Wed, 6 April 2016
CW 656 – Congressman J.C. Watts – DIG DEEP, 7 Truths to Finding the Strength Within, Canadian Football League & OK Sooners Orange Bowl Champs, AIDS Relief
J.C. Watts served in our nation’s Congress from 1995-2003 as a devoted conservative. His wide-ranging resume includes being an accomplished sports figure, Baptist minister, and a political commentator. He is currently the President and CEO of the Feed the Children non-profit organization and Founder and Chairman of the largest African-American owned lobbying company in Washington D.C., Watts Partners Consulting Group. His new book Dig Deep - The 7 Truths to Finding Strength Within details his extraordinary efforts to help people live the best life possible.
Key Takeaways:
Jason’s Editorial: [3:52] Muggings and purse thefts have dropped but identity thefts are increasing so, have people fallen? [8:12] Making governments smaller will make corruption more obvious and easier to detect. [11:16] This is how we will get better real estate inventory from our providers for our clients. [15:09] Will increasing interest rates cause real estate prices come down? [20:57] Affordability is the primary driver of prices.
Congressmen J.C. Watts Guest Interview: [24:36] The cheer of the crowd is intoxicating in politics, it makes one want to do what is popular instead of what is right. . [28:25] The true goal of governments should be more taxpayers, not raising existing taxes. [34:17] J.C. Watts new book, Dig Deep, is about doing life better. [42:34] 90% of Feed the Children resources are deployed in the United States. In 2015, the program fed 9 million children. [44:52] Unforgiveness leads to anger, anger leads to bitterness and bitterness leads to hatred.
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