Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing with Jason Hartman

Jason Hartman and Adam start off today's show discussing listener Brandon's question about living above or below your means. It's important to keep things in perspective as you're deciding how to live your life because just getting more stuff doesn't necessarily make you happier.

Then Jason talks with Robert Greene, author of the new book The Laws of Human Nature as well as New York Times bestsellers like The 48 Laws of Power and The 33 Strategies of War, about how to approach people to put yourself in the best position for success as well as how to best change your life and circumstances. Robert goes over a few of his 18 laws to help you on your way.

Key Takeaways:

[4:45] Should you live above or below your means?

[10:38] Money gives you choices, and choices can make you happy

Robert Greene Interview:

[16:08] Misjudging people is extremely expensive, and it's getting even harder to do with everything becoming virtual

[18:27] Thinking about what other people need or are going through is one of the most important life skills you can develop

[21:42] When you ask someone for anything, they are naturally going to be resistant

[24:47] We are emotional creatures, largely governed by our emotions

[36:20] You can change your own life and circumstances by working on your attitude

[39:56] The biggest impediment in people's lives is the inability to affect or influence the people around them


Direct download: CW_1140_Robert_Greene.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Jason Hartman and Adam start off today's show discussing one of the keynote speakers for this year's Meet the Masters event, George Gilder. Gilder has quite the history and the two break down what he did back in the 90s, what he's doing now, and why he's still relevant.

Then Jason talks with Dr. Randy Wray, one of the foremost experts in Modern Monetary Theory, about why Minsky the philosopher is important, what exactly MMT is and why it's relevant in today's monetary society. They especially tackle the job guarantee program that MMT espouses and what's coming up for the US in the economy for the next few years.

Key Takeaways:

[4:34] George Gilder is a thought leader today just like he was 20 years ago

[7:31] When Gilder spoke back in the 90s the markets moved

Dr Randy Wray Interview:

[12:26] Who is Minsky and why is he someone we should concern ourselves with?

[15:43] What is Modern Monetary Theory and why is it applicable?

[21:31] The governments going back to the colonies spends money into existence and then taxes it back to avoid causing inflation

[24:38] Has all the money that was put into the economy during Obama's term been taken back out by taxes or is it causing inflation?

[28:51] The test you need to use to discover if you're doing monetary policy correct

[32:48] Spending during The New Deal greatly helped move our nation forward and allowed us to become the richest, most developed nation on Earth

[36:49] The job guarantee that Dr Wray is focusing on now would involve a lot of care work, and it would be decentralized

[39:58] What's coming up, economically, for the United States


Direct download: CW_1139_Randy_Wray.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Jason Hartman and Adam tackle the subject of millennials in today's episode. They might start out talking about millennials feelings and whether we should put labels on people in society, but the crux of the show is based on their cohort's home buying habits. After years of waiting, millennials are finally venturing into the market, and their numbers might move the market but their habits definitely create some risk but also leave some wiggle room for safety.

Also, don't forget to enter the Meet the Masters YouTube raffle to get either a free ticket to the 2019 Meet the Masters or a $500 travel allowance!

Key Takeaways:

[6:10] Millennial mortgage habits are different than previous generations

[12:23] A housing shortage story from one of Jason's older blogcasts

[18:33] The dangers of a centrally managed economy and government intervention through things like Fannie and Freddie

[22:20] If Fannie and Freddie got out of the market it would cause a huge upward pressure in rents for investors

[26:44] Millennials saw their parents go through the Great Recession, many of them losing their homes. That will impact their home purchase habits


Direct download: CW_1138_Millennials.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with investment counselor Doug today about portfolio makeovers. After you've purchased your properties, it's important not to let your equity get lazy. Hear from Doug and Jason about how to figure out if you're ready to utilize the equity that's in your investments. Also, don't forget to enter the Meet the Masters YouTube contest for a chance at a free ticket to Meet the Masters or a $500 cash allowance for your trip!

