been and will be wrong

[12:00] Jason predicted the Obamacare disaster

[14:12] The Big Short movie - do not miss it

[15:25] Exercise prevents, treats or cure basically everything

[19:58] Casey Meyeres CPA will be speaking about taxation with regards to real estate 


Robert Helms & Russ Gray Guest Interview:

[23:43] Real Estate investors have more tenants than ever before

[26:31] Single family housing will always be a need

[30:16] You can’t keep the U.S.A. down for long

[33:18] You must change based on what the market gives you

[35:01] Houses will be built, no matter what technology is used

[37:00] If big money comes in it will push prices up

[41:27] Don’t get stuck investing in your backyard

[43:19] Owning single family homes in 3-5 markets is a good diversification strategy

[44:07] Contact the Real Estate Guys



Venture Alliance Mastermind

Information Management Network

RX Nation

Holistic Survival

Longevity & Biohacking

The Big Short movie

jhart88 on Voxer

Real Estate Guys

Direct download: CW_617_The_Real_Estate_Guys_Robert_Helms_and_Russ_Gray.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:51pm EDT

Jason answers your questions in this high-level Q&A. The main takeaway from this episode is to buy some properties now. Getting started is often the hardest part for real estate investors. If you don’t start today you may put off creating a wealthy future for yourself and one day realize it is too late. If you buy your properties with the help of Jason’s team you are able to leverage the huge volumes at which they do business. You get seasoned, professional help with your very first property purchase. You don’t have to do this alone!


Key Takeaways:

[3:26] Oliver was a dedicated listener before working as an investment counselor

[9:21] Why doesn’t the whole world know about income property?

[11:17] 14 million individual investor-owned single family homes

[15:10] Jason answers real listener questions about LLC’s, evictions and identifying markets

[17:47] 1.) Buy some properties and 2.) Protect your assets

[23:47] How to identify and choose a real estate investment market and the local market team

[29:11] Understanding acquisition costs for the Local Market Specialist

[32:45] Properties on are not necessarily the best deal you can get

[34:57] Multiplexes or single family houses? Which is better for cash flow?

[38:46] Higher priced properties have lower rent to value ratios

[40:15] Meet the Masters event is coming up - you can still get a ticket

[41:35] Venture Alliance trip to Dubai on President’s Day weekend



The Asset Matrix Presentation

Venture Alliance Mastermind

Jason talks with real estate “artist” and 5-time international best-selling author, philanthropist, risk-taker and visionary, Frank McKinney, who sees opportunities and creates markets where none existed before. 

McKinney’s first job earned him $180 a week digging sand traps on Deerfield Beach golf course.  At age 22, he bought his first $50,000 fixer-upper, selling it a few months later for a $7,000 profit.  Now, over 23 years later, he creates real estate markets where others dare to tread.  He has built spec homes (without a buyer) valued in the tens of millions of dollars.  A true maverick, he is without peer in the risky world of speculative high-end real estate, shattering price records with each new project.  And his latest?  McKinney just completed “Acqua Liana,” the world’s largest and most opulent triple certified (USGBC, FGBC & Energy Star) “green” mansion at $29,000,000.  Each of the estate homes he creates is a one-of-a-kind work of art, infused with vivid imagination and designed on a canvas of sun-drenched Atlantic ocean.

Prior to the completion of his new multi-million dollar “green” mansion, he sold, with an asking price of $50 Million, the largest and most expensive spec home ever created, containing 72 rooms, 32,000 square feet, 12 bedrooms, 18 baths, and a 14 car garage.  McKinney has created and sold 36 oceanfront properties with an average selling price over $14 million.

In addition to his real estate artistry, Frank McKinney has now become a five-time international bestselling author.  In addition to his first two books, McKinney just released three new books simultaneously, each representing a distinctly different genre.  All three books are published by Health Communications, Inc., best known for the Chicken Soup for the Soul series.  Mr. McKinney’s new titles are; 1.) The Tap, 2.) Burst This! Frank McKinney’s Bubble-Proof Real Estate Strategies, and 3.) Dead Fred, Flying Lunchboxes, and the Good Luck Circle.

His vision and risk-taking has been the subject of numerous international television, radio and print features.  McKinney was recently featured on ABC’s 20/20 with Martin Bashir, the cover of USA Today, the Oprah Winfrey Show, CBS’ The Early Show, CNN, Discovery Channel, Travel Channel, HDNet, CBN TV, National Public Radio (NPR), in The Wall Street Journal, NY Times, Bloomberg, Fortune, Barrons, Town and Country, Robb Report, The Nightly Business Report (PBS) and in over 1500 additional TV and print stories.  Several areas are covered in this exciting episode ranging from real estate, motivation, marketing and spiritual growth.  Next up – one of Jason’s all-time favorite mentors, Dr. Denis Waitley, on The Psychology of Winning and The Seeds of Greatness.

Direct download: CW_615_FBF.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT