Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing with Jason Hartman

Join Jason Hartman as he discusses opening the books on government spending and things, like geography, age, pedigree, etc. that are less meaningful than ever before in history. All of these items have broad implications economically, socially and for real estate investors.


Did you know that there are over 3,000 the look bureaucrats in Illinois who earn more than every single governor in the United States? Some of these government officials are on the take with over 25 buckets of income funded by taxpayers. As Jason talks with the founder of www.OpenThe you will learn about the largest exposé ever on government spending with over one billion line items of government tracked and accounted for in detail. Adam Andrzejewski helps us find every dime of government spending as we need a nationwide rallying cry for transparency in government.

Direct download: cw-366-AdamAndrzejewski.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:16pm EDT