Then Jason talks with Rohit Talwar, founder of Fast Future Publishing and author of A Very Human Future, about what we can do about the large companies who seem to be in a winner take all society, how life and body hacking are going to change the world, and more.

Key Takeaways:

[2:20] Your return on investment declines as you start getting lazy money in your investments

[6:19] When Cap Rates can actually be helpful in single family investing

Rohit Talwar Interview:

[13:27] What is value?

[20:30] The 4 views people have of companies like Facebook and Google

[24:06] 3 types of exponential thinking

[28:24] Rohit's example of pooled insurance

[33:08] What are we going to do with the people who are displaced by technology?

[36:13] Body hacking may give us advantages in areas that won't matter in the future due to automation

[37:37] What we need to change in order to have a more optimistic future


Direct download: CW_1137_Rohit_Talwar.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Today's Flash Back Friday comes from Episode 354, originally published in December 2013.

Join host Jason Hartman and, not one, but TWO special guests on episode #354 of The Creating Wealth Show. First up is Jason’s mom, who returns to the show for the third time (by popular demand) to discuss the idea of grit when it comes to life in general and income property investing in specific. The question they bat around is “What makes for a successful property investor and successful human being, and what does grit mean anyway?” You won’t want to miss her story about a recent eviction she undertook on a California property tenant, nor how her life’s passion of living in a mansion with columns came to pass.

Following his mom’s segment, Jason welcomes credit repair expert, Steve Paige, to the telephone. Steve has logged almost three decades in the trenches in helping consumers understand the fact, fiction, and misconceptions that abound in the credit report score industry. Steve is, by far, the nation's leading credit pathologist. He founded three of the nation's largest credit repair firms and, in the process, revolutionized the approach to consumer credit issues by focusing on re-scoring techniques rather than credit report manipulation and repair, the results of which produce far greater benefits— for less money.


Direct download: CW_1136_FBF_Steve_Paige.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Jason Hartman and Adam are back today to field some listener questions. They tackle hyperinflation, saving up for your first investment property, and why worker confidence is high but the real estate market is slowing.

After the questions have been answered, Jason finishes his story about surviving a bear attack.

Key Takeaways:

[4:17] Buying 10 financed rental properties can easily beat 1 paid off investment

[10:02] The Hartman Health Care Hack

[14:16] Listener Question from Josh: Inflation Induced Debt Destruction in places of hyperinflation like Venezuela currently

[20:21] Worker confidence in finding a new job is high, but home sales are lower than they've been in a decade, what's the cause for discrepancy?

[23:48] Listener Question from Zack: how much should he save before investing in his first rental property?

[26:05] Listener Question from Michael: Finish the bear attack story!

[32:01] Some of Jason's favorite quotes


Direct download: CW_1135_Adam.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Jason Hartman and in-house economist Thomas get together at the beginning of today's show to discuss the expected economic impact of numerous states and local municipalities increasing their minimum wage this year, as well as why retail numbers are not coming in well this year.

Then Jason talks with Tom Wheelwright, 2019 Meet the Masters speaker and Rich Dad Advisor, about how to help yourself in your legal tax avoidance using practices such as real estate professional, whether Opportunity Zones might be worth investing in, and why taxes tend to be higher when you retire.

Key Takeaways:

[3:07] The minimum wage will be increasing in a lot of places around the country in 2019. How much effect does it really have?

[7:39] Retail numbers for the start of 2019 are not good, what should we be attributing that to?

Tom Wheelwright Interview:

[13:14] The question you need to ask yourself if you can't qualify to be a real estate professional

[17:18] One of the most underutilized assets people have is other people's tax brackets

[19:06] Tom's views on Opportunity Zones

[23:14] The pass through tax deduction and how it applies to real estate investors

[27:18] Being a real estate professional can sometimes mean you can take early withdrawls from an IRA and actually completely negate the penalties

[30:25] You tend to lose a lot of deductions when you retire, so your planning leading in to retirement is crucial

[31:59] The 2 challenges with Roth IRAs when it comes to investing


Direct download: CW_1134_Tom_Wheelwright.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Jason Hartman starts off today with a look at ways that the government is trying to control capital by questioning transactions like his recent purchase of his home. Now they're requiring certain purchases by LLCs and Corporations to list their owners in a registry, which could serious harm your anonymity when protecting your assets.

Then Jason finishes his interview with Dan Amerman, CFA and author of books such as Mortgage Securities and Collateralized Mortgage Obligations: Unlock The Secrets Of Mortgage Derivatives, about the correlation between Fed actions and yield curves, how to look at inflation and self-liquidating debt.

Key Takeaways:

[3:50] There's a lot of capital control going on today

[7:52] 1984 and Brave New World are coming truer and truer

[11:58] Musical entertainment for Meet the Masters is about to be booked

Dan Amerman, Part 2

[18:29] Certain Fed actions and yield curve inversions seem to have a correlation

[22:03] The 2 ways to look at inflation

[25:25] The self-liquidating debt


Direct download: CW_1133_Dan_Amerman2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:56pm EST

Jason Hartman begins the show with his in-house economist Thomas discussing two differing population models: the UN population model and the Empty Planet model. Our world is currently entering a population phase previously unseen and it could have a serious impact on our world.

Then Jason begins his interview with Dan Amerman, CFA and author of books such as Mortgage Securities and Collateralized Mortgage Obligations: Unlock The Secrets Of Mortgage Derivatives, about how a heavy handed Fed has changed how inflation and housing have correlate to each other, why the Fed reacts to quickly, and what the Fed is setting interest rates up to do.

Key Takeaways:

[4:55] The UN Population model vs the Empty Planet model

[8:46] We're entering Stage 5 of the demographic transition theory, which is something nobody's really ever seen before

[13:22] Jason's most recent book suggestion

[15:33] What does this coming population shift mean to investors?

Dan Amerman Interview:

[20:44] The Federal Reserve is getting more heavy handed as years go by, and hints of a coming recession could lead to more intervention

[25:38] Housing tracked inflation better than gold until the Federal Reserve got real heavy handed after 2001

[30:27] The Fed reacts too quickly to things

[32:06] Dan's prediction of where interest rates are about to head


Direct download: CW_1132_Dan_Amerman1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Today's Flash Back Friday comes from Episode 292, originally published in December 2012.

Jason Hartman talks with a listener about local vs. long distance real estate investing and how geography is less meaningful than ever before in history.  Then today’s guest is loan manager, stock trader and financial columnist, Logan Mohtashami with a no-spin discussion on the fiscal cliff and other current events.

Logan Mohtashami is a senior loan officer at his family owned mortgage company AMC Lending Group, which has been providing mortgage services for California residents since 1988. Logan is also a financial columnist for and contributor for and writes on financial matter relating to the housing market and basic economics.


Direct download: CW_1131_Logan_Mohtashami.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Happy Valentine's Day!

In order to celebrate today with a 10th episode, Jason Hartman talks with Richard Marek, former President of EP Dutton, editor of James Baldwin, Robert Ludlum, Peter Straub, Ben Stein and more, about his new book How to Fall In Love: A Novel. There's quite a bit that goes in to falling in love, and Jason and Richard explore what all it entails and how our society is turning its head on the ways that have worked (and will continue to work) since the beginning of time.

Before that, Jason and Adam discuss 2 real estate scams you need to be sure and avoid. The first involves appraisals and the other involves giving up your control.

Key Takeaways:

[6:02] How some providers are using their purchasing power to manipulate sales comps

[9:35] Some turnkey providers want to convince you to only work with them because they're the seller and they have more control, but the control is what causes the problem

[14:04] When the economy turns is when we'll see who the real providers are

Richard Marek Interview:

[17:51] How do you fall in love?

[19:58] Richard doesn't think technology is helping in the love part of relationships today

[23:27] We have an entire generation who's unwilling to even pick up a phone and call someone

[28:34] What are ways we can combat the tech craze?

[30:39] Why is it healthy to fight?

[35:31] Where is the publishing industry headed?


How to Fall in Love: A Novel

Direct download: CW_1130_Richard_Marek.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:06pm EST

Yesterday, Jason Hartman talked about the number of apartments being built in the US being the highest since the 1980s. Today, Jason and Adam talk about how an immense number of those apartment units are of the high-end variety, and what that might mean for our economy if there's a slowdown.

Then Jason talks with Ryan Barone, CEO & Founder of RentRedi, about his new self-management tool and the benefits it gives to landlords. The two discuss how technology has changed the landscape of investing and who RentRedi is most likely to help.

Key Takeaways:

[2:25] 80% of new apartment construction is high-end

[10:41] Living your life based on the mood of the stock market is no way to live

[15:09] Living off a 4% draw is risky if the market has a downturn

Ryan Barone Interview:

[20:44] What does RentRedi offer to the landlord?

[24:34] Who is the target audience for RentRedi?

[29:40] Technology has changed investing drastically


Direct download: CW_1129_Ryan_Barone.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Jason Hartman begins today's episode with a look at the number of new apartments that were constructed in the USA in 2018. The number is the largest since the 1980s, but does that mean we're overbuilt and what does that mean to single family rentals?

Then, Jason talks with Dr David Collum, Professor at Cornell University, about his 2018 Year in Review report and what he's expecting in 2019. The two tackle the skewed CPI numbers, the impact of stock buybacks and how the next unwinding in our economy is going to happen.

Key Takeaways:

[3:50] 267,900 apartment units were completed last year, the most since sometime in the 80s

[10:45] How much men and women spend on their partner for Valentine's Day

[12:27] Married home owners are seeking roommates to help pay rent

Dr David Collum Interview:

[17:12] What happened in 2018, economically speaking?

[21:44] CPI numbers started getting skewed in the 1970s

[25:55] Is there any gain from stock buybacks?

[29:37] Ultra low rates allowed institutional investors to come in to the single family housing market

[34:00] How the next unwinding will happen


David Collum at Cornell

Direct download: CW_1128_David_Collum.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with NeighborhoodScout's Founder & CEO, Andrew Schiller, about his company's predictions for the hottest appreciating markets in the US for 2019. Andrew lists the top 10 markets expected to appreciate as well as how to identify an area that's poised to make a turnaround.

Key Takeaways:

[7:33] National numbers are all well and good, but they don't really matter near as much as local numbers

[9:03] Some of the hottest forecasted appreciation markets in 2019

[12:45] How big are Census Tracts and Micro Neighborhoods?

[17:05] What factors makes a neighborhood turn around?

[21:10] Property crimes are much less an impediment to property values as violent crime

[26:43] How do you use Neighborhood Scout to figure out if a neighborhood is turning around?


Direct download: CW_1127_Andrew_Schiller.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Today's Flash Back Friday comes from Episode 327, originally published in July 2013.

Jason Hartman is joined by Phil from Dallas who asks Jason about his journey of entrepreneurship. Jason gives his backstory, his path to success and how it was all made possible by living below his income (and making a very good income as a real estate agent while doing it). Phil and Jason also explain how the internet has impacted the entrepreneurship of Americans and one lesson Jason learned from his mother that helped shape his idea of business.


Direct download: CW_1126_FBF_Phil.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Jason Hartman takes today to discuss the glorious rental demographics that are sticking around from his prediction several years ago that the next 10 years will be great for landlords. Now he's pushing that prediction back for 10 years from now because the demographics are just so good still. With all the possibility out there, however, don't feel the need to rush after the shiny objects out there like "Opportunity Zones". Rather, take your time, do your homework, and make sure it's the right thing for you.

Then Jason talks to his in-house economist Thomas about the World Economic Forum in Davos and what came out of it. Thomas gives his predictions for the next 2-3 years, why some looming deflation might be a good thing, and whether we're in a 4th leg of the Industrial Revolution.

Key Takeaways:

[3:24] The demographics of the rental housing market are nothing short of phenomenal for the next 10 years

[8:28] Hedgefund billionare Seth Claireman issued a dire warning at Davos

Thomas Interview:

[18:37] Thomas sees some deflation coming up and doesn't think it'll be that bad

[22:39] Price discovery happens once we've put all the unused assets to work

[26:12] As long as GDP growth + Inflation is higher than the 10 year note, the economy is okay

[34:07] Are the next 5 years going to give us good or are they bringing bad?

[35:16] We're in the midst of the 4th industrial revolution and things are good


Direct download: CW_1125_Thomas.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Jason Hartman has been in the Baton Rouge market before, but haven't been there for a while. Now, however, an old LMS is back with new, built-to-rent, construction that provides some solid return on investment. Jason talks to him about why he's back in Baton Rouge, what the new construction looks like, and the pervasiveness of institutional investors that drove him out of the Atlanta market.

Prior to the market profile, however, Jason talks about the concept of iterations, and why it's so important to not get discouraged over initial failure. You have to learn to constantly improve and always be searching for your advantage.

Key Takeaways:

[2:26] The concept of iteration

[7:12] We need to stop believing we're going to get things right the first time we do them

[13:20] If you never have the hard times you can't appreciate the good

[15:18] Give your kids roots, but make sure you also give them wings

Baton Rouge LMS Interview:

[19:49] What kind of properties are being built in this round of inventory

[24:51] Every apartment complex is a build-to-rent deal, but single family build-to-rent is becoming a bigger and bigger market

[27:31] Institutional investors come in with massive amounts of capital that has to be deployed quickly, and it has led them to accept lower returns

[31:25] Are any of the new properties assisted housing?


Direct download: CW_1124_Baton_Rouge2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Today Jason Hartman and Adam answer a listener question about Inflation Induced Debt Destruction, discuss the latest economic numbers that impact the housing market and why requiring things like affordable housing is a destructive practice for governments. Then Adam sits down with Joe the Lender for the February Mortgage Minute.

Key Takeaways:

[6:21] Companies make a LOT of money off unredeemed items

[9:28] Listener Question: Seneca's question about Inflation Induced Debt Destruction

[17:05] The latest Consumer Confidence, Case-Shiller Index and New Home Sales numbers

[20:20] California is suing Huntington Beach for not having enough affordable housing

[24:26] February Mortgage Minute

[29:23] Mortgage starts for Joe were a little flat toward the end of the year but have been getting better this month


Jason Hartman's Alexa Flash Briefing Skill

The PropertyCast

Direct download: CW_1123_Adam.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Jason Hartman and Adam take aim at where inflation is actually rearing its ugly head in today's world. The cost of goods is still cheap, but a lot of services are becoming more and more expensive by the day.

Then Jason answers a question from listener Fred about the number of single family homes you can own and why Jason diversified into multi-family and mobile home parks as well. Finally, Jason identifies the hardest part about owning each of the different types of real estate.

Key Takeaways:

[4:16] Inflation in the SaaS world

[9:10] Inflation is hard to measure because goods are cheap, but services can be incredibly expensive

[12:56] Does your investment portfolio have termites?

[18:13] Listener Fred asks if there's limit to the number of single family homes that you can own without being overwhelmed., as well as why Jason also invests in multi-family and mobile home parks

[22:39] Diversify, BUT NOT TOO MUCH

[28:41] The hardest part about owning single family, multi-family and mobile home parks


Jason Hartman's Real Estate Investor Update - Alexa Skill

Direct download: CW_1122_Adam.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Today's Flash Back Friday comes from Episode 327, originally published in July 2013.

Jason Hartman is joined by Michael who asks Jason the questions that listeners are asking. Jason explains what he would do if he were a brand new investor, some basics on self-management, a few property profiles, and the myth of higher returns on higher investments. That $5 million dollar multifamily complex isn't likely to outperform your single family rental.


Direct download: CW_1121_FBF_Michael.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